

The three best omega friends are connected by an unusually strong attachment. Their relationship is not accepted and blamed behind their backs, but they seem to have a long spat on it. However, nature still demands its own. And when an absolutely unknown, but very attractive and dangerous alpha appears in their small town, the omegas will have to make a choice: fight for him or take him into their well-established unbreakable triangle. The plot is based on the fantastic film "The Witches of Eastwick" in 1987

Stacy_ARMY · セレブリティ
15 Chs

Chapter 11 “Hate you! (Jimin/Yoongi)”

<p>Yoongi grimaced in the sleep as he felt something wet touch his dangling leg over the edge of the bed. The omega opened his heavy eyelids with difficulty and immediately stared up at the ceiling. He did not sleep most of the night, and this has been going on for several days now. Due to the incessant heavy thoughts, lack of sleep and the alpha's obsessive calls, which seemed about to drive him crazy, Yoongi became irritable and angry, from which he could not think normally, could not work, could not control himself. He knew exactly why Jimin was trying so hard to get through to him. Omega was torn apart by contradictions. On the one hand, he perfectly understood, even no longer denied the fact that without an alpha he was… bad. Jimin has become quite an important part of his life and the lives of his loved ones, albeit in such a short time. Yoongi felt taken care of, loved, wanted. Felt the attention of the alpha. And nature also demanded its own. The body longed for others touch, hot lips on pale skin, a growling whisper in his ear, a hefty cock in his ass. Sometimes Yoongi found himself staring at the phone, wanting to dial numbers he had long since learned by heart, spitting on his pride and sense of duty. Just do what want, not the right way. But on the other hand… the omega understood that he and his partners needed time to come to their senses and realize how this relationship could affect their future and whether it was worth continuing. Will Jimin take them to LA with him? Unlikely. Will stay here. Pfft, definitely not. Will he come for the holidays? Funny. They never once discussed these rather weighty issues with the alpha. And as soon as Yoongi thought about it and at least opened his mouth in anticipation of specific answers, the conversation ended in the bed, by and large, and did not begin. Jungkook was nervous. Taehyung was furious. And Yoongi didn't know what the hell he was supposed to do with all this. All three omegas have never spoken to each other since they had a fight in Yoongi's kitchen and went home, harboring resentment and hostility. Yoongi knew that Jimin was pestering the other two omegas as well, and they weren't going to contact him either. He had no idea why he was sure of it, he just knew, thats all. Their bond has grown even stronger lately than before the appearance of the alpha. Perhaps it was Jimin's abracadabra or something like that. Yoongi didn't know. The only thing he knew was that he didn't feel Taehyung or Jungkook at all like he used to. And it scared the fuck out of him.<br/><br/>Yoongi winced again and propped himself up on his elbows a little to see what the hell was going on with him. The leg was wet, as if the omega had lowered it into a basin of cold water. And as soon as Yoongi opened his eyes enough to see what was happening, he jumped like a scalded man, however, he remained on the bed, immediately pulling his legs closer to him, and wrapping his arms around his shoulders. The entire floor in his room was flooded with water! The level rose almost to the edge of the bed, which is why Yoongi felt something damp, which ended up waking him up.<br/><br/>Omega looked around in shock and realized that he hadn't lost his mind after all. He was still in his room, with the curtains drawn and the door closed. As silly or funny as it may seem now, Yoongi pinches himself a couple of times to make sure he's really awake and it's not a figment of his diseased imagination. Unfortunately no. His room was actually filled with water all around. And the worst thing is that it continued to stay, and quite quickly! Yoongi looked around, trying to figure out what to do. Need to get out of here as soon as possible, and only then think what the hell is going on here.<br/><br/>Omega fearfully put his feet into the icy water and immediately let out a long trembling sigh. The water covered him almost up to his knees. Yoongi walked towards the door with heavy steps. The water made it difficult to move, with every step Yoongi was followed by a small cutting wave. Holding the handle, the omega was ready to exhale with relief, but as soon as he pulled the door in an attempt to open it, he did not succeed. The room was locked!<br/>An icy chill ran through the body. And it was not at all that Yoongi was already up to his hips in the water. It was fear. Fear, which paralyzed all limbs, not allowing coherent thinking and movement. The hairs on the back of his neck twitched. His hands were sweaty and blue from the cold. His breathing became so fast and ragged that Yoongi feared the prospect of suffocating before he drowned. Fuck! He will really drown in his own room!<br/><br/>The omega struggled to the window and flung open the curtains. And his eyes nearly popped out of his forehead when he saw instead of a window that he was going to open, in extreme cases, just knock out, in order to get out, a brick laying! Omega was literally walled up in four walls, with a permanent water level. Literally!<br/><br/>Yoongi hastily looked around, and his dressing table caught his eye, standing a little further from the bed. He rushed to him, almost floundering in waist-deep water, and somehow climbed onto the tabletop, hoping not to fall under the weight of his own weight. Yoongi looked to the left, then to the right, watching in fear as the water continued to linger. His throat was seized with a dry lump so that the omega could not even scream and call for help. Anxiety and horror gripped his entire body, causing Yoongi to shudder from his shoulders to his toes. His heart was pounding so that it hit the inside of his ribs, threatening to jump out. The forehead and back of the head were completely covered with a cold sticky sweat. The limbs became so cottony that the omega did not even feel the force with which he was squeezing the tabletop with his hands. Yoongi was scared to the point where he couldn't even think constructively. All reasonable arguments flew out of the head. All that was left was a paralyzing fear.