

The three best omega friends are connected by an unusually strong attachment. Their relationship is not accepted and blamed behind their backs, but they seem to have a long spat on it. However, nature still demands its own. And when an absolutely unknown, but very attractive and dangerous alpha appears in their small town, the omegas will have to make a choice: fight for him or take him into their well-established unbreakable triangle. The plot is based on the fantastic film "The Witches of Eastwick" in 1987

Stacy_ARMY · セレブリティ
15 Chs

Chapter 7 “I'd like to stay (Jimin/Yoongi)”

<p>Yoongi stood in the middle of a fairly decent-sized loft and still couldn't believe he was here, in New York.<br/><br/>A week had passed since the omegas accepted the alpha into their triangle, and he asked them to give him some time, spending a little rest in his apartment. But Yoongi never imagined it would look like this.<br/><br/>At the airport, they were met by Jimin's personal driver, after which he loaded their luggage and drove them comfortably to the Tribeca neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, the largest city in the United States, New York.<br/><br/>Yoongi was no different from his juniors as he peered through the car window at skyscrapers, billboards, shops and office buildings flying by. He wanted to jump out of the car and run from side to side until his curiosity and indescribable delight had calmed down. But listening to Jungkook and Taehyung squealing and squealing like little children, Yoongi thought that he should remain at least one reasonable person in their three, although his insides were literally seething after an almost seven-hour flight and inflaming adrenaline inside.<br/><br/>The driver dropped off the omegas and the alpha next to a high-rise building, and Yoongi had to lift up his head in a way he'd never did before to see the very top floor.<br/>"We're upstairs," Jimin said casually, helping the driver to get the suitcases out of the trunk.<br/>"Are you kidding?" the juniors squeaked in one voice, bouncing on the spot from foot to foot. Jimin just smiled and shrugged his shoulders, expressing calmness and even a slight touch of boredom with his whole look. But Yoongi could see him bursting with pride and satisfaction that the omegas were so impressed with his abilities.<br/>'Pf, rich fancy pants,' the senior omega thought to himself, and immediately locked eyes with the rich hazel eyes of the alpha. Yoongi immediately gave himself a mental crack. He still wasn't sure if Jimin could know what each of the omegas were thinking, so he should have been more careful with his choice of expressions. Yet Jimin had brought them here to rest and enjoy the delights of the Big Apple, which they could never afford on their own. Jungkook ranted all the way about visiting museums and art galleries, and Taehyung was eager to visit the museum of photography and journalism. Yoongi didn't have any particular goals for those two weeks. He just wanted to spend time with people close to him, finally getting somewhere outside their small town, where everyone continued to whisper behind their backs and look askance every time one of the omegas appeared on the horizon. And to be honest, Jimin's appearance only added to their trio of attention.<br/>Yoongi hoped that their temporary absence would cool the townspeople's spirits a bit and they would return to a more peaceful environment.<br/><br/>Taking the big elevator to the top floor, Jimin opened the door and let the porter through, who kindly took care of the luggage of the omegas and the alpha himself. Everyone except Yoongi.<br/>"Yoongi, this is his job," Jimin whispered in the omega's ear as they moved towards the elevator.<br/>"I know, but I can carry my things on my own, thanks," Yoongi had no idea why he was clutching his small suitcase so hard. In truth, he did not take anything special and heavy with him. A change of underwear, a pair of jeans, T-shirts and shirts, a warm jacket in case of cool weather, bath accessories and a laptop that never parted with, no matter where he went. Yoongi didn't take anything important or valuable to worry about, but for some reason he firmly refused to hand over the handle of the suitcase to the porter, a courteous and polite beta, who offered his services as soon as the concierge met them in the building. Yoongi thanked the middle-aged man with a slight smile, but kept the things to himself, to which the beta didn't react, offering to help the other omegas who happily handed over their suitcases (actually, Yoongi would say that Jungkook and Taehyung could stuff an elephant in each of them) into his hands.<br/><br/>The porter silently left the loft, and Jimin closed the door behind him before turning his attention to the three omegas. A bright smile appeared on the alpha's lips as he saw Taehyung sprawled out on the big white folding couch and Jungkook admiringly running back and forth, looking around the apartment. And only Yoongi stood in the middle of the loft, carefully looking around from top to bottom, arms crossed over his chest.