

The three best omega friends are connected by an unusually strong attachment. Their relationship is not accepted and blamed behind their backs, but they seem to have a long spat on it. However, nature still demands its own. And when an absolutely unknown, but very attractive and dangerous alpha appears in their small town, the omegas will have to make a choice: fight for him or take him into their well-established unbreakable triangle. The plot is based on the fantastic film "The Witches of Eastwick" in 1987

Stacy_ARMY · セレブリティ
15 Chs

Chapter 1 "Time. They are ready"

<p>Our days...<br/><br/>"Taehyung-ah, hurry up," the senior omega shouted from the kitchen, while he was packing groceries into a large travel bag.<br/>"I'm coming!" the voice of the interlocutor came from the next room.<br/>"Are you sure everything's going to be okay? You can call me anytime, and one of us, me or Tae, will come right away. Our phone numbers are on your speed dial. Dinner just needs to be warmed up. And don't let the boys watch TV and play games for a long time, because sometimes I have a feeling that their brains will pour out of their ears," the senior omega muttered excitedly, continuing to check bags, flitting around the kitchen along the way.<br/>A middle-aged young man leaning on the doorjamb at the entrance smiled softly and brightly. This speech was read out to him by the senior every time he and Taehyung were going to leave for the night. And each time beta nodded and listened to the monologue he seemed to have learned by heart for so many years, each time he shook his head, smiling from the corner of his mouth and touched with such hyperactive care.<br/>"Okay, you don't have to worry about anything, Yoongi. I'll look after them and call if we need anything," the guy confidently put his hand on the shoulder of Yoongi, attracting his attention. Omega stopped and looked closely at his best friend. The hair, slightly grown, fell apart in light, slightly touched with silver, strands parted, in places a little electrified, which made beta look funny. Broad eyebrows stood out clearly on a light, albeit slightly darker than the Yoongi's own face, the narrow slit of the eyes did not hide a pleasant rich brown color, thin lips in the tone of the skin smiled broadly and naturally. The small rings in his ears shone brightly in the glow of the lamps. The guy was tall, much taller than Yoongi himself. His body seemed slightly skinny but taut and wiry, and Yoongi knew perfectly well that his friend would be able to fight back against anyone who dared to speak out against him. Yoongi had known this guy for several years, about ten, to be more precise, when he met him through his boyfriend, and now the deceased husband. Namjoon was his friend and became the closest person to Yoongi after the death of his partner almost immediately after the birth of Adam, their son. Namjoon supported Yoongi as no one else could, listened to all the insults of omega, withstood all the tantrums, a period of depression, fear, alienation, and still stayed close. Adam loved Namjoon like his own uncle, and beta himself, in turn, showed a fabulous amount of attention and love to this cocky eight-year-old boy. If not for Namjoon's help, Yoongi would have lost everything he had now: the best son in the world, his beloved juniors, Taehyung and Jungkook, a job that, in truth, was close to his heart as something dear and personal. Yoongi trusted Namjoon as he trusted himself. And only he could be left to look after the children, Adam and the two Jungkook's twins, five-year-old omegas, Jesse and Kelly.<br/>But every time he left the house, leaving the children in the care of their beloved and sometimes too kind uncle, Yoongi was nervous. He was so nervous that he gave such instructions to Namjoon as a tongue twister, although he himself knew perfectly well that it was stupid and ridiculous. Beta has been looking after his son for eight years, and Jungkook's sons for five. Damn it, Namjoon almost lives in Yoongi's house, occasionally returning to his own, in order, Yoongi was sure, to water the plants, and they did not wither at all. Somehow omega asked his best friend about whether it interferes with him to build his personal life because at his age it was high time to have a family and children. Although Namjoon was a beta, no one canceled marriage and the birth of children. Yoongi remembered Namjoon's answer very well then, his sincere smile and sweet shyness in the form of sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks when he said, "You're my family."<br/><br/>"I'm serious, Joon," the memories forced Yoongi to show a rarely escaping sincere feeling of warmth and affection in the form of touching the palm still lying on his shoulder. "Adam does nothing but watch TV or surf the Internet. He has to learn discipline, Namjoon. He should be interested not only in Internet networks but also in more serious things."<br/>"Brrr, you sound like an old man, Yoongi-yah," Namjoon shuddered a little, shortening himself from a light blow from omega. "The Internet is the best invention ever invented by man. You have no idea how much information you can find there. Try it sometime, because apart from news articles, you don't seem to be interested in anything else," Namjoon winked playfully, which again received a slap on the shoulder with his palm.<br/>"If the boys' eyesight decreases before the due time, you will persuade them to wear glasses yourself," Yoongi pointed to his eyes, hinting at his own visual defect. Today omega put on green lenses, but from time to time he wore glasses because his eyesight from constantly being at the computer in connection with work has decreased for a very long time.<br/>Namjoon stopped and looked at his friend for a long time and carefully. The guy looked completely usual. Oval, slightly pointed to the chin, shaped face, light and immaculate. Medium-sized eyes, the corners of which slightly drooped down, which made them look even more interesting. The rich green color of the lenses gave them an unusual and beautiful shade. The hair that omega had recently begun to grow, slightly curling at the tips and dark, with light highlights of blue along the length, gently fell over the forehead and temples. The small, neat nose was constantly wrinkling when the young man was dissatisfied with something. Pink lips glistened in the light after using a transparent gloss. The little rings in his ears swayed from side to side as Yoongi scratched his neck. Omega's height was inferior to Namjoon quite decently and his physique was not strong and muscular, which immediately gave him away as a young omega. But Namjoon knew perfectly well how strong and brave the young man standing in front of him was now. How much he had to go through, how much he had to endure to get at least one step closer to what he has now. And Yoongi didn't stop there. Namjoon admired his tenacity. His strength knew no bounds. His boldness and audacious character, which completely contradicted nature, forced him to pay close attention to omega. Namjoon never considered Yoongi as a partner, although he had many opportunities to take advantage of the weak position of omega after the death of his husband, when he, depressed and broken, in a drunken kumara or depressed state, would not let anyone but him near. But beta just couldn't afford it. He respected and appreciated what they had, and would never trade it for some fleeting affair.