

The three best omega friends are connected by an unusually strong attachment. Their relationship is not accepted and blamed behind their backs, but they seem to have a long spat on it. However, nature still demands its own. And when an absolutely unknown, but very attractive and dangerous alpha appears in their small town, the omegas will have to make a choice: fight for him or take him into their well-established unbreakable triangle. The plot is based on the fantastic film "The Witches of Eastwick" in 1987

Stacy_ARMY · セレブリティ
15 Chs

Chapter 10 “You are not the only three men on this Earth”

<p>If Yoongi thought that after returning from the States, the rumors of the townspeople regarding their connection with the alpha would die down, then he was grossly mistaken. It seems to only get worse.<br/><br/>As soon as one of the omegas entered the store, everyone immediately stared at them, looking at them with all their eyes, and especially impudent representatives literally radiated contempt or envy with their appearance. Walking the streets, taking his son to school, or meeting with his neighbors, Yoongi felt tense. Everyone, even those who had previously treated him and his partners with relative patience, now avoided them, averting their eyes and quickening their pace to get as far away as possible. In the studio, Yoongi felt the same way. Most of the colleagues were silent because they were afraid of the influence of the omega's older brother, but Yoongi could hear them whispering behind his back, calling him, Taehyung and Jungkook all sorts of offensive words that the omega had never even heard of. In one day, Yoongi couldn't even stand it and growled at a passing alpha, who allowed himself to whistle in his direction and give him an appraising look from head to toe.<br/><br/>Yoongi could have taken it less hostile and painful. After all, the townspeople never favored their trinity because, in their opinion, of a vicious and unnatural connection. The older omega had long been accustomed to such condemnation and was already happy that two of his closest people and his older brother loved him, no matter what. Omega didn't care what others thought. But now everything has changed. Rumors grew every day like a snowball, with subsequent turnover sticking more and more wet snow on themselves. Judgment and insults behind their backs weren't the only things the three young omegas had to deal with. Yoongi was denied collaborations with three fairly well-known artists that his brother had been making contact with for several months, long before Park Jimin showed up. Alpha convinced the young omega that he should not be upset and waste his nervous energy on such a mere trifle, because he still received the main income in his company. However, it was still unpleasant. Yoongi was even more embarrassed in front of his brother, who lost, perhaps, a good enough contract because of him.<br/><br/>One day, Taehyung came home from work angry as hell in the literal sense of the word. Yoongi even had to call on his energy to calm the raging omega, because blackness and pulsation literally sparkled around the junior like a thundercloud.<br/>"This bitch cheated me!" the junior raged as Jungkook trotted after him and Yoongi rubbed his temples in tension. "He fucking knew I had been preparing this interview for several fucking weeks, even before our trip to New York. And what happens? He let me go on purpose to give all the finished materials to someone else? My fucking materials!"<br/>"Taehyung-ah, please calm down," Jungkook came from behind and tried to put his hands on Taehyung's shoulders so that the omega would cool down a little. But Taehyung spun around and forcefully pushed the junior to the side. The darkness swallowed up the iris completely, and the blackening aura sparkled, causing all nearby objects to tremble. That's how angry the omega was.<br/>"Enough to follow me and itch over the ear! And don't tell me to calm down! You have no idea what it cost me! And now some asshole is getting everything that I was supposed to get!" Taehyung snarled as Jungkook rubbed his bruised shoulder after being slammed into the wall behind him by the middle omega's heavy push.<br/>"Stop it," Yoongi found himself in front of Taehyung, his voice much lower than his own. "It's not Jungkook's fault. Keep yourself in control," the senior put his hands on Taehyung's shoulders, slightly pressing so that he felt the energy and strength of the omega, but not so much as to hurt.<br/>Taehyung opened his mouth and was about to rudely throw off the senior's palms, but Yoongi looked him straight in the eyes, and his fingers were clenched on tired, tense shoulders, kneading and relaxing, others energy flowed into the body, stroking the darkness that had taken over Taehyung, trying not to win or suppress, but calm and send back to where it came from – a little further, inside, at a safe distance.<br/>"Sorry," Taehyung closed his eyes and buried his forehead on Yoongi's shoulder, and the senior began to slowly and measuredly stroke his back.<br/>"Nothing, everything is fine," the senior whispered. But Taehyung shook his head, closing his eyes and clenching his hands into fists.<br/>"No, not fine," he lifted his head and moved towards Jungkook. The junior only smiled widely, and his eyes grew even larger than usual.<br/>"Forgive me. I didn't want to," Taehyung hugged Jungkook and gently touched the bruised place with long fingers. "I just…"<br/>"Shh," Jungkook also patted Taehyung on the back, transferring some of his energy to him. In truth, the shoulder didn't hurt at all. The inner strength sought to heal any ailment that affected the body of the junior. And now Jungkook was trying to pass a piece of his energy to the trembling senior standing in front of him.