
Depths Of disappear

This Novel is presented by @Mangrove_Vibes (Me) as a Fan Fiction of the popular manga "Attack on Titan" written by the honourable Japanese Writer Hajimé Isayama. As an Attack on Titan fan, I was too much saddened after reading the whole manga. The ending of the manga left a spot as a message from the future or maybe an ending(maybe). I wanted to complete one more round of the cycle of the Titan theory in AOT like... Ymir(The Founder of Titan's) became the first Titan by being attached to a Prehistoric being known as "Hallucigenia"(source of all Life as They say). It was living under an unusually big tree. so after Eren died in the manga, His Severed head was buried under the tree that He use to nap and hangout with Mikasa and Armin. After a lot of time,The tree grows larger and larger to match the tree that Ymir's Hallucigenia lived under. Then a Kid and His pet Dog comes to investigate. That's how the manga ended... I started the next round of the Founding Titan and Titans from that ending with the help of Time loop and the paths.

MangroveVibes · ファンタジー
9 Chs

" Past Memories Or Bad Dreams? "

Almost 1 day and a night passed...

Most of the soldiers,Survey corps were sleeping but Eren was awake outside. He was sitting on a wooden log outside His stay. He was looking at the stars like He didn't saw anything and He was thinking about His future and His past. Suddenly Erens eyes glew and He felt a warm wind like feeling. And He turned around. It was Hiannah. She asked "Aren't You tired Mr.Yeager?" Eren said "Nah,I was thinking about Myself,I don't know what to do in the future" She replied "Well... You can count on Yourself like... People Who loves You will be on Your side forever" Eren asked "Who are They?" She blushed and said "Um.. I-.. There might be a lot of People loving You even if You don't notice" Eren said "So... that's true I guess" Then Hiannah asked "Why Aren't You sleeping? Eren..." Eren said "I felt something weird today, My mind is crazy, There are voices in My head,Screaming" then Hiannah grabbed Eren's right hand and She said "Let Them scream until They can't... I'll be here for You Eren" Eren said "You are tok nice Hiannah. Too much honesty and Loyalty will make You cry oneday" She was not caring about it. She only cared about Eren and Her Friends. She asked "Why would I be scared to die if Being honest and Loyal is good?" Eren said "It's Your choice,Death won't be an answer" Hiannah wanted to stop Eren from talking like a Teacher too much. She said "Come on Eren,Let's go inside" Eren asked "Why?" She said "We can talk without getting cold" Eren said "Fine,Let's go" Hiannah said "To my room" Eren said "Hmm... Alright" Then Eren went to Hiannah's room with Her.

After few moments, Hiannah asked "What does it feels like to be annoyed with Voices in the head?" Eren took a deep breath and said "Painful and hard to keep attention,concentration" then Hiannah looked at Him in confusion while They were sitting in Hiannah's bed. Hiannah asked "Can we talk about this?Cause I could help You to avoid it?" Eren said "Okay,I'll tell You" then Hiannah gave the best attention She could and listened. Eren said "Once when I was sleeping, I had a dream of mine being eaten by a big Titan... And I woke up with fear. And then I was thinking about it the whole day until the next night fell. I went back to the bed to sleep and i couldn't stop thinking about Titans and blood. I heard someone say 'It's Your turn Eren' and then I looked around but nobody was around Me at that point of time. I laid on the bed and closed My eyes. Then i woke up to a scream. I Was scared and sweating. I ran out of My room and looked around until I saw the stars. I kept staring at the stars and that made me calm. But now! I'm hearing more unclear voices. They are too sharp and I feel like They are slicing My ears" Hiannah kept staring at Eren with confusion. She asked "Is it a male voice?" Eren said "Yes,And it's deep" Hiannah asked "Well,What did You see after those things happened?"

Eren said "I only saw unusually big Titans without skin walking around the land" Hiannah asked "Oh? You must've been frightened a lot then?" Eren said "I'm scared, It They are real" Hiannah said "Don't worry Eren, Let's sleep together, alright?" Eren asked "But?" She asked "Don't worry,We use to sleep like this when We 1st met at the Camp remember?" Eren said "Yes,I can't even imagine that now" Hiannah stood up and prepared rhe bed for Eren and She gave Eren a blanket. She went to the right corner and laid down.Eren turned off the lamp and laid on the bed next to Hiannah. She came closer to Eren and then Eren held Her tightly. She blushed and She loved to be with Him alone like that. Eren asked "Can You help Me Hiah?" She asked "Eren?What's wrong?I will help you for anything" Eren said "I need to know how Titans are appearing more often,We have to save the People from them" Hiannah said "Ofcourse,It's a responsibility of a Member of the 'W.O.F' ". Then Eren said "Then make Me calm like this,I don't wonna be dead like other,We have to stop this miserable life Hiannah! let's stop this together" She felt something wet on Her shoulders. She turned around and asked "Eren? Why are You crying?" He said "I can't stop it,It's too powerful... My feelings are coming out of Myself" Hiannah hugged Him hard and said "Don't worry,Let is come out, I'll help You to calm down everytime" Eren was too childish,She thought from the deep downs of Her heart but Nobody knew what's inside of Eren.

Few moments later, They fell asleep together without any disturbance or coldness.