<br/>"Stop playing peepers. It's a little annoying, you know," Tae came into the kitchen with Jesse and Kelly in his arms, supporting the boys by their delicious asses, and Adam was jumping next to him on one leg, clearly excited about something. The twins looked a lot like their dad. They were also large and developed for their age, with rounded brown eyes and pink lips, dark and thick hair scattered over their foreheads. Adam didn't look like Yoongi at all. Tall and stately at the age of eight, with a broad chest and shoulders, he was a copy of his father. And only the eyes and skin color the boy took from his dad. And also, according to Namjoon, a brash character, but at the same time a caring and warm disposition, despite the outwardly cold sometimes aloofness.<br/>"We're leaving," Yoongi said, patting Namjoon on the shoulder, squeezing him lightly for the last time, to which beta simply nodded, and approached his son, gently kissing his forehead. "Behave yourself. You're a grown boy now. Help uncle Namjoon look after the kids"<br/>"Okay, dad, everything will be fine, don't worry. I'm going to be very, very good. Uncle Namjoon promised us to play until late at night. You know, he bought so many new computer games, I can't wait to try it!" the little boy butted his dad in the stomach with his forehead and rushed to the "Uncle Namjoon" who immediately hid his eyes. "Give my love to uncle Jungkook."<br/>Tae quickly put the twins in Namjoon's arms and took the bags, simultaneously pushing the senior out of the kitchen door, because he realized that at the mere mention of "games until late at night" he began to boil.<br/>"We're leaving, leaving," the middle omega repeated more clearly and loudly, continuing to push Yoongi out of the house.<br/>"Someday I'll rip his head off," Yoongi growled, instantly boiling over, but still taking some of the bags from the younger omega, shoving them into the trunk.<br/>"Calm down, Yoongi," Tae said calmly and gently, stroking his back, feeling him gradually calm down. "Everything will be fine. Namjoon is the best babysitter. I do not know what we would do without him."<br/>"Let's see what you say when you have your own children and Namjoon becomes their nanny! Damn..." Yoongi's eyes immediately widened with the realization of what exactly he had just blurted out. "Taehyung-ah, sorry, I didn't mean that…"<br/>"It's fine," omega replied in another calm tone. "I know."<br/><br/>They drove the rest of the way to Jungkook's house in silence. The atmosphere became so oppressed that Yoongi gave himself a mental slap. Taehyung just a few weeks ago divorced his husband, because the man could not stand too strong and, as he put it, immoral and abnormal connection Taehyung with his omega friends. In addition, for the whole year that Taehyung had the status of a married omega, he was never able to get pregnant. His husband, like any other alpha, supported him at first, but after a while, everything changed. Taehyung's concentration and dedication to his work as a journalist, his desire to develop his talent as a photographer, and excessive attention to Jungkook and Yoongi exasperated his husband. And the quarrels followed one after another. Reproaches, shouts, scandals, and constant insults rained down on omega for nothing. And in the end, Tae just couldn't stand it. Over the past few months, the guy has changed dramatically. From bright and sociable, always smiling and positive, he turned into a closed and sullen. Taehyung closed himself in so much that even the hottest flame could not melt the piece of ice in which he placed his wounded heart. And only next to them, Yoongi and Jungkook, Tae could relax and be himself. Only they could pull out that cheerful and carefree boy who had known him since childhood.<br/>Yoongi gripped the steering wheel tighter with his left hand and put his free right hand on top of the junior's palm. He shuddered at first, and his trembling swept through the whole body of Yoongi. But after a few seconds, the younger omega's long fingers intertwined with the senior, and Yoongi smiled faintly, continuing to closely follow the road. Tae's hand was slightly damp and cold, and the senior was trying to give him all the warmth of his lean body to warm him.<br/><br/><br/>"Well, finally, I thought I was going to starve here. What took you so long?" Jungkook opened the door and immediately grabbed the bags held by his two seniors.<br/>"Hello you, too, beauty," Tae snorted, walking into the house, taking off his shoes, and hanging up his coat in the hallway, after which he helped the senior to undress. "Yoongi instructed Namjoon about children's games late into the night. I swear, if I hadn't dragged him away, we wouldn't have gotten to you after midnight."<br/>Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen to Jungkook, who was enthusiastically sorting through bags filled with all sorts of stuff.<br/>"How are you feeling?" the senior asked, unconsciously slightly hugging the junior by the waist.<br/>"Relatively well, I think it's about another week or so," Jungkook nodded towards the sofa located nearby. The room was located right next to the kitchen so that it was not separated by a wall, making it possible to move freely and quickly if circumstances required it. Jungkook had a small house, unlike Yoongi, on the second floor, there was the twins' bedroom and his art studio, toilet, and bathroom, whereas on the first floor there was only a large living room with a huge folding sofa, plasma TV, set-top box, computer, stereo system and a kitchen combined with all this childish mess, plus, another bathroom with shower, if suddenly one of the twins, it seems, adopted the habit of dad sitting in the shower for several hours, will occupy the second floor.<br/>Jungkook's sofa was completely unfolded, whereas usually, the junior assembled it to free up more space. On its surface, at first glance, there were piles of crumpled blankets, a huge mountain of pillows, laid out only in one order known to Jungkook. Next to the sofa were also pushed a couple of armchairs and a small chest of drawers, on which the junior usually had cosmetics. All the things usually used by Tae or Yoongi when they stayed at Jungkook's overnight were lying at the head of the bed, covering the main pillows, as if the younger omega was trying to place them as close to his head as possible.