<br/>"Something is wrong?" Jimin cautiously approached the senior omega, putting his arm around his waist lightly. Jungkook noticed a huge plasma TV hanging on the wall directly across from the couch where Taehyung was sprawled on, an equipped stereo system, and a game console that the alpha had specifically asked to install in advance of their arrival, having learned about the juniors love for computer games.<br/>"You don't live here, right?" Yoongi asked, still looking around the apartment, but he didn't remove others hands from his waist.<br/>"No," Jimin simply replied, roughly understanding why the omega would ask such a question.<br/>"Then why do you need such a big apartment? You're alone. Well, I mean, was alone until recently. You do your main business in Los Angeles, so why do you need an apartment here?" Yoongi finally turned towards the alpha and glared at him with green eyes.<br/>Jimin liked Yoongi's naturally coffee-colored eyes, but the green lenses the omega wore made him look like a fairy tale.<br/>"I have a small branch here, in New York. I usually stay in these apartments when I have to deal with business matters. The rest of the time the loft is rented and pretty good. Plus," Jimin moved closer to Yoongi's ear. Thanks to the same height, it was convenient for him to run his hand along the omega's tense back from the very neck to the waist, and also finish the phrase, "It's not the biggest apartment in the area, trust me. There is only one room and a built-in kitchen, the view of the city is beautiful, but in general this apartment is not as big as most of the others."<br/>"How, but there is no helipad?" Yoongi teased the alpha. Something inside him was pushing him to barbs, and the omega himself did not understand what it was. But he felt uncomfortable here. Either the city is foreign, or the loft is too big for him, or Jimin is too calm, considering how much money he must have, just to keep such a place so easy for all the time that he himself does not appear here. Yoongi has always been annoyed by pretentious and self-confident alphas, and even more by their arrogant omegas, who believed that they could afford to buy and sell everything, however, in fact, they did not lift a finger on a finger in order to get at least a part of this luxury. But Yoongi knew Jimin wasn't like that. He achieved all this on his own. He worked and worked hard and could afford it all. So why the hell does Yoongi feel like a doll in a clear-coated cardboard box?<br/>"If you don't feel comfortable here, we can think about changing apartments," Jimin moved around Yoongi to stand directly in front of him. Yoongi looked into the alpha's eyes and realized that he was really seriously worried about the state of the omega. His scent became a little more noticeable to reassure the senior.<br/>"No, everything is fine. Sorry. I guess I just…" Yoongi smoothed back the hair on his neck and scratched behind his ear the way he always did when he was nervous.<br/>"Nervous?"<br/>"A little," the omega nodded and felt himself slowly, but still relaxing, wrapped in the warm scent of sandalwood and his own calming energy, which seemed to come to the rescue every time in such situations.<br/>"I don't have a helipad," Jimin chuckled, and Yoongi felt awkward again at his stupid joke, "but we can go to the roof terrace if you want.<br/>Yoongi raised an eyebrow, but Jimin just shrugged, touched his cheek with his lips, and moved towards the juniors.<br/><br/>Yoongi looked around the loft again. Pretty simple but tasteful design in light and gray tones. Large sofa bed with a small glass table next to it. Built-in kitchen with bar and chairs, wide two-door refrigerator in black gloss. Tiled floor with a small soft rug opposite the sofa. At the other end of the loft was a bathroom with a shower and toilet. The stairs next to the wall, to the right of the kitchen, led to a makeshift second floor, where from the height of his height, Yoongi could only see two easy chairs, a computer desk, and a couple more chairs. But something told the omega that they would sleep there, because the sofa on the first floor, even with its size, was still too small for four adult men. And the fact that the four of them would sleep in the same bed, Yoongi did not even doubt.<br/><br/>The omega took a few deep breaths and headed towards his suitcase. While the juniors played and annoyed Jimin with questions about which museum or exhibition they would visit first, which nightclub they could go to for fun, and which boutique to check in for new clothes, Yoongi decided to unpack his things and take a shower. At least someone has to be reasonable in the midst of all this mess.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Jimin went up to the roof when the juniors, exhausted, fell asleep right on the previously laid out sofa in front of the TV, overeating sweets, without touching their things, no matter how the senior omega instructed them to unpack their suitcases. The flight, emotions and subsequent active communication exhausted the omegas, so Morpheus visited them much earlier than usual.<br/>Jimin liked watching the omegas. They were so content and happy, and once again the alpha completely forgot what he really brought them here for. Get trust. Relax vigilance. Fix positions.