

The three best omega friends are connected by an unusually strong attachment. Their relationship is not accepted and blamed behind their backs, but they seem to have a long spat on it. However, nature still demands its own. And when an absolutely unknown, but very attractive and dangerous alpha appears in their small town, the omegas will have to make a choice: fight for him or take him into their well-established unbreakable triangle. The plot is based on the fantastic film "The Witches of Eastwick" in 1987

Stacy_ARMY · セレブリティ
15 Chs

Chapter 5 “You know, you’re not the only one”

<p>Yoongi had been sitting in his car for twenty minutes, not daring to do what he came for. He stood slightly away from Jungkook's house, so that his car was not visible, but just enough to see the light on the first floor from the windows overlooking the courtyard.<br/><br/>Yoongi felt guilty for literally hiding from his juniors for almost two weeks now, not calling Taehyung after their fight at the café, turning Jungkook down when he asked for his help for the last time. But at the same time, something swirled inside Yoongi, something strange and unknown, which, on the one hand, pulled him back to the juniors, to the people closest to him, and on the other, towards Jimin.<br/><br/>The alpha kept pestering him with texts and calls that Yoongi just couldn't ignore anymore. Therefore, he promised Park that he would call in one of these days. Omega was terribly nervous, because he still couldn't figure out what he wanted more: send Jimin to hell, refusing everything he offered, or again become a victim of the black pool of others eyes that haunted him in his dreams every time, when Yoongi had to close his eyes even for a moment.<br/><br/>But responsibility and love for his family did not allow him to make a final decision, which is why Yoongi fidgeted in the leather seat in anticipation of the upcoming conversation, which he had been thinking over for several fucking days. How can he tell them? How will Yoongi tell Tae or Jungkook that he found alpha for himself? That now he will not be able to devote as much time to them as usual, because his inner omega is whining inside from the desire to return to his partner. How is Yoongi going to be able to look his juniors in the eyes after what he's done? After lying to them and hiding information so important to them all for the past two fucking weeks. But Yoongi has to do it. He must be honest with himself first and foremost. He wants Jimin. And not only because his omega is drawn to the intended partner in fact of nature. And because Yoongi himself, for the first time since the death of his husband, felt peace and protection next to the alpha. Satisfaction and security. He still didn't really know anything about this alpha, but his inner voice and all his feelings were screaming that Jimin would never harm him. In order to put everything in its place, Yoongi needed to talk to his juniors. Do what they always discussed. Do what he wanted. Admit and throw off from his shoulders an unbearable burden of guilt that pressed him to the ground, like a press of an old auto.<br/><br/>Yoongi hovered next to Jungkook's door again. His hands were covered with perspiration, and the omega once again wiped them on the fabric of his dark trousers. He rang the little bell and shifted from foot to foot, hoping inwardly that Jungkook might be busy or asleep and just couldn't open the fucking door for him.<br/><br/>After several long minutes, the door nevertheless opened, and a younger omega appeared on the threshold. Yoongi's eyes widened in surprise. Jungkook looked…different than when Yoongi had last seen him. Omega's hair was cut short and dyed a bright purple, a piercing gleamed in his eyebrow, and a tattoo flaunted on his right arm, completely covering his shoulder and forearm, which was completely open thanks to a short black T-shirt. Dark, loose-fitting trousers sat snugly at the waist, and a short T-shirt revealed part of a tucked up belly. Jungkook literally glowed with energy. The whole image fit him insanely, Yoongi would be foolish to deny it. The junior has always been a very attractive and interesting man. But why? Why did the omega change his appearance so much in just a few days? What was the reason for this? And how did he manage to pull it off so quickly. Piercing and tattoo injuries alone would heal within two to three weeks, and the junior did not have a scratch, not even the slightest redness or skin irritation, which could indicate that he had done all these manipulations recently.<br/>"Yoongi?" Jungkook tilted his head slightly to catch the eye of the taken aback older omega, because he literally froze at his doorstep like a statue. "Something happened?"<br/>"What have you done to yourself?!" the first thing that escaped from Yoongi after he remembered that at one time mom and dad still taught him to speak.<br/>Jungkook puckered up as if defensively and folded his arms across his chest, showing off his pumped up muscles, which, to be honest, always made Yoongi in a pleasant thrill.<br/>"Don't you think it's a little none of your beeswax?" Jungkook answered boldly, even too sharply. Yoongi's question hit him harder than it should. He was so happy to see the senior on his doorstep, given the time they had spent apart, he wanted so badly to share with him what had happened over the past few days, because he was sure that Yoongi was just not the type to judge him for something like that. But the first thing Jungkook heard, ready to throw himself on his senior's neck, is that an inappropriate question about his appearance?<br/><br/>Yoongi felt the smell of the omega change, betraying his displeasure. And this unpleasantly pricked somewhere deep inside, forcing the inner omega to bristle in the desire to rein in the presumptuous junior. But Yoongi didn't come here for that. And like Jungkook said, he shouldn't have cared at all what the omega was doing to his body. Moreover, all of this was crazy fit for him, even if it looked a little unusual at first. <br/>"I'd like to talk to you if you don't mind," Yoongi scratched the back of his head with a long finger, the way he always did when he needed to concentrate. Jungkook narrowed his eyes, as if trying to see some hidden meaning in the words of the omega. An inner voice told him that a conversation with a senior did not bode well.<br/>"Can we take a walk? I didn't go out all day," Jungkook nodded towards the courtyard. In truth, he didn't want to invite the omega into the house. Even though Jungkook was overjoyed to see the senior, he was afraid that once he entered, the smell of the strange alpha who had been here just a few days ago, still permeating the air, would immediately betray the omega with giblets. Jungkook was about to share with Yoongi that he had met Jimin. But not like that. He wanted to tell the omega how courteous and sweet the alpha had been to him, before shocking the senior with the news that he had slept with another man.<br/>"Of course," Yoongi nodded and stepped back a little, allowing Jungkook to step outside and close the door. He was not hurt that the junior did not invite him to the house, but this, too, was a strange phenomenon for him. Jungkook didn't behave at all naturally. And this alarmed Yoongi's shrewd insides, making his brain frantically work for certain reasons. But they didn't… didn't want to come in.<br/><br/>"How do you feel? How are the twins? Everything is fine?" Yoongi sat down on the bench next to Jungkook, still unable to take his eyes off the new image of the guy. The purple hue shone so beautifully at the ends of a short haircut that wanted to weave fingers into other hair, the barbell gracefully emphasized a clear dark eyebrow, and wanted to study the elements of the tattoo thoroughly, literally under a magnifying glass, because they looked so skillfully on the omega's skin.