

The three best omega friends are connected by an unusually strong attachment. Their relationship is not accepted and blamed behind their backs, but they seem to have a long spat on it. However, nature still demands its own. And when an absolutely unknown, but very attractive and dangerous alpha appears in their small town, the omegas will have to make a choice: fight for him or take him into their well-established unbreakable triangle. The plot is based on the fantastic film "The Witches of Eastwick" in 1987

Stacy_ARMY · セレブリティ
15 Chs

Chapter 8 “We need to work on your self-control (Jimin/Taehyung)”

<p>Taehyung was sitting in a private ParkEnterprise plane, in a soft leather chair, with a beautiful view from a small porthole, convenient and comfortable. As soon as this monster climbed up, the helpful stewardess offered liquor, as well as small snacks, constantly smiling sweetly and muttering something, although Taehyung did not listen much. Despite the high class of service and the promising excursion to the museum of photography, which the omega had always dreamed of visiting and did not even hope that he would ever be able to, he felt uncomfortable. And it wasn't the damn height the metal bird had lifted him to, it wasn't the sleep deprivation that Taehyung had distinctly felt since he wrenched his eyes at 8 a.m. hunger in his stomach, because before the flight, Taehyung did not eat, and now he refused the proposed menu due to nervousness, and in… the alpha sitting next to him.<br/><br/>All the time he spent with Jimin over the past week, Taehyung felt great. But now he seems to be in a minefield. The omega did not know what to say, how to look, he was even afraid to breathe in the direction of the alpha. Taehyung was constantly with one of the omegas in the company of Jimin, and therefore, he probably did not feel as stressed as he is now, sitting with the alpha in complete privacy, except for the pilot, personal chauffeur and flight doll-attendant, who immediately flew into the office room when Jimin took one look at her. The alpha behaved with restraint and gallantry, and Taehyung shuddered for any reason, like a puppet, which the owner constantly pulled by the strings. He was uncomfortable alone, without the usual environment of his partners. Omega was completely confident that they would visit the planned excursion together, so he was relatively pleased and calm, until this morning. Jungkook didn't wake up. It seems that this child will not wake up even if an atomic bomb explodes nearby. And Yoongi, as it turned out last night, ended up in fucking LA in his new studio. And Taehyung was left alone with the alpha.<br/>"Are you nervous. Everything is all right? Maybe we need reschedule the trip?"<br/>Taehyung shuddered inside again, trying his best not to show his nervousness on his face when he heard the deep and worried voice of the alpha. Jimin put his laptop down on the table and leaned forward towards the omega sitting across from him, ready to snuggle into the armchair at any moment.<br/><br/>Alpha even grimaced, because Taehyung's smell clearly betrayed his condition. Tae was nervous and quite a lot. And Jimin desperately wanted to know the reason for his concern. Upon arriving in New York, the omega was so excited, so overwhelmed with emotions and turned on, that Park considered it a great start, given the omega's usual reclusiveness. <br/>However, now Taehyung again reminded him of that closed person whom he saw for the first time. Cold, nervous, aloof. This did not contribute to the planned plans at all.<br/>"No," Taehyung shook his head and squared his shoulders slightly. "I probably didn't get enough sleep. Everything is fine."<br/>Jimin nodded, however, his brows drawing together in deep thought. What's wrong? After all, the omega himself so wanted to go. That was the only thing he talked about incessantly when he and Jungkook planned out a rough plan of action as soon as they got off the plane. A light haze of energy crackled around the omega. Just a little bit more and the aircraft's instruments will fly up to a critical level.<br/>"Sit down," Jimin tucked his laptop back into its case, deciding that the new contract with his partners he had just carefully proofread could wait at least a couple of hours.<br/>"What?" the omega's round eyes got even bigger when he saw the alpha patted the armchair next to him.<br/>"Come on, Taehyung-ah, I won't bite you," Jimin gave the omega the most charming smile he could, and while he hesitantly moved closer, he took his phone and plugged in the headset, rummaging through suitable tracks, immediately dropped to playlist. "Here," Jimin handed Taehyung the earpiece. The omega looked at the small black droplet, and it was impossible to guess from his expression what exactly he was thinking about.