
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

FateScore · ファンタジー
272 Chs

The Witch of Disaster

On the outside... 

"Your highness, I wonder why you are here and that also with all these people, " Said Rose with a respecful expression. 

The man standing before her was the King of Avalon. 

"Haha, it's nothing my child. I'm here to talk about making relation between us of the Royal Family and your Master stronger, " The King laughed. 

He then continued, " I'm here to propse the marriage proposal. To bestow upon your Master the chance to become my first wife. "

Rose was shocked, she then slowly understood. 

Right now, her Master was injured and now these people were here to take benefits. 

She gritted her teeth, as she understood from where this was coming. 

It was common knowledge among higher ups that the King of their country was a coward. 

He bullied the weak and acted subservient to the strong. 

That was what he was doing now! 

He was here to gobble up the whole legacy of Family that had been guarding his Kingdom for thousands of years.

What a pathetic bunch. 

"I'm afraid Master is injured and is resting right now, she is unable to meet anyone, " Said Rose. 

"What can be more important than seeing her king, I'm just going to meet her for some time, " Snorted the King. 

"Father, why do we need to wait? We can just go in. Also, please talk about mine and Rose's marriage, " Said the young boy who was following the king. 

"Haha, of course my son, " Laughed the King as he himself went towards where Rose's Master was resting. 

Rose now couldn't do anything to stop them, as King's protectors were stronger than her and also she couldn't stop them due to their authority. 

So, she just followed silently. 

Soon, they came to their destination and entered inside that part of the mansion without even asking for permission. 

The King directly looked forward to see a divinely beautiful women seating on the throne at the end of the hall. 

Beside her was standing a young boy who respectfully lowered his head towards this women. 

The King naturally ignored Alex and said to the beautiful women, " Guardian of Royal Family, I'm here today to ask for your hand in marriage to make the Royal bloodline even stronger. "

But in reply the beautiful women only scoffed. 

"You ignorant child, you don't even know what your Kingdom is facing. Those demons have been playing with you all. Only one that is stopping their march to your small Kingdom is my presence here. Once I'm gone, the frontline that you are holding with your pitiful strength will crumble like paper and this Kingdom will burn to ashes in your hands. Even now I give you the chance to return back to the safety of your Palace, don't force me to take what useless authority that you still hold by sullying that majestic throne with your disgusting presence, " The beautiful women said without stopping a beat. 

"You! " The King was angered. when was he talked so much sense into in his whole life? 

He said while fuming with anger, " If you don't wish to die, then become my wife and sign this covenant with me, then I'll help you release your curse. "

Alex's Master smiled, " How laughable, even if I die from the curse I won't surrender to you. Keep that slave covenant for yourself as your grim future holds nothing but slavery. "

Once the women was done speaking, she stopped as if trying to remember something. 

But just then the young boy beside her spoke, " Mr King, that guy behind you wants to say something... "

The King just then turned around as he saw that those two protectors who were strongest Generals in his personal army were soaked in sweat.

Even King was now feeling slightly afraid, as he asked, " What's wrong!? "

"Your Highness, the curse on Guardian is gone. Even her injuries are no longer there, " One of the two said. 

"W-What!? " The King was shocked. 

He only had galls to come here knowing that the curse he planted was on there and this women should now be on her last breaths. 

King then slowly turned to the beautiful women who now looked like a real demon to him. 

The King knew how strong this women was, she had lived for uncountable decades, her strength was unknown. 

But one thing he knew was that she had never lost in fight or battle. 

Just her presence would guarantee victory in any war or battle, that's how strong she was. 

The women now smirked, " What were you saying? "

" N-No... That's impossible... Lord Guardian please forgive my ignorant mind, t-this was all fault of my advisor. He was the one who told me to ask for your hand in marriage, " The King pleaded leaving all of his dignity aside in face of survival. 

His son was already kneeling with his head on the ground, that's how ferocious this women's fame was. 

"Humph! I'm taking away all of your authority, this is now time for the Avalon to know about their true Rulers, " The beautiful women snorted. 

She then motioned to Rose, " Throw them inside the dungeon. "

"Yes Master, " Rose who was totally surprised by her Master's aura said with pride and respect. 

Alex's master then used some spell, as suddenly the King and his son lost their powers and their protectors disappeared into dust. 

"We don't need these weaklings to support our Kingdom, " She said. 

Rose then took these two people away and locked them into dungeon. 

Once everyone was gone Alex quickly went forward and closed the door. 

He then looked at his Master and laughed loudly, " You are such a good actress Master, even I would have been scammed if I didn't know. "

"Hah! Of course! Who do you think I'm, " The women said proudly. 

The lines that Alex's Master spoke were all written by Alex. 

He even helped her when in between she forgot some lines, but he didn't mention that now. 

"Hehe, Congrats Master. Now you're gonna be the Queen it seems, " Continued Alex. 

