
Desert Prince

Naruto is banished from the village in a way worse than imagined. Temari finds him in the middle of nowhere, on the verge of killing himself and helps him out of his despair. Will Konoha ever regret ever letting him go? Chakra chains, Hiraishin and Space-time ninjutsu as well as seal master Naruto. This amazing story was written by NXSE. The story was unfortunately abandoned several years ago. Please enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Chapter 5

Sunagakure no sato

(Timeskip One Month)

Naruto opened his eyes as the rays of sunlight flickered over his eyes and a groan escaped his lips as he tried to move but couldn't. He looked down at his chest to see the familiar mop of sandy blonde hair that he loved so much and smiled. He put his hand gently over her head and started running his fingers through her long blonde hair tucking in a lock of hair behind her ear as a small smile graced her lips and she snuggled her face in the crook of his neck and kissed it softly in her sleep making him chuckle. He saw that she was in a deep slumber but he had to wake her up and get started on his training. Over the past month since they were together, they hadn't been able to spend much time together since Gaara had her doing missions continuously with her being called the Wind Mistress of the Sand for her impeccable record in missions. Naruto was happy that she had been promoted to Jounin yesterday since the forces needed some high ranking and skilled shinobi in the higher tier of the shinobi forces and with her strategic mind along with the respect she held in the village, both due to her performance and her name and status in the village, her promotion was unanimous in the vote done by the village council.

He brushed the locks of silky blonde hair falling on her face and brushed them off as he leaned down and captured her small and soft pink lips in a kiss. Temari was in a deep sleep when she felt something pressed against her lips and opened her eyes groggily to see but the sensation on her lips told her what it was and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she now lay on top of him and he had one hand buried in her hair and the other soothingly rubbing her lower back just above the waist band of the panties that were the only thing covering her at the moment apart from the loose t-shirt she wore to sleep. She loved those gentle touches he gave her and make her melt in his arms but would never do anything that would take it too far. She trusted him so much that over the past month she had become comfortable enough to wear just a t-shirt and panties in her sleep and never once had Naruto gave her even a wrong touch that would make her feel uncomfortable or tried anything to fool around.


She still remembered last night, she had been dead tired by the continuous missions that had been straining her and had come home in the evening dead tired to see Naruto just come back from his own training in the same condition as her. He had still cooked her dinner with her favourite side dish and had asked her to come to the room early and get changed just in a towel. She was stunned by his request but had agreed with a smile, the trust she held for him didn't make her doubt him in the slightest. She got into the room to see Naruto in the bathroom and got out of her clothes and wrapped a small towel on herself and lied down on the bed on her stomach, her face in the pillow dead tired. She was barely hanging onto consciousness and was about to fall asleep any moment.

She didn't even sense the bathroom door opening and Naruto coming out and sitting down beside her on the bed. She shivered as she felt Naruto's breath on her neck as she felt him give him a small kiss on her neck and let out a soft moan and smiled. She suddenly felt something wet on her shoulders and looked up to see Naruto rolling up his sleeves and looked at him curiously.

"So what are you about to do Naru-kun, why did you ask me to remove my clothes and get here only in a towel?" she asked softly and he smiled as he kissed her on her cheek softly and nibbled her ear as she let out a soft moan and whispered.

"Mari-hime you have been so stressed over the month and your body needs time to rest, I'll take off your stress tonight." He whispered and shivers ran down her spine as she gazed into his cerulean eyes gazing at her lovingly and nodded. She felt him rub the wet substance all over her uncovered shoulders when he started applying pressure and working out the kinks in her shoulders. She immediately understood he was giving her a massage and let out a soft moan as she felt her tense shoulder relaxing. She felt him rubbing her shoulders gently when all of a sudden he would squeeze her hard and she would let out a soft moan.

"Umm Naru-kun you didn't Ahh have to do mmm this." She said between moans as she felt his breath on her neck and felt him kissing the sensitive skin on her neck squeezing her arms hardly under him as he nibbled her ear and she let out another soft moan.