<br/>Tae took the offered device anyway and carefully studied the alpha's face while he flicked his fingers across the screen. A few seconds later, a pleasant classical melody poured out of the speaker. Taehyung closed his eyes and felt the tension in his body gradually subside to a pleasant jazz rhythm. The oppressive thoughts vanished, leaving only the sounds of others voice. The back gradually touched the soft skin, and Tae finally relaxed. Trumpets changed to piano, piano to orchestral, and Taehyung didn't even notice how the alpha took his hand, gently and slowly stroking the back of his finger. <br/><br/>When the plane landed, Taehyung no longer felt like a spider in a jar, even though he opened his eyes and saw the alpha right in front of him.<br/>"It is better?" Jimin smiled and carefully tucked a small strand of hair behind the omega's ear.<br/>"Much, thank you," Taehyung's voice no longer trembled, and a pleasant warmth spread inside, and the energy that just recently seethed in him, which terribly frightened the young omega, calmed down and fell asleep.<br/>"Come on, the driver is waiting for us," Jimin will extend his hand to the omega, and he confidently accepted it.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>"Damn fuck! Is this a museum or a fucking royal residence?" Taehyung literally blurted out a curse, which made Jimin laugh outright, who had just helped the omega get out of the rented car.<br/>"Sorry, it's just that in the photos he seems a little…" Taehyung pondered, choosing the right words.<br/>"Less," the alpha chuckled.<br/>"Yeah," the omega answered the same and began to examine the 'castle' with more concentration and calmness. "I never thought that I could get here."<br/>Omega and alpha walked along a small path paved with red brick, between neatly trimmed juicy green bushes and flowering flower beds towards the entrance.<br/>Jimin just nodded. He himself had never been here in person. Although he was one of the main members of the Leeds Art Faundation *. The museum really inspired awe and great delight, one had only to catch a glimpse of it from the outside. And for a connoisseur like Taehyung, it will be a wonderful experience.<br/>However, the omega seemed to take water in his mouth. As soon as they entered, he began to slowly and even slightly lazily pace around the rooms, examining one room after another. His posture, gestures and facial expressions remained completely at rest, as if the local exhibits did not at all inspire him with any interest. And only the eyes of the omega, large and brown, rounded every time he looked at something.<br/><br/>The collection of photographs displayed in the museum covered numerous milestones in history, rare objects and monuments of art history, which traced the evolution of photographic technology to a technical, scientific and cultural point of view. The collection featured the work of over fourteen thousand photographers, including virtually every major figure in the history of photography. It included authentic works made using almost all technological processes and materials.<br/>The museum's film collection was one of the largest film archives in the United States, with over twenty-five thousand motion pictures and a collection of photographs, posters and documents, as well as over three million film-related items. The museum's collection included a complete collection of film works by William Kentridge, a contemporary South African artist and filmmaker.<br/>The museum also held other cinematic objects, including letters, scripts, musical scores, advertising posters, film stills, and celebrity portraits; objects of photographic and cinematographic equipment; book collection, periodicals and other materials on photography and moving images; George Eastman's home furnishings, personal and business correspondence, library, photographs, negatives, films and related personal items.<br/><br/>Taehyung, of course, was most interested in the subjects of the photograph, so he looked at the exhibits with all his eyes, holding Jimin tightly by the hand, leading him like a lost puppy. Despite the fact that there were quite a lot of people in the museum, and the omega had never been here, he felt confident and calm, quite the opposite of how he behaved on the plane.<br/>Jimin smiled and dutifully followed the omega, enjoying his change of mood. Unlike the cold Yoongi or the overactive Jungkook, Taehyung was somewhere between two omegas. He could chat incessantly, but after a second he would fall silent, taking on a serious, even detached expression on his face, as if thinking about something at least on a universal scale. Out-of-the-box thinking and unusual phrases that an ordinary person would never use in colloquial speech filled the omega's mind. Despite his tall stature, large hands and prominent facial features, the omega did not look awkward or rude. His body was completely harmonious, just like his master, from his fingers to his toes.