<br/><br/>Every time he saw genuine surprise in Jungkook's deer eyes or Taehyung's sincere square smile, a previously unknown warmth settled somewhere inside and didn't want to recede, no matter how much Jimin drove him away from himself. He knew many women and men. All of them were different. But one thing remained unchanged. Greed. As soon as one of the partners found out about what Jimin had to offer him, embarrassment and education receded into the background, bringing greed and lust to the front stands. Jimin was familiar with these sins firsthand. Hell, he himself was the king of debauchery and gluttony. But these three men have not changed their attitude towards him at all after they found out that the alpha is literally the owner of the fucking World. Of course, omegas had desires. They were overwhelmed with emotions from this place. But all this was more like pure curiosity and passion for the unknown than a prudent plan. And Jimin wanted to. He himself wanted to show these guys as much as he saw and knew, and no matter how much time it took.<br/><br/>Even the senior omega seemed to relax, although he was a little tense at first, when he arrived at the alpha's apartment. Having studied Yoongi's nature enough, Jimin realized that the omega was uncomfortable among the richly, if moderately furnished apartment, in the most expensive area of the city, with almost no own funds in his pocket. Omega is used to working hard, achieving his goal, and if he receives a reward, then only for what he deserves. And this trip, except for fun and indefinite groundless reasons, did not prepare anything for him.<br/>Jimin's perceptiveness has played him in a plus, as always, and in the few hours that he spent alone with the omegas, the alpha came up with a new plan.<br/><br/>Now he was standing on the roof of a high-rise building and watched as Yoongi carefully watched the beauty of the night city open up. At this time, at nine o'clock in the evening it was already quite dark. The weather was slightly overcast, so in the sky, covered with clouds, no stars visible. To be honest, Jimin didn't even expect that Yoongi would appreciate such a pathetically romantic gesture if his alpha suggested that he find the constellation Ursa Major. So Jimin just carefully approached the omega, who was sitting on a small folding chair at the table and looking into the distance, to where the lights of the night Manhattan lit up.<br/>"It's beautiful, right? I don't have time to go out here at all when I come at the rare moments on company business. All the time is spent on meetings with clients or discussing a new project with partners," Jimin sat down on a nearby chair a little to the right of Yoongi.<br/>"Funny, I thought it was only beautiful here at night. Well, what such things can be interesting in the city during the daytime? The same buildings, the same landscapes."<br/>"And there are many more cars. It's awfully noisy, even at night," Jimin grimaced. And Yoongi chuckled in agreement.<br/>"But even what I managed to see from the car this afternoon was enough to understand that life here is completely different than there."<br/>"Now you understand why sometimes I want to get out?" Jimin ran his finger down his throat and laughed.<br/>Yoongi smiled and nodded. He understood. He did not like noise and fuss. But, in truth, that quiet and all-knowing town in which he lived had become so boring over the years that the omega might have considered leaving it.<br/>"Would you like to live here?" Jimin nodded to the side, taking in the flickering billboards and TV screens with ads running.<br/>"I can't afford it," the omega shrugged. Perhaps, yes, perhaps, maybe… He could try. Hell, he'd like to try. But his dreams are not reality. Even if he works for Jimin's company and gets as much money as the alpha promised him, he won't have enough life to even rent a place here, let alone become the owner of a similar apartment.<br/>"I didn't ask if you could afford it. I asked if you would like to live here? You have an interesting habit of always avoiding a direct answer, Yoongi-yah.<br/>"Then why are you asking a question if you know in advance that I won't answer directly?" Yoongi snorted, crossing one leg over the other, folding his arms over his chest.<br/>Jimin smiled softly and tenderly, resting his chin in dainty fingers.<br/>Yoongi didn't want the alpha to think he was embarrassing him, so he confidently turned in his direction, looking at his face.<br/><br/>Jimin dyed his hair fiery red, shortening the length a little, making his thick, chic hair look like flames. Clear dark eyebrows smoothly framed the brow arches, eyelashes, not too long, but black and fluffy, enveloping the upper and lower, slightly swollen eyelids with a border. Usually, Jimin wore a light touch of makeup, which seemed very strange to Yoongi in the early days of their acquaintance, given the gender identity of the man, but today the alpha was limited to only natural tones that slightly touched the upper eyelid area. Jimin's deep hazel eyes were almost black in the darkness of twilight. Small rings adorned the earlobes, and there were no usual decorations on the fingers. The alpha looked simple, but at the same time so attractive that Yoongi felt his insides turn over.