"You don't seem like complaining." He whispered and started pulling down the towel gently to her waist as she got up a bit to let him and he pulled it down until it reached her lower back and still left her butt covered and started massaging her back with the massaging oil, sometimes gentle and sometimes harder on the tense muscles where she would let out a soft moan.

"Umm Naru-kun?" she whispered in a moan and he brought his head down to listen to her closely.

"Yes hime?" he whispered gently and she smile.

"You scare me sometimes you know that umm." She said and let out a soft moan as he pushed his hands on a pulled muscle and working out the pain.

"Why is that hime?" he asked softly and she smiled at the concern and affection in his voice.

"The amount of control you have over me, with just a touch or whisper is, ohh right there, too much." She said softly and he rubbed the part she responded to.

"You make me cum without ever even touching, umm, the wrong way and just with, ahh, gentle kisses and touches. You know if you want, oooh, that I would give myself to you anytime right?" she asked between soft moans and gasps and he smiled and brought his lips to her neck kissing her neck softly and then kissed her softly on the ear squeezing her forearms tightly as she let out a soft moan.

"I would never touch you in any way you don't want hime, and I would die before I force you into anything like that." He said softly and she smiled and got up covering her breast by crossing her arms and holding the towel as she kissed him gently on the lips.

"I know." She whispered softly with one hand rubbing his cheek and the other holding the towel. Naruto smiled and turned her around gently laying her back down in the previous position as he started on her thighs and calf's and her soft moans and gasps filled the room again. She was grateful since she knew how tired he was from all the body conditioning and pure high speed based taijutsu he was practicing every day and still did this for her. He stopped after fifteen minutes and covered her with the towel again and saw that she was just about to sleep.

"Not now him just hold on a bit longer for me alright." He said softly and picked her up bridal style carrying her into the bathroom as she saw the bathtub filled with water and herbs as he put her down in the warm water and all the muscles in her body relaxed and she let out a content sigh. She was thankful for the bath he had prepared for her and would never tell him but her orgasm came twice in that massage he gave her and now she was feeling exhausted and was barely able to stand. All the oil was washed off from her body as Naruto came in fifteen minutes later and picked her up from the bath that was beginning to cold as she wrapped her arms around his neck and knew she was making him wet, but he didn't mind the slightest. He put her down behind the changing wooden panel and wrapped her up in a big dry towel and handed her a t-shirt and panties and stood at the other side of the panel. She dried herself off and put on her t-shirt and panties and now her legs were trembling from just standing up.

"Naru-kun I'm done." She whispered embarrassed that she couldn't even stand up without help and her legs were now numb from the pleasure of the massage and the orgasms she had. Naruto came and picked her up bridal style and she snuggled into his chest wrapping her arms around his neck as she yawned cutely and Naruto put her on the bed gently and tucked her in the blanket giving her a small peck on the lips as he walked back but Temari gripped his wrist.

"Where are you going?" she asked and he smiled.

"Well hime I'll be back after a shower and change of clothes alright?" he said and she softened her hold and nodded.

"Hurry up alright." She said in a pleading and small voice and he bent down and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips as he put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I will hime, just give me fifteen minutes." He said and she let go with a nod as he went into the bathroom and showered changing into his night clothes and came out after twenty minutes and gently got into the blanket switching the lights off as Temari wrapped herself around him and yawned as she kissed his neck and buried her face in it.

"You're late." She said in a mock angry voice and he smiled.

"I'm sorry hime but I just missed a precious five minutes with an angel, can you blame me?" he asked softly in a playful voice and she smiled.

"And just who might this angel be?" she asked softly and equally playfully.

"Well she just has these beautiful blonde hair, teal green eyes that hold all the warmth in the world and soft small pink lips that just belong to me." He said softly and she let out a mock growl.

"Well mister you're not getting out of your punishment so easily." She said in a mock stern tone and he smiled mischievously.

