
Desire of Immortality

A ruthless businessman with a desire to live forever proceeds to inject himself with a serum when backed into a corner. He becomes a mindless monster that is soon killed by a nuclear missile is sent to the void as punishment for his actions. Eventually he would escape and transmigrate in a new world. This is a story of a man who desires power and Immortality and will do anything to achieve it. Inspired by Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and Stellaris.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · SF
38 Chs

The heist

It was a dark night where in the city people were having the time of their lives, there were protests protesting about different things.

Some were screaming save the animals, some were shouting that Mages and Psionics were heretics and some were talking about democracy.

The people ignored them and carried on with their daily lives.

Meanwhile at a train stop, there were resources being made ready to be transported. They were placed in the trains and was guarded by low level mages and Psionics.

But they were placed in different parts of the trains due to their rivalry with one another. Their rivalry extends further with the Imperial Knights and Superheroes.

The Superheroes view the Imperials as barbaric and no better than criminals, the Imperials view Superheroes as naive children who let fantasies dictate their every action.

As each mage and knight talked shit out about each other, underneath the train was a group of people whose faces were covered by Oni masks.

They slowly clombed up the train and went behind the guards and snapped their necks from behind, Mages and Psionics with their heightened hearing heard the falling of bodies thudding.

They instantly put up their guards, the Imperial Mages and Psionics reluctantly worked together after seeing the corpses of the guards, than they saw them.

A group of people wearing Oni masks who were sprinting towards them with inhuman speed and began attacking with claws that no human beings have.

The mages shot numerous fireballs and the Psionics used their pyrokiniesis against the Oni masked people.

As the fireballs landed it caused an explosion that tore apart most of the Oni masked people. The Mages and Psionics believed that they won but they saw something that made them think otherwise.

The Oni masked people slowly began regenerating, their limbs coming back and they got back up. Some of their masks were destroyed and their eyes could be seen, all of them were red.

Than they attacked once more, they began tearing apart the mages and Psionics, their claws had poison in them which affected their powers.

One by one, the Mages and Psionics were all cut down. Than moved to the side and one tall man walked in.

This man had an Oni mask as well but it looked more terrifying than the other ones. He walked until he was at front of the cargo. He placed his hand on it for a while and nodded to the others, they soon carried the cargos using their inhuman strength.

This man was Darius and he was here to steal resources so that his engineers could build him high tech weapons for his army.

It wouldn't be enough to match the elite of the Federation's army but it was a start.

Darius POV

This oni mask looks good on me, I thought about the cargo and than sensed another prescence, the train stopped and I went outside.

All I saw was some teenager wearing a costume.

"So your the one whose stealing all this cargo. I'm gonna put an end to your crimes and put you in jail." Said the guy in a costume with a righteous tone.

He charged towards me with his staff raised and I grabbed it and shattered it by squeezing.

He looked shocked as I simply smacked his face, this broke his jaw due to my super strength. He was holding his jaw in pain and looked at me terrified.

I couldn't leave any witnesses so I grabbed him by the head and started squishing his head. His flailing body went limp as his head was destroyed.

I dropped him on the ground and raised my right hand and used Pyrokiniesis to burn the corpse alongside the other corpses.

Today I killed Psionics, Mages and Superheroes, so I may attract some unwanted attention.

I should also use a different fighting style, maybe also a brand new weapon, like a spear or a dagger.

But than again I could use the spell duplicate to make a copy of myself and that copy could become my second identity.

My grandfather knew of my plans and supported me, he just told me to be extra careful because if I get caught things won't end well.

If I do get find out I'm confident I can just escape and leave the Federation alongside my army.

I sent these resources back to the Blackburn manor, through my telepathic link, my engineers informed me that the resources I acquired was more than enough.

A smile made its way to my face, my soldiers will soon be armed with high tech weapons, there was one project I focused on which was nanotechnology,

Back in my first life I wanted to create a power armour made of nanotechnology. I failed but in this new life of mine I could succeed.

I went back to my dormitory and meditated, my mind was clear and sharp. Even though the serum boosted my powers it was not enough.

So I guess I'll have to make more then and train more. If I were to recall the Emperor made a serum like me but it was more potent and stronger.

If I could find out the formula for that serum, my powers would be far greater. According to Crawford my current level of power surpassed Tybur with his dark magic.

News reached my ears from my subordinates that Zack was hunting down lots of Demons and it was said that he was cold hearted and warm only to his family.

He also harboured a grudge against me, I looked at my hand, using a bit of Dark Magic my hand glowed black and red light.

It's time for sleep. I put on my Psionic Domain and started sleeping.


After Darius had fallen asleep, there was an investigation going on in the train tracks where Darius conducted his heist.

The person behind the investigation was none other than Zack Blackburn, he was now a fully fledged Imperial Mage.

He observed the corpses of the Psionics, Mages and the hero. A senior Superhero arrived and recognised the dead hero.

"I know this boy, he would constantly compare himself to the greatest of a heroes. Believed himself destined to be a great hero like his father.

The boys father was a good friend of mine, I don't know who would do such a thing to a young boy. Whoever did this has no humanity and must be brought to justice and behind bars." Said the Senior hero with determination.

Zack looked at the corpse and than the senior hero.

"No, whoever did this must die." Said Zack with coldness.

The senior hero wasn't too happy.

"We can't take the lives of other human beings, it would make us no different from criminals." Said the senior hero with disapproval.

Zack let out his aura forcing the senior hero on his knees and grabbed him by hair.

"This is not about taking the life of another hero, it's about putting down an animal. You heroes and your self righteousness got a lot of people killed.

Rather than doing what needed to be done you locked up those animals behind bars where they can escape and commit crime once more. Their blood is on your hands." Said Zack with coldness.

The senior hero grit his teeth and was about to speak but was punched in the face by Zack. He was about to land another punch but someone grabbed it.

It was Seraphina and she looked stern.

"That's enough Zack." Said Seraphina.

Zack pulled his fist back and stormed off with Seraphina following, leaving the senior hero with a bleeding nose.

"Zack what's wrong, is this about Darius again? How many times have I told you to let go of your hate, it's going to cause even more pain." Said Seraphina with concern.

Zack remembering how Darius tortured him during their fight.

"I can't forget grandmother, I will take my revenge and make him feel what I felt. This is not revenge, it's justice." Said Zack with rage and determination.

'And when I'm done with Darius, I'm coming for you Crawford. I will finally end your legacy of darkness and misery.' Though Zack.

Zack had no idea the amount of pain Darius is going to put him through, it will be far worse than the time they fought.