<br/>Yoongi looked at this set again. Jungkook began to nest, and their things allowed him to breathe the smell of his two senior omegas to feel better. This means that there is about a week left before estrus. Yoongi already mentally imagined how hard it would be for all three omegas. Because of the peculiarities of his health, it was contraindicated for Jungkook to take any types of suppressants, and his estrus took place regularly, once every four months, painfully and for a long time, at home under lock and key, all alone. Well, almost completely. One of the older omegas, Yoongi or Tae, always tried to be with him during this terrible period of seven days for Jungkook, alternately replacing each other so that the junior would not stay alone for a long time. It was extremely painful and difficult to go through estrus without an alpha, but there was no other way out. Jungkook didn't have a permanent partner, and finding an unfamiliar alpha was out of the question. Jungkook was terrified of this after he inadvertently found himself out of the house in his first estrus at the age of eighteen. His scent was felt so clearly and strongly that it just drifted after the junior. It was then that Jungkook was literally raped by his alpha classmate, who not restraining his natural hormones. Yoongi was angry as hell at the time. He thought he would just kill the bastard. Taehyung was barely able to pull him away from the beaten, moaning, blood-soaked alpha, while the strength in the senior's body seemed to be much greater than it could be in the fragile body of an omega. After learning about his pregnancy, Jungkook refused to have an abortion, because he made it clear that the children growing in his stomach were not to blame for anything. But Yoongi did not take his eyes off him and did not allow anyone to approach except Tae while Jungkook's stomach was in his field of vision. Even Namjoon was occasionally subjected to an angry growl from the older omega and the bright shine of natural coffee eyes, which caused him to raise his hands in a sign of defeat and retreat away. But now, watching two five-year-old boys playing with his son, Yoongi smiled. He couldn't imagine what would have happened if these little lumps hadn't been there.<br/>It was for many well-founded reasons that Jungkook experienced his estrus not with the prescribed alpha... but with two omegas who helped him cope with it the way nature should. They could not fully satisfy his omega needs, neither Tae nor Yoongi had a knot that was so necessary for any omega during estrus, they could not inseminate Jungkook and give him children, but they could ease the pressure of his estrus and do everything so that the junior took a shower, rested and ate properly throughout these seven days. And most importantly, felt as little pain and discomfort as possible.<br/>That's why Yoongi has been following Jungkook's condition especially closely for the last week. The syndromes have already begun to manifest. Jungkook was gaining weight because he had been eating more often and more in recent days. And the nest Yoongi was observing in front of him now confirmed the timing of the period. The natural smell of Jungkook has also intensified. The light orchid fragrance inherent in the younger omega and perfectly combined with his favorite floral perfumes and natural soap has become thicker and sweeter, now giving off a sweet and rich aroma of honey notes. A few more days and Jungkook will get tired faster, sleep more, and get annoyed about and without. It is during this period that he will literally become bait for all the local alphas of their small town. Therefore, every four months, about a couple of days before the start and the same amount after the estrus, Jungkook was locked up at home, and the seniors visited him, at the same time looking after the children and combining the care of the estrus-omega with work.<br/>"How are the twins? Everything okay? They were not fussy? I swear, sometimes I have a feeling that I will turn gray before my time," Jungkook laughed out loud, pointing his finger at his head.<br/>Yoongi smiled out of the corner of his mouth and patted the junior on his rather long and recently blond hair.<br/>"It's okay. The twins behaved perfectly, they like to ride with uncle Yoongi in the car," omega lifted his chin and slightly narrowed his fox eyes, thereby expressing a mock arrogant pose.<br/>"Thank you," the junior bowed his head slightly and lightly kissed the senior on the cheek, immediately turning away, blushing.<br/>Yoongi was slightly taken aback, but when he noticed how Jungkook rubs his neck, bites his lower lip, and carefully hides his eyes, he smiled again. This child simply did not allow himself to behave coldly and arrogantly. Every time next to him, Yoongi felt that he was spreading like a puddle from just looking at this young and beautiful face. Jungkook was physically strong, although he was born an omega, he always kept in shape, complaining that he would not become like other fragile omegas just because nature ordered this way. The junior was very talented. Just looking at his paintings took Yoongi's breath away, but Jungkook was never completely satisfied with his work, slowly and methodically bringing it to perfection. Jungkook was cocky. He liked to make fun of his seniors, which is why he often received kicks or verbal instructions from them. Jungkook was gentle. Despite all his impenetrable image of a strong omega, this guy was the most loving and sweet when he hugged and kissed his children, played with Adam or did homework with him, took care of his seniors, embarrassed afterward. Jungkook was sensitive and responsive. In bed, he often gave the dominant role to his seniors, preferring to relax and bask in pleasure in others' hands, but he returned everything he received with a vengeance.<br/>"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Jungkook began to rub his chubby cheeks with his fingers, which caused a smile on the lips of Yoongi.<br/>"Nothing," now it was his turn to be embarrassed. He turned away and began to rub his neck hard with his hand, after which the earlobe was attacked. Being together for so many years, the three of them were still awkward at times. Especially in a certain atmosphere.<br/>"Aish, you are so cute that it even made me sick," a passing Tae, who had just returned from the bathroom, wet and clean, wrinkled his nose, and Jungkook threw a towel into him.<br/><br/>"What are we going to watch?" Jungkook asked, setting up the computer to display the picture on the plasma TV screen.<br/>"I don't care, I can watch everything you put on," Taehyung shrugged, arranging all sorts of goodies, as well as martini glasses on the table in front of the sofa.<br/>"Maybe a horror movie?" Jungkook turned around, looking first at the middle, and then at the older omega talking on the phone in the kitchen.<br/>"You know he doesn't like them very much," Taehyung looked reproachfully at the junior, and he immediately pouted his lips.<br/>"But he never says anything."<br/>"And he won't. And you're happy to try."<br/>Jungkook stuck out his tongue at Taehyung and tapped on the keyboard in search of some fantastic movie.<br/>"Have you chosen?" Yoongi apparently finished talking on the phone and sat down next to Jungkook. "What do you want to watch?"<br/>"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Namjoon has advised it more than once. I thought why not," Jungkook shrugged. In truth, he didn't care what he was watching either. He was close to his beloved seniors, had delicious food, and was in a calm atmosphere. The pleasant sweet smell of raspberries with a slight sourness, belonging to Taehyung, and the rich, but not catchy blackberry notes of Yoongi mixed into a kind of fruit mix, enveloping and settling somewhere on the tongue with a light aftertaste.<br/>Yoongi nodded and patted the junior's hair, settling himself more comfortably on the couch, pouring martinis while Taehyung carefully watched his manipulations, holding the glasses.<br/>Jungkook turned to the monitor and secretly smiled.