<br/>Taehyung's movements were like a dance, graceful and fluid, even when he was just walking down the street. If he started fooling around with the younger omega, he looked exactly like a child. If he discussed something with a senior, he completely transformed into an adult and reasonable man. Jimin admired this ability to change. Although he already understood that the junior's aloofness and isolation was only a mask, while a flame raged inside, ready to break free if his master relaxed a little. The released energy that killed Jungkook is a vivid confirmation of this. Jimin needs to think about how to teach Taehyung control. Unlike Yoongi's balanced energy or Jungkook's light power, Taehyung's abilities in the wrong hands were unpredictable and dangerous. Jimin would not want to eliminate the consequences, because an inner voice suggested that the next accident could be fatal for both Taehyung himself and those close to him. And it will be too difficult to prove to an inexperienced omega that any energy can be controlled with a little practice and desire.<br/><br/>"Damn," Jimin hissed as he felt his phone vibrate in the pocket of his dress black trousers.<br/>"Jimin, you didn't turn off your phone?" Taehyung whispered as he continued to look at the French photojournalist's collection of glass negatives.<br/>"I need to go away. This is urgent. Sorry. Can you stay here for a minute?" Jimin touched Taehyung's shoulder, but Taehyung didn't turn around.<br/>"Yes, of course, I'll be here."<br/>Jimin moved to the free zone to answer the call from his top assistant. They literally twisted his balls, the terms of the contract burned like dry grass in the hot summer period, he did not get in touch for several days, everyone was waiting for his approval, and even better, attendance at the video conference, which he had already postponed twice.<br/><br/>Taehyung gazed at the row of black-and-white negatives in admiration, noting the various details, making notes in his head. Despite the fact that artists have long stepped into the age of technology and computerization, creating all kinds of compositions with the help of the most sophisticated and stuffed cameras, also resorting to the processing of computer programs, omega still gravitated towards the classics.<br/>Frosted glass on which the lens builds the image, film cassette, metal heavy body, shifting bellows, film rewind crank, shutter release button and long strong legs holding the bandura in place. It would seem that nothing attractive – is inconvenient, difficult, and generally too many actions need to be done in order to use such a prehistoric camera. But Taehyung liked it. He would like to try to work with such an instrument as opposed to a camera equipped with all the features of the latest model. There was something… aesthetic about this kind of old stuff. It attracted with its historical component, mystery and unexploredness of the previously unused. Taehyung wishes he could wrap his hands around the cold, square-shaped metal, feel it, know how heavy it is. He would like to turn the rewind, lift the lid of the camera, run his fingers through the folds of the fur, wipe the lens of the lens.<br/><br/>"Impressive, isn't it?"<br/>Taehyung flinched a little as he realized the voice next to him was unfamiliar to him. To his right stood a man who looked to be in his fifties. His hair was cut short and completely white, like snow in winter. Large round glasses covered almost half of his wrinkled face. The man was dressed in a strict classic suit in a pleasant blue color. And he smiled so brightly that he could light up the whole fucking museum.<br/>"Yes, very much," Taehyung answered restrainedly.<br/>"Bruce. Bruce Barnes*," the man introduced himself and extended a wrinkled hand towards Taehyung. The omega's eyes almost popped out when he remembered the name of the owner of this museum. And helpfully, if a little reluctantly, he extended his hand to the alpha, naming his name so as not to seem impolite country bumpkin.<br/>"I noticed you've been standing here for quite some time. Usually, this zone is of little interest to anyone," the alpha nodded towards the department with photographs.<br/>"I like the classics," Taehyung answered restrainedly, taking a step a little to the side, because it seems that the alpha was standing too close to him.<br/>"It is commendable that young people like you respect history so much," the alpha smiled brightly again. But something about it repulsed Taehyung. He usually read people well, given the profession, he had to deal with different personalities, Tae learned to recognize hidden motives and saw when a person was sincere and open, and when, on the contrary, closed and rude. Taehyung could tell a real smile from a sugary fake one. Could recognize a friendly handshake from a death grip. And he didn't like this man at all.<br/>"Are you alone here? Can I help you with a tour?" the alpha smiled again and imperceptibly took another small step towards Tae.