<br/>Omega looked at the water coming out of nowhere, threatening to devour him whole, and images from the past flew before his eyes.<br/><br/>A small defenseless omega, choking under the powerful elements of nature. It absorbs him with the head, overwhelms, pours into the nose and ears. The little omega thrashes around with his arms and legs, trying to get to the surface. But with every movement, hope eludes him, covering him with water. The little omega is so tired, his strength is leaving him, he can no longer resist, his arms and legs do not listen to him, his eyes sting from salt, the oxygen that he managed to gain before he went under water is almost gone. Take one breath and it's all over.<br/>"Yoongi!"<br/>The kid opens his eyes, despite the fact that they sting terribly, taking in air with full breasts. He lies on his stomach in someone's lap, coughing and spitting water as large hands caress his back. The whole body is pounding and shaking, but the little omega hears a voice. Native voice, and gradually calms down.<br/>"Yoongi-yah!"<br/>… the voice of his father.<br/><br/>Yoongi looked at the water reaching the countertop he was sitting on and closed his eyes for a moment. There is no one to save him now. Father is not around. He is completely alone in the room. And if he doesn't do something immediately, he'll just choke when the water swallows him completely, or he'll die of a panic attack on the fucking lid of the dressing table.<br/>Yoongi took a deep breath, then a second, and slowly lowered his legs, leaning his back against the vanity mirror to make the stance as comfortable as possible. As soon as the omega was submerged in the water, the attack began to build up again, and Yoongi began to rhythmically tap his fingers on the countertop, humming the nursery rhyme he always sang to Adam when he was very small, loud and clear, to force his brain to work and switch. After each line, the omega took a deep long breath and the same exhalation, continuing to sing. The panic attack gradually receded, the heart rate became less intense, and breathing returned to normal. Yoongi closed and opened his eyes a few times, finally patting his cheeks lightly.<br/><br/>Once the seizure subsided, Yoongi was able to think much more clearly. If he can't open the door or get out the window, then you need to prevent what happened from the inside. Yoongi took a deep breath again and slowly sank completely into the water, feeling how cold it was all over his body. Anxiety washed over him again, but the omega began to move his legs measuredly under water, his hands making circular movements next to his chest in order to keep his body on the surface and not go under water. He knows how to swim, there is nothing to be afraid of.<br/>He has certain powers, right? Much more than just Taehyung's some stunts or Jungkook's healing tricks. Hell, Yoongi was able to make the weather change. He could literally control any element, whatever he wanted, according to his mood. So how is water different from all this?<br/><br/>The omega closed his eyes and breathed as evenly as he could, forcing himself to concentrate. He let the water caress him, wash over the muscles stiffened by fear, seep into his ears at the faint sound of splashing. He allowed it to be held on the surface, relaxing and indulging in the pleasant sensation of floating. Yoongi imagined soft coastal waves smoothly washing his feet, beautiful bright reflections on the surface of the water surface, the sounds of the wind on the shore, warm sand after the hot sun. The water calmed him, not frightened him, gave him a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction, not unbridled fear. <br/><br/>Yoongi smiled at the feel of a solid surface under him, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself standing confidently on the floor in his room. Everything was the same as when he fell asleep. The water has disappeared. There was no sign that the omega was literally ready to drown. As if nothing had happened.<br/>The omega sighed and sank to the floor. Despite the control that he still managed to take both over himself and over the elements that obeyed him, the body again shook from the fear experienced. Yoongi had no idea what the hell it was, but a sense of relief washed over him, causing him to collapse to the floor all over and thrash about in a mad tantrum, laughing and punching the surface of the floor with his fists. He almost fucking died in his own room! The panic attack was so strong that the omega barely coped with it, while there were no symptoms for a very long time. Yoongi didn't even have the strength to get up and check on Adam, although some part of him told him that the boy was fine, and what happened only affected the omega himself.<br/><br/>Yoongi sat up on the floor, wiping tears from his eyes. What the hell happened to them? The alpha that suddenly appeared in their life, who was not even a human at all, it is not clear where the unknown forces came from, the duties to the family and loved ones that are always relegated to the background, the attraction that scared the hell out of it, the inability to put one's own life in order. Yoongi is fed up with this. He so tired that was ready right now, overpowering himself, to rush at full speed to Jimin and stuff his sugary snout, throwing him out of his hometown with threats to never come close again. And still, it was worth thinking about the fact that the alpha would no longer be around, his heart ached with pain, and his chest was squeezed into a vise, and Yoongi was ready to bang his head against the wall until these tearing contradictions flowed out along with the brains.<br/><br/>Omega came to his senses after a good fifteen minutes and was ready to get on his feet to still check on his son, but suddenly he was crippled again so that he fell under the weight of emotions. Fear and guilt literally deafened the omega's mind, echoing in his ears with white noise. Yoongi opened his eyes and gasped for air. He looked around, but there was no water anywhere. Everything was as before. Omega lay on the floor of his room. No signs of trouble. There was nothing to be afraid of. But something squeezed his chest, escaping with a mute cry. These were not his emotions. Not his fear. And not his tears, which for some reason quite perceptibly flowed down his fair cheeks. No. <br/>"Taehyung…" Yoongi muttered the name of the younger omega and forced himself to stand up. He rushed to Adam's room, checking on his condition, and when he was sure that his son was safe, he sent a message to Namjoon to look after him while the omega was away.