<br/>Their relationship, condemned and unwritten by nature, has long ceased to frighten him. For the first time, Jungkook allowed Yoongi and Taehyung to touch him during the estrus period after the birth of the twins, when the pain twisted his stomach into spasms, forcing him to bend in half and almost scream at the top of his throat. Jungkook was so scared and weak that he just couldn't take care of himself on his own. And the first person he called, almost in prostration, dialing the number with trembling fingers, was the senior. Tae arrived a little later to take the kids to Yoongi's house under Namjoon's careful supervision, and then returned and froze as if spellbound when he froze on the threshold, watching Yoongi kiss Jungkook. The body of the younger omega was beating hysterically, pain pierced all the limbs, twisting the insides into bundles, not allowing saying a word. Jungkook was scared like a small animal cowering in a corner. But the sensual and prolonged kisses of the senior somehow distracted, though not reducing the pain. Taehyung, as if under hypnosis, appeared next to the junior on the sofa, turning him on his side, facing Yoongi, and began to kiss the back of his neck, while Yoongi gently, but at the same time aggressively studied the lips of his junior.<br/>"What are you doing?" Jungkook managed to ask between moans of pain and deep sighs from the incipient pleasant desire, a tight string twisting somewhere in the lower abdomen.<br/>"Jungkook-ah, look at me," Yoongi took the junior's face in his cool palms and looked into the frightened eyes. "It's okay. You shouldn't be afraid of us, right?" the senior looked behind Jungkook, where Taehyung was still, stroking the younger omega's ribs and thighs with his long fingers more confidently. "We won't hurt you. We just want to help, Jungkook-ah. That all."<br/>"How..." Jungkook tilted his head back when he felt Taehyung's insistent and wet kisses on his neck, sending a pleasant, exciting shiver all over his body. "How to help?"<br/>"We know you better than anyone. Our body is arranged exactly the same as yours, Jungkook-ah. We know what to do, believe me," Yoongi ran his fingers from the neck over Jungkook's convulsively shuddering chest right to the groin, where a standing cock painfully rested against his trousers.<br/>"Do you trust us?" for the first time, Tae spoke up, hugging the junior even tighter, pressing him to his chest, feeling him tremble, and the lubricant soaked into the fabric of Jungkook's trousers, soaking into his own.<br/>"I..." Jungkook twisted another spasm, and he bit his lip to keep from moaning in pain. But for some reason, the natural smells of the two people closest to him calmed and gave him a feeling of home, and the light but confident movements of other pairs of hands on his body ignited an already scorching excitement, which caused new portions of lubricant to literally pour out of the thirsty throbbing anus.<br/>"Yes... yes, I trust you."<br/><br/>Jungkook survived his estrus with the two seniors much better and easier than he initially imagined. Sometimes they had threesome sex, at other times one of the seniors took responsibility for the whole process, giving the other a chance to rest.<br/>In the periods between the surges, when the intensity of Jungkook's excitement subsided, the seniors took care of him as no one else could ever take care of him: they put his body in order in a relaxing bath, fed him, and made sure that omega took enough water, caressed him and calmed him with supportive speeches, and then took him again when another wave of excitement absorbed Jungkook with his head.<br/>After almost seven grueling days, during which one or another of the older omegas still had to leave for work, Jungkook felt disgusting. His body ached, but it didn't ache or break, as when he was without alpha. The seniors took such good care of him. Jungkook did not suffer from dehydration or starvation and even felt the strength to move around calmly. But he also felt disgusted with himself.<br/>Why was he like that? Why he couldn't take suppressants, like all normal omegas and his seniors, in particular, to endure the estrus on his own and in a shorter period? Why was he so defective that his seniors had to sacrifice all the laws of nature and fuck him for days on end to get rid of the pain? Why couldn't he find an alpha like all normal omegas? Why did he let his seniors get involved in all this, thereby bringing upon them the fate of immoral bastards. Why did he constantly bring his loved ones nothing but trouble? At first, he was constantly looked after by Taehyung when they were still at school together. Then Yoongi appeared, when some arrogant alphas were pushing against two small omegas. That's when Jungkook realized for the first time that he shouldn't be like everyone else. When he saw how a strong and self-confident omega with one look burns through daring young alphas, being a few years older and yet a little bigger in build, which made them turn tail and run away, he realized that he wanted to be the same — brave and strong.<br/>Jungkook loved Taehyung for his insight and sensitive nature, calmness, and ability to find the right words at the right moment. He loved and admired Yoongi for his tenderness and care, for his sometimes cold aloofness and isolation, for his charm and attractiveness. But at that moment, Jungkook hated himself for letting it happen. He hated his seniors for allowing him to fall so much in their own eyes. The omegas convinced Jungkook for a long time that there was nothing shameful and dirty in their act. But Jungkook didn't believe them, knowing and imagining exactly how the other people would look at them if someone even heard about what had happened. In their small town, rumors spread at the speed of light. And the deep excessive attachment of the three omegas to each other simply could not go unnoticed.<br/>It was only after a while that Jungkook was able to get used to the idea that the three of them were not just friends. And not just lovers. They're family! A family that always stuck together, no matter what happened. In the city, everyone looked at them disapprovingly and with incomprehension, some even openly insulted and blamed them behind their backs. Only a few have not changed their attitude towards the three strange omegas.<br/><br/>But right now, Jungkook didn't care. He looked at the relaxed Taehyung and the peacefully smiling Yoongi over his shoulder and put on a stupid movie that he probably wouldn't even watch. He felt good, warm, and cozy in the company of his seniors. His children were safe. He loved and was loved by the most beautiful people in the whole world. And this is the most important and valuable thing that interested him.<br/>"Something happened, are you kind of pensive?" Taehyung asked softly, lightly touching his arm as Jungkook sat down between him and Yoongi, settling himself more comfortably on the couch with a martini glass, thoughtfully extended by the older omega. Tae anxiously looked into the eyes of the junior but found nothing there, only love and warmth.<br/>"It's okay, Taehyung-ah, really," Jungkook lowered his head, blushing and biting his lip again. Tae nodded and snuggled up to junior's side, resting his head on his shoulder, feeling the rich and beloved scent of the orchid. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment just before the first shots appeared on the screen.