<br/>Taehyung cursed his carelessness. He refused to join a group of other tourists with a guide as he thought that Jimin's company would be enough for him. And besides, the constant droning on of a thin, boring beta, as Taehyung managed to notice, would not inspire his sensitive nature at all. But now he was left alone, and this old man, it seems, did not boast of his age at all and openly pressed on the young lonely omega.<br/>"Taehyung!"<br/>The omega breathed so deeply that it seemed like the entire museum would have heard. He held his breath and only now was able to fill his lungs with air. The familiar voice and the figure of Jimin approaching him has never felt so familiar and welcome as it is at this moment. Taehyung even forgot that he could actually call on his energy to help, he was so caught off guard.<br/>"Oh, Mr. Pak, good day," the elder alpha bowed his head in greeting and quickly stepped back a few steps from the others omega, feeling how a large trembling beats his senile body right down to the insides. This young and defiant man scared the hell out of him. The elderly owner did not doubt the strength of the aura of his main sponsor. The essence of the alpha literally screamed and seethed, and the smell became so noticeable that Barnes tucked his tail and whined inwardly, bowing his muzzle in front of a strong opponent. And what demon pulled him to approach this estranged omega? Who could have known that he was busy. Barnes didn't smell the alpha on him. Omega was not tagged. As it turned out, this alien from another planet, as the man christened him in his head, did not come alone. And paired with alpha. And what an alpha! With the owner of the fucking Universe. Literally.<br/>"Hello, Barnes. I see you're doing great," Jimin addressed the older man in a less respectful way and looked around the area around him, looking at the crowds of people that were scurrying back and forth.<br/>"Yes, everything is just fine. Not without your help, of course," Barnes lowered his head again, although the starched white shirt was already clinging to his back from the sweat soaking it.<br/>"Taehyung, can you please leave Mr. Barnes and me alone? Just for a few minutes," Jimin smiled warmly at the omega. But Taehyung had time to see the dark abysses that clouded the alpha's eyes, and his scent became so musky and viscous, as if Jimin was trying to mark territory.<br/>"Yes, of course," the omega immediately nodded and retreated, not even wanting to find out what was going on here. He stepped back a few sections and began to examine one of the world's largest collections of daguerreotypes* with particular care.<br/><br/>After a while, Jimin came back and gallantly put his arm around Taehyung's waist.<br/>"What was it?" Taehyung sucked in air next to the alpha and closed his eyes, he was still strong and magnetic. Taehyung knew immediately that Jimin was jealous of him. But it's absurd. To that old man? Yes, he showed a rather unhealthy interest in the young and unfamiliar omega, but not so much that Jimin considered it a threat. However, the alpha seemed to think otherwise. Because his whole posture, tense shoulders, cuffed hands and now a strong grip on the waist clearly indicated that he was dissatisfied with the scene he had seen. Energy impulses sparkled around the alpha, and Taehyung felt his own energy awakening. But now it felt much more pleasant. Alluring. Seductive. Forbidden attractive. Jimin's pupils were still throbbing in the iris, his nostrils flared from frequent and heavy breaths, a drop of sweat trickled down his pale temple, and the distinct smell of alpha pheromones filled the air.<br/>Taehyung felt that, despite the absurdity of the situation, Jimin's incomprehensible behavior towards Barnes, he was getting excited. An animal, an irresistible desire to prove to his alpha that he belongs only to him, that no one else interests him, that Jimin does not have to 'tag' him in order to claim his rights.<br/>Omega took the alpha by the hand to attract attention, looked into the frightening, but such excited pulsating eyes, and nodded towards the exit. Jimin squeezed the omega's large hand in his and confidently moved towards the doors, a growl escaping from the depths of his throat. The scent of the omega changed, the sweetness of the raspberry filling his nostrils, and the alpha wanted to bury his nose in the scent gland to lick the scent and soak it in just as he wanted to mark the omega with his rich citrus sandalwood.<br/><br/>Jimin tugged Taehyung's hand towards the SUV that brought them to the museum, pulling a wallet out of his pants pocket along the way and handed a few bills to the driver, who was in a hurry to jump out of his seat.<br/>"Call yourself a taxi and wait for us at the airport!"