<br/><br/>A few days later, Yoongi and Taehyung noticed that Jungkook was very upset about something. He could barely watch the twins play. Didn't participate in the conversation at all. But on the other hand, he constantly tried to literally stick to one of the omegas or to the alpha, if they were all four together, as if he was looking for support and protection.<br/>"What happened, Jungkook-ah?" Jimin once asked when all four of them, after long games and foreplay in the pool, were sprawled on the floor in Jimin's room on a soft fleecy carpet. There was a movie playing in the background. On the table nearby were various sweets and expensive liquor. The conditioner pleasantly cooled the skin after sex. The scents blended and now formed a pleasant eclectic of rich fruits, floral notes and heavy spicy musk. The twins, along with Yoongi's son, slept safely in Jimin's assigned rooms under Namjoon's strict supervision. However, Jungkook couldn't relax. Even during sex with his partners, he felt that he was somewhere not here. He felt redundant again. Dirty. Defective. And it was not at all that he was surrounded by the wrong people, the wrong things, or the wrong atmosphere. Everything was amazing. However, feelings of inferiority once again prevailed, as when the omega had only allowed his senior partners to help him with his nature's problems in the first time.<br/>"Nothing, everything is fine," Jungkook tried to force a smile out of himself. But it turned out no much plausible. He lay at Jimin's side, legs intertwined with him, while the alpha gently and carefully stroked his hair, occasionally leaving light butterfly kisses on his jaw and cheeks. Taehyung settled down somewhere lower, completely at Jungkook's feet and dozed off, while Yoongi carefully covered him with a light blanket, and he himself crawled closer to Jeongguk from the back.<br/>"Is something bothering you. You are worried. And no matter how you prove otherwise," Jimin sucked in the air next to the omega's scent gland and continued, "I still know that this is a lie. Your scent changes as soon as you get nervous. Tell us," Jimin looked over Jungkook's shoulder at Yoongi, who was also listening carefully and running his fingers along Jungkook's thigh, "what's wrong?"<br/>"I…" Jungkook knew he couldn't fool any of his partners. After all, just like Jimin said, damn nature along with its attributed instincts, the omega could not suppress his smell, which every time betrayed him with giblets. He could chalk it up to being tired or a little depressed about work. But he knew that neither persistent Jimin nor shrewd Yoongi would believe him.<br/>"I was picking up the twins from kindergarten the other day," Jungkook began hesitantly. He bit his lip and winced a little. Jimin immediately intertwined his fingers with the omega, lowering his head slightly to see his eyes, and Yoongi moved closer, touching the junior's bare his chest.<br/>"The boys were very upset. I even thought they were crying. The eyes were red and inflamed. When I asked our teacher what happened, he looked at me like he had never seen me before. You have no idea how much disdain and condemnation I saw in his eyes. I couldn't find out anything. He just turned around and walked away like we didn't exist. When we got home and I asked about it again, the boys burst into tears and chattered both at the same time. Jesse said…" Jungkook took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he remembered the red noses and tear-stained eyes of his children, anger seething inside, but most of all resentment and shame. "One of the kids came up to them with Kelly and said that their dad… a whore. Whore who spreads the legs for three at once! That their dad is the dirtiest and unnecessary to anyone. You can imagine that little children, children said that! And the teacher did nothing! It's just…" Jungkook soothed his children for several hours before they calmed down and fell asleep from exhaustion. Jungkook tried to explain to the kids that love is different. That their uncles, Yoongi and Taehyung, love them and their dad. That Jimin cares about them because he loves them. That Namjoon looks after them because he loves them. They are surrounded by loving and good people and this is the most important thing. It is quite difficult to explain such relationships to little boys. And if someone from outside told them something bad about their parents…<br/>"And I… didn't do anything. I just… left," Jungkook breathed more heavily, seemingly trying to hold back a burst of tears. "I didn't say anything, I didn't find out, I couldn't stand up for my children. And why do my boys have to suffer because I am like this?! Why can't I be… normal?" tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes and Yoongi pulled him closer to take away the shivers.<br/>"You're normal," Jimin said low, a little more hoarse, squeezing Jungkook's hand in his, kissing his face, collecting salty drops. "And your children are the most beautiful creatures on this Earth. You must not think that because of the opinion of some ignorant omega or alpha, we will treat you worse. Or your kids will love you less. It's a lie. You shouldn't and won't think of yourself that way. No one has the right to insult you or your children just because you are special. This is your advantage, not your disadvantage. Remember this," Jimin breathed the last words to Jungkook directly on his lips, and the omega clutched at his shoulders, at the same time trying not to pull away from Yoongi, who was slowly but persistently biting his vertebrae.