<br/><br/>After the first half-hour, Jungkook realized that he could not concentrate at all on the film, on the flashing frames, on how the main characters behave, and what they talk about. All he felt was the weight of Taehyung's head on his sturdy thighs and his fingers gently stroking in circular movements on his knees. Yoongi wove his hand into the junior's hair and unconsciously stirred, tugged, fingered them, caressing the head with slightly rough pads. The heat gradually spread inside, covering the whole body in a cube with the amount of alcohol taken, which made the guy's cheeks flush and burn, his head was empty, and a light haze appeared before his eyes. It was so pleasant and good for Jungkook that he was ready to purr like a little pet kitten.<br/>Somewhere near his ear, Jungkook suddenly heard a long inhale and a slightly hissing exhale after. Slowly turning his head, the junior saw the face of the older omega in front of him. His eyes in the dimness of the room seemed so richly green that Jungkook was ready to sink into this juicy vegetation.<br/>"Your smell is getting stronger," Yoongi whispered in the junior's ear, perhaps unconsciously, but scorching her with hot breath. "Are you feeling well?"<br/>Omega's hissing and slightly drawling tone made Jungkook close his eyes and whine softly. He did not understand himself at what exact moment the warmth that so pleasantly covered him with a duvet, which did not portend anything prejudicial, turned into excitement just from light touches of the sensitive body by the senior and a whisper next to his ear.<br/>Jungkook nodded, realizing with his brain that was far from thinking now that he needed to answer something, although "feeling good" was not at all the expression that should describe Jungkook's condition now. Yoongi put his hand on his stomach, gently stroking, and the junior tensed, feeling the muscles contract, and the circular movements of the omega send a new spark of excitement right into the groin.<br/>"Yoongi," Jungkook whispered indistinctly, almost noiselessly, and turned his head to smear his lips on the cheek of the older omega. His whole body melted and spread out in a shapeless puddle under skillful and beloved hands. Alcohol stretched the pleasure, and the syndromes of estrus made react much more sensually and more sharply than usual.<br/>"Relax."<br/>Jungkook felt others' slightly dry lips on his earlobe and gasped for air when they grabbed the skin, slightly pulling.<br/>Yoongi continued to circle his long fingers over the tucked-up stomach but now ran them under T-shirt, stroking the bare skin. Jungkook's body was literally burning. He was so warm and responsive that it just blew the roof off. Yoongi sometimes wondered how this guy could even be like that. Traveling with his hand higher, the senior touched the nipple with his fingers, which knocked out a rather loud moan from the junior. He leaned his head back on the sofa, his eyes were closed, and his lips, on the contrary, opened in a soft "ah", and Yoongi bowed his head, wrapping his lips around the already sensitive and distinctly distinguished darkish pea right through the fabric of a light T-shirt. Jungkook was thrown towards others' lips, and his back arched, and he ran his fingers into the soft dark hair of Yoongi, pulling him closer to his chest. The smell of blackberries has become a little more intense. Jungkook realized that the senior was excited. Even if not completely, but still. And it is Jungkook who makes him so. The junior himself has long felt how his boxers got wet in the anus area, releasing natural lubricant, not in such a huge amount as during estrus, but enough to cause discomfort and make him squirm on the spot.<br/>Suddenly, Jungkook felt a weight on his legs, while Yoongi shifted a little further, thereby causing the junior to groan in frustration. He wanted to feel the warmth that omega gave him, to feel his tender and hot mouth on his excited and sensitive nipples. But before Jungkook could whimper like a little child, he felt imperious wet lips on his neck and a strong grip on his hair.<br/>"Tae…"<br/>Taehyung straddled his hips, moving closer, pulling his head to the side to ease the way to his neck. The junior opened his eyes and looked sideways as far as the position allowed. Yoongi got up and sat on the sofa, shamelessly watching the younger omegas. His eyes glittered like emeralds at the bottom of a cave, his lips were touched with a slightly malicious smile, the tip of his tongue ran along the bottom, moistening with saliva, and his hand lazily stroked the groin area through jeans.<br/>"Yoongi..." Jungkook put his arm around Taehyung's waist, pulling him closer to his long-aroused cock, which pulled out a rough and throaty groan from the middle omega and stretched out his hand towards the other senior. Yoongi snorted, but shifted on the sofa closer to the two enthusiastic guys and bent in half, pressing his lips to the open part of the junior's neck on the other side.<br/>Jungkook moaned loudly and long, burying his trembling fingers in the hair of both omegas. The position was not at all comfortable: Jungkook's legs were numb from the considerable weight of the guy on him, who seemed not to even think to support himself, completely leaning on Jungkook, literally tearing his neck with his teeth. His back arched, and his neck tingled unpleasantly from the way Jungkook tilted his head back so that the Yoongi sitting on top of him was comfortable kissing him. But, in truth, the younger omega didn't care about that. He adored such moments when his two seniors caress him at the same time, sparing no time and effort, completely giving all their attention to him, Jungkook. He was greedy and very selfish towards his beloved seniors.<br/>But also Jungkook loved to watch. To see how two young men feel as good as he does. He loved to inhale their scent of sweet blackberries and raspberries, intensified due to excitement, which now simply entangled him from head to toe, clogging his nostrils, forcing him to breathe, breathe and breathe, and also rub against their bodies to completely soak yourself in them.<br/>Jungkook pushed Taehyung away from him a little, because he usually got very carried away in the process, and, without letting his hair out of his fist, gently pushed him towards Yoongi. Tae lowered his hand to the junior's arousal and obeyed, thrusting his tongue into the mouth of the older omega, who readily accepted it, sucking and absorbing, exactly as Taehyung liked. Jungkook listened to others moans and watched the omegas kissing right under his nose, simultaneously pushing into Tae's hand and whining. He stroked the backs of both partners' heads, licking his lips and greedily watching Taehyung's tongue disappear into the soft and pink mouth of Yoongi.<br/>"Fuck..." Jungkook literally felt how profusely he was flowing, how drops of lubricant from his cock were absorbed into the fabric, and if someone didn't do something to him now, he would shamefully cum only from the pictures opposite and Taehyung's rigidly wielding fingers on his trunk.<br/><br/>Yoongi gently laid the junior on the fluffy carpet, simultaneously taking off his T-shirt. While he slowly and lazily kissed his way down Jungkook's taut and developed torso down to his trousers, the junior moaned and nonstop groped Taehyung where he could reach, already naked and ready, waiting for the senior to finally finish undressing. Taehyung's cock was swaying from side to side, beautiful and excited. Jungkook watched in fascination as the cloudy liquid accumulated on the head and slowly flows down the entire length. Jungkook insanely wanted to lick Taehyung whole. With his beautiful dark skin, neat cock, strong arms, entwined with blue veins and powerful thighs, which omega, Jungkook knew by himself, could work all night long.