<br/>The driver accepted the papers and only nodded, noticing the tension, and most importantly, the smell of his employer. Usually the alpha behaved with restraint and never allowed insults or humiliation towards subordinates. But now something clearly didn't go according to plan, and therefore the man didn't argue and only managed to step aside when Jimin put his companion in the passenger seat and sat in the driver's seat himself, jerking the metal monster so that the tires whistled as they turned on the dusty pavement.<br/><br/>Jimin couldn't calm down. Everything inside boiled and howled. And excitement was not the main reason. Rather, a consequence. Otherwise, the alpha would simply have to leave his omega in order to vent his anger somewhere else, away from him. As soon as he heard what Barnes was thinking, being so dangerously close to Taehyung, being at the same time not an old man with sophisticated minds, but a demon Mammon*, smoke poured out of Jimin's ears, and a blood-red veil of hellfire appeared before his eyes. Mammon was one of the greediest and most insatiable demons of his kingdom. No matter how much he got, he was never enough. And this applied to literally everything: money, power, lust and thirst for murder. The images of Taehyung tormented, raped and choking in his own blood and moans and Mammon literally bursting with sophisticated pleasure next to him scared the crap out of Jimin. Although in his vocabulary, in principle, there was no such word as fear. At least for himself. Jimin was ready to kill this presumptuous upstart and, dragging him into one of the empty sections of the museum, pinned him to the cold wall, pinching his Adam's apple, feeling how the decrepit, wrinkled human skin of the body in which Mammon was, rolls under strong fingers, and the Adam's apple twitches in an attempt to take another breath.<br/>"Sir… I didn't know anything. I swear! This man… he…"<br/>"I'll kill you, you little bug!" the king hissed, releasing part of his essence, allowing the time around to freeze for a moment, envelop the body in black impenetrable darkness, pulsating threads of energy, and his eyes completely plunged into the abyss of the ninth frozen circle of his Realm. "I'll crush you like a beetle! I'll eat your pitiful human rags that you put on yourself, and give the rest of the energy to my dogs for fun! You…" Jimin could see the other's eyes roll back, literally falling out of their sockets, how the wrinkled forehead becomes wet with sweat, the lips turn blue from the lack of air, and the demon's legs twitch and beat their heels against the wall in a natural attempt to free themselves. He wanted to kill him. To tear apart his demonic soul and throw the remains of rotten flesh to the dogs. Wanted to throw this nonentity into the fires of hell and fry his fat ass, reveling in screams and pleas for pitiful mercy. Wanted to swat him down here on the marble floor, smearing blood and guts on the tiles, and trample on the remaining bones with the toes of the branded shoes. Wanted to rip the bastard fucker's heart out of its flabby body with one sharp and precise movement, holding it in the palm of the hand, and feel how fresh blood flows down the wrist.<br/><br/>Jimin let go of Mammon, who collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath. But that didn't stop him from bending over in an awkward pose and kissing the toes of his Master's shoes, realizing that he had just been spared.<br/>Jimin pulled a handkerchief out of his pants pocket and wiped his hands in disgust, throwing the cloth at the demon that was still writhing on the floor.<br/>"It would be better for you not to give up positions, Mammon. Otherwise, next time I won't be so generous," Jimin turned on his heels and headed towards Taehyung, gradually returning time to its previous course.<br/><br/>And now, having stopped the car in a deserted place, pulling the belt with force, the alpha literally pounced on the omega sitting next to him, because he wanted to feel with his skin that he was alive and well, sitting here, next to him in complete safety.<br/>Taehyung appreciated the alpha's impulse, helping him get rid of waist-high clothes in a matter of seconds, after which he lowered his seat to a lying position and pulled Jimin towards him, digging into his mouth with his plump lips. A guttural growl mixed with a lecherous moan, and Jimin pulled away from the omega's lips with a loud breath to—fuck those damn classic suits—to unbutton and at least drop his pants. <br/>"Swap places with me," Taehyung whispered and leaned back against the door, letting Jimin into his seat so he could lie down, his pants still half hanging down somewhere. There was plenty of room in the cabin, but still not enough to sit comfortably, and yet the flexible and quirky Taehyung managed to pull off his pants and boxers, which frankly had time to get dirty in lube, and saddle the alpha, swaying a little next to his already impressive erection.<br/>Taehyung ran his ass over his cock, causing an uncontrollable, displeased growl from Jimin's chest, and slyly bit his lip. He liked the way Jimin looked at him, liked the realization that the alpha wanted him, liked seeing this ominous darkness in his eyes, which awakened his own energy, enveloping and washing from head to toe, pricking the back of the head with small needles and pushing him to frenzy.