"Is that right?" he asked playfully and kissed her nose and started kissing her all over the neck and she giggled feeling ticklish.

"Alright, alright I forgive you now stop." She said in between giggles and he stopped and gave her a smile.

"See now that wasn't so hard now was it?" he asked gently cupping her cheek as they put their forehead together gazing into each other's eyes lovingly.

"Arigato." She whispered and he smiled and kissed her forehead wrapping her up in his arms and put her head on his chest.

"Sleep now hime you're tired, you need the rest." He said softly and kissed the top of her head running his fingers in her hair as she yawned and her eyes drooped heavily.

"Good night Naru-kun." She whispered as sleep claimed her.

"Good night Mari-hime." He whispered and his own eyes closed as he gave into his own exhaustion.

(End of Flashback)

She was broken out of her thoughts as both broke the kiss and both had their foreheads touching and were gazing at each other lovingly.

"Morning Naru-kun." She whispered.

"Morning Mari-hime." He whispered and she smiled as both sat up with Naruto leaning his back against the headboard of the bed and Temari put her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist as he brought her closer pulling her close to him with her waist. Temari stretched her muscles a bit and they felt like they had just been rebuilt and she felt that she could take on anything. She gazed at Naruto's face and saw that he was tired, his eyes showed her what he was feeling and she felt guilty that he had done that last night for her even after his own exhaustion. Then an idea popped into her mind.

"Naru-kun?" she whispered and he looked down to see her drawing circles on his chest.

"Yes hime?" he asked and she looked up to see his eyes looking at her with the same innocence he always had.

"Take the day off today. Let's celebrate my promotion, we have to have our first date too you know." She said and he put his finger under her chin and kissed her lips softly.

"Alright." He said and she beamed. Both got up and went downstairs to see Gaara and Kankuro eating a wide spread breakfast and Naruto was confused. Why were they eating breakfast they ordered from the outside when they liked his cooking? Gaara caught his questioning look and spoke up.

"We thought you might be too tired to cook so we ordered from the outside." He said stoically and Naruto nodded as both Temari and Naruto took their seats.

"Yeah after all those noises we heard last night we thought the both of you might be too tired." Said Kankuro giggling perversely as Temari had a scarlet blush on her face and her eye was twitching dangerously at his insinuation. She glanced at Naruto and saw his head tilted to the side in confusion and looking so innocent that she resisted the urge to yell KAWAIII and glomp him. She turned to Kankuro and decided to explain before Gaara spoke up.

"Uzumaki you didn't hurt or force her did you? If you weren't gentle to her last night I swear…" he said as sand swirled behind him and Naruto was even more confused. He was quite gentle in his massage in his opinion.

"I was quite gentle, I think. Did I hurt you hime?" he asked innocently to a tomato red Temari who knew he didn't get what he was saying right now and she decided to clear it all up before Naruto made it all worse but when she saw the innocence in his eyes she just put a hand on his lap and he was silenced as he waited for an answer and she took deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Listen Gaara last night Naruto just gave me a massage nothing else. You are misunderstanding it." She said calming herself down and Gaara's eyes widened before he understood his mistake and nodded.

"I see." He said with a small smile, he should have known those two weren't like that but Kankuro decided to add his own two cents unfortunately.

"Oooh yeah a massage, what kind of a massage?" he asked giggling perversely as the volcano named Temari exploded.

"KANKURO !" was heard all throughout the village as his screams were heard all throughout the village. Naruto was thinking of calming down Temari but Gaara put a hand over his shoulder and shook his head. Then he tried to think what the misunderstanding was all about.

"Hey Gaara what did you two think we were doing last night?" he asked innocently and Gaara answered.

"We thought you two were having sex." He said stoically and Naruto became as red as a tomato.

"Oh" he said intelligently and knew Kankuro was now all on his own. Temari wasn't going to stop until she was done with him. Both Gaara and Naruto ate ignoring the screams of the puppeteer as after a few moments Temari came dusting off her hands leaving an unrecognizable Kankuro behind and ate happily.