<br/>"Everything is fine. A few days ago we were in the park. The boys were overjoyed," Jungkook didn't tell Yoongi about what happened in the parking lot. Because he knew that this would greatly frighten the omega, and he, despite his grouchiness and coldness, would begin to ask about the details and consequences, clucking like a chick next to a newborn fledgling chick.<br/>"I met someone," Jungkook blushed slightly. And Yoongi… Yoongi felt like a blow to the head. Jungkook so easily informed him of this, while the senior himself prepared literally a whole speech, taking into account all aspects and arguments, so as not to hurt anyone. Jungkook apparently decided to go head-on. And despite his own desire to confess, the inner omega snarled, assuming a defensive stance. Yoongi had to give himself a mental kick in the ass to get his thoughts in order.<br/>"Really?"<br/>"Yes! He is not local and came to us recently. He said that he wanted to find a place where no one knows him, to take a break from the bustle of the city. He's so handsome, Yoongi-yah, so suave, so romantic. I've never felt like this before," Jungkook got up from the bench, unable to control his own emotions. He felt lightness fill his entire body at the mention of Jimin. Jungkook is ready to run a hundred miles without even breaking a sweat. Jungkook is ready to jump on one leg like a little boy getting a beautiful toy for the first time. Jungkook is ready to hug the whole world, so much energy and joy seethed in him from memories alone. And this stormy stream overshadowed the voice of reason so much that the omega did not even remember why he was telling all this. He didn't remember that he had never had anyone closer to Yoongi and Taehyung. Didn't think that they might be hurt to hear it. The only thing Jungkook wanted was to at least share with someone what had been accumulating inside for several days and demanded release, like a damn avalanche that knows no clear end in sight. The junior would have exploded like a high-pressure air tank if it hadn't released it all.<br/><br/>Yoongi watched Jungkook pacing back and forth, continuing to enthusiastically tell something: how pleasant and calm he felt next to the alpha, how his children screamed joyfully, and then fell asleep in other arms, how Jungkook was nervous and at the same time melted from other touches and kisses. And if the omega believed that the last words touched him, stabbing him in the heart, piercing him with the largest needle, passing through, causing drops of blood to roll down the tapered tip, this was an exaggeration. Accepting the arrival of an alpha in the life of one of the omegas was not as easy as Yoongi thought. The way Jungkook talked about this alpha with such reverence cut like a knife through sandpaper, causing the grinding to fly off into a thin layer of dust. It burned worse than a flame in the deepest dungeon of hellish hell. It hit in the ribs worse than any bastard Yoongi had dealt with in the past. It hurt more than Yoongi felt after his partner's death. But even that couldn't compare to what the omega felt when he heard the name. A fucking name that made him want to tear other tongue out so that he would never hear it again in his life.<br/>"What did you say his name is?" Yoongi asked, feeling the skin under the light, light-colored shirt covered with a layer of sticky sweat, which made the fabric stick uncomfortably to his back. <br/>"Jimin. Park Jimin. He is a very influential person. I'm sure your brother has heard of him. Jimin works in the music business. But his company covers many more areas. He said he would help me with my paintings. Yoongi, can you imagine, I can finally move beyond the usual exhibitions or sales. You know how much I wanted this. You…" Jungkook broke off his fiery speech when he turned and saw Yoongi staring at him. And that… scared Jungkook. The senior had never, ever looked at an omega like that. Viciously, condemningly, with resentment and misunderstanding. His beautiful fingers clenched into fists, the veins in his pale neck bulged and turned blue. Yoongi was all like a bare wire, touch it a little and electrocute. Jungkook even thought that energy literally vibrated around the senior. Yoongi's scent changed too, thicker and thicker, but so sour that Jungkook grimaced because he could even smell it on the tip of his tongue. The omega was pissed off.<br/>"Yoongi-yah, what's wrong with you? I said something wrong..." of course, Jungkook understood that, perhaps, his confession could offend or hurt Yoongi, but he did not think that so much. Yoongi was the most level-headed and wisest of their triangle, always solving problems with his intellect, only occasionally resorting to brute force. And now it was scary to see such an omega who was ready to break free from the chain, like a mad dog, and grab your throat, tearing out a piece of flesh. Jungkook even backed away when Yoongi stood up from the bench and began to approach him with heavy, confident steps, blazing with the energy of his anger.<br/>"Yes, of course Jungkook-ah, my brother has heard of him. Even I heard about him. And not only that," Yoongi grinned, but it was not that impudent grin that appeared in the corner of the omega's lips, revealing a row of snow-white teeth, and which Jungkook loved so much. It was the grin of a predator ready to attack.<br/>"This alpha has got everything he can get his hands on, huh?"<br/>Yoongi kept getting closer and Jungkook backing away. It seemed that if the junior broke into a run, the senior would chase him like a hungry tiger after a wild boar.<br/>"What are you talking about Yoongi? I don't understand you," Jungkook pressed his back against a tree that got in his way. He regretted a thousand times that he told Yoongi that he met the alpha. Inside, everything was trembling with fear, the inner omega rushed from side to side, looking for support. At such moments, protection and patronage was always in the face of Taehyung or Yoongi. What should Jungkook do now?<br/>"You slept with him, right?" Yoongi moved closer, so much so that the faces of the two omegas were only a few millimeters apart, and ran his nose along Jungkook's neck, as if looking for other scent on the omega. He didn't even have to get up to reach the junior. Naturally, the tall omega was now shrunken and shriveled so that he seemed much smaller than his size.<br/>"I…"<br/>"Slept or not?" a clear question was given by a rumble in the ears. Yoongi already knew the answer to him and tried to stop his inner omega, who was literally tearing and throwing from the inside in order to tear the opponent apart, declaring his rights to the alpha. And even more, the omega tried to curb the energy that came from nowhere, which literally sparked around him, palpably crackling on the surface of the skin, like a current of bare wires.<br/>"Yes," Jungkook answered quietly, but still firmly. He wasn't going to lie. Animal instincts took over the mind. And if Yoongi wants to fight, Jungkook will answer him the same way.<br/>"You know," Yoongi came close, although it seemed like there was nowhere to go further, and hissed right into Jungkook's ear, "you're not the only one."<br/>The younger omega's eyes widened and he twitched to the side to see Yoongi's face. Embittered, daring, self-confident, completely unusual for him. Green fire burned in the eyes opposite, and the clot of energy became more and more dense and tangible. Unpleasant electric impulses ran through Jungkook's body, which made him want to rub all the limbs with his hands to get rid of this painful itch. <br/>"I'm pretty sure that Taehyung didn't stop at just one conversation during an interview with the well-known alpha. Only here I was the first."