
Depths Of disappear

This Novel is presented by @Mangrove_Vibes (Me) as a Fan Fiction of the popular manga "Attack on Titan" written by the honourable Japanese Writer Hajimé Isayama. As an Attack on Titan fan, I was too much saddened after reading the whole manga. The ending of the manga left a spot as a message from the future or maybe an ending(maybe). I wanted to complete one more round of the cycle of the Titan theory in AOT like... Ymir(The Founder of Titan's) became the first Titan by being attached to a Prehistoric being known as "Hallucigenia"(source of all Life as They say). It was living under an unusually big tree. so after Eren died in the manga, His Severed head was buried under the tree that He use to nap and hangout with Mikasa and Armin. After a lot of time,The tree grows larger and larger to match the tree that Ymir's Hallucigenia lived under. Then a Kid and His pet Dog comes to investigate. That's how the manga ended... I started the next round of the Founding Titan and Titans from that ending with the help of Time loop and the paths.

MangroveVibes · ファンタジー
9 Chs

"70 Years after the rumbling"

*It's freedom...70 years passed...No glimpse of war...

The Founder was stopped by an Ackermen.

It was the beginning of a new generation...The cycle that craves for freedom spins until the world comes to an end.*


A 10 Year old Kid was running through the woods,Away from a group of Kidnappers. He was trying to hide but there were wolves too. He was really scared to be caught up. suddenly the sky turned dark and started to thunder. The Kid was screaming with fear and He saw a huge tree in a distance. He ran to that tree and took a look around cause if it's not safe or not. But the Kidnappers almost caught Him But He started to climb the huge tree. The Kidnappers had guns so They waited for the Kid to climb and They were expecting to shoot Him to see Him fall like an apple. He managed to climb up to a branch and then the Kidnappers loaded Their guns and aimed them at the Kid. But suddenly the Kid falls into a narrow tunnel that was inside the tree. He was like sliding in ice but He couldn't be stopped. The Kidnappers were confused and then the Kid falls down into an underground well full of water. He wasn't able to swim or call for help. He was about to drown but a strange symbiotic worm like creature came to Him and got contact with His Spine. The Kidnappers were trying to find out a way to go in until They inhaled Their last breath. A gigantic Creature came up from the ground destroying the tree and the Kidnappers and it was roaring very loudly. Then 8 lightning strikes were been seen around 8 places at the same time.