<br/><br/>Jimin twitched his nose slightly, catching the change in the omega's scent. He didn't mean to embarrass or seduce Yoongi, but the alpha's essence seemed to take on a life of its own whenever it felt the omega's caring attention.<br/>"Would you like to see your studio?"<br/>"What?" Yoongi cleared his throat. He did not expect such a sharp change in the topic of conversation. But in truth, he was grateful to Jimin for that. Whether the beauty of these places, or the flight and, as a result, the adrenaline clouded his mind, but Yoongi could not say for sure what would happen in the next few minutes, the alpha looked at him so intently.<br/>"Your studio. Do you want to see? I asked the workers to prepare it as soon as you agreed to cooperate. I think you can see it now."<br/>"Now?" the omega asked in surprise.<br/>"Why not?"<br/>"Jimin," Yoongi shook his head a little to get his thoughts together. "We're in New York. Your firm's main branch in Los Angeles. It's nine o'clock now. Even if you can work a miracle and book us a flight from here to the vaunted City of Angels right now, which I personally doubt, I just can't take a second flight. I don't handle flight and jet lag very well. And if I'm still sane, local time must differ from Los Angeles by how much… three or four hours, I guess? So, how do you want to be in my studio right now?"<br/>"Yoongi," Jimin stood up from his chair, suppressing a fit of laughter. Yoongi was so smart and insightful, but sometimes his speech was like a stream of water destroying a dam – if it breaks, you can't stop it, it's easier to wait until it subsides on its own.<br/>"Do you want to see your studio or not?" Jimin walked over to Yoongi and held out his hand to him, calmly waiting. He will not force the omega to do what he does not want. But alpha is quite capable of pushing him to make the right decision.<br/>"Yes, yes, I would like to see my studio, but…"<br/>"Close your eyes," Jimin lifted Yoongi off the chair and hugged him so that the omega was as close to him as possible.<br/>"What for?" Yoongi frowned. The pleasant intimate atmosphere was gone, replaced by restlessness.<br/>"Just trust me. Close your eyes," Jimin touched his nose to the tip of Yoongi's and ran his hand over his eyelids. "Come on, omega, you have nothing to fear."<br/>"I'm not afraid. I just don't understand you."<br/>"Just close your eyes," Jimin chuckled. In another situation, he would have flared up a long time ago and would have done everything to achieve what he wanted. But he liked watching Yoongi in those moments. His usually impenetrable face became natural, despite the uncertainty, obvious curiosity was read on it. His eyes sparkled, and his nose wrinkled funny. Small lips were compressed, after which their owner began to chew them actively.<br/>"All right. Okay," Yoongi sighed like he was doing it just Jimin get off. Though he couldn't deny that the worm of curiosity was still gnawing at him from the inside. And besides, what can Jimin do from a height of several floors. He won't throw Yoongi down, really.<br/><br/>Jimin hugged Yoongi tighter around the waist and closed his eyes. Yoongi felt the firm grip of others male hands and the feeling of vibration around him. It was as if he was enveloped in something alive and strong, but intangible, light, but at the same time powerful. Omega felt like he was floating in the air. His insides turned over in strange anticipation, his heart beating faster and his head clearing as if Yoongi had just had some amazing thought. He regretted that he did not have a notepad or a sticker at hand, where he usually wrote down something that could spontaneously come to his mind like that. He would like to capture such feelings, so that later he can do something beautiful and definitely personal with it.<br/><br/>A few seconds passed, but it felt like hours to Yoongi until Jimin whispered in his ear, "You can open it."<br/>When Yoongi opened his eyes at the alpha's request, there was no longer a table with chairs where they had just sat, no glowing billboards, no bird's-eye buildings. It has become relatively lighter again than it was just a while ago. And the landscape has changed. Now Yoongi was standing on a wide road where people didn't fuss and run like they did this morning. Cars passed by, but there were relatively fewer of them than on the main street of Manhattan. Everywhere he looked, the omega saw buildings, from medium to tall. But as soon as he turned his head, Yoongi felt an attack of nausea, his head was spinning, and his legs buckled. He had never seen such a skyscraper even in pictures. Omega was afraid to even look higher, because he simply could not withstand such a blow to his blood vessels.<br/>"What the fuck is going on? Where are we?" Yoongi couldn't help but curse as Jimin sat him down on a small bench in the fenced area.<br/>To tell the truth, Jimin got pretty scared when he noticed how pale Yoongi's face was.<br/>"We… are in the City of Angels," Jimin bit his lip guiltily.<br/>"You're kidding, right?" Yoongi continued to breathe deeply. The nausea receded, but the headache still throbbed somewhere in the back of the head, and the legs did not want to obey at all, because the omega did not even make an attempt to get up. He just looked dumbfounded at the alpha, who, in fright, knelt opposite him right in his light jeans.