<br/><br/>Yoongi rushed to the car as fast as he could, starting the engine and taking off so that the tires whistled. He continued to feel the middle omega, his pain, his fear, his panic. Yoongi clutched the steering wheel to whitened knuckles and raced at top speed towards Taehyung's house as a growing rage boiled in his head. If anything happens to Taehyung or Jungkook, he will kill the alpha with his own hands. And do not care what he will feel after: the satisfaction of perfect revenge or the endless pain of loss.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Taehyung woke up in a cold sweat from a terrible nightmare. He groaned and closed his eyes, running his hands over his face with force, trying to shake off the trembling and terrible images that he had seen in the land of Morpheus. Taehyung was so scared that it woke him out of his sleep. This had never happened to him before. He dreamed that he was killing Jungkook again. But this time, Taehyung did it consciously, with great pleasure, getting satisfaction from the torture and subterfuge he used on Jungkook, who was begging him to stop. Taehyung still tasted burnt flesh on his tongue, and his hands were still sticky from brown cinnabar.<br/><br/>His stomach twisted in spasms, and Taehyung jumped out of bed, covering his mouth with his hand, and rushed to the toilet, immediately emptying the contents of his stomach into the tank. The images of his dream flashing before his eyes were so vivid that it still made him tremble with fear. But what frightened Taehyung even more was some incomprehensible stirring feeling inside. Like a small nascent worm, slowly and surely gnaws its way to the center to devour the core.<br/><br/>Taehyung shook his head and got up from the floor, about to wash up and brush his teeth because he could taste his own vomit in his mouth. But as soon as he was level with the mirror, Taehyung recoiled back in disbelief. His face and lips were completely covered in blood. The eyes went completely black, leaving nothing but a gaping, throbbing void. Vibrating energy began to gather around the body. And suddenly Taehyung heard a whisper. A quiet but distinct whisper in the ear.<br/><br/>You really want this, Taehyung-ah. Do not resist. Just let it happen. You've killed before, right? It's so nice to feel how life leaves someone else's body.<br/><br/>Taehyung moved closer to the mirror as the voice continued to enter his mind and touched his face with his hand. Stickiness. There was an immediate bad taste in his mouth, and the next spasm had Taehyung hunched over right over the sink. When he lifted his head, looking at himself in the mirror again, there was no blood on his face. Taehyung backed out of the bathroom in fear back into the room. He must still be sleeping. And this is another nightmare from which he need to wake up as soon as possible.<br/><br/>But when Taehyung turned to his bed, the horror paralyzed him, making him literally choke on the air. On his bed, covered in blood and beaten, was Jungkook. His arms and legs were twisted at unnatural angles. The ends of the hair are scorched. A deep ragged cut stretched across the entire face. The bare chest was decorated with cuts of various sizes and depths. Some of them were dried up, while others were sprinkled with fresh blood. Jungkook didn't move or breathe.<br/><br/>Nice feeling, right?<br/><br/>Taehyung heard the voice in his head again, and images swam before his eyes.<br/><br/>He's torturing Jungkook. He guts him like a fucking maniac his next victim, revels in his screams and pleas. He releases blasts of energy for fun, watching with laughter as they crash down on Jungkook with all their might, bending his body in half. Snap of fingers and Jungkook's hand is broken. The second – the leg is twisted in the opposite direction. The third – Jungkook screams from the wounds tearing his chest, and Taehyung breathes heavily from excitement, greedily licking the blood from others naked chest, reveling in the choking sounds and now hoarse screams, pleasant music settling in his ears.<br/><br/>Do you feel the power you have over someone else's body?<br/><br/>The voice whispered again as the images faded before his eyes.<br/><br/>"No…" Taehyung could not take his eyes off the tormented body and tried to get closer, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead. He couldn't move. Couldn't close my eyes. Just stand and watch.<br/><br/>You feel how pleasant it is to taste someone else's flesh. Feel how someone else's heart beats in your hands. As the smell of blood fills the nostrils. How excitement overwhelms you.<br/><br/>"No, no! I didn't! I couldn't do that, god!" hot tears streamed down his cheeks as Taehyung continued to stand still, his eyes wide in horror, clutching at his chest to at least somehow facilitate access to oxygen. The voice he thought was his nightmare was actually his own. Everything that Taehyung saw before his eyes, he felt so vividly and clearly, as if what had happened was reality. Taehyung didn't know if what he was seeing was real. Is he really experiencing emotions and desires.<br/><br/>"Dad! Daddy! Where are you?!"<br/><br/>The omega's legs buckled, and he collapsed to the floor when he heard the voices of two little boys somewhere in the distance. Jungkook's two sons. Lord, they shouldn't see this! What will he tell them? What should he do now?<br/><br/>Kill them… innocent creatures are the purest souls imaginable. It will be damn nice, trust me. You want it, don't you? Do you want to try.<br/><br/>"No, God, damn it, shut up! You hear me, shut up now! I will never do it!" Taehyung madly grabbed his head with his hands, jerking forcefully from side to side, eyes wide open, wet from tears, continuing to stare at Jungkook.<br/><br/>"What have you done, you sick bastard?! What have you done?!" Yoongi's voice surfaced in the backyard of a mind that seemed to have flown from the coils. The senior omega screamed and cried, holding the wounded body of the junior in his arms, at the same time trying to close the eyes of two small boys who were choking on their own tears, realizing that they had lost a parent.