

"uaaah" Marian Rose exclaimed as she rose from her full-sized bed, groggy rubbing her eyes to see the light of day hanging off the middle of her bed feet dangling she wiggled her toes. "well time to get this day started" she said. marian rose walked throughout the upstairs home to the bathroom she went potty and then she began to brushed her teeth. Clara May her older sister came in, " oh, Good Morning Marian" and walked up to her little sister care if I join you as she sorted through the medicine cabinet for her tooth brush. Marian shook her head in welcome with a foamy toothpaste smirk.

They both finished brushing and over a hot breakfast of eggs and toast they started to chit chat about how their world had really changed in the last 10 years. You see 10 years ago it a was 2019, thats when the Coronvirus as known as covid-19 came to the states. It didn't seem like much of anything we had to worry about though i was really young and my mom made us always feel safe and i had my dad too who would keep me busy with activities. But, one day my sister stopped going to school land started playing on the computer more. My mom explained that the school were closing because of this Corona Virus and it wasn't safe for everyone to be together anymore. Our state governor even laid down the law. No public outing inless it important, don't go to hospitals inless it's serious, no groups over 10 gatherings, and make sure you say 6 feet apart from everyone and wearing Personnel protection equipment a.k.a. my facial mask. it was seriously wild. Honestly I really didn't know life changed that much i was two when it all started.