<br/>Jimin shook his head.<br/>"Not kidding," Yoongi stated, still not believing his eyes, his ears, not believing at all that this could be true. "How did you do this? We have just been…"<br/>"Teleportation."<br/>Yoongi just nodded in response. He forgot about the fact that Jimin… is by no means an ordinary person. Forgot that still don't know much about his abilities. Forgot to be careful. But now, sitting on a bench in the grounds of a skyscraper that was so fucking tall, he had absolutely no intention of bothering himself with this. Just not now.<br/>"Sorry, I thought it would be faster. I didn't mean to scare you that much," Jimin really didn't think the omega would take it that seriously.<br/>"How many floors are there?"<br/>"Are you sure you want to know?" Jimin chuckled nonviolently, but seeing Yoongi's serious expression, he replied, "Seventy three. The height of the building is approximately one thousand one hundred feet. This is the tallest skyscraper in the city. There are shopping centers, a gym, a swimming pool, a hotel and restaurants. Several floors are occupied by offices. Paid round-the-clock parking. Good lighting. High-tech security system. Are you better?"<br/>Yoongi seemed to need a distraction, so Jimin quickly picked up on his question to tell him a little about the building and thereby bring the omega to his senses. Many in his place would feel even worse from such an amount of information, but the omega, on the contrary, seems to focus and come to his senses by listing facts.<br/><br/>Yoongi closed his eyes and stood up from the bench. Jimin was immediately there to support him if needed, but the omega shook his head, holding out his hand.<br/>"I'm fine," he looked around again, more calmly now, and then put his hand on Jimin's shoulder. At first, the alpha thought it was a gesture of intimacy, but he felt others fingers squeezing his shoulder. Perceptible.<br/>"Never do that again. I already knew that you have enough power to take my ass to any other continent on this fucking planet and I won't lie, the feeling was just mind-blowing, but don't ever do anything like that again without warning."<br/>There was a clear warning in Yoongi's eyes shine. He wasn't angry or scared. Not anymore. Jimin would feel it. The smell that oozed acid recently was now even, and the omega himself was calm and confident. But his whole posture warned the alpha that if he did not listen to his request, next time everything could turn out differently than a simple conversation. Yes, and the grip of the omega on the shoulder, not painful, but heavy, clearly spoke of this.<br/><br/>Jimin just nodded, putting as much honesty and devotion as he could into his gaze at the omega. He was a little taken aback by how quickly Yoongi got the situation under control. And besides, he allowed himself to bristle in the direction of the alpha. However, because of this, the inside only kindled more respect for this man. Yoongi literally exuded strength and confidence. Nothing to do with a shivering and scared omega.<br/>"Come on, show me my studio. That's what we're here for, right?" Yoongi let go of Jimin's shoulder and started toward the building like he knew exactly where to go, pulling out his cell phone along the way, which he took with him to the rooftop in Manhattan. The omega didn't want the juniors to be afraid of him or Jimin's absence, so he sent a short message to their cell phones saying that he and the alpha were fine, that they had gone out for a walk and would be back soon, in case any of the juniors woke up.<br/><br/>Jimin put his hand on his shoulder and rubbed a little as he watched Yoongi type the message. He certainly didn't make a mistake when he chose these omegas.<br/>"Ouch," continuing to rub the limb, the alpha hurried to catch up with his companion, taking note never to scare or anger Yoongi again. An enraged omega could be worse than the strongest alpha.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>"Why don't you sit on the seventy-third floor? I think it would be very useful for such an important person," Yoongi asked as he and Jimin rode the completely transparent glass elevator to the twenty-ninth floor, where Jimin's personal office was located.<br/>To be honest, Yoongi's hamstrings were shaking, he wanted to get out of this glass box as quickly as possible, under whose feet could see the height to which they climbed. It seemed to omega that step a little to the side, and he would fly down. But still, his own prudence and the hand of the alpha, located on his waist, calmed, because Yoongi safely reached the desired floor without going crazy on the way.<br/>"On the top floor there is a bar – the highest open-air bar in the Western Hemisphere. If you want, we can go up there later. The building does not belong to me entirely, only part of it. Because I can't afford to do whatever I want. Including planning. Although I am working on it."<br/>"Jimin," Yoongi turned towards the alpha, "I was joking."<br/>"I understand," the alpha smiled and slightly pushed the omega towards the exit. Another hairpin from Yoongi did not hurt him at all.