<br/><br/>"No, I didn't kill him! I didn't! It's not me!" Taehyung kept screaming, trying to get at least an inch closer to Jungkook or his kids, but as soon as he moved, the omegas and the kids eluded him, once again being out of reach. Taehyung reached out for them with his hands, hysterically called and cried, bled his knees and heels of his hands, climbing on the floor, but nothing worked. Jungkook was lying lifeless on his bed, the little boys kept calling out for daddy, and Yoongi looked at the middle omega with eyes red from tears and rage with such contempt and disgust that Taehyung had never seen before.<br/><br/>Kill them! Kill them all! And you will be free. You will do whatever you want. Alpha will be completely yours. Kill them!<br/><br/>"Taehyung."<br/><br/>Kill!<br/><br/>"Taehyung! Tae! Come to yourself! Wake up! Wake up, damn it!"<br/><br/>Taehyung jolted to the side as he felt a hard slap on his cheek. He blinked rapidly and saw Yoongi's frightened face in front of him. Taehyung backed away from him, afraid that he would simply kill him for what the middle omega had done. <br/>"Taehyung…"<br/>"No! I didn't! I didn't kill him!" Taehyung crawled on his ass along the floor towards the wall, hiding in a corner, staring at the elder with crazy eyes. "I didn't kill him! I would never hurt his children! It's not me! Not me!"<br/>"Taehyung, calm down. You didn't kill anyone. Come to yourself. These are hallucinations! Get a hold of yourself. Breathe. Just breath."<br/>Taehyung was still muttering. He just couldn't believe he was actually capable of something like that. Is he really that evil and corrupted? Is he ready to kill his family? For what? For the alpha? Or because he wants to? Sticky paranoid fear kept him in a cage, not allowing him to get out and take control of his own emotions. A dead body, crying children and an angry senior still stood before the eyes.<br/><br/>Taehyung couldn't see much because of the tears filling his eyes. He heard only a deafening scream and only later realized that it belonged to himself.<br/>Yoongi rushed over to the omega, grabbing his cheeks in an attempt to make eye contact. Taehyung was hysterical and had absolutely no idea what was going on.<br/>"Taehyung! Look at me, do you hear? Look in my eyes!"<br/>"I killed him… Yoongi, I killed Jungkook," the omega gasped and gurgled from incessant tears, his face reddened and swollen, and Tae's fingers clung tightly to the elder's palms. "I almost killed his kids, Yoongi. Who am i? What is happening to me?…" <br/>"You didn't kill anyone, do you hear?" Yoongi said calmly and clearly. "Look, Jungkook is not here, you hear, Tae-yah, Jungkook is not here. Everything is fine."<br/>Taehyung cast a distraught glance at his bed. Indeed, it was empty. Jungkook wasn't on it.<br/>"Everything is fine. I know you would never hurt anyone. You love Jungkook, you love his kids, and we love you, Tae-yah. Come on, breathe with me," Yoongi didn't let go of Taehyung's face until he breathed with him, concentrating only on the senior's eyes and lips. The voice died away, the images disappeared, but the fear that pierced the whole body still did not recede. <br/>"I have to see him, Yoongi," Taehyung ran his long fingers over the senior omega's face. "We should go to Jungkook's. Something is wrong. With him… something happened. And I…"<br/>"Shh, it's all right. Both you and Jungkook will be fine, I promise you," Yoongi whispered against Taehyung's lips as he lightly touched them with his own, licking the salt from the surface.<br/><br/>Taehyung was right. Something was really wrong with Jungkook. And if Yoongi felt Taehyung's fear powerfully and lightning fast, which was like a deafening hammer knocked down, it was different with Jungkook. The oppression and heaviness of disgust, contempt, alienation, replaced by the resigned humility of their own worthlessness. Jungkook was projecting all these emotions onto himself, and it definitely won't end well.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>When Yoongi and Taehyung arrived at Jungkook's house, they were greeted by two crying boys. When Taehyung tried to ask the them anything, they only cried louder, wiping their swollen red noses with their little fingers. The omegas could only tell that their dad didn't get out of bed in the room upstairs.<br/>"Take them," Yoongi said to the middle omega, hugging the little boys, pushing them towards him. "Call Namjoon and let him get them out of here until we figure out what the hell is going on," Yoongi said the last words as quietly as possible so that the children would not hear.<br/>"Daddy! Daddy!" the boys continued to cry as Taehyung picked them up, clumsily flicking the beta speed dial button on his phone. Omega still felt terrible after what he saw at home. If Yoongi had not arrived in time, no one knows how it would have ended. Taehyung could simply go crazy from the images that his sophisticated fantasy projected. The pictures were still fresh in his mind and all Taehyung wanted right now was to rush to the second floor to the younger omega and make sure he was alive and well. But still, the trembling bodies in his arms and burning tears on children's faces distracted the omega and allowed him to switch his mind to really important things. He could help. Could be useful. Could save at least someone. And he will do it.<br/><br/>Yoongi made his way up to the second floor, pushing open the door to the room, throwing toward Jungkook, kneeling beside the bed.<br/>Jungkook lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Yoongi examined the omega's body for damage and felt for a pulse to make sure he wasn't physically hurt. But no matter how much Yoongi called out to Jungkook, touched his cheeks, whispered prayers in his ear, he did not react. He just lay dead weight on the bed and stared at the ceiling with empty bottomless eyes. The breath was so weak that Yoongi could barely make out it. Not the slightest movement. It was like the omega was just sleeping with his eyes open.<br/><br/>"We have to take him to the hospital," Yoongi said as Taehyung returned and went up to the room. "It's like he's in a coma, I don't know…" the omega collapsed exhausted to the floor and ran a trembling hand through his hair. Adrenaline gradually dried up, leaving tremors in the limbs and porridge in the head. Concentration and composure were cracking at the seams. Yoongi had no idea what to do.<br/>Taehyung sat down next to the senior and took his hand, touching Jungkook's knee at the same time.<br/>"Everything will be fine, you hear, Yoongi," the junior tried to look into Yoongi's eyes and saw unshed tears there.<br/>"No…" Yoongi said in a tearing tone, "it won't. I don't know how we're going to take this, Tae. I just do not know."