<br/>Yoongi's words cut into ears, along with a rumble of thunder across the sky. The wind that suddenly rose became so strong that it picked up grass and dust in the air, whipped on the cheeks and made it difficult to inhale. Clouds thickened in the darkening sky, turning it into impenetrable blackness. And the lights on either side of the road flickered and crackled, as if the bulbs inside them were about to burst from overvoltage.<br/>"How does it feel to know that want not just you, m?" Yoongi continued to hiss right into Jungkook's face like a venomous snake spitting venom at a rival. "How does it feel to realize that you are not only one who deserves support and love of someone who can take care of you?" the words poured out of his mouth in a crazy stream, and in a fit of anger, Yoongi could no longer stop himself. He had never thought of Jungkook in that way, would never have said what he said now. But power, literally enveloping his body, and the feeling of possessiveness, which clouds the rational, did not to recover himself. Yoongi wanted to hurt Jungkook. He wanted him to hurt. At least he wanted to be the first in something. Has at least something that belongs only to him alone. <br/><br/>The realization hit Jungkook right in the heart and he pushed Yoongi away from him with force. He staggered back just a few steps, as if he was so strong that no entity in the world could stop him.<br/>"Do you want to know how we fucked, Jungkook-ah?" Yoongi grinned. "Do you want to know how damn nice it was to get an alpha knot instead of an omega's cock in your ass? You've already experienced it yourself. Jimin was good, right? I don't know about you," Yoongi took a couple of steps forward again and drawled unpleasantly, "but I fucking liked it."<br/>Jungkook was ready to raise his fist and punch Yoongi right in his arrogant face, which now distorted as if it did not belong to him at all. But other voice brought him off balance. As is Yoongi.<br/>"You…"<br/>The wind stopped, the thunder died down, and the lights stopped flickering as Jungkook and Yoongi both turned their attention to Taehyung, who appeared behind the senior, fists clenched convulsively.<br/><br/>Taehyung couldn't ignore the message the senior had sent him some time ago saying he wanted to talk to him and Jungkook. Taehyung, despite the fact that he was still offended by Yoongi, nevertheless decided to come and find out what bothered the omega so much, because even through the monitor the young man realized that Yoongi was going to talk about something serious. Besides, Tae was just… missed. He missed Yoongi, whom he hadn't seen in about a week, missed Jungkook, who was literally thrown out the door when the younger omega came to support him. Taehyung felt guilty for being so rude to his loved ones, who had always been his support and support, instead succumbing to a fleeting desire.<br/><br/>But as soon as he heard part of the omegas conversation, to see how furiously Jungkook was looking at Yoongi, to notice how tense the senior was, how his back literally radiates a stream of incomprehensible, but such tangible energy, Taehyung was struck by realization. <br/>Why? Does he deserves all this? Does he want so much? Doesn't he deserve something more than a simple union of three omegas? Didn't he endure enough? Why does he always have to take the back seats when his partners got everything they wanted. Of course, each of the omegas had their own difficulties, each suffered his own tragedy. Yoongi survived the death of his husband, but at least he knew family happiness, lived with a man who loved and supported him, albeit not for long, but long enough to have a child. Jungkook did not know the status of a married omega, moreover, his acquaintance with alphas was limited only by fear and humiliation, however, the younger omega was surrounded by care and love that his seniors were always ready to give him, and to top it off, Jungkook gave life to two little kids who grew up every day and literally idolized their dad, giving love and joy absolutely free of charge, because due to their age they simply could not do otherwise. So why did Taehyung have to stand in the middle of all this happiness and care and not have a share of what his partners have? He felt that he was loved and expected, but it was a different feeling. Taehyung never really experienced the love, support and care that alpha could give to omega, because his husband was far from these concepts, constantly reproaching and tormenting poor Taehyung, calling him dirty, inferior, unable to bear his children, having a vicious relationship with other omegas behind his backs. Taehyung endured and endured the humiliation as much as he could, hoping that the alleged pregnancy would change the situation, but he could not conceive the long-awaited child. He could never reconcile with his husband. He could not completely let go of the pain and humiliation that stabbed his heart every damn day, that he hid under the guise of detachment and unsociableness, and no matter how much attention his partners gave him. Sometimes that wasn't enough. And now, when Taehyung was finally lucky enough to meet a person who was interested in him, who recognized his talent, who wanted to give him what Taehyung so much desired, these omegas, the most dear and close to the heart of people, took away that one piece of light, which gleamed in the seemingly dead soul of Taehyung. <br/>Taehyung got angry so much and suddenly that he didn't expect such a reaction from himself. The body tensed with a string, surrounded by a black veil. There seemed to be nothing to be seen. But the once-chocolate eyes, now completely darkened so that one could fall into the abyss of hell, clearly and carefully examined the two people standing opposite, raising their hands in a sign of reconciliation.<br/>"Taehyung…" Jungkook breathed out the senior's name with more fear than before. He had never seen the omega so angry. Usually Taehyung was very good at hiding his true emotions and feelings. The guy was a born actor and could play any role he didn't want. If don't know for sure, will never know what's really going on in his head. But Jungkook had never seen an omega like this. It seemed that all the masks were thrown off at once, revealing the true essence of Te – a confident, dominant, domineering and… evil omega, ready to tear anyone with his bare hands, without even blinking an eye.<br/><br/>Yoongi, despite the just blazing hatred for the younger omega, instinctively approached, slightly covering Jungkook with his back from the now enraged Taehyung. Such impenetrable darkness gathered around the guy that it was difficult to see his native face. And Yoongi freaked out. The brain refused to look for a logical explanation for everything that was happening at the moment, because it was not the very fact of the raging and pulsating energy that frightened Yoongi so much. Not at all. The senior's energy was strong, forcing, ready to sweep away everything in its path, however, transparent, clean and uniform, covering the entire body completely and completely, as if trying to merge with the very being of the omega in harmony. Taehyung's energy was different. Black, vicious, frightening, causing horse's goosebumps all over the body, making all the hair stand on end. There was something in his… otherworldly, not of this world, supernatural, as if coming from the very depths, unknown. <br/>"Taehyung, listen, you need to calm down. Let's talk," Yoongi made an attempt to approach the seemingly distraught junior, still holding Jungkook, scared like a small rabbit, behind his back.