<br/>Jungkook moaned and trembled as Yoongi's lips wrapped around the head of his cock, and his fingers plunged into the throbbing, thirsty wet passage, gently pushing inside.<br/>"Taehyung-ah, I..." Jungkook beckoned to the middle omega with his hand, because his head was not able to think at all when the long knobby fingers of the older omega were working so well in his ass, and his mouth was so skillfully polishing his cock. "I want you... here... I want..."<br/>Tae just smiled and crawled closer to the junior, settling on his face, spreading his legs wide.<br/>Jungkook spread the halves of his buttocks and whined, watching as the omega's anus shrinks and flows, glitters, and waits for him to finally be licked. The tongue smeared along the cleft wide and hard, and Taehyung's moan sounded hoarse and low to the accompaniment of the melodious and high-pitched Jungkook when the younger omega felt long knobby fingers right inside his wet anus, and the hot and wet mouth of Yoongi swallowed his cock almost entirely, immediately switching to a fast pace, sucking the junior like a fucking vacuum cleaner.<br/>"That's it, baby... Jungkook-ah, come on, work with your mouth. Lick me whole, fuck me with your tongue, damn it!" Taehyung swore when the junior grabbed him by the buttocks with force and spread him apart, roughly screwing his tongue right inside, at the same time pushing his hips into the hot interior of the mouth of the Yoongi, who easily found the omega prostate, stroking it his fingers, that was really fucking hot.<br/>Taehyung sat down on Jungkook, bracing his hands on both sides of him, holding the weight of his body and shifting slightly to the side so as not to touch Yoongi. Omega growled and literally danced twerk on the younger omega's face, while vulgarly and cheekily moaning. His body was completely covered with bisirins of sweat, which flowed so beautifully down the hairline, giving the skin a shiny and rich shade. Jungkook fucked him with his tongue, sending shivers with his moans, digging his fingers into the elastic halves so that bruises will definitely remain in the morning.<br/>"Yoongi..." Jungkook looked up from his occupation to take a breath of air and whined at the next touch of the senior's finger pad to his prostate. Omega mumbled as an answer because his mouth was completely occupied with others' cock, excited and swollen, entwined with blue veins from the head to the root. Jungkook moaned out loud again as the senior's peculiar response sent a shiver through his body, exploding millions of sparks of pleasure inside. He wanted to cum. So much so that if the senior doesn't stick in him now, he'll just kill him to hell.<br/>"Fuck me... please, God, just fuck me! I can't do this anymore," Jungkook felt everything at once and it was so too much. His face was wet and shiny from the lube of Taehyung, who was still positioned on top of him, slightly pressing down with his weight, and junior rubbing his excited trunk against his stomach. The senior's fingers were working in his ass, making the lubricant flow and flow without stopping. And omega's mouth was just doing wonders, sucking Jungkook so deeply and selflessly that the junior felt the back of omega's throat. He didn't want to cum like this. He wants to get a cock in his ass. And immediately!<br/>"Wait!" Taehyung excitedly interrupted Yoongi, hurriedly getting off Jungkook. He was ready to tear the middle omega apart.<br/>"Don't come in yet," Taehyung straddled Jungkook, sitting with his back to Yoongi. "I want together."<br/>"Oh, fuck!" tare the first words that the senior omega has uttered all this time. And Jungkook was shaking, either from his sexy and hoarse voice after a throat blowjob, or from Taehyung's suggestion.<br/>"Oh, fuck, damn it! God... God, fuck!" a stream of curses burst out of Jungkook's mouth uncontrollably when he felt the cock of the elder omega gradually and smoothly enter him, perfectly and so well, unlike sometimes a large, knot-equipped alpha cock, and at the same time as Taehyung descends on his cock, plunging it into the tight and hot shroud of his insides, covering his eyes and biting his lower lip until blood.<br/>Yoongi moved steadily and clearly, touching the sensitive prostate of the junior every few times, growling and feverishly passing his lips over the salty skin of Taehyung in front of him. Tae, in turn, rode Jungkook like crazy, fast and deep, while just unrealistically dirty things were pouring out of his mouth. In everyday life, the middle omega was quiet and calm, always pondered his words before saying them out loud, was not a fan of talking a lot and simply, preferred the cozy and silent company of loved ones. But with Jungkook and Yoongi, he allowed himself to let go, to do what he so carefully controlled - to break off the chain and lead the process, despite the accepting position. Yoongi was the complete opposite. Cold and aloof, in reality, he was caring and the kindest person imaginable. The senior always worried about his juniors, looked after them, supported them and showed excessive attention, brushed it off, and grumbled whenever him hinted at it. Sex with Yoongi was like coastal waves that calmly and slowly creep up to the shore, pleasantly enveloping legs, sending goosebumps and a slight feeling of tickling all over the body, and then cover the head with a raging and powerful whirlwind, not lowering, dragging into its abyss. Jungkook loved to receive the care and attention of his seniors. Therefore, their difference in attitude perfectly complemented each other, like coffee with milk, which the younger omega loved to drink in the morning.<br/>"Fuck, Jungkook-ah, you're so good. Jeez, you fuck me so deep, damn! Your cock is the best! You are the best! You fill me up so much, fuck! Come on, come on, baby, a little more!" it went Taehyung, although by and large Jungkook didn't do anything special, just lay and enjoyed the beautiful view of a handsome guy riding on his cock, and listened to hoarse moans and deep growling behind him.<br/>The whole living room was soaked through with food, alcohol, sex, sweat and mixed omegas smell that complimented each other so nicely, creating something like a sense of home for the three of them.<br/>"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Yoongi!" Jungkook shook under Taehyung, and he cum so hard, violently, and a lot that he was sure his sperm would fill Taehyung's expanded anus to capacity now and would trickle out of it until omega took a shower. Taehyung began furiously jerking off his cock, which was literally ready to explode to hell, he had endured for so long. Jungkook, exhausted and tired, continued to take in Yoongi, moaning softly and shuddering from each powerful push inside due to extreme stimulation.<br/>Taehyung, with a loud low growl, cum Jungkook right on his stomach, and part of his sperm fell on his chest and even his chin, and Jungkook regretted that he could not reach out and lick it with his tongue. Tae got off Jungkook's sensitive body and lay down next to him, wet and satisfied, and began to run his fingers over the mega's stomach and chest, smearing his sperm on his skin.