<br/>Taehyung dialed the ambulance as he rocked the rebellious senior in his arms. He had no idea what had happened, what had happened to Jungkook, or how he could bring Yoongi to his senses. But he knew for sure that he was not going to sit idly by.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>"How is he, doc?" Yoongi and Tae asked at the same time as the omega-doctor stepped out of Jungkook's room.<br/>"Stable," said Mr. Thomas, moving a little further, grabbing both omegas under his elbows. "But we do not understand what is the cause of his condition. All body systems are normal. Jungkook is not injured. And yet I cannot give a specific answer why he suddenly…" the doctor threw up his hands in an indefinite gesture, "switched off. It was as if he had been put into a psychological trance. It continues to function, feels and hears everything, but cannot react. Or doesn't want to. In any case, there is no physical damage. The only thing we can do is wait to make sure the state doesn't change for the worse. And then…" the doctor shrugged.<br/>"Okay, thanks," Taehyung said, forcefully running his hand over his face, trying to control himself.<br/>"Can we see him?" Yoongi asked.<br/>"Yes, of course," the omega pointed towards Jungkook's room. But as soon as Yoongi took a few steps, it became dark before his eyes, and his legs stopped obeying, and the omega felt himself losing his balance.<br/>"Yoongi!"<br/>Taehyung's voice was heard somewhere in the distance. Yoongi was picked up under the armpits and seated in the nearest chairs.<br/>"Are you okay?" Mr. Thomas eyed Yoongi with concern as he tried to regain his composure and catch his breath. Feeling sick. The head was spinning. Wanted to sleep. Yoongi chalked it up to stress.<br/>"Yes, good."<br/>"So, let's start by looking at both of you. And only then we will solve the rest of the issues," the doctor again looked Yoongi from head to toe, and then also looked at Taehyung. Both looked, to put it mildly, crumpled. This could be the result of stress and experienced fear for a loved one. But still, Thomas decided to make sure that the psychological state is the only thing that worries men at the moment.<br/>"We need to see Jungkook," Taehyung started to stutter, but the doctor shook his head. <br/>"Jungkook will be fine. You can see him as soon as I examine you, okay?" Thomas looked at the two hesitant omegas and smiled softly. "You will not be able to support your partner when he wakes up if you yourself are in an unstable state. Lets go. I won't keep you long."<br/>The omegas exchanged glances and nodded as they followed the doctor into the examination room.<br/><br/>After a while, both Tae and Yoongi were sitting by Jungkook's bed. Yoongi held the junior's hand, stroking his knuckles with his fingers, and Taehyung sat at the head of the head, caressing the omega's hair.<br/>"What the fuck was that?" Taehyung asked after all, unable to withstand more deathly silence. "I almost lost my mind. It seemed to me that…" <br/>"And not only you," Yoongi said, his eyes fixed on Jungkook's pale face and his open but empty eyes. "I almost drowned in my own room."<br/>Taehyung opened his eyes and breathed faster, which made his nostrils flare and pink lips part in an attempt to let more air into his lungs.<br/>"But… it's… unrealistic, isn't it? How is this possible? What is it…"<br/>"Are you sure you'll like my theory?" Yoongi finally looked away from the younger omega, carefully peering into Taehyung's brown eyes.<br/>"Do you think this is…"<br/>"And what other reasonable explanation can you find? We refused him. All of us. And here is the result. I nearly choked. You almost went crazy. And Jungkook…" Yoongi paused, taking a deep breath to keep from losing his temper again. "This is no coincidence."<br/>"I'm going to kill him!" Taehyung gritted his teeth, clenching his fists until blue. Blackness appeared in his eyes, and his aura began to crackle.<br/>"I will kill him with my own hands if anything happens to Jungkook!"<br/>"Something already happened to Jungkook, Tae. If you kill Jimin, it's unknown if Jungkook can wake up again. Here you need to proceed carefully. Hatred and haste is a bad idea.<br/>Taehyung closed his eyes, evened out his breath, trying to calm the raging energy inside, and nodded.<br/>"Good. Our actions?"<br/>"You stay with Jungkook and look after him," Yoongi kissed the junior's hand and stood up. "I'm going to Jimin."<br/>"Are you crazy, hah? After everything that's happened, do you think I'll let you go alone? What if he kills you?! What then?"<br/>"If he wanted to, he would have killed already. No. Here the matter is different. Jimin is angry. He wants to show that we depend on him. That he can do whatever he wants. Which is in complete control of the situation. He wants us to return to him. Let him think he succeeded. He is the only one who can bring Jungkook out of this state. Because I can swear he's the one who made it happen. If we kill him, which I personally am not sure about, it is not known what will happen after Jungkook? Would you like to sacrifice it just to feed the beast inside?" Yoongi glared at Taehyung and the junior got goosebumps all over his body. The ability to reason sensibly returned to the senior again. Everything around was literally falling apart. But Yoongi somehow managed to stay balanced and harmoned.<br/>"All right, just be careful, okay? If something goes wrong, drop everything and leave, do you hear, Yoongi? Don't risk yourself for us."<br/>"Everything will be fine, Tae-yah. I will come back as soon as I can. Look after Jungkook," Yoongi left a light kiss on Taehyung's temple. And Taehyung felt peace and lightness penetrate into the very being, pacifying the darkness inside.<br/><br/>Yoongi left the hospital, closing his eyes tightly. He was sure that Jimin would not be surprised by his appearance, so without hesitation he got behind the wheel and headed towards his house. At the very beginning, the omega was ready to tear the alpha apart. As soon as he realized that everything that had happened was his doing, this desire flared up with renewed vigor. But the energy of balance inside whispered that this was the wrong decision. If Yoongi manages to kill the alpha, he will only make things worse. He have to be smart and cunning. Gears immediately spun in the head, lining up into one large well-coordinated mechanism. Jimin is a man. Offended, abandoned and emotionally unstable man. Like many others. And what does any man who feels the loss of his own control want? Take back that control. And Yoongi was ready to give it to Jimin to buy time for his next move.