<br/>Not exchanging foreplay, believing that his own lubrication and attic-blowing desire were enough, Taehyung literally jumped on the alpha's cock, realizing to his surprise that he didn't feel pain at all. Beneath him, Jimin grabbed onto his buttocks with such force that bluish marks would appear in a couple of hours, and roughly parted the halves of his buttocks to the sides, opening the man even more and wider. <br/><br/>The thrusts were strong, sharp, deep, just the way the omega wanted. He driving around Jimin's cock like a seasoned rodeo rider, getting so carried away that he even hit the top of his head on the roof of the salon a couple of times, then rested his hands on it to support his own weight and direct the movement of his hips, meeting an explosive battering ram in the form of a fat alpha's cock halfway.<br/>Taehyung was drenched in sweat like he just got out of the shower. His throat was dry with grunts and moans that he didn't even try to hold back as he watched Jimin lustfully catch them. The hips worked at a hard uninterrupted pace, the muscles of the anus contracted convulsively, driving the hot trunk even further, stretching the supple walls of the inside. Jimin under him was so delicious, so beautiful and dangerous at the same time, that it just blurred the boundaries of reality. Taehyung couldn't concentrate and understand what he wanted more: keep his eyes open to watch how the blackening abyss of others gaze absorbs him, how fucking lips open after each dry breath, how salt water crystals flow down the neck right onto the collar of the shirt, how the Adam's apple twitches and the muscles of the strong arms of the alpha tense, or close the eyelids to observe supernovae, revel in the Pleiades of stars that exploded right under the nose, inhale the aroma of musk, relying only on animal instincts. But one thing the omega knew for sure – he had never felt so alive, so filled and right. The energy of his essence burned with a flame, pushing him to move faster, stronger, harder, whispering in his ear about how strong Taehyung is, how powerful, what he is capable of. How unique and special he is, if Jimin himself wanted him. Taehyung felt his complete power over the alpha. It was so nice to feel the warmth of his skin under his thighs, to hear the distinct beat of his heart, chasing blood through swollen veins, to feel others Adam's apple, desperately jumping under his own long fingers, clutching his neck in a death grip.<br/>"Taehyung," Jimin felt how Taehyung's energy was taking over him, how the omega was sweetly reaching for her, listening and drowning in her abyss, completely releasing himself to the power of the engulfing hellish abyss. A ball of gray fog gathered around the body of the omega, threatening to turn black at any second, the eyes, in those short moments when Taehyung opened them, became darker than the night, the veins in the neck swelled and sparkled, as if not blood was passing through, but electric discharges of current. The omega held Jimin tightly by the throat, pressing harder and harder with each thrust so that an ordinary person would have felt an attack of suffocation long ago. Jimin wasn't human, so he might have considered this omega gesture the highest form of flattery if it wasn't for the real reason behind the behaviour. Taehyung was gradually lost, not separating reality from oblivion. His energy consumed him and was ready to devour his own master whole, leaving nothing but a soulless shell. Once again, Jimin would be completely satisfied if this happened to someone else. But not now. <br/>"Taehyung!" Jimin forcefully squeezed the omega's hand, which was still holding his powerful neck, and pulled it back, after which he powerfully pushed into the hot ring for the last time and felt the walls of the anus squeeze the pulsating cock, warning about the partner's discharge.<br/><br/>Taehyung poured onto Jimin's stomach, helping his hand in the final stages of orgasm, and collapsed on top, jumping off the alpha's cock, so as not to have the prospect of being tied up in the middle of the road in a fucking car, thus being stuck here for many longer than they would like. <br/>Jimin felt how the swelling knot caused discomfort, given that the omega on it was also constantly fidgeting, touching the cock with his ass wet from lubrication and sperm, settling in more comfortably, burying his nose in the alpha's scent gland.<br/>But suddenly, the omega's body seemed to shy away like lightning, he twitched and moved away from his partner, carefully looking into Jimin's eyes.<br/>"I didn't hurt you, did I? For a while, it seemed to me that I was like…" Taehyung slightly turned his head to the side and looked up in deep thought.