<br/>"Yoongi," Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut when the head of the cock once again walked over the sensitive prostate.<br/>Yoongi muttered something and nodded his head, shifting the angle of penetration to drive in as deeply as possible, but not to touch a sensitive ball of nerves and not to bring discomfort to the younger omega.<br/>"You are so beautiful," Tae collected the sperm from others' belly with his tongue and began to kiss Jungkook deeply and wetly, pushing it into his mouth. "You're so good for us. Look," Tae got up and crawled on exhausted legs to Yoongi, who, sweaty and red, was almost on the verge of his own madness. "Look how well you accept him. How much he wants to cum inside you. Right, Yoongi, hah?" Taehyung put his arm around Yoongi's neck, whispering in his ear, scorching his already heated skin with fiery breath. "You love to cum inside our little boy so much."<br/>Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut, but nodded madly.<br/>"So cum in him, come on," Tae bit the younger man's shoulder, stroking his sides, tense buttocks, and wet back. "Fill him over. Fill him up just like he just filled me up. His sperm is still inside me," Taehyung ran his fingers along the cleft and pushed them into the half-open mouth of the older omega. He madly wrapped his lips around them, sucking loudly, and poured out inside the junior, while his body was shaking from a powerful orgasm.<br/><br/>Having relatively cleaned themselves up and moistened their throats with cool water, the guys sprawled on the same floor, noticing how the two-hour movie they started watching has been on replay for a long time.<br/>"You are okay?" Taehyung lifted his head from Jungkook's shoulder and looked into the chocolate eyes. Yoongi settled down on the other side, lazily running his lips over the neck of the younger.<br/>"Yeah..." well, Jungkook almost didn't lie. After each such time, he felt a little... strange. On the one hand, he had sex with the most beloved and dear people to him. They knew him like no one else. They gave him pleasure and would never hurt him. They knew his body, every part of it, every intimate zone, every hollow and mole on his fair skin. But on the other… The thought that none of them had an alpha the way nature demanded was confusing and frankly disliked by Jungkook. He felt partly guilty that because of him, because of his problem, because of his affection, the seniors could not find worthy, and most importantly, suitable partners.<br/>"Stop thinking about it," Yoongi raised his head, looking seriously into omega's eyes.<br/>"You don't even know what exactly I'm thinking. I didn't say anything," Jungkook tried to smile to dispel the oppressive atmosphere. He ate deliciously, the alcohol, although almost weathered, still burned the body afterward. He had the most amazing sex with his beloved seniors. And Jungkook didn't want to upset them. After all, they care about him so much.<br/>"You don't need to," Taehyung said, carefully running his finger over others' cheekbone. "It's written all over your face."<br/>"We know you, Jungkook-ah," Yoongi stroked Jungkook's stomach, which sent a pleasant warmth through all the insides. "Do you want to talk about it?"<br/>Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He didn't want to talk. He didn't want to upset omegas. But they will be even more upset if, in such a frank and intimate moment, Jungkook prefers to remain silent.<br/>"Well, haven't you ever thought about... that," Jungkook threw up his hands as if it was already clear what he was talking about.<br/>"Didn't think about what?" Yoongi asked, snuggling closer to the junior's side so that he could feel his presence and smell. "About finding the alpha?"<br/>"Yes," Jungkook replied hesitantly.<br/>Yoongi frowned, thinking. To be honest, he was thinking about it. The death of his husband very much crippled him. But it's been quite a while. And he couldn't lie to himself. No matter how much he loved and cared about his juniors, no matter how much he love their company, the desire to meet an alpha, someone who could spend every estrus with him, now muffled by suppressors, but still clearly coming during each cycle, as nature should, someone who could give him children, someone who could take care of Yoongi, visited him quite often in the last couple of years.<br/>"I am," Taehyung admitted, immediately lowering his eyes as if ashamed. But Jungkook lifted his chin and shook his head. The senior shouldn't have felt guilty because of him.<br/>"Me too," Yoongi nodded, still frowning. "But I don't think it's possible."<br/>"Why is that?" Jungkook was indignant and looked first at Yoongi, and then at Taehyung, and back again. "You're the best people I've ever known. You are caring, responsive, sensitive, and kind. You are honest and very beautiful. You are both smart and interesting as individuals. Yes, any alpha will kiss your feet, as long as you give your consent to his cock in your ass."<br/>Yoongi swore at the dirty words of the junior, and Taehyung laughed into his fist, and Jungkook felt himself blushing.<br/>"I didn't mean that, although I am very concerned about the fact that you are interested in others dick in my ass," Yoongi deliberately looked seriously at the younger omega, and he was embarrassed again, hiding his eyes. "We have a small town, Jungkook-ah. all the decent alphas are already in a couple. The remaining ones do not cause me any desire to even just talk, let alone, as you put it, allow them to get to my fifth point."<br/>"Damn, why did I throw that at all?" Jungkook groaned, burying his face in his hands.<br/>"I feel good here. Now. With you," Yoongi stretched out his hand to Taehyung and gently touched his cheek, to which he closed his eyes and purred softly, and then took the junior's hands away from his face and lightly kissed the tip of his blushing nose.<br/>"Well, but still," Taehyung suddenly became animated, it seems, has had some funny or stupid idea. "Which alpha would you like to meet?"<br/>"Well..." Jungkook suddenly thought seriously, and Yoongi raised an eyebrow skeptically.<br/>"Serious? Do you want to fantasize? About alphas? Now?"<br/>"And why not?" Tae played with his eyebrows and smiled maliciously. "Come on. You'd think you'd never done that."<br/>"Kindergarten," Yoongi breathed out and flattened himself on his back, covering his eyes.<br/>"So..." Tae took Jungkook by the hand, "big... just huge…"<br/>"Yuck, Taehyung, stop it right now! It's dirty!" Jungkook screamed, pulling his hand out of the middle omega's tight grip.<br/>"What are you thinking, vulgar?! I was talking about the brain! The brain!" Taehyung burst out laughing, throwing his face on the junior's chest, and Yoongi just smiled out of the corner of his mouth.<br/>As a result, they talked for a long time about what, in their opinion, the ideal alpha should be. Taehyung paid a huge amount of attention to his appearance, painting that he should be handsome, statuesque, and strong, have an attractive and slightly dangerous nature. Yoongi was not interested in the alpha's appearance in any way. He would like him to be a smart, well-read, and interesting conversationalist, but not a pretentious and not a jerk bragging about his knowledge, in whose presence want to vomit. And Jungkook, blushing with embarrassment, said that the alpha should be sensitive and attentive, brave and romantic so that he would not be counted among one of those rude and uncouth yokels who believe that omega was born only to spread his legs in front of the alpha. Everyone, without exception, agreed with the last judgment, especially Yoongi, who simply could not stand this division into alphas, omegas, and betas from birth, just because nature ordered a certain way.