<br/>"Talk?" an evil, impudent smile appeared on a beautiful face, which made it even more frightening, like a maniac, bringing a knife over the chest of his victim. "Of course, let's talk. About how you fucked the first alpha you saw? Such a decent and reasonable omega. Or why you didn't really want me to meet Jimin? Or about how the hell you ran from us, flashing your heels, how much?.. Two weeks already, I think. Is this what you want to talk about? About how you two," Taehyung held up a finger at Jungkook, "took what belongs to me?! What the hell, Yoongi? You always get what you want, and I'm left with leftovers, right? To whom does Jungkook run to cry first?" Taehyung began to move closer to Yoongi, while he again began to retreat, ready to cover the younger omega with his back. "To you, Yoongi. Who are you constantly jumping in front of, "Ah, Jungkook this", "Ah, Jungkook this"? In front of him!" Taehyung threw his hand back towards Jungkook, and he recoiled slightly against the tree, as if some invisible force pressed him to the trunk. "And I? You do not care about me! You would be much better off without me!"<br/>"It's a lie!"<br/>"We love you!" both omegas shouted at once. However, Taehyung didn't listen to them, only getting more incensed at their insincerity. Now, more than ever, he wanted to paint those fake muzzles red, and then revel in his victory and the trophy he received.<br/>"And what did you do, m?" Taehyung walked over to Yoongi and pointed his finger at him. A heavy energy swept through the senior's entire body, however, it calmed down somewhere inside, it seems, rejected by his own.<br/>However, Jungkook felt completely different. His whole body twisted and pulled unpleasantly, his legs seemed to be rooted to the ground so that the omega could not move, and hundreds of thousands of lightning shot through his insides, bringing a sharp piercing pain, from which he wanted to scream out loud. But after a while, the pain subsided, despite the fact that it returned again, especially when Taehyung turned his attention to the junior.<br/>"If you love me so much, why the hell did you do this to me!?" a sensible Taehyung would probably be hurt and upset that his partners lied to him, didn't tell him what they promised to share right away, should it happen. A reasonable Taehyung would have understood that the omegas were not to blame for anything, because they simply could not know who the newly-minted alpha managed to meet. A reasonable Taehyung would have sat down next to his partners, taken their hands and measuredly and calmly offered a way out. <br/>But now the voice of reason was so far and inaccessible, and other fear was so pleasantly felt on the tongue, that the current Taehyung, who had kept all his feelings and experiences deep inside for so long with the intention of protecting his family from unnecessary depressing thoughts, did not care about the people standing opposite. The only thing he wanted was for them to experience the whole range of suffocating and stinging pain and betrayal that he himself is currently experiencing.<br/>"I hate you!" Taehyung suddenly grabbed Yoongi by the collar and lifted him so that the omega's legs were off the ground. Blackness covered the body completely, leaving only gaping holes instead of the once beautiful slanting eyes. <br/>Yoongi panicked for just a second, because the rage and strength that now constituted the essence of Taehyung were unusual and alien to the senior. However, his own energy rushed out, bursting out of his chest, seemingly trying to protect his master, and Taehyung suddenly groaned, unclenching his fingers on the fabric, staggering to the side. Yoongi himself didn't understand what the hell just happened, but he felt a surge of such strength and power that he had never felt in his entire life. He didn't want to hurt the omega, but if he didn't calm down, Yoongi would have to at least knock him out to stop this.<br/>"Come to your senses. Now," Yoongi said in a deep monotonous but powerful voice. Taehyung opened his eyes, feeling the another energy pressing down on him, pressing him to the ground. He wasn't hurt or scared. It was just that Yoongi literally made him calm down without moving a finger. While Tae himself was on fire from the inside a few moments ago, feeling how the energy devours him, absorbs, erases into powder, leaving nothing but gray ashes. Even here, Taehyung was losing to Yoongi. By nature, larger and taller, now he felt like a bug in front of a skinny short guy.<br/><br/>Jungkook realized that his legs had begun to move again, and the pain in his entire body was slowly fading away. He felt so helpless while the senior omegas literally crushed each other in the struggle for supremacy. And Jungkook could only watch, feeling bitter tears rolling down his cheeks. When did they get to this point? Could everything they had be destroyed by just one fleeting mistake? After all, they are family! They know everything about each other. They never envied each other and never sought to get more than the other has. So why is all this happening now? What the hell have they become? And now how to stop all this?<br/>Jungkook pulled away from the tree, tears filling his eyes as he rushed towards the two men to finally stop this madness. <br/><br/>Yoongi, hearing Jungkook approaching, was distracted and turned around to prevent his attempt, because in his gut he could feel Taehyung's still raging dark energy. However, this was enough for the average omega. As soon as the senior loosened his grip, the omega immediately threw his hands forward to push him away from him, but instead, an electrified pulsating black ball flew straight towards Yoongi.<br/>"Yoongi!"<br/>Jungkook caught a glimpse over Yoongi's shoulder as a ball of sparkling something flew straight at Yoongi's back, and instinctively grabbed his shoulders, pushing him aside, taking the blow. <br/>Hellish pain pierced the whole being as soon as the energy ball passed into the very core, settling there, enveloping all the insides, piercing them with current discharges of hundreds of thousands of amperes, burning to ashes in a matter of minutes. Because Jungkook didn't even have time to feel how he crashes with all his might into the same ill-fated tree that he pressed against just a couple of minutes ago.<br/>The head hits the hard and powerful trunk, the body sinks to the ground, and the last breath escapes from the beautiful pink lips, and the eyes do not have time to close, still in horror, wide and frightened, covering with a cloudy veil of tears.<br/>"Jungkook, no!" Yoongi rushes towards the junior, falling to his knees in front of him, feeling the body, shaking his hands, hitting him on the cheeks. But the omega doesn't respond. He lies like a limp doll in Yoongi's arms, tears welling up in his eyes, wetting his black eyelashes with salt, and an inhuman howl bursts from his chest.<br/>Taehyung, as if waking up from a dream, looks dumbfounded at the two men, then turns his eyes widened from deep horror to his hands, which are slightly smoking from the newly released energy, and again raises his head towards Jungkook, lying limply on the cold, wet ground. <br/>"I..." horror pierces the whole body, fetters the muscles, sends a chilling cold through the veins, instead of the fiery lava that just recently ran inside. Taehyung looks down at his palms again, which suddenly start shaking and covered in sticky sweat, and can't believe what just happened. He just wanted to push the senior away from him so that he would stop putting pressure on him, but instead something so dark and sinister escaped from him, which at first he liked so terribly, but now it scared him to death. And that something went straight for Yoongi, while Jungkook pushed the senior away at the very last moment, literally saving him from a nuclear strike. <br/>Yoongi felt the junior's pulse on his neck, arms, all the places where he could beat and make it clear that the omega was still alive. But cold fingers did not feel the pulsation of blood through the veins.