"Temari I have an idea for the date if you would like to hear it." Naruto said shyly and she smiled. He was a great and cheerful person ever since she had broken him out of his shell and back to his happy self but was now a bit calmer than before. No one knew it except her, but he was a shy boy when it came to romantic stuff and she knew he didn't have any idea what dating was, but was still attempting to do it for her so she nodded.

"Alright Naruto you surprise me today alright." She said and he nodded, happy that she trusted him to plan the date.

"Alright Temari get ready we are going to spend the whole day together on our date." He said happily and she smiled. Gaara too smiled seeing his sister and best friend so happy and he admitted that they made a fine couple. Naruto prepared the food for lunch and put it all in a basket and sealed it in a scroll as he dressed up in his usual clothes and waited for Temari to come down. He heard footsteps from behind and his breath was caught in his throat as he saw Temari come down. She was wearing a thigh length white silk kimono with blue desert lilies embroidered on the bottom and had her hair done in a loose bun with a senbon needle holding it and her two bangs loose from her usually tied hair framing her face. She was wearing blue shinobi sandals and no makeup, not that she needed it in his opinion and was gazing at him with curious eyes and a faint pink blush on her face.

"So how do I look?" she squeaked out timidly and he walked up to her as she was looking down too embarrassed to look at him. He brought her chin up and captured her lips in a small kiss and nibbled her ear getting a soft moan and smiled at his ability to make her so sensitive to his touches.

"For a moment there you took my breath away." He whispered and she blushed a scarlet red blush and buried her face in his shoulder too embarrassed to look at him and Naruto chuckled softly and wrapped her up in his arms as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Baka." She whispered and he chuckled at her embarrassed voice.

"Really, so I am a baka to think my hime is so pretty?" he asked playfully and she punched his chest and looked at him trying to glare but failing with the blush present on her face.

"Yes you're still a baka. But you're my baka." She said softly and buried her face in his neck as she knew he was smiling at her blush and she was too embarrassed to show it to him.

"I should wear something nice too. I didn't know we were supposed to dress up for dates." He said and she looked up at him with a smile. She knew all about his social problems and never once had she minded it in the least. So what if he didn't do the things that usually couples do, his innocent eyes and loving heart made it all up for it and even beyond it, in her opinion.

"No I chose your clothes remember, you look handsome enough as it is, I don't want to beat the girls off of you." She said happily and he grinned foxily at her.

"Why afraid someone might steal me?" he asked playfully and she looked at him annoyed.

"As if let those sluts try, I'll beat them out of it with my fans." She said as two fans appeared from her loose kimono sleeves and he smiled. She was a true kunoichi always ready for a battle, not like those fan girls he saw in his old village. He kissed her neck gently licking and kissing her sensitive points as her breathing became erratic and she let out a soft moan and he smiled pecking her lips as he brought his mouth to her ear.

"You're the only one I want to hear those soft moans from my hime." He said softly and she hugged him tightly expressing how much she cared for him and loved him. He wrapped his arms around her as she melted in his arms.

"Alright let's go Mari-hime we still have that date you know." He said and she nodded as both left the Sabaku estate and walked through the village. Temari was wrapped up against him with him holding by her waist and her head on his shoulder. Most of the shop owners smiled and waved at them since they were the most popular couple in the village and almost everyone knew about him now due to Temari. Temari who already had a fan club in the village had less boys chasing after her since they knew she only had eyes for Naruto and none had the balls to stand against her brother. Naruto apparently had his own little fan club which annoyed Temari to no end since she had found a couple of girls flirting with him telling him how good his exotic features were. Naruto being the ever oblivious one thought it was good to be praised and was thanking them not understanding they were flirting until Temari had scared them off and had scolded him lightly like a mother would with her hands on her hips and he had apologized saying he didn't know. She couldn't even stay mad as she had looked at his innocent eyes apology and had forgiven him instantly hugging him saying it was alright.