<br/><br/>Jimin's words were right. Partly. Yoongi listened to him, listened as Jimin continued to whisper words of comfort and encouragement to Jungkook, saying what an amazing omega he was and how lucky he was to be different. And Yoongi wanted, really wanted to agree with that completely. But he couldn't say a word. Because he knew what it was like. Be not like other. This can be considered an advantage, of course. They talk about you, they are interested in you, they discuss you. You become the most popular object among your acquaintances or those who want to know you. You are envied. They look up to you. You have something that others don't. And that's great. But Yoongi knew what Jungkook had to go through to get the mental peace and harmony with himself that he has now. And at the moment, his relationship with two omegas and an alpha has come to the forefront of the discussion, which did not at all contribute to the positive emotions of the still slightly naive, pure and kind Jungkook. This worried him. Undermined his confidence. Violated his boundaries. And from the position of a parent, Jungkook felt completely helpless and inactive when he could not stand up for his children. Because he needed support. And it really hurt him.<br/>Yoongi has always been different. He thought differently, saw the whole picture differently, approached the positioning of his nature and the people around him differently. And it suited him. But now. Now he felt responsible not only for himself, but also for his juniors. Taehyung literally couldn't contain his anger when he heard offensive comments about his close people behind his back, he couldn't accept the fact that at work they began to infringe on him and push him to the back rows, because they found all sorts of reasons to deprive him of interesting and desirable projects. Jungkook was greatly depressed by the recent situation, and his future seemed blurry and unpromising. Yoongi couldn't exactly say that it wasn't his fault. It was he who initiated their triangle. And it was he who was the first to let alpha into this triangle.<br/><br/><br/>Jimin turned Jungkook so that he straddled his chest and brought him closer to his face. Jungkook gasped and closed his eyes when the alpha took his still soft cock into his mouth and began to caress him so selflessly and enthusiastically that he would swallow him whole. Yoongi watched the process from the side. How the alpha firmly holds the omega by the buttocks, pressing closer and closer to his face, while the other's cock grows in size, disappearing between the pink full lips. Jungkook planted his knees on either side of Jimin and balanced his weight so as not to pin down the alpha. The omega closed his eyes, his lip reddened every now and then, seized by the white edge of his teeth. Beads of sweat rolled down his spine from the back of his head, and Yoongi couldn't help but move closer and trace one of them all the way to his tailbone. Jungkook pushed forward, right into the alpha's mouth at the senior's caressing and unhurried soft tongue.<br/>He was drawn to a sound behind him. A fuss, a romp, and Taehyung appeared on Yoongi's other side, running a hand through Yoongi's hair, combing through his fingers. Jungkook turned to the middle omega. He smiled such a sincere and wide square smile that the junior again had tears in his eyes. Yoongi continued to lick Jungkook's back as far as his awkward position would allow, and Taehyung toyed with his hair, watching in fascination as the alpha sucked him off.<br/>"Can you roll over?" Taehyung asked softly, but low, and Jungkook nodded quickly-quickly, hoping his stiff limbs wouldn't fail and he wouldn't collapse onto the alpha when he tried to get up.<br/>"Oh my god…" Jimin growled as the omega's wet, dripping sweet ass was in front of his face and he was about to spread his buttocks to the sides to bury his head in that needy throbbing ring, but he just couldn't help but curse when he felt when three omegas attack his cock at the same time: Yoongi and Taehyung on the sides, and Jungkook leaning on top. The cock throbbed, turned red at the head, oozed with lube and swayed from side to side when the omega tongues ran over it, occasionally grabbing it with their lips.<br/>"How I would like to see it, fuck!" Jimin would give anything right now to watch three omegas at once caress between his legs, kissing in turn, as indicated by the corresponding smacking sounds, they groan and cover their eyes, while in turn they slide their lips, each passing a cock into their throats to a sharp characteristic vomiting urge.<br/><br/><br/>Jungkook suddenly stood up and jumped off Jimin, surprising all three of his partners. Yoongi and Taehyung looked at the omega carefully, wiping their lips from excess moisture. The junior smiled the way he usually did when he was plotting some kind of audacity.<br/>"Come on," Jungkook took Taehyung's hand and pushed him towards Jimin, "saddle him up."<br/>Taehyung's eyes flashed black, he ran his tongue over his lower lip and followed the request of the younger omega, climbing on top of the alpha, touching his buttocks with his cock, to which he received a sharp low growl, but froze and did nothing more. He wondered what Jungkook wanted.