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Yoongi wasn't surprised when he found the open door to the alpha's house, and he walked in unhindered. The tart smell of alcohol and tobacco immediately hit his nose, from which Yoongi grimaced and almost covered himself with his hand. It was clear without words that Jimin hadn't been in the best mood for the last couple of days, at least.<br/><br/>Passing into the hall on the first floor, Yoongi noticed broken glass on the floor, an open bottle of alcohol and an unfinished glass, a few cigarette butts in an ashtray and a TV on. The heavy curtains were closed, giving the room a slight sense of twilight. Yoongi looked around, but the alpha was nowhere to be seen. He went to the bathroom and heard the sound of water outside the door. As soon as the omega approached within a few steps, the noise died down, and Jimin came out, wet and steamed, with only one towel wrapped around his thighs.<br/><br/>The alpha didn't even raise an eyebrow as soon as he saw the omega in front of him, as if not he broke off his phone for the past few days. Jimin frowned but didn't say anything and walked into the hall, rummaged through the closet, pulling out a fresh bathrobe, and threw it over his body, tying it tightly with a belt.<br/>"Why did you come?" all the same, the alpha voiced, but he did not even look at the omega. He took the TV remote and changed the channel. Although it was clear that what was happening on the screen did not interest him at all.<br/>"It seemed to me that you wanted to see me," Yoongi acted cautiously, deciding to test the waters first. The fact that the alpha didn't go berserk in his presence and didn't seem to want to throw him out was good enough. However, Yoongi wasn't sure how the alpha was set up. Therefore, he remained calm, slowly approaching the man. Everything inside him was trembling and trembling, and Yoongi couldn't say for sure what was the reason for this – the newly emerging anger or still a feeling of longing. As much as he hated the alpha for everything he had done to the omegas, Yoongi couldn't help but admit that the young man's scent and presence, now that Yoongi felt it again, was not pleasant and desirable.<br/>"It seemed to you," Jimin replied blankly, still not taking his eyes off the screen, sitting down in a armchair and taking a new cigarette from the opened pack. Yoongi winced but didn't say anything.<br/>"Come on, Jimin, you cut off my whole phone, you wanted to talk. I'm here. So speak."<br/>Jimin shrugged as if he didn't care about the omega's words and his presence.<br/>"You made it clear to me that you don't want my presence. I heard you. Pretty distinctly," for the first time ever, Jimin turned and shot a dark, angry look at Yoongi. A wave of fear swept through his body, but Yoongi drove it away and approached the alpha a few more steps, standing on the side of the armchair at a safe distance, but so that the alpha could see him.<br/>"Jungkook is in the hospital."<br/>Jimin just stared ahead of him.<br/>"The doctors don't know what's wrong with him. He does not come to his senses, does not react to anything, does not move, does not speak."<br/>Alpha remained silent.<br/>"If this continues, it could seriously affect his health, Jimin."<br/>Jimin shrugged again and arched his eyebrows, "What did I do? I am not a doctor. And I can't help. So your revelations can change little. I'm sorry."<br/>"God damn it, Jimin, we both know exactly what's going on!" Yoongi could not stand the composure of the alpha and pulled in his direction, snatching the remote control and turning off the TV. The omega stood directly in front of Jimin and got even angrier when he saw that the alpha hadn't even moved, continuing to sit imposingly on the armchair, crossing his legs, shaking the ashes right on the floor.<br/>"We?" Jimin chuckled. "Are you saying 'we' now? Don't you think that you and your partners remember us only when something goes wrong for you? I remember that a couple of days ago you didn't even think about the fact that there is such a thing as 'we'."<br/>"You're a fucking hypocrite, you know that?" Yoongi fumed, pointing at the alpha. "You dare say we used you?"<br/>"Isn't that so?" the alpha raised an eyebrow. "I gave you everything you wanted. And what did I get in return? You abandoned me," on the last words, the face of the alpha changed, transforming into a dark shade of anger and resentment. His eyes turned black and his breathing quickened. Yoongi's original plan to be careful was going to hell.<br/>"No one left you, Jimin. We just needed time to…"<br/>"For what?! To figure out the best way to get rid of me?" Jimin suddenly jumped up and was right next to the omega, hot breath pouring over his face. "Because that's exactly how I felt, Yoongi. Abandoned and betrayed."<br/>"And you decided to drive us crazy? Do you have any idea what happened to us in the last few hours? What have you done to us!"<br/>"Basically," Jimin shrugged casually again, like he was trying to show that he still didn't feel anything, but his eyes were still pulsing black, which betrayed his emotional state. "I wanted to get your attention."<br/>"Well, you fucking did it," Yoongi spread his hands. "I'm here. Just like you wanted."<br/>Jimin continued to stare into the omega's face, and for a moment Yoongi thought a shadow of shame and guilt flickered in his eyes. But Jimin blinked and everything was gone. He turned his back on Yoongi and walked back to the cigarette table.<br/>"You don't need my company. Like I told you, you made it clear. You were very good without me. Well, I gave you that right," Jimin turned to Yoongi and lifted his chin. "I did everything you asked. Satisfied your every desire. Fulfilled the slightest whim. Tried to gain your trust. And in return I got this," the alpha spread his hands in an indefinite gesture.<br/>"Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Jimin. Just tell me what you want from us? What do you want from me?"<br/>"I already told you," Jimin said in a soft tone that was completely different from the menacing look. "I needed your attention. Your trust. Partnership. And you agreed. But as soon as you got what you wanted from me, all of you immediately left me. You left me. Like any other bitch does when she gets what she wants."<br/>The insult hurt his heart, and tears froze in his eyes. Yoongi wasn't going to fall apart in front of the alpha, wasn't going to show how powerful his words were. But he just couldn't help himself. Emotions literally poured over the edge and there was no strength left to restrain them.