"So where are we going Naru-kun?" she whispered and he smiled holding her waist tightly and kissed the top of her head as she snuggled into his shoulder.

"That's a surprise hime but I think you'll like it. I found it myself last week and it's a great place." He said and now her curiosity was raised as they walked towards the residential area of the village that was still scarce and was mostly for sale to new residents and walked into a clearing. Suddenly Naruto stopped and got behind her and as she tried to turn but he held her close and in place by her stomach and put another hand on her eyes as she smiled already knowing what he was doing.

"What are you doing Naru-kun?" she asked and he answered as he put his head on her shoulder their cheeks touching and Temari leaned in to make their contact closer and he smiled as their cheeks were now together.

"Walk with me hime I want to surprise you." He said softly and she nodded as he started to walk slowly with her to a part of the clearing as they walked slowly and Temari stumbled a few times giggling as Naruto kept her in place. She noticed that suddenly she felt the air quite colder and a lot less dry as she smelled the smell of wet muddy soil and trees and heard the sound of water falling and stopped as Naruto held her closer and nibbled her ear softly as she giggled and he whispered.

"Alright hime we're here. So are you ready?" he asked and she nodded with a smile as Naruto put his hand out and she opened her eyes slowly and her eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat. She put her hands over her mouth in surprise. She saw that they were in a strange cave which was as big as the Sabaku estate and there were trees in here and greenery like she had never before seen in Suna. There was a small waterfall coming from a crack in the cave which led a small stream through the cave. She saw many small white tiger cubs playing as a small cub came near her legs rubbing himself against her and she picked him up softly cradling him in her arms as he looked at her with wide curious eyes and she kissed his nose as he purred softly and nuzzled in her arms. She smiled brushing his soft fur as it walked up her arms and shoulders and wrapped itself behind her neck and fell asleep as she giggled at the cute little cub. She turned to Naruto who was standing watching the interaction with a smile.

"Where are we Naru-kun, how did you find this place?" she asked in a trance and he smiled.

"Well that cub that you have on your neck sleeping is Kiara, my personal summon of the white tiger clan. A week ago I tried to summon to see if I could still summon the toads and landed in the realm of the white tiger clan. Their leader Lord Fenrir accepted me as their summoner and came to see where I lived. He could become small like a normal tiger and walked around the village outside of the view of people and said that this place was too barren for the summoner of the prideful white tiger clan. He came with me here and saw this small barren hill then asked me to break the hill at a certain point. I smashed a Rasengan and the opening to this cave opened up. We came in to see this big round barren cave and he reverse summoned the elder tigers here who used their skills with Nature Chakra that they said they would train me in, in the future and changed it into this. I opened up some holes restricted by environment seals that only let sunlight come in and there you have it." He said pointing to the cave with his arms and she looked around at the majestic place.

"I have talked about it to Gaara and he has bought this place for me and I'll pay him back after I collect enough money. This place is restricted by heavy Uzumaki barrier seals attuned only to mine and your chakra and I will build my house here to live here and raise my family here. Most probably with you." He whispered the last part out very slowly but Temari heard it and smiled as she hugged him tightly.

"This a great place to raise our family here one day Naru-kun." She said softly and he looked at her with wide eyes.

"Are you saying that you want to raise a family with me?" he asked in a really nervous and hopeful tone and Temari smiled she had never felt this sure for anything but knew that he was the only one she would spend her life with.

"Yes Naru-kun you're the only one I would want to spend my life with, that is if you would want to." She said in a questioning tone at Naruto who was staring at her as she rubbed his whiskers when he suddenly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. Their lips moved in a synchronised manner as Naruto licked her bottom lip softly and she opened her mouth as he explored her mouth and she massaged his tongue letting him do what he wanted. He broke off the kiss after two minutes as both were breathing heavily and she saw tears streaming down his eyes when he suddenly captured her lips again and she moaned as their tongues battled for dominance and held his golden hair as she pushed her tongue in his mouth and he massaged it gently and they broke off. She saw he was still crying when he embraced her in the tightest hug he had ever held her in and sobbed as she held him and ran her fingers in his hair trying to calm him down.