<br/>Jungkook, on the other hand, ran his hand along the omega's graceful swarthy back, felt how smooth and soft his skin was, how responsive and grateful Taehyung was to the touch. Jungkook touched the cleft between his buttocks with his fingers and carefully penetrated inside the anus with one, checking if the omega was wet enough. The hissing and swearing told Jungkook that Taehyung was quite pleased with himself. Therefore, the junior one missed one finger, and then immediately the second, meeting the narrowness and heat of the inner walls. He kissed Taehyung on the shoulder and ran his free hand from groin to neck, fingers clenched slightly under his Adam's apple. Taehyung tilted his head back, closed his eyes, and let out a stifled moan as the grip on his throat tightened a little and his finger movements became sharper and faster. Jungkook rarely took on the position of a dominant partner, preferring to give himself to care and caresses. But today, it seems, he wanted to change his habits. And Taehyung didn't mind at all.<br/><br/>"Fuck!" Taehyung swore sharply again when the fingers stopped stretching him, and instead Jungkook grabbed the alpha's cock, big and thick, sending it into the omega's ready and wet anus. Taehyung gradually lowered himself, following the rhythm of Jungkook, and when he felt others balls on his ass, he relaxed, completely shifting his entire body to the alpha's hips, resting his palms on his stomach.<br/>"Come here," Jungkook beckoned to Yoongi, who was still standing back and just watching. The junior continued to watch Taehyung's rhythm, passing the alpha's cock between two fingers as it appeared and disappeared in a tight circle, feeling how it wet from others lubrication and hot from the flow of blood through the veins.<br/>Yoongi crawled over to Jungkook and kissed his shoulder, then his neck, biting lightly the bending and Jungkook tilted his head, closed his eyes for a moment, losing control.<br/>"What do you want me to do?" Yoongi hissed a little in his ear, running his tongue right into the ear, which sent a herd of goosebumps through the already sensitive body of the omega.<br/>"Can you… take my place?" Jungkook pointed at Jimin vaguely and Yoongi just nodded, smiling cheekily, showing off his white sharp teeth. He mounted on top of Jimin, turning his ass to him, and bit his lip to keep from moaning shamefully when he felt a warm, wet, hard tongue in his anus. Jimin moved his hands from Taehyung's hips to Yoongi's buttocks, spreading them to the sides, which opened the omega even more, and the senior sank forward, almost burying his face in Taehyung's groin.<br/>Taehyung looked so handsome. Literally glowed and shimmered from the mixture of sweat and lube on his golden skin. He caressed Yoongi's cheek with his palm and smiled so cheekily that the senior wanted to give him a good slap. But instead, Yoongi responded in kind, and fox eyes stared at his erect cock dangling from side to side. Without thinking, Yoongi reached out a hand, clasping the other organ into a tight fist, and plunged the head into his mouth, sucking hard.<br/>"Jesus, fuck!" Taehyung swayed to the side from the double penetration, but he held himself in place with the help of Jungkook, who was behind his back and hugged him across his chest, peering over his shoulder to see how the senior sucked him off.<br/><br/>There was so much of everything at once: the alpha's cock, pushing almost to the very stomach, the senior's hot mouth and Jungkook's dirty whispers in the ear behind, mixed with teasing caressing strokes, that Taehyung could not stand it and cum right into Yoongi's mouth, trembled all over and realized that bent legs almost do not hold him, and if it were not for Jungkook, who held him tightly, Taehyung would definitely have collapsed right on top of the older omega.<br/><br/>Yoongi felt insistent fingers pulling him back to his tongue and teeth biting his buttocks, his lips sucking on the skin around the sensitive edges. He relaxed completely and immersed himself in the sensations that Jimin gave him as Taehyung, with the help of Jungkook, slowly climbed off the alpha. Yoongi's hoarse moans echoed throughout the room, along with the alpha's low growl that immediately sank between his buttocks. Jimin licked him so thoroughly that it seemed that the lube was almost gone.<br/><br/>Jungkook slaped Yoongi's buttock, urging him off Jimin's face, and made him kneel next to the alpha.<br/>"Can I come in?" Jungkook ran his hand from the back of his head all the way to Yoongi's tailbone, and Yoongi arched his back, and his breath hitched.<br/>"Yes…"<br/>And Jungkook didn't wait any longer, but immediately slipped into the cramped heat of his senior, who accepted him, fully prepared by Jimin's tongue.<br/>Jungkook felt such a surge of strength and emotion when Yoongi glanced over his shoulder a little, smiled softly at him, but then immediately rolled his eyes and reached out, grabbing onto the junior's thigh.<br/>"Come on, Jungkook-ah, fuck me. I know you can."<br/>Jungkook inhaled and exhaled sharply with each deep and sharp thrust. He glanced at Jimin, who was watching them with completely black eyes, his head thrown back, and his fingers tangled in Taehyung's thick hair as he lazily but persistently sucked him off.<br/>"Jungkook-ah, come on, be a good boy," Yoongi pushed himself higher, pressing his back against Jungkook's chest. "I know how well you can do it. Let's do it. Let go. Just let it go."<br/>Jungkook groaned in Yoongi's ear and grabbed onto senior's shoulder while his other hand held firmly on Yoongi's thigh, ramming madly inside. He was so hot and cramped, he felt the senior deliberately squeezing his cock, he felt his own pulse in his temples. Hot lava and burning light coursed through his veins and Jungkook screamed as he came inside the senior as he continued to mutter nonsense.<br/>Jungkook fell down next to Yoongi, and senior immediately hugged him, kissing him gently on the cheeks and chin. The junior closed his eyes and tried to even out his breath, swallowing alternately from dryness in his throat.