<br/>"Fell out," Jimin finished for him, stroking the omega's soft, now slightly damp hair. "Everything is good. It was actually a lot better than just good," the alpha smiled as he reached up, running his nose along Taehyung's red neck. "But we need to work on your self-control."<br/>Taehyung started to study the alpha's eyes again. Now they were the usual brown color, the face literally glowed, a slightly sly smile played on the lips, and the chest heaved measuredly with each subsequent breath. To be honest, Taehyung didn't remember anything at all between the time he got on top of the alpha and the moment he came, falling on his chest. He seemed to fall into a kind of trance. He felt great, safe in the alpha's arms, his gut telling him that Jimin would never do anything to him that the omega wouldn't allow. But something slippery and nasty curled up inside, making him shiver and press against Jimin's body for support. He never asked what the hell happened in the museum between him and Barnes, still didn't fully understand why they were so violently attacking each other for no particular reason – for God's sake – in the middle of the roadway, in a car, in absolutely inappropriate conditions. He only knew that he wanted to show Jimin that he was here, alive and warm, and would be around for as long as the alpha wanted.<br/><br/>Taehyung nodded slowly but knowingly at the suggestion, and Jimin let out a breath, laying him down on his chest to rest a little more before cleaning himself up and heading towards the airport. Jimin didn't show his concern to the omega in any way, however, he would have to seriously think about teaching Taehyung to control his own powers. He should not harm himself, and most importantly, what is currently developing inside him.<br/><br/>Author's notes:<br/>The George Eastman Museum – the world's oldest museum dedicated to photography and one of the world's oldest film archives, opened to the public in 1949 in Rochester, New York. World-renowned for its collections in the fields of photography and cinema, the museum is also a leader in film preservation and photograph conservation, educating archivists and conservators from around the world. Home to the 500-seat Dryden Theatre, the museum is located on the estate of entrepreneur and philanthropist George Eastman, the founder of Eastman Kodak Company. The estate was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966.<br/><br/>Museum's pictures:<br/>1 https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0f/70/e0/8d/photo0jpg.jpg<br/>2 https://peterlamphotography.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/george-eastman-museum-4451.jpg<br/>3 https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0a/a0/27/b3/caption.jpg<br/><br/>Old camera device, definitions clockwise: opening button, front rangefinder windows, front viewfinder lens, rear viewfinder lens, shutter release button, film rewind handle, side spacers, front flap, leg, lens, shutter, camera focus, rangefinder compensator, fur of the camera, the camera body, rear opening button<br/>https://demiart.ru/forum/uploads7/post-1449039-1297796295.gif<br/><br/>Leeds Art Faundation – formerly the American Decorative Arts Foundation 1900, a private foundation that works independently and in partnership with museums throughout the United States to promote recognition and understanding of the American decorative arts of the period around 1900.<br/><br/>Bruce Barnes – born March 15, 1962 in Los Angeles, eighth director of the George Eastman Museum, founder of the Leeds Art Foundation, and former executive director, investment banker and investment fund manager. Since October 2012 – Director of the George Eastman Museum<br/><br/>Daguerreotype (fr. Daguerréotype) – an early photographic process based on the sensitivity of silver iodide. The world's first workable photography technology, used for two decades and superseded in the second half of the 19th century by cheaper and more convenient processes. The daguerreotypes obtained using this technology do not resemble modern photographs, but a reflection in a mirror.<br/><br/>Demon Mammon – the demon of insatiability, in the translation of his name means 'wealth'. At one time Mammon was one of the influential demons, but after battle with Asmodeus (fornication, jealousy, rage and confession; he is recognized as one of the 4 elected, most often belonging to Lucifer demons), he was lost his greatness, and few of his allys want to do business with him<br/><br/>All photos attached to the chapter are randomly selected and for identification purposes only. Information about the museum and its partial description, details of the camera were taked from the Internet to investigate the plot. The author does not take responsibility for the authenticity of sources. Real personal names and surnames are used, but only for color and presentation of the plot. The author did not intend to intentionally offend or hurt anyone's personality.</p>