<br/>"What have you done?! What have you done?!" Yoongi carefully lowered the lifeless body of the junior to the ground and in a rage rushed towards Taehyung, who fell to his knees, his arms hanging like whips along his torso. Fists rained down on Tae from all sides, knocking him down, rolling on the ground, and the omega woke up only when he felt the weight of other body on his stomach. Yoongi straddled him and looked like he was ready to turn his face into a pork chop.<br/>"I didn't mean to… I didn't mean to… it happened by accident… I didn't mean to…. God!" shock turned to hysteria when Taehyung screamed fiercely, curling up into a ball, throwing Yoongi off him to the ground next to him.<br/>"I didn't want that! Lord, God! What have I done! Jungkook-ah!" Taehyung continued to cry hysterically, feeling a lump of nausea rise up in his throat. He couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. Couldn't do anything. He didn't even have the strength to get up off the ground. He didn't feel the pain that Yoongi had given him with his punches, he didn't feel the sticky sweet blood running down his skin, mixing with the salty tears. All Taehyung felt right now was that his heart inside was being torn apart, and his body was spasming, writhing and twisting.<br/><br/>"Tae!"<br/>Taehyung blinked as he floated out of his own hell when he heard the elder call out to him.<br/>Yoongi had to work hard to call the junior, because he fell into such a hysterical trance that it was terrible to imagine. His own sternum shackled from the realization of what had happened. But they can't leave it like this. Something needs to be done. Something…<br/>"Taehyung, come on, wake up, damn it!" Yoongi shook the junior by the shoulder, and he seemed to be electrocuted, he twitched so hard. Taehyung's shoulders hunched over, his arms trembled, his legs buckled, and his face was scary to look at. Broken lips, saliva and blood bubbled at the corners, the nose seemed to be displaced, and a hematoma was brewing under the eye. <br/>"Come on, come to your senses and help me. We can't leave him here. We have to… have to…" Yoongi didn't know a damn thing exactly what they were supposed to do. And said the first thing that came to mind, "Bring him into the house."<br/>Taehyung's eyes widened in fear, and he shook his head to excess, causing his once golden chestnut hair tossed across his forehead, now wet and dirty from what had happened.<br/>"Do you want someone to see? Come on, bring Jungkook into the house. I have to take the twins to my place. Unless, of course, you yourself want to do this."<br/><br/>Yoongi turned around and entered the house, dialing Namjoon's phone on the way. He could not believe what had happened, something deep inside continued to howl and scream. Yoongi felt terrible. And not just because of the loss of a loved one. He felt like he had lost a part of himself. It's like… cut off an arm or a leg. Cut out part of the heart. Took a piece of his soul. Yoongi felt incomplete. And he could not stop the flow of tears that again gushed from his eyes, when with force and frenzy he washed his hands in the sink in the kitchen from other blood.<br/><br/>Taehyung was afraid to even get close to Jungkook's body, let alone touch it. But Yoongi was right. He must not be seen here. Especially the twins. Lord, what are they going to tell them?! Taehyung couldn't show himself to the boys like this, so he belatedly realized why it was Yoongi who made him do what he was doing now. But, as soon as Taehyung imagined the faces of the kids when they had to find out about what had happened, he wanted to gouge out his own eyes with a kitchen knife in order to save himself from such a fate.<br/><br/>After waiting for Yoongi to carry the sleeping twins out and sit with them in the car Namjoon arrived in, Tae, cautiously and out of breath, heaved Jungkook's heavy body onto his shoulders and carried him into the house, laying him on the floor in the hallway. <br/>Jungkook looked so handsome. Purple hair swept across his forehead, clear eyebrows relaxed, as when the junior fell asleep in a peaceful sleep, light cheeks were so soft and tender, and pink lips parted as if the omega was about to say something, and froze in indecision. But eyes. Amber eyes looked into the very soul, not having time to close, while the last ray of light left them. Now they seemed so gray and empty that this look penetrated to the very bones.<br/>Taehyung sat down next to him and rested Jungkook's head on his legs, feeling the wetness on the back of his head where the junior had pressed his skull on the hard bark of the tree. <br/>Taehyung started tangling through other soft hair, touching other cheeks, kissing other forehead as tears trickled down his face and onto Jungkook's face.<br/>"Jungkook-ah, forgive me, God, forgive me. I love you so much. I did not want. I didn't mean to… sorry… sorry me…" Taehyung continued to whisper, rocking Jungkook's body on his legs like a child before bed.<br/>And suddenly Tae felt some surge of energy. It seeped into the very inside, settled somewhere deep inside with pleasant warmth, as if starting all the mechanisms anew, lubricating the old gears, making them spin again. Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's body tighter as he felt himself shaking. The skin glowed with a soft golden light, and the head wound Taehyung had just felt slowly healed. Taehyung watched, dumbfounded, as Jungkook's eyelids fluttered, as his lips tightened a little, and the wings of his nose twitched as he took his first breath.<br/>"Jungkook…?" Taehyung said the junior's name, and he blinked once, then twice, fully opening his deer eyes, now brightly lit with golden amber.<br/>"What's happened?" Jungkook asked hoarsely, squinting as if he'd slept for hours. "My whole body hurts. What happened, Taehyung-ah? Where is Yoongi?" Jungkook belatedly remembered how he watched the mental skirmish of his seniors, and therefore did not understand why he was now lying in his house, on the floor in the hall, at Taehyung's feet. <br/><br/>The senior looked at Jungkook with such dumbfounded eyes that he simply could not utter a word. Just now, he was completely sure that Jungkook was not breathing, lying on the floor and not moving. And now the junior slowly knelt down in front of the middle omega and looked at him inquiringly, waiting for answers.<br/>"Tae?"<br/>Taehyung slowly approached Jungkook and touched his face with his fingers. Warm. Jungkook was so warm. Whereas Tae's fingers were as cold as Death itself.<br/>"You are alive…"<br/>Something unpleasant twisted in the lower abdomen after these words, and Jungkook frowned. The last thing he remembered was Yoongi, which wjo he pushing away from Taehyung's punch, and then emptiness. <br/>And after a few moments, the pieces of the puzzle fit together and Jungkook realizes what happened. But before he can get his guess out loud, Taehyung is still mumbling something incoherently when the door opens and Yoongi appears on the threshold.<br/>"What the fuck…" the last question gets stuck somewhere in his throat when Yoongi sees Jungkook on the floor, alive and well and without a scratch. Just like Taehyung, while after Yoongi left, the average omega's face was indistinguishable from minced meat rolled through a meat grinder. And now it is completely healthy, even better and more beautiful than before.