<br/>"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked carefully, but Jungkook just shook his head, and the senior couldn't understand what it meant: yes or no.<br/><br/>Yoongi realized exactly what had happened. Jungkook, on rare occasions, wanted to control the process. This only happened when the junior needed to pull himself together. Control anything. Rectify the situation. And today, Jungkook needed to take over the dominance to feel that he was coping. That he is really capable of something. He can really do what he can. Good for something. And that's bad. Very bad.<br/>The sex that had now happened between them was not a pleasant pastime, not an expression of intimacy, and not even the satisfaction of natural needs. It was an inner cry. Emotional breakdown. Dissonance. An attempt to restore the mess in the Jungkook's head. He never liked to complain and demand direct attention. But he also never knew how to hide his emotions. And denial is the very first and only solution to the problem.<br/><br/>Yoongi looked over to where Taehyung and Jimin were stretched out. Alpha blissfully dozed, hugging the middle omega, pressing him to his flushed, heated body. But Taehyung immediately caught the senior's intense gaze. Yoongi looked at Taehyung, then at Jungkook, who also closed his eyes and seemed to fall asleep after the emotional jolt, and then back at Taehyung. And the middle omega frowned. The senior was worried about something. But Taehyung wasn't quite sure what exactly. He dozed most of the time after the first round and woke up only when he felt his partners caressing each other again. But something in the Jungkook's behavior Taehyung seemed strange. A worried Yoongi only added more questions. But now Taehyung was such a soft and collapsed piece of jelly mass that, no matter how much he wanted to, he could not think constructively. But he will definitely, absolutely find out exactly what happened, as soon as the mess in his head can again be called brains.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>"I don't get it," Taehyung muttered once again, pacing back and forth through Yoongi's kitchen as the three of them and Jungkook got together on one of the rare occasions without an alpha a few days later.<br/>«Taehyung,» Yoongi ran a hand over his face, mustering the last of his patience. "It's gone too far. These relationships…"<br/>"Relationships," Taehyung mimicked and snorted, then abruptly pulled away like he couldn't control himself. "You sound like we're doing something unnatural. He is alpha. Omegas are supposed to fuck alphas, aren't they?"<br/>"Of course," Yoongi nodded, intently drilling a hole in Taehyung's head. "When it's natural – one alpha for one omega."<br/>"Do you even fucking know what you're talking about?!" Taehyung waved his hand, and a vase of sweets flew off the table, immediately breaking into a thousand glass shards. Jungkook flinched slightly, but didn't move.<br/>"You just called it all," Taehyung waved his hands around the omega triangle, "'un-normal'. We have never been normal. We were un-normal when we met and became close. We were un-normal when we started having threesomes, against the laws of nature. We were un-normal when we bonded with an unfamiliar alpha. How is this abnormality different from what is happening now?!" Taehyung didn't understand the senior's reasoning. Didn't he always say they didn't do anything unnatural. That they are family. That they love each other. And that they accepted Jimin, fully sharing this desire and his care. So what the fuck?! The energy inside protested, and Taehyung couldn't tell why exactly: because he didn't want to part with the alpha, as Yoongi suggested to do, or because Taehyung himself didn't want to give up everything he had right now.<br/>"I never called our connection something unnatural or abnormal, Tae. But look what's happening," Yoongi spread his arms out to the side, as if urging Taehyung to pay attention to what was happening, "it all affected our lives. And these changes do not bring anything good. Jimin asked for our trust, asked to be accepted into our circle, promised to take care of us and certainly did it," Yoongi immediately put out his hand when he realized that Taehyung was going to interrupt him, "but look how his care and attention turned out to be for us. I'm losing contracts. No one wants to work with our label, because Park Jimin's name is everywhere, and rumors regarding his relationship with one of the company's employees are growing like mushrooms after rain. I am considered the bedding of the boss. You haven't been able to get a single serious project since the high-profile interview article came out. Jungkook is dragging through the mud from all sides. Our children are suffering. They are insulted and bullied, are not allowed to go to school in peace. The teachers are doing nothing to stop it. I can't say that the only reason is Jimin. It's just that we ourselves… have been paying too much attention to him lately, instead of taking care of our family. This relationship is detrimental to our lives. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to end it. I felt good next to you and with him. But it shouldn't harm us. I suggest just slowing down a bit. After all, everyone needs some personal space from time to time. And Jimin needs to understand that. If he wants our trust and favor, he will give us time. At least until things settle down. He can leave at any moment and generally forget about what was here. And you? You can continue to live here and endure constant attacks because of a person who, perhaps, in a couple of months, will not even remember you.