

In life, you get what you want to deserve. Some people or circumstances may not give you what you think you deserve, but if you believe that you deserve it, sooner or later, you will get it from someone else or in other circumstances. However you will have to make yourself truly deserving and you will have to do whatever it takes to deserve what you want. You will have to take the necessary actions, no matter what. You will have to become who you 'must' be , in every way possible.

To attract attractive people, you will have to be attractive yourself. To make people listen to you; you will have to talk sensibly. If you want to improve the quality of your relationships, you will have to control your anger and be willing to forgive. If you want to get better results, you will have to make meaningful changes, raise your standard or develop a more positive outlook in life. If you want more fruits, plant more seeds. If you want the fruits of people you know, you will have to know the seeds they planted and plant them yourself. If you want a sustainable planet, assume an environmental -friendly lifestyle. If you want more happiness, you will have to make more decisions to be happy, regardless of the condition where you are in, inspite of the pain or difficulties that you have and no matter what kind of people you deal with.

It is plain and simple. You do not get things just because you want them or you need them. Almost always you get things because you deserve them. You get who you are. You find happiness when you become the person Gods wants you to be. Find yourself by taking full responsibility of your own life. Lose yourself by reaching out to others with compassion. Doing both will make you deserving of more happiness.