<br/>"I realized and accepted your desire," Jimin mockingly looked Yoongi up and down. "You wanted to go back to what you had. You are welcome. I won't ask for anything more. You are not the only three men on this Earth," Jimin sat back in his armchair, but continued to stare at the omega as if waiting for what he would do. Will he beg? Get angry? Or just leave? It will be fun to watch the outcome of events.<br/>"You hurt people," Yoongi said in a barely audible voice as he approached the alpha. "Close people. Don't you understand that we could have suffered because of you? We accepted you, despite the fact that we often faced condemnation and contempt. We trusted you when you promised to take care of us. We were ready to follow you when you asked for it. But our lives have changed, and we just…" Yoongi took a deep breath to swallow the lump in his throat, "feared. We were afraid of what might happen in the future. Frightened by the changes that have befallen us. We never discussed our future plans. What happens when your vacation is over and you have to go back to Los Angeles? Will you leave us here, take us with you? We did not know. You've changed our lives too drastically in just a few weeks. And wanted us to just calmly accept it. Without asking questions. Discussing nothing. This is not a partnership, Jimin. This is possessiveness."<br/>Jimin's eyes widened. It seems that he did not expect such revelations from the omega at all.<br/>"And when we asked you to give us some time to just try to accept the fact that our lives have changed, you immediately wanted to reason with the presumptuous omegas? Wanted to show that you control us? Wanted us to come running to you with pleas for forgiveness? You didn't give us a chance to explain ourselves. Not only that, you almost killed us!" Yoongi's voice grew louder with every word, and the alpha's eyes grew more and more worried. "You know how much I'm afraid of water. Taehyung has barely learned to control his power. And Jungkook… you want to kill him, hah? Do you want to hurt Taehyung and me like that? So you're trying to win back our favor? So you care about us, alpha?!"<br/>"Yoongi…" Jimin jumped up from his armchair when the omega was almost torn apart by hysterics. "Yoongi, shh, hey, it's okay, you hear?"<br/>"You bastard! Hate you!" Yoongi pounded his hands into the alpha's chest, trying to break free of his grip as the alpha held tightly but gently.<br/>"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yoongi-yah, everything will be fine. Jungkook and all of you will be fine. Please forgive me," the alpha whispered into the young man's ear, while he was still shaking from a fit of tears and rising emotions.<br/>"Do you think it was easy for me to ignore you like that?! Do you think it was so easy to sit at home and wonder what you will do when you decide to leave the city and leave me," Yoongi clutched at the terrycloth robe with trembling fingers, looking into Jimin's eyes. "You have no idea how many times I wanted to drop everything and come here. How much I missed you. For all of us."<br/>Jimin heard how the scent of omega change – it became so rich and thick that it felt like a cloying sweetness even on the tongue. Jimin felt the omega's heart beating, frantic and booming, threatening to jump right into his arms. Jimin felt the omega tremble in his hands as he hurriedly untied the waistband of his robe with unruly fingers. And it almost drove the alpha crazy.<br/>"Fuck!" Jimin cursed as the omega knocked him to the floor, pulling the hem of his robe apart to reveal his naked body.<br/>"You're a fucking egoist!" the omega whispered as he moved down to the already half-erect organ. "Hate you!"<br/>Yoongi reached the groin of the alpha and immediately took the member into the throat to the very root, feeling how it gradually increases and pulsates inside the mucosa, tearing the edges of the lips.<br/>"Yoongi-yah…" Jimin cupped the omega's head gently, pushing his head back and rolling his eyes. He, it seems, was ready to literally swallow the alpha whole. <br/>Yoongi jumped to his feet and ripped off his pants and underwear, and Jimin's nose was immediately hit by the rich smell of lube, trickling down his thighs. The alpha couldn't take his eyes off his partner, licking his lips as an animal growl ripped from his throat.<br/>"I hate you, do you hear? Hate you!" Yoongi straddled Jimin and with one sharp, deep thrust, he landed on his cock so that the alpha felt his ass with his balls.<br/>"Fuck!" Jimin only had time to wrap his arms around the raging omega's hips to hold him back while he set a frenzied pace, circling the alpha like an experienced rodeo bull rider, ripping off his knees on the pile of the carpet. Short nails dug into the light chest, and the alpha hissed, watching the pink streaks remain on the surface. Yoongi grabbed his hair, lowering his whole body, pressing and pushing, either with the desire to kill, or to be even closer.<br/>"Hate you!" the omega continued to repeat interspersed with groans that were buried in the alpha's neck, on his lips, sharp collarbones, and chest.<br/>"I know…" Jimin whispered as the omega came all over his stomach, pushing himself to the finish line with his hand, immediately getting off the alpha's cock and sinking down on him with his hot wet mouth.<br/>"Forgive me…" the alpha breathed out, ending with a powerful jet of cum right into the back of the omega's throat, holding him tightly by the hair, although Yoongi didn't even seem to resist.<br/><br/>The scents of the two entities mingled into one, along with sweat, sex, alcohol, and nicotine. Yoongi lay at the alpha's side, slowly running his fingers over his chest, listening to his heart beat.<br/>"Jungkook will be fine, I promise you," Jimin said into the omega's hair, inhaling his natural scent.<br/>"I hope you keep your word, otherwise I be back not for this," Yoongi replied calmly, not raising his head. But Jimin could feel the steel in his voice. Not a threat. But an explicit promise that the older omega will certainly kick his ass if something happens to his juniors. At least he will try. And Jimin didn't find it funny. In truth, that was what he respected Yoongi for. That was what attracted him to the omega the most. His fearlessness, bordering on recklessness.