<br/>As for sex... everyone undoubtedly recognized that size is absolutely unimportant, as long as it works well.<br/>The guys fell asleep after some time after intense sex and again accepted in the process of violent condemnation of alcohol in each other's arms, moving to a soft sofa. They curled up in a ball, wrapping their limbs around others nearby and inhaling mixed smells. Fantasizing turned out to be much more pleasant than it seemed at first. However, now, here, under the light of the moon, which had made its way through the open window, in the darkness of the living room, in each other's arms, it simply could not be better.<br/><br/>A little later in the underworld…<br/>Lucifer was sitting on his throne, listening almost with half an ear to the speech of the next speaker, a demon of medium rank, who, bending almost to the ground, clearly and monotonously read out to him a list containing a detailed list of the losses of his army.<br/>"Enough," he interrupted the demon, to which he slightly raised his head, looking fearfully at his King. "Leave me alone. Everyone! Get out of here!"<br/>All the demons who were part of the council immediately retreated, simultaneously bowing to the Leader and not daring to turn their backs to him until they rested their shoulder blades against the wide massive high doors of the huge hall.<br/>When the room was empty, Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief. In truth, he was tired. Tired of endless battles and losses of his troops. Tired of the eternal machinations and plans of Michael, who for several hundred years has not given him a pass since the very case when the younger brother, along with his other, suspected a coup the archangel. Michael gained strength with each stolen soul, crushed and destroyed the worlds that their Father had created, one by one ruthlessly and mercilessly, leaving Lucifer for last, but still not missing the opportunity to break his army, spoil the demon deals, steal souls destined for hell or provoke Lucifer himself into another fight. Each time Lucifer felt that he was losing. No matter what he did, no matter how he tried to reason with his older brother, he didn't want to listen to anything. And the Father... the Father, it seemed, was not at all interested in the plans and problems of his children, abandoning them in the same way as he abandoned any of his creations if something went wrong with His conceived plan. Like a child who broke another toy, obstinately and persistently begging for a new one.<br/>"You need an heir," Abaddon said a couple of hundred years ago, when he saw with his own eyes a wounded, damaged wing of Lucifer, once beautiful and majestic, after another fight with his brother. The King of hell never agreed to the plan to eliminate the archangel both independently and with the help of people entrusted to him, and even threatened that he would smash all hell on a damn stone if at least someone touched his brother with a finger.<br/>Abaddon did not understand such zeal on the part of a friend. After all, Michael had a completely different opinion. He was absolutely determined to kill his younger brother. Therefore, he had the last and, in his opinion, the most effective proposal.<br/>"If you produce an heir, he will be your protection. Together you will be much stronger than the archangel of heaven. And if something happens to you..." Abaddon didn't want to think about it, but the bleeding lacerations on the beautiful body opposite left him no choice. He had to consider all options.<br/>"If something happens to you, your son or daughter will become your legal successor here, in your place. No one will dare to challenge this," Abaddon nodded towards Lucifer's throne. And he thought about it. This was the clearest and most feasible task Abaddon had ever proposed. But it was not so easy to implement it.<br/>War, famine, diseases that accompany humanity for a long, long time, did not allow women to carry a child. Mothers died during childbirth, losing their lives and taking the life of their offspring because they simply could not bear the intensity of the birth process of the archangel's child. And if he did manage to be born, Lucifer could not influence him either by force, threats to mothers, deception, or bribery. He didn't know any other ways. He didn't know how people used to build relationships, how to properly take care of children, what to do, how to talk. All his attempts failed, while Michael succeeded.<br/><br/>And now Lucifer snapped his fingers and the space in front of him trembled slightly and became cloudy, after which a clear picture of three sleeping young men appeared. Their bodies were naked and beautiful, their bond, which had been binding them together in a triangle since childhood, was so strong that Lucifer felt it even being here in the infernal underworld. Their power knew no bounds. Their bodies were perfect and hardy for conception and the birth of children. These young men, in this remaining world called omegas, were the most interesting and the most attractive that Lucifer had ever chosen. He's been following them since they were a baby. And even assigned Abaddon himself to look after the young omegas in anticipation of his appearance. Do everything so that they live their own full life, as people should before the King of Hell appears.<br/>Lucifer licked his lips, watching the beautiful men opposite. How their skin shimmered in the light of the full moon, behind their peaceful and calm breathing. Lucifer did not know love, did not know human feelings as they did, did not know fear or pity. He knew only pain and lust. And now lust took possession of him as a snake in the garden of Eden, while he watched the intertwined limbs of beautiful and strong omegas.<br/>"Abaddon," a loud voice shook the hall, and after a couple of moments, a blurry, slightly trembling outline of a demon appeared in front of Lucifer. Silvery hair stuck out absurdly to the sides, a swarthy face was slightly distorted due to the blurriness of the image, brown eyes looked attentively at their Leader, waiting for an order. The lips parted, revealing a smooth edge of white teeth.<br/>"Is it time?" the demon asked.<br/>"Time," Lucifer nodded and broke into a devilishly pleased smile. "They're ready."<br/><br/><br/>Note:<br/>The line with two brothers was introduced only because of the creative desire of the author. In the future, the relationship of the archangels is not planned to develop in detail.<br/><br/>I was not based on specific references when writing the plot about Lucifer and Michael, so the coincidence with some specific source is completely accidental, just because the author has a lot of different fantasy shit on the shelves in his head.<br/>If someone finds any specific parallels, take a yummy from the table. But this does not mean that the author did it on purpose or really thinks so. Everything written is fiction invented by me, which has nothing to do with reality!</p>