<br/>Yoongi knew he was overreacting. And he really didn't want to cut his connection to the alpha. Jimin is the first man who gave him what he had been missing for so long after the death of his husband. It was comfortable and calm next to him. But in the same amount, Yoongi felt tension and constant anxiety to be on the lookout. This roller coaster should have been stopped. Before it's too late.<br/>"And our strength… is…" Yoongi began to fiddle with the back of his head, "I don't know if it will disappear after… But I don't really like it."<br/>"Well yeah," Taehyung snorted again, "I didn't feel that way when you used yours on me every time."<br/>"And have you ever wondered why?" Yoongi squinted and noticed how alert Jungkook was next to him.<br/>"Guys, calm down, we wanted to talk, not make a scene," the younger omega tried to intervene between the crackling sparks of the two seniors, but they ignored him.<br/>"You can't control yourself," Yoongi approached Taehyung, chin raised defiantly. "You literally lose your temper for any reason. Your power is dangerous not only for you, but also for others."<br/>"I can control myself!" Taehyung was starting to seethe, he didn't like the way the senior's energy was pressing down on him, holding back his own power. "Jimin taught me control."<br/>"Really, hah?" Yoongi grinned and looked Taehyung up and down. "And how far have you progressed? Yes, you flash like a match if something does not go the way you want.<br/>"And if not me, it is not known what you would have managed to do. Forgot what you did to Jungkook? You…"<br/>"Enough!" Jungkook screamed as he approached the two omegas, holding both of them at a distance with his hands, because he felt that a little more and irreparable would happen.<br/>"And you are all so strong and correct, hah? Never let anything out of control. You can only suppress us by exposing yourself above others. But in fact, you are just afraid! Afraid to do at least part of what I can do!"<br/>"Ungrateful little piece of shit!" Yoongi hissed. He got so mad at Taehyung and literally lost control for a few minutes. He's just trying to protect those he cares about. Tried to protect them from pain and possible consequences. So why the fuck did Taehyung make him feel guilty?!<br/>"Hey, stop it!" Jungkook noticed how, under the tension of two powerful forces of his senior, glasses and dishes trembled and rattled, lights flickered and the air thickened. Taehyung felt a dark chill, while Yoongi just remained himself, but the aura of his power was crushing and flattening, which made the middle omega even wince.<br/>"Stop that!" Taehyung yelled.<br/>"Enough, now, both of you!" Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. His energy wasn't focused on fighting, but he got so angry over the seniors' quarrel that he felt his whole being glowing from within. And this light literally blinded both omegas, forcing them to loosen their grip for a moment and cover their faces with their hands.<br/>Jungkook took a deep breath and the glow faded. He looked at Yoongi accusingly, then at Taehyung.<br/>"You," Jungkook pointed at both omegas, "how can you be like that?! Because of some alpha, you are ready to kill each other. Have you forgotten how it ended last time? God, you are so mired in yourself that you completely forgot how to listen to each other," Jungkook watched the guilt and regret gradually appear on the faces of both omegas, but they continued to remain silent. "I don't know what will happen next. I don't know what to do now with all the consequences of our choice. But I know for sure that I don't want to live in a family where close people constantly quarrel and rush at each other with or without reason, unable to solve problems in a civilized way. You remind me of animals that can only act by force. Mindless alphas who think omegas are just a way to satisfy themselves. Naive omegas who believe that happiness without alpha does not exist in this world. All this is bullshit! And I'm not going to be a part of this anymore," Jungkook turned around, grabbed his jacket from the bar stool, and headed for the exit.<br/>"Jungkook, wait, where are you going?" Yoongi took a step towards Jungkook. But he turned around and gave the senior a displeased look that Yoongi had never seen in his direction before.<br/>"Personally, I'm heading home. I have children and a job waiting for me, if I still have time to finish it by tomorrow morning and not lose my place. What your show today really contributed to. I advise each of you to do the same: your own affairs and children," at the last words, Jungkook looked towards Yoongi, "instead of proving to each other who has more balls ringing," Jungkook slammed the door and left, leaving two omegas in ringing silence.<br/>Taehyung blinked, looked around and noticed the glass shards. Something prompted him to offer the senior help. But some part still stopped him. He just threw on his jacket, gave Yoongi a vague look, and left, carefully, unlike Jungkook, closing the door behind him.<br/><br/>Yoongi sat down on the nearest chair and ran his hands through his hair. When did this conversation, planned to lead to a common decision, lead them to a quarrel? When everything went off the rails and went to hell? Why was he so out of control that he lashed out at Taehyung with accusations?