<br/><br/>After greeting the receptionist, Jimin explained the purpose of his visit. At first, the girl was very surprised, even slightly frightened by such an unexpected return of her boss, given that he left and did not personally plan to return in the near future, confirming all important questions through calls or video conferences. But the pretty brunette smiled politely, offering drinks and light snacks, which the couple declined, quickly briefed Jimin on the firm's business, and then escorted him and Yoongi to the office dedicated to the new studio.<br/><br/>The girl was very impressed with the meeting with the producer, who was going to join their staff. After all, all the employees already knew that Min Yoongi would become part of their company, however, no one had ever seen him live. She smiled broadly at the omega and clasped his hand in her small, manicured fingers, welcoming and alternately chirping about future prospects and possibilities.<br/>Yoongi was pleased to get the attention of a girl, because, in truth, no one had ever been so kind and polite to him, except for his own brother and junior omegas. That is why he cordially accepted the hospitality of the girl and even laughed sincerely a couple of times at some stupid joke that she gave him.<br/>"Cynthia, if there are no more questions for me, you can leave us," Jimin said rather sternly and coldly. The girl immediately lowered her eyes and muttered an apology, after which she politely said goodbye and retreated.<br/>"Need to think about cleaning the staff. This girl just can't shut her mouth," Jimin grumbled as he entered the electronic security code on the lock set next to the studio door.<br/>Yoongi frowned and looked at the alpha's face carefully. His cheeks turned red and his brows almost formed a single line, he was so dissatisfied.<br/>"Jimin," Yoongi touched the alpha's shoulder and felt him tense. "Relax. Everything is fine. She was just doing her job."<br/>"Her job is to answer calls and speak when asked!" Jimin snarled, turning sharply towards Yoongi.<br/>The omega took a step back under the strong of the alpha's essence.<br/>"It seemed to me that you treat your employees equally, regardless of their position, and are able to make reasonable and objective decisions," said the omega. "No one has ever met me so politely and hospitably. At those rare meetings where my brother managed to pull me out, everyone looked at me as if I were a small rodent crawling out of the hole. Nobody cared about my music and my compositions. Buyers believed that since they paid, they had the right to do whatever they wanted with the material. And they simply didn't care about the author at all. This girl didn't say or do anything wrong. Perhaps she was too talkative. That's all. But isn't that what you wanted for me? Attention. Confessions. So that everyone recognizes me and what I do. So, why are you acting like an arrogant alpha who believes that any omega in his field of vision is his personal property, and any employee is a slave to his desires and whims? I thought you were better than that."<br/>Jimin felt the anger and possessiveness recede, his breathing even out and his body relax. He didn't plan on reacting like that. But the alpha inside decided everything for him. Never before has anyone other than Jungkook and Taehyung been so close to Yoongi in the presence of an alpha. No one expressed their surprise to him. Delight. Admiration. Jimin faced this for the first time. And he reacted accordingly.<br/>"Sorry," Jimin breathed out, because it turned out he hadn't been breathing all this time and ran his hand over his face. "It came out instinctively. Next time I will try to control myself better."<br/>"Thank you," Yoongi relaxed and approached the alpha again when he finally opened the door and let him in, after turning on the soft dimmed light in the room.<br/><br/>A small folding sofa immediately caught in front of the eye, established on the right wall. Opposite was a closet with empty shelves.<br/>And in the very center, against the opposite wall, was a large table with equipment. Yoongi froze at the entrance, while Jimin moved closer to the table and waved his hand around it.<br/>"There is excellent soundproofing so that you can work comfortably. As you saw, there is an electronic lock behind the door, so you can only get in here with a password or a smart card. You can change the password at your discretion, but you will receive the card later. It is almost impossible to crack the lock, because when you try to guess a password, the device will block the entrance with five incorrect sets of numbers, and if someone wants to dig into the lock itself, an alarm will go off. From inside, you can exit by pressing the button or the mechanical door handle," Jimin nodded towards the door. "It will give you privacy. You can see the equipment yourself. To be honest, I cheated a little and contacted your brother before installing it to find out which label you prefer. At your discretion, we can change everything that is required. You can also change the interior yourself if you want."