<br/>"Will someone explain to me what the hell happened to us? And what does all this mean?" Jungkook looked from the still dumbfounded Taehyung to the equally dumbfounded Yoongi. His head was just splitting from misunderstanding and questions that swirled around each other, gathering in a huge snowball. However, there was one feeling that Jungkook liked now. Wholeness. Never in his life had he felt so... full.<br/>"I need a drink," Yoongi strode over to the kitchen, still in a trance from what he saw. He poured himself a bottle of whiskey, securely hidden in a wall cabinet, into a wide glass and knocked it over in one fell swoop. The liquid burned the mucous membrane, but allowed the crumbs of reason to return. <br/>"Let's sit down and … at least try to understand what it was all about?" Yoongi said as measuredly as the situation allowed. And oddly enough, Jungkook and Taehyung nodded in unison to the senior, feeling how a semblance of calm settled somewhere inside, making them slowly rise and sit on the carpet next to the sofa with the senior omega, completely without feeling the anger, envy and hatred that they felt during the fight.<br/><br/>After a long tense silence, the juniors literally exploded into an endless stream of questions, shouting and interrupting each other, seemingly completely distraught. The strangeness that happened to the omegas, in the heat of battle and adrenaline surge, relegated to the background in the most remote corners of common sense, now hit like a typhoon, pulling right into the center of its whirlpool.<br/>Taehyung literally jumped up and down, sitting on place, touching Jungkook every now and then, as if checking if it was a dream, and the younger omega was really there, alive and warm, radiant with gold literally from the inside. Jungkook, in turn, occasionally ran his long fingers over Taehyung's knee and then over his shoulder, feeling his newfound healing power flowing into the middle omega. Both guys continued to chatter incessantly, however, all the insides were drawn to the senior omega, wanting to merge with him into a single whole, who was now sitting on the sofa, cross-legged in a lotus position, holding one ankle with his free hand, and in the other holding the same a glass filled for the umpteenth time with a tart liquid.<br/>"He did something to us!" Taehyung shouted out in an unusually emotional way for himself, and the other two guys again felt this heaviness of other energy that hovered somewhere near the middle omega, already intangible and not as tangible as some time ago, but still tangibly squeezing their temples, making them wrinkle a little. "That bastard did something to us! I just can't think of any other explanation. Some… voodoo-shmoodu or some shit like that!"<br/>Yoongi put a hand on the shoulder of the middle omega, who, along with the younger, unconsciously approached the edge of the couch during the discussion, still remaining on the floor for him to come to his senses. And without realizing it, Taehyung felt how something bright and dear literally stroked him from the inside, intertwined with his darkness, which again tried to take possession of him, not suppressing, but complementing, merging and playing like a daring kitten with a curious puppy, grown up together, from that to horror close in contrast to their other brothers.<br/>"Taehyung-ah, you've seen too many fantastic."<br/>"Do you have another explanation? What happened to us is unnatural. Phenomenal. Something that is completely beyond human understanding. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it, because it was damn cool to feel how such a powerful force literally saturates you through and through, but this is something… otherworldly and…" Taehyung trailed off as he felt the grip on his shoulder tighten and lifted his head. Yoongi's face was frozen in an indifferent grimace, and it was hard to tell exactly how he was feeling right now. And suddenly Taehyung realized what he had just said. He literally admitted that he liked what he did with Yoongi. He liked what he did to Jungkook.<br/><br/>The breath caught somewhere in his throat when Taehyung felt Jungkook's hand on his face. Looking over at the junior, Taehyung almost choked at the way he looked at him. The omega's face lit up with a sincere smile, his eyes shone brighter than the sun in the midday sky, and his thumb gently stroked his cheek, along which, Tae himself did not understand exactly when, a large salty drop was rolling. <br/>"Taehyung-ah…"<br/>"Jungkook, God, forgive me! I didn't mean it! I… I'm sorry… I'm sorry!" Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn't like feeling the way he felt. Power pervaded the whole of nature, made its way into the most remote corners of the human soul, opened all the doors locked with huge bolts, released all feelings, whether good or evil, causing them to sparkle and crackle like a flame licking logs in a fireplace. Taehyung has never felt more alive than in that moment. Never felt more real. But Taehyung didn't want to kill. Didn't want to hurt anyone. Didn't want to be the cause of anyone's suffering. <br/>And as soon as he realized that he simply admitted his attraction to such things, tears rolled down from his eyes in a hail, and a feeling of guilt covered him with a huge boulder, crushing him into a cake.<br/>"I didn't mean to… didn't mean to…" Taehyung muttered, doubled over, burying his forehead in Jungkook's stomach as he stroked his brown hair, fingering his curls.<br/>"I know."<br/>"Jungkook-ah," Taehyung raised his head so abruptly that he nearly knocked out the junior's jaw, "I would never hurt you! I didn't want this! It's simple…"<br/>"I know, I know. You would never hurt me," Jungkook touched Taehyung's forehead with his own, breathing measuredly, peering into slanted eyes filled with horror and guilt. <br/>"Never!" Tae shook his head. "I love you. I love you, Jungkook-ah."<br/>"I love you too," Jungkook started picking up the salty droplets with his tongue while Taehyung continued to cry and stifled sobs, covering his eyes with wet, clumped lashes.<br/>"I'm not like that, right?" Taehyung asked more to himself than anyone else. "I'm not evil. I am not envious. I… I…"<br/>"Of course not like that," Jungkook touched the other lips, now a little dry and chapped. He was scared as hell to see Taehyung so angry out there in the yard, scared as hell to realize that Taehyung could just kill him and Yoongi right on his fucking lawn near the house. But Jungkook also knew, felt in his heart, that Taehyung would never do that. Consciously, perversely, contentedly… never! Whatever happened to them, whatever Jimin did, it had a profound effect on all three omegas. And this unknown force that engulfed his seniors simply trapped them. The Omegas couldn't handle it, couldn't control it, because they just didn't know how to do it. But Jungkook knew that neither Yoongi nor Taehyung would ever hurt him.<br/><br/>Yoongi watched as Jungkook kissed Taehyung tenderly, trying to pull him out of his own guilt and remorse, the horror that the middle omega had experienced while he thought Jungkook was dead. Usually Taehyung was very active and dominant when it came to caresses and attention of any manifestation from his partners, but now Yoongi saw a different picture in front of him. Taehyung sprawled resignedly on the soft carpet next to the couch as Jungkook touched him slowly and carefully. It seems that Taehyung was trying in this way to prove to Jungkook his devotion, his love, to prove that he was ready to give himself to him in any way.