<br/><br/>Yoongi opened the cutting table drawer and rummaged through the desks. He found a hidden pack of cigarettes. Yoongi quit smoking a long time ago. But sometimes he was still drawn to put a cancer stick in his mouth. It would seem that it was not worth keeping cigarettes for someone who is not going to return to this addiction again. But Yoongi was more relieved to know that the nicotine was in a locker, securely hidden in the far corner. A reminder that told him that he was strong and could do without the help of cigarettes. But now Yoongi had a wild desire to dragged on. He understood that the glass should be removed, otherwise Adam returning from a walk would be frightened or even gets hurt. But the omega couldn't concentrate. All thoughts seemed to disappear with the departure of the two younger omegas. Yoongi opened the door to the street a crack and lit the lighter, slowly dragged on, watching the tip glow red. Surprisingly, he didn't even begin to choke or cough. After all, there are no ex-smokers actually.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>"What the hell is going on?!" Jimin threw a crystal six-sided whiskey glass at a nearby wall, causing it to shatter, and the deafening clatter of broken glass rang through the room. Jimin was angry as hell. He didn't understand what the fuck happened, and what to do with it all.<br/><br/>For the past few days, he could not even get within arm's length of any of the three omegas. Young men either found reasons for refusing to meet, or ignored it altogether, which at first simply upset the alpha, but now it has already begun to terribly annoy and even anger. He gave them his whole self, offered them the world in his palm almost literally, never refused any desire and whim, was always ready to be there when his attention was required. And now what? Having received everything they ever wanted, the omegas simply deleted him from their lives, one day they stopped all communication, left him.<br/><br/>When Jimin tried to contact Yoongi, he did not answer a single call from the alpha, and passed the planned project and all the materials through his brother, who could only shrug his shoulders, saying, "I don't know anything, sorry." Jimin was seriously worried about what could have happened to the omega, he did not answer the phone, did not show up for work and did not get in touch in any way. Therefore, the alpha went straight to Yoongi's house, but did not find either him or his son there. At least, Jimin himself thought so, because no matter how much he called and knocked on the door, no one opened it for him.<br/><br/>Taehyung constantly found excuses related to his work: busy, tired, not having time to prepare the material, not feeling well. When Jimin called the office, he was told that in fact, at this stage, Kim Taehyung is not doing anything so special, he has no new project, and in general he has not appeared at work for several days.<br/><br/>Jungkook is the only one who answered the phone call of an already rather angry Jimin after several days of trying, but his answer did not please the alpha at all.<br/>"I need time, Jimin. For now, we better not see each other. Sorry."<br/>Before the alpha had time to open his mouth, beeps were heard at the other end of the line, and, of course, the second attempt was not crowned with success.<br/><br/>That is why now the alpha was between two fires: to rush to the three omegas at once and demand from them an explanation of what the fuck is going on here, why they suddenly decided to end the relationship and left him. Or stay put, wearily lounging in such an attractive easy chair, in front of the TV, pour yourself another drink in another whole glass and watch that dregs that are played on cable. Alpha chose the second option. To be honest, he was tired. Tired of Yoongi's constant checks, tired of Taehyung's temper and unpredictability, tired of Jungkook's eternal remorse. Jimin was not used to digging into people's heads so much and carefully, did not know what regret, guilt or pain of loss is. He couldn't say with certainty that he didn't taste human emotion from the word 'completely'. Omegas taught him a lot during the time he spent with them. They showed how can be gentle and attentive, showed what normal human relations, partnership, responsibility are. Those terms were familiar to Jimin. He led a huge legion, the whole underground kingdom lay on his shoulders, and like any leader he had to establish order, be the center that keeps all the driving forces, gears that make up the general mechanism. He was responsible for his subordinates, for their actions, consequences and final decisions. But still, being human is different. And now Jimin understood very well the words of Namjoon, who asked him almost at the very beginning if Jimin remembered who he really was.<br/><br/>Jimin is not an alpha. He's not even human. He is a force that can destroy the whole world at any second if he so desires. He is the leader that all creatures of the night will follow if he calls them. He is the most beautiful unearthly being that the microscopic brain of an ordinary little man can only imagine. Jimin can do anything and more. The only thing he cannot do is force a person to do what he wants. And this fucking freedom of choice that He gave to these creatures of the earth, when His own children never had the opportunity to get it, angered Jimin so much that the raging flames of hell flowed through his veins instead of human blood. His head was seething with indignation and injustice. Blue threads appeared on the hands. A huge prickly lump curled up inside, which with each new thought only grew larger and stung parts of the essence. Jimin was so angry that he couldn't remember the last time he felt something like this. He is used to being in control. Accustomed to meek obedience and strictly observed orders from his subordinates. Jimin didn't know the word 'no'. That is why now, receiving such an indirect, but still significant refusal, he did not understand what to do with it. All his power and influence had