<br/>Yoongi listened intently to Jimin, however, his eyes were focused on the equipment, in the right order and securely set on the table. Two large computer screens with his name running across a dark background. A pair of slightly smaller studio and passive monitors sit on insulating stands on either side of the screens. An external sound card is a little closer to the edge of the table on one side and a channel audio interface on the other. A digital workstation that provides the complete set of features and MIDI tools needed for professional music production. Compact control panel with built-in screen and sensitive keys. Control console for ease of use and speed up the mixing process. Digital piano, compact synthesizer and several types of microphones. All the equipment was high-tech, professional and incredibly expensive. Yoongi knew about it. Because he could not afford to have all this, even if he really wanted to. He had good equipment at home, but it was completely incomparable to this. Jimin set up his studio just the way it should be. Of course, in the process of work, the omega might change something, but now this place looked like a sanctuary. He wanted to throw himself into a soft, high-backed hydraulic leather chair and start creating.<br/>"Say something," Jimin chuckled. "Everything is good? Or is there something you don't like?<br/>"I like everything, very much," Yoongi calmly walked over to the table and ran his finger along the surface of each of the sets of equipment. Yes, he was incredibly impressed and inspired. But still, he didn't plan to throw himself on his knees in front of Jimin and scream about how expensive and chic it looks. Yoongi knew the approximate price of each tool, and Jimin even more so. So why make a farce.<br/>"At the moment I don't want to change anything, but maybe I'll do something later if I come here more often."<br/>"I hope so," Jimin smiled and hugged Yoongi, pulling him closer as the omega put his hands on his shoulders. Outwardly, the senior seemed level-headed and calm, but Jimin could see the sparkle in his emerald eyes. Felt how the energy of the omega changed, sparkled and shone. He was pleased and satisfied. And Jimin loved it.<br/>"What exactly, what will I appear here more often or will I change something?" Yoongi asked, only to at least say something, because he could feel a subtle hint of intimacy appear between him and the alpha pressed against him. And frankly, the feeling was pleasant.<br/>"I think you know the answer," Jimin smiled out of the corner of his mouth and brushed Yoongi's eyelids with his lips, then slowly moved down to the tip of his nose, down his cheek, and finally touched his pink lips.<br/>Omega did not resist and opened his mouth himself, inviting other tongue into the soft cavity. It was awkward, strange, scary, surprising and interesting. He felt trapped, then excited and inspired, and now, in the arms of the alpha, he was calm and comfortable. Yoongi felt comfortable for the first time after climbing down the gangway from the plane. Next to the alpha, wrapped in his scent, the omega felt good.<br/><br/>A few minutes later, the omega seated the alpha on a folding sofa, freeing him from clothes, and with slow but demanding kisses went down to the groin, putting his hands on his hips for support, digging his long fingers into the juicy fair skin, and his lips slid over the long thick cock of the alpha. Jimin spread his legs a little wider to let Yoongi get closer and tilted his head back, gently stroking the omega's cheek with his palm. Alpha did not foresee such an outcome of events, did not plan at all that everything would turn out like this. But, if the omega himself wanted closeness with him, who is Jimin to refuse him.<br/>Yoongi was good at oral sex. Given his age, he did not suffer from a sense of embarrassment, finding this process a natural foreplay, and a relatively long relationship with the first partner allowed the omega to learn how to act correctly and carefully so as not only to bring pleasure, but also not to harm himself or his partner. And because of this, his lips and tongue slid unhindered along the trunk of the alpha, pressing against the thickest blue vein so tightly that with the tip of the muscle could feel how Jimin's pulse was beating – ragged and driven. The weight of the organ settled pleasantly in his mouth, and Yoongi relaxed his throat to let it pass as far as possible.<br/>"Fuck!" Jimin cursed and arched his back slightly as the omega began to swallow, plunging his cock almost completely. "Do you have a gag reflex at all? Yoongi-yah…"<br/>"Everyone has a gag reflex," Yoongi said in a deliberately strict tone, as if he was teaching some kind of lecture, after licking his lips and inhaling deeply. "You just need to train it."<br/>"You did fantastically well. You do a great job with your mouth, omega," Jimin teased, which got a cocky look and a crooked smirk that showed a side row of light teeth. During sex, Yoongi was more playful and cheeky than usual. In casual conversation, Jimin would have paid the price for such a compliment long ago.<br/>"I'm doing a great job with my cock too. In general, I have many excellent qualities."<br/>"I don't even doubt it," Jimin breathed out as he found himself back in the heat of others mouth.<br/>Yoongi took Jimin's hand and put it on his head, encouraging him to set his own pace. The alpha wanted madly to grab Yoongi by the hair, holding his head in place, and dig his hips into the very tonsils until the cum filled the omega's throat. But still, the alpha tempered his ardor and began to move hard, but measured, deep, but carefully, so as not to harm the impudent omega.