<br/><br/>Jungkook leaned into Taehyung's neck, covering him with his body, and ran his tongue over his scent gland, eliciting a deep, strangled sigh from the senior. One hand lifted Taehyung's leg under his knee, touching his groin with other, and the other hand slowly and carefully made his way under Taehyung's shirt, stroking his ribs and sunken stomach. Taehyung did not move, did not show initiative and did not rant, as he usually always did, but he reacted so sensitively to the actions of the younger omega that he caused an instant response.<br/><br/>Jungkook lifted the omega's T-shirt a little, exposing his tight stomach muscles, and met coffee-colored eyes as if asking for permission. Taehyung took the hint immediately and nodded his head insanely. The junior slowly removed the piece of clothing, revealing dark olive skin, neat, slightly darker than the rest of the body, nipples, which immediately tightened and stood up from a slight breeze from the half-open window, chest muscles, not much pumped, but were so attractive, and a distinct triangle of the inguinal zone with slightly protruding pelvic bones from under jeans that sit low on the hips.<br/>A wet tongue ran over one of the dark peas, leaving a wet and shiny trail, and Taehyung went out of breath, throwing his head back, and if not for the soft pile of the carpet, he would have kissed his skull directly on the hard surface of the floor. <br/>The lips traveled all over the torso, slowly descending to the edge of the denim, under the zipper of which a noticeable bump was already visible. Searing the perfect skin of his waist with hot breath, Jungkook unzipped the button and zipper, pulling off tight jeans, then gray boxers with a dark spot around the head of the cock.<br/>"Jungkook-ah…" the name escaped as he exhaled, and Taehyung closed his eyes. He couldn't believe that the junior still wanted him after what he'd done. Couldn't believe Jungkook treated him with such tenderness and care after Tae literally took his life. Couldn't believe his face now looked the same as it did before Yoongi painted it with his heavy, heavy punches, because Jungkook unconsciously healed it along with himself.<br/>"Taehyung-ah, it's okay. Take it easy. I'm here. Everything is fine. I'm with you, do you hear?" Jungkook was again in the area of the face of the middle omega, touching with his lips first the top and then the bottom of the other's plump lip, whispering soft soothing words, while gently but persistently stroking the already fully erect cock of the omega. Kissing Taehyung's face, the junior touched the other's entrance with his fingers, already moistened with natural lubrication, but not yet enough to be able to enter immediately. <br/>Raising his head and looking into others eyes, Jungkook smiled slightly, sparkling with his golden amber iris. And, as a snap of his fingers, he and Taehyung turned at the same time in the direction of Yoongi, who was still sitting on the couch. He calmly watched the caresses of the two juniors, sipping alcohol and feeling his own cock in his pants twitching with interest. He still didn't understand what had happened to them, what the hell Jimin had done, who he was and what to do with all this now. He was still mad at Taehyung for what he had done, and was somewhat surprised that Jungkook had given up so quickly, and besides, he himself took the initiative to the middle omega. But something inside did not allow him to completely turn away from either one or the other omega. Something that Yoongi felt after he was sure Jungkook was dead. Something that he was missing, some part he thought he had lost, was now back, and only with both omegas around did Yoongi feel right, complete, and in his place. Only next to them, his heart beat and continued to drive blood through the body, supplying the entire system with life-giving fluid. Only with them Yoongi felt at home. And it was worth thinking about the fact that the omega would lose at least one of the men, as the soul was torn to pieces, and the mind was broken into a thousand fragments, not allowing to think harmoniously. <br/>Their connection, formed a long time ago, only strengthened over the years, now felt almost physically, as if their forces, otherworldly or not, light or dark, could not exist without each other, uniting even more and linking into an indestructible triangle.<br/><br/>"Yoongi-yah…"<br/>Yoongi blinked out of his own stream of consciousness when he saw Jungkook licking Tae, smearing his fair face with his lube, and Taehyung calling him, extending his hand to the side, inviting him to join.<br/>"No," Yoongi leaned back on the back of the assembled couch, spreading his legs, because the picture opposite simply did not allow him to remain indifferent, in order to somehow alleviate the pressure on the growing cock. <br/>Taehyung's face lit up with fear, but Yoongi smiled softly, shaking his head.<br/>"Just you," placing his glass on a nearby small glass table, Yoongi watched as Taehyung moaned incessantly as Jungkook's tongue literally raped his passage, causing lube to drip down his thighs right onto the shaggy carpet, and the living room filled with the smell of mixed omega's pheromones, so strong, that they could drive any alpha mad who dared to approach. <br/>Yoongi always liked to watch the juniors caress each other, experiencing unspeakable pleasure, from time to time guiding the actions of one or the other omega, completely sure that they would grant his desire, while doing only each other. But right now, Yoongi wanted to leave time for the juniors for a reason other than that. Taehyung was very scared and depressed by what had happened, literally falling apart into pieces when Yoongi left with Namjoon, to whom, thank God, he didn't say anything.<br/>And Jungkook was attacked by two senior omegas, he completely unable to answer and took Yoongi's blow on himself, literally saving his life by giving his own.<br/>And now Yoongi saw fit to give Jungkook and Taehyung his own time and space, watching carefully.<br/>"Yoongi-yah," Jungkook emerged from the omega's buttocks and looked at the senior, who was already stroking his organ through his trousers, with a hazy haze of arousal. "Touch yourself. Please. Do it."<br/>A cheeky smile flickered at the corner of his lips, exposing the smooth edge of snow-white teeth and the edge of pink gums, and his eyes lit up with a lustful squint, and Yoongi lowered his trousers along with his boxers, clasping the head with a dense fist of knotty long fingers, immediately pressing hard on the opening of the urethra with a short fingernail. <br/>Jungkook bit his lip, watching the senior touch himself, however, he didn't forget about Taehyung either, not taking his eyes off the senior omega, inserting two fingers at once into the tongue-fucked entrance, causing Taehyung to moan loudly from somewhere there, up.<br/>Taehyung squeezed his nipples with the fingers of both hands and moved forward with his hips, sitting on the long fingers of the junior, just as eagerly watching Yoongi jerk off hard and abruptly, after wetting the inside of his palm with saliva. Taehyung could feel the scent of blackberry and rich orchid seeping into his nose, filling his chest to the limit, and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever felt. Jungkook's fingers were massaging his prostate, his cock twitching convulsively on his own stomach, smearing natural secretions, and Taehyung was almost sure that the lubricant flowing now from Yoongi's thighs was moistening the upholstery of the couch, from which it would absorb the senior omega's natural aroma.