<br/><br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Jungkook woke up a couple of hours after Yoongi returned to the hospital, promising Jimin that all three omegas would pay him a visit as soon as the junior was released. Yoongi found Taehyung next to Jungkook's hospital bed, weeping, kissing the junior all the way and whispering words of love and gratitude. Jungkook was still pale and weak, but he looked much better than when Yoongi found him in the bed at home. The omega was so scared of the junior's dull and empty look that he didn't know if he could bear it. And now, with fully aware brown eyes staring at Yoongi, his heart immediately felt warm. <br/><br/>Jungkook told what happened, in general. He remembered little clearly, only images, sensations, which drove him into the state in which his seniors found him.<br/>"I just… felt so worthless and unnecessary to you. I saw… how my children cry and look at me with pleading eyes, but there was nothing I could do to console them. Some of you always showed up and said that I was weak, crazy, dirty. That no one will ever want me again. And you… you don't want either," tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes and both of the seniors took his hands so that he could feel their presence. "I tried to call you, I reached out to you, but every time I approached you, you eluded me. It was so scary. I felt like I lost everyone I love. And at some point, I just… couldn't take it anymore."<br/>Yoongi gritted his teeth. Endorphins and adrenaline dissipated, bringing the omega back to the current problem.<br/>"What do we do?" Taehyung asked, still holding Jungkook's hand in his.<br/>"It took a lot of work that Jimin believe that I… we really need him as much as he needs us. I can't say that I lied to him about everything. I really felt bad all these days without him, without you… Never in my whole life have I felt worse. But we can't take that risk. Today he decided to play with our consciousness. And what will happen tomorrow? Jimin is not human. And it's time for us to remember this," no matter how hard it was for Yoongi to say all this, his mind told him that he was right. Alpha can't be trusted. It's dangerous to be around him. Each of the omegas is at risk of death. Yoongi couldn't let that happen. <br/>"We have a few days before he wants to see us. And this time we have to decide calmly and all together, okay?" Yoongi looked at Taehyung, then at Jungkook. Every time they tried to talk about the alpha, things went wrong. The omegas quarreled and in the end could not come to a common agreement. But now, watching the still scared Taehyung, the pale Jungkook, Yoongi was sure that everything would work out as it should.<br/>The two juniors looked at each other and looked back at Yoongi. It was evident that they hesitated. But still, after a couple of minutes of reflection, both nodded seriously.<br/>"This needs to stop," Taehyung said softly.<br/>"I agree," Jungkook nodded in response.<br/>"Good."<br/>"Guys?" Dr. Thomas entered the room, and all three omegas turned in his direction. "Jungkook, how are you feeling? Well, you scared everyone."<br/>"It's all right, doc. Thank you," Jungkook barely smiled at the doctor and settled himself more comfortably while Thomas checked his indicators.<br/>"I still don't understand what happened to you, but I don't see any deterioration."<br/>"Can I go home?" Jungkook jumped out of bed abruptly, apparently losing his balance, and immediately collapsed back.<br/>"Jungkook, I would still advise you to spend a couple more days here, at least until we…"<br/>"Doc, please. I'm going crazy here. I will be much better at home."<br/>The doctor pursed his lips, thinking over the words of the omega. <br/>"Really, doc, we'll take care of him. He won't get better here," Yoongi supported.<br/>"Okay then. You just have to take a couple more tests, stay at least one night. And by tomorrow morning I will prepare the documents for discharge."<br/>"Thanks," Jungkook smiled, clearly pleased with the news.<br/>"What kind of tests, doc? You said he was fine, didn't you?" Yoongi frowned, scrutinizing the omega doctor's face.<br/>"To be honest, this is good news. In fact, I would like to take a few tests from you and Tae to make sure the final result and timing."<br/>"What are the results? What are the deadlines? What are you talking about, doc?" Taehyung spoke up for the first time.<br/>"Well, we took Jungkook's blood for analysis according to the standard procedure. And you, too, to rule out all the unfavorable options, when you, Yoongi, almost flopped on the floor next to the examination room," the doctor smiled. But Jungkook immediately shifted his worried gaze to the senior.<br/>"I'm fine," Yoongi reassured the omega. "Fine, right?" he turned to the doctor.<br/>"Right," but the doctor continued to smile and seemed pleased. "Because you three missed the standard post-estrus inspection, we took your blood for HCG," Dr. Thomas hesitated slightly on the last words. Obviously, he knew about the connection of the three omegas with the unknown alpha. The whole city knew. But Thomas never allowed himself to be judged or disliked. <br/>"Congratulations, guys! You three are expecting babies! Approximately eleven weeks. But more tests need to be done to make sure and set a more accurate timeline. I think you all have a difference of about a couple of days."<br/>There was a deathly silence in the room. All three omegas were silent, sitting in their seats with bulging eyes and open mouths.<br/>"Holy fucking shit!" was the only thing that broke the silence.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Notes:<br/>I am not a doctor, so I was looking for information on this particular analysis on the Internet. As far as I understand, a regular blood test (general) does not reveal the presence of pregnancy, so let's assume that, since the guys did not come to their usual appointment, the doctor performed a type of standard procedure – checking for an omega's pregnancy using this analysis:<br/><br/>A blood test for pregnancy is a procedure that is necessary to identify existing pathologies. It also allows you to determine the very presence of pregnancy, since it detects the presence in the blood of a woman of a hormone called 'chorionic gonadotropin' (HCG).<br/>After the physical onset of conception, the level of HCG in the female body begins to rise, and every two to three days its concentration almost doubles. It reaches its highest level at 8-11 weeks, and then it begins to gradually decrease.<br/>The analysis is ready within one or two days, in extreme cases, when a quick result is needed – within a few hours.</p>