<br/><br/>The moans and rumblings Yoongi let out were like piercing electric shocks running through Jimin's body, and the rich smell of blackberries hit his nostrils worse than any aphrodisiac. Jimin was one hundred percent sure that the omega sitting on his knees in front of him was flowing and getting wet right now, however, he did nothing but take his cock.<br/>And this thought was pounding in the brain, blocking all extraneous sounds, leaving only a cacophony of mixed moans that no one but them could hear, and smells that would immediately be noticed when they leaving here, which would clearly make it clear to whom Yoongi belongs.<br/><br/>Tthe toes curled up, the body pierced with an electric shock, and a hazy veil floated before the eyes as Jimin came in Yoongi's throat from a deep blowjob that the omega had never practiced with him before. Yoongi didn't even think to pull away, taking it in, only tightening his fingers on Jimin's hips. The knot that had formed at the base of his cock was tight and painful, but the alpha ignored the discomfort as the omega climbed onto couch and laid them down so that Jimin was behind him, feeling the wet fabric of his pants in his groin.<br/>Jimin hugged Yoongi across his chest, burying his nose in the hair at the back of his head, and began to wander his palms over the omega's body, feeling for the wet spot in the groin area too. The alpha just couldn't help laughing, while the omega just snorted, like, 'Well, what did you expect?'<br/>"Looks like we should still visit one of the lower floors. It seems to me that in this form it will be uncomfortable to return."<br/>"I'd like to stay."<br/>"M?" the alpha raised his head to see Yoongi's face.<br/>"I mean for a while. I would like to stay here and work. If possible," Yoongi turned to Jimin and looked into his eyes. The alpha looked at him carefully, but with a degree of uncertainty, as if he did not understand if Yoongi was serious.<br/>"Of course it is possible. You can stay here as long as you want. But, Yoongi… weren't we going to spend those two weeks together, not apart? Your absence won't help."<br/>"I'm not going to close here for the whole two weeks. After all, I need something to eat," Yoongi chuckled, but realized that his alpha was not convinced by his joke. "Just give me a couple of days. I will have to work here. And I almost fainted when I saw the building itself. I have to get used to. You understand that the environment here is fundamentally different from what I have at home. I need time to get comfortable. I can always call. Besides you can get my ass back to New York quickly, right?"<br/>Jimin listened to the omega and realized that he was right. It does not matter when exactly he will take the leather chair in this studio, tomorrow or in a few months, maybe never at all, preferring to work at home, in his city. But he needed time to think. Yoongi is the type of person who doesn't make decisions in a hurry, in euphoria or on an adrenaline rush. Omega must be left alone for a while so that he can return completely calm and determined in his choice.<br/>"Of course I can," Jimin nodded and touched his lips to the others, reddened and slightly swollen.<br/>Within nineteen floors, Jimin had enough staff and security to make sure Yoongi was safe and didn't need anything. And in a couple of days he will take the omega back, completely relaxed and satisfied. After all, that was his original purpose for this trip, right?<br/><br/>Author's notes:<br/><br/>Jimin's loft in New York<br/>https://comfortoria.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/komnata_v_stile_loft_3.jpg<br/> <br/>Wilshire Grand Center is a 1,100-foot (335.3 m) skyscraper in the financial district of downtown Los Angeles, California. It is the tallest building west of Chicago. It is part of a multifunctional hotel, retail, observation decks, a shopping center and an office complex.<br/>This building is chosen as the prototype for the reign of Jimin the Magnificent. Office premises are located from the 11th to the 29th floor. As a consequence, the Ruler of the World sits on the very last floor of this accommodation.<br/>Visualization<br/>https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/58/cf/d558cf78cf37dbd8c3f3e611cde9a5d4.jpg<br/>You can read more about the skyscraper itself here:<br/>https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilshire_Grand_Center<br/> <br/>All descriptions were reproduced approximately, with a share of the author's improvisation. Images are presented only for a general understanding of the picture.<br/><br/>I described Yoongi's studio on the model of his real old studio, because he still hasn't shown us the new one in full.<br/>If someone is interested in reading more about Yoongi's equipment and what the holy of holies of the world Producing Genius looks like, here is an excellent analysis (in Russian):<br/>https://m.vk.com/@kpop.galaxy-genius-lab<br/>Equipment in general terms, so as not to confuse the reader with unnecessary terms, I copied from here.<br/><br/>Thank you all for your attention, see you in the next chapter.</p>