<br/><br/>Jungkook gently rolled Taehyung into a kneeling position so they could both see Yoongi, and slipped softly and smoothly inside, filling Taehyung completely, a moan of pure pleasure merging with Taehyung's deep rumbling and Yoongi's guttural growl. Jungkook's hands slid along Tae's wet back, collecting the sweat droplets that flowed so beautifully along the hairline, gathering into one larger one and settling on the arched lower back. The hair on the back of Tae's neck got wet and curled even more, his hands clutching at the pile of the carpet while his hips pushed back in deep but sure thrusts that could fuck the soul.<br/>Taehyung raised his head and met his eyes with the dark, covered with a line of fluffy eyelashes look of the senior omega, who was fucking his fist, pushing his hips to the beat, and growling so loudly and powerfully that the roar of his voice penetrated his very insides, clouding his mind, pushing him to the finale. Taehyung bit his lip, now completely red, so distinctly juxtaposed with the rim of white teeth, and tried to keep his eyes open so as not to miss the moment of the omega's explosion.<br/>Yoongi ran a hand through his regrown hair, brushing his long bangs off his forehead, his face the most beautiful thing Taehyung had ever seen. Intense in its pursuit of pleasure, with furrowed black brows, fox-like eyes, a small nose, and pink lips that longed to be kissed. Taehyung also wanted to suck Yoongi. Right now, when his head was so swollen and red, disappearing into the captivity of long hard fingers, when the fist was on top. <br/><br/>Jungkook's thrusts became more jerky, sharper and shallower, which made Taehyung know that the junior would soon come. And Taehyung sat up a little, exposing Yoongi to his body, wet and shiny with sweat, and threw an arm around Jungkook's neck, while the other grabbed his hip. The angle of penetration changed, Taehyung felt Jungkook even deeper, and Yoongi's devouring lustful look literally tore him apart.<br/>Jungkook pulled out of Taehyung and started jerking off, cumming on the middle omega's back, painting his olive skin with white streaks. Taehyung, who had been propped up on the floor with one hand, was running his fist over his own cock, still watching Yoongi break down, and by a happy coincidence finished with him, falling on his side, still trembling and shaking from orgasm. He seems to have never felt anything like it. The whole body was filled with ease and happiness from the realization that his partners want him, take care of him, love him, stay with him. And most surprisingly, Taehyung felt a deep, unbreakable connection with both men, which pierced his entire body with billions of impulses, cording him with fateful threads.<br/><br/>Jungkook gently and carefully wiped Taehyung's body with a damp towel after returning from the bathroom, and unfolded the couch, carefully laying the average omega on a soft blanket, immediately being behind, throwing a leg on Taehyung's hip, and an arm hugging across his chest.<br/><br/>When Yoongi returned from the shower, both omegas were already asleep. Jungkook sniffed sweetly on the top of Tae's head, making the middle omega's hair tremble with the breath of others breath. Taehyung seemed to almost press his back against the junior's chest, and Yoongi sat down beside them, careful not to disturb them, and began to examine the omegas. Tae's beautiful face was still blushed, lips closed and no longer looked so dry, on the contrary, wet and full from kisses and bites, a mole on the tip of the nose attracted, forcing to touch, eyelashes fluttered a little in a dream. Jungkook was breathing evenly and that was the most beautiful thing at the moment, because Yoongi was still shuddering at the memory, how he didn't feel for the junior's pulse, how his breath stopped, his lips parted, and his eyes went out, losing their mischievous youthful gleam.<br/>Overall, Taehyung and Jungkook looked great as always. But Yoongi remembered what had happened. He remembered what Taehyung looked like when he literally grind into dust bones on his face. He remembered how he washed others blood in the sink. He remembered that stinging feeling of loss when he held the dead Jungkook in his arms. <br/><br/>Touching the hair of both omegas, who seemed to reach out for caresses even in their sleep, Yoongi changed into light jeans and a fresh shirt, took the car keys and carefully left Jungkook's house, using his own key to close the door.<br/>The senior omega got into the car and started the engine, closing his eyes for a second, listening to the measured roar of the car. When Yoongi opened his eyes, green gleamed inside. Yoongi turned the car towards the one place where he was going to find answers.<br/>Hands clutched the steering wheel, foot pressed on the pedal, and the gaze focused on a clear goal, not seeing anything but others face. And let this Park Jimin fucking pray that Yoongi's newfound power doesn't turn against him.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>In the same time…<br/><br/> Lucifer paced back and forth, waiting. He didn't even need to resort to magic to understand that a person was heading towards him. To be honest, Lucifer felt weird. On the one hand, everything went exactly as planned. The three men managed to reconcile after they found out about the connection with him, gained their powers, even managed to manifest them on their own, to which Lucifer was immensely surprised. Each man received a piece of his power from the Ruler, but Lucifer did not deliberately distribute the forces. Just let into the body of every man the smallest particle of what could be called universal chaos. And the essence of each person independently chose the energy to which it felt close.<br/>However, the King of Hell did not expect the loss of one of the people. And the sharp pain that he experienced when he felt others death struck Lucifer. So much so that breathing quickened, and somewhere in the sternum a gaping void formed, not so deep, but enough to make… feel. What exactly, Lucifer still could not understand. <br/>He saw death more than once, felt it on his tongue, felt how it pervaded everything naturally, bringing inexpressible pleasure, when human blood sprinkled his fingers and part of long clothes.<br/>Lucifer knew what pain was. He experienced it on himself when his wings were taken away, and he himself fell at the hands of his own brother, turning into universal evil. But it seems that even the punishment of the Father did not hurt him as much as the death of this boy. Sharing part of his forces, the Ruler did not take into account the connection that he acquired with men through the division of essence. A connection that was formed long before he first appeared in the lives of these people, and now, with each time, it only became stronger, as if attracting with a powerful indestructible spell, not letting go.<br/>And Lucifer was unspeakably surprised for the umpteenth time in the evening when he realized that the emptiness in his chest was gradually shrinking, like a ragged hole on the floor of the mantle, which disappeared at the behest of a finger.<br/>The youngest of the men managed to use the power of healing. The middle – experience the full range of emotions and forces derived from the very depths of the hellish abyss. And for the senior… the senior kept the triangle in harmony and balance, without realizing it yet. The senior took from Lucifer that part of his strength, which combined everything that the Lord of the Underworld is capable of.<br/>The senior could both balance the universe and split it into pieces, and without blinking an eye. And this force was now approaching Lucifer with pulsating energy. And frankly, he wasn't ready to meet it.</p>