"Why are you crying Naru-kun? What's wrong?" she asked softly gently cradling his head in her chest as he spoke in between sobs.

"Do you really mean it? You want to have a family with me?" he asked softly in between hiccups and she smiled as she kissed his tears away and nodded . He smiled as he buried his face in her chest and she held him tightly. Now she understood, he was finally happy that someone accepted him and was willing to give him the one thing he craved for most in this world – Family. Naruto felt he had achieved something in his life he had never thought was possible for him before. Someone was willing to spend her whole life with him and accepted him completely knowing everything about him.

"I love you Mari-Chan." He whispered softly in her chest and she smiled and kissed his forehead gently and gazed at him lovingly.

"I love you too Naru-kun." She whispered as a tear of her own rolled down her eye and she gave him a smile with a gentle push on his lips with her own pouring all her heart into it to let him know how much she loved him. The boy who had captured her heart in such a short time who she trusted with her life and soul.

Both sat down by the small stream with their feet in the water holding each other as every now and then one would kiss the other and were lost in their own little world as lunch time came and Naruto unsealed it as they sat underneath a tree and Naruto unsealed the food. She smiled as she saw all of her favourite things being pulled out, from tempura fried lobster cutlets, white crab soup and some cold strawberry flavoured milkshake, for which she asked how it was still so cold and he answered grinning. The beauty of sealing was the answer she got. It must have cost him a lot she mused and both ate as they spent their time making small talk with two or three make out sessions every hour and didn't even realize when it was night. They took some food from the restaurant and went straight to their room as Naruto sat with Temari, her back against his chest and his arms wrapped around her stomach. Both were reading a small book on a simple romantic couple and eating the food they brought with them slowly as Temari turned the page when Naruto said he had read it. Occasionally Naruto would kiss her neck or nibble her ear softly getting a giggle or a soft moan out of her. As they finally finished the small book Naruto spoke up.

"You know they weren't nearly as romantic as us hime." He said and she giggled as she turned around and sat on his lap her head resting on his shoulder as he had one arm wrapped around her waist and one playing with her free flowing hair.

"Really?" she asked playfully and he smiled at his mischievous girlfriend and started kissing her all over her face and neck making her giggle from the ticklish kisses he laid on her.

"Alright you're right we're more more romantic than anyone so stop please." She said as tears came from her eyes from laughing as he stopped and both rested in each other's arms as Naruto pulled up a blanket up to their necks and Temari snuggled into his arms burying her face in his neck kissing it softly as she yawned cutely and closed her eyes sighing happily.

"Today was the best day of my life Naru-kun." She said softly gazing into his eyes lovingly.

"Mine too hime." He said softly returning her gaze and pushed his lips to her gently kissing her lips as both broke off and closed their eyes snuggling into each other's arms as Naruto switched the lights off.

"Good night Mari-Chan." He whispered kissing the top of her head and closing his eyes as he pulled her closer by her waist.

"Good night Naru-kun." She whispered giving him a soft kiss on his neck and snuggling her face into it as she closed her eyes and sleep claimed the both of them.

Author's notes : There is the next chapter. Now I'll have the three year timeskip to start the shippuden arc since the relationship has grown to be fine in my opinion. I'll reveal the training and some other moments using flashbacks in the chapters. The status of Konoha over the years and the effects of Naruto's banishment and his status in the sand village will also be revealed as to where he stands in terms of respect in the villages including Suna. There weren't any lemons as some of you have asked since they were only thirteen at this time and quite frankly I don't think that's the right age for sex and will be added in later chapters. Now the plot of the story begins since the main characters have developed nicely.