absolutely no meaning. The common man took over his dominance by merely shaking his head. And being on Earth among people showed Jimin what trust and partnership are. Equal relationship and support. And now he did not feel the return of his partners after what he offered them. Didn't feel complete. The only thing Jimin felt was betrayal and rage. In his world, he would have executed long ago the one who dared to plot such a thing behind his back. Would just tear off the bastard's head, skin him alive and hang him on a spire as a trophy, so that others would know what it is fraught with to cross the path of the Ruler. And the current helplessness pissed him off. A mixture of incomprehensible, hitherto unexplored emotions crushed and burned, releasing something strange that Jimin had never experienced before. Something dirty, slimy and weak. Humane. And the alpha was terribly terribly angry.<br/><br/>He clutched his whiskey glass in his left hand and reached for a pack of cigarettes that lay on the table next to him. Gray smoke swirled around the beautiful face, and as soon as the haze dissipated, instead of the hazel color, the alpha's eyes were first illuminated by a bright celestial flash, and then they completely blackened. There seemed to be nothing left but this darkness. The background of the TV faded into the background, the room blurred on the periphery. Pretty pink lips pursed in anger, and Adam's apple bounced as Jimin swallowed from another deep puff.<br/>"I can't make you come back, but I can make you regret leaving."<br/>Jimin leaned back in the easy chair and felt the dark energy filling his body, somehow relaxing and calming like before. Power swirled within, crackling, pulsing, energizing every impulse. Jimin even breathed faster, he was so fired up. The glass was updated with the next drink. A smoked cigarette is replaced with a whole one.<br/><br/>Lucifer did not intend to kill anyone, did not plan to use threats or coercion. But he also no longer planned to try to be not who he really is. Omegas must remember that they are not the only three men on this Earth after all.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>A few words from the author:<br/><br/>Greetings, dear readers. I want to leave a few words about the course of intimate scenes in this work.<br/><br/>I used to write fanfiction (the very first on the Saint/Perth couple) and didn't really bother about… protection during anal sex. Well, kinde write and write, I have never covered this moment directly. And now I regret it terribly. Because, as I wrote in one of my articles, anal sex is not vaginal, where you can especially not bathe with condoms, although, for example, I believe that in this case they are needed simply because all sexually transmitted diseases way no one canceled even with normal vaginal contact. In my previous work, I began to carefully cover this point and in the future I will also, because it is important. But in this work, I again do not mention condoms between same-sex partners. Why. During my research on the subject of the omegaverse, I read a lot of controversial opinions that there are condoms in this universe, but most authors do not introduce them into their work. There are several reasons, as a rule it is: omega + alpha = offspring. That is, according to some authors, the theme of pregnancy and childbirth of the omega must be present in the omegaverse. And consequently, condoms disappear, because if the omega is protected with them, then he will not be able to get pregnant.<br/><br/>Another reason, such as true partners, love-carrots, all things and blah blah blah, what kind of condoms can partners who trust each other have. And the reason, which seemed to me more significant, is that due to the cock of the alpha knot swelling at the base, the condom can either break or simply fly off. But for some reason, everyone forgets about the most important reason – this is not so much the protection of omega from pregnancy, but rather a banal protection, as mentioned above, from diseases or excess dirt.<br/><br/>In this work, I did not use condoms because:<br/><br/>- if you notice, my characters never have sex with penetration all together at once. Well, that is, if Yoongi / Taehyung / Jungkook are together, then only two of them are penetrated. If Jimin was involved in the previous chapters, he was separate with each omega. When there are four of them, penetration also occurs only in two. That is, none of the omegas or the alpha himself from one microflora (in this case, this is the anus) dives into another without a condom. So Jimin, for example, having been in Taehyung's ass, does not immediately attach himself to someone else from the omegas. And etc.<br/><br/>I am writing group sex for the first time and have been thinking for a long time whether it is worth using condoms in group scenes. If it were people, I would definitely say 'yes'. But since the pregnancy of each omega was needed here, I adjusted the events differently.<br/><br/>Why did I decide to write about this so that someone might not have unpleasant sensations or questions that I have occasionally been asked before when I mentioned protection in my works. Well, why is it needed, if the guys don't cum each other down and get pregnant, unlike the fair sex, I can't a priori. To be honest, I never would have thought that such questions would arise, but nevertheless they were.<br/><br/>Therefore, have sex with pleasure and do not deny ourselves anything, but do not forget to protect yourself and check your health at the medical center. This is important not only for same-sex couples, but also for those who are in hetero relationships.<br/>Thanks!</p>