His Master smiled as she leaned back in her seat, " Nah, I just didn't want to work that's why I handed over everything to those people giving them authority. Now I'll have to work again, sigh. "

"I see, " Said Alex with an amused expression. 

Suddenly his Master said, " Do you really do not want anything? "

"Huh?... I do not... Didn't I already get something?... " Said Alex as he looked at his Master. 

She suddenly blushed thinking about Alex seeing her completely naked. 

She hadn't thought that Alex would really cure her for free, as the memories from that other women told her that he was a literal scoundrel and bastard. 

"If you don't want anything then get out, " Said his Master with straight face. But Alex was sure that she was actually embarassed. 

"Master, you do not need to feel indebted to me for anything. You are my Master and my only wish is that... "

"For you to become my family, " Said Alex with a straight face. 

"W-What! But didn't you just say... At least give me some time to think... " Replied his Master in an embarassed tone. 

"Master... You really are perverted... What do you think I'm? A sex maniac? " Alex asked with disbelief. This women had once again misunderstood him. 

Alex's Master then remembered Alex's previous life, she said with indignation, " What are you if not a sex maniac! "

"Huh? What the fuck, no one has disrespected me this way. In my previous lives I was just and kind person who helped everyone, spreading prosperity and peace, " Said Alex with pride. 

"Prosperity and Peace my... " But before she could complete her words, she realised something. 

"Alex, what do you mean by your previous lives? " She asked. 

"Huh? Well, you won't understand even if I told you. But basically, I have lived many lives due to different reasons, " Said Alex. 

Alex's Master gradually understood that Alex still hadn't remembered anything about his life in The Game. 

He was totally unaware and will only know about that when he turns 18.

She sighed. 

"So, do you know why you came in this world? " She asked to make sure if Alex really had lost his memories. 

Alex contemplated, " Actually, I don't. Even I was shocked when I was born here. Because rarely I meet with worlds that are capable of hindering my powers. "

Alex's Master nodded, she was sure that Alex really didn't know anything about how he came here. 

Previously she had thought that Alex somehow remembered everything. As his demeanor and sword skills weren't something that can be trained in a single decade. 

She of course hadn't talked about this with those other women who came with her here, including her disciple Rose who always was after Alex's life. 

The reason behind this was because she had actually destroyed the consciousness of the women who tried to replace her in this world. 

It took some time, but with her experience and firm will, in the end that women's consciousness was destroyed leaving her body and memories to her. 

Alex's Master then asked to Alex seriously, " So, what is your goal in this life? "

Alex didn't hesitate for a moment before saying, " Family. "

Alex's Master was surprised, as she also repeated the word Alex said inside her mind. 

"What do you mean exactly? " She asked. 

Alex sighed, " I've been living too haphazardly, without knowing when I'll be killed. I've already forgotten what my Family was. So right now, for one last time I wish to live a life that has by now faded from my memories. "

"I-I see, " That was all Alex's Master said. 

"You don't need to think of me as weird. In this life you're my Master and also one of my family, " Said Alex with a gentle smile. 

His Master didn't say anything, but nodded. 

After few moments she said, " If you need anything, you can contact me directly. For now you can go. "

Alex smiled and bowed, " As you say Master. "

He then left leaving her all alone in this hall, contemplating the words Alex said. 

With Alex gone she closed her eyes and leaned back on her throne. 

Trying to calm down her racing heart. 

'The Family' she smiled. 

For last hundreds of years, she had been feeling this emptiness and only today she understood why. 

From all that time, she was looking for connections, but she herself never realised it. 

She was walking all alone without knowing why, but deep inside she longed for the Family. 

Wasn't she also similar to Alex in this way? 

Perhaps this was why she had taken Rose and Alex as her disciple years ago. 

But the fate was cruel, her first disciple was taken away by something that she couldn't go against. 

She herself was confused without knowing what was happening. 

And only today she felt that she found something that she wished for. 

"A Family... He said he is my family... " She mumbled as she thought about Alex. 

His gentle touch all over her body, his soft words when she was being pained by the that healing technique. 

"He really is charming... And kind... Perhaps this women never managed to know who he really was... " She said while touching the body that actually wasn't her previously. 

She suddenly stood up and the slowly floated towards the door, " But as my family member he's too weak. I need to train him as his Master, " She said with a smile and then left. 

Alex who was few 100 metres away, relishing in the morning sun felt a chill down his spine. 

"Damn, am I in danger or something? " He looked around but couldn't find anything. 

And that was how poor Alex fell in the unending training sessions that started from that day. 

Like this 2 more years passed. 

Alex was now 12 years old. But he was now one of the strongest combatants in the Avalon. 

Only weaker than his Master, who was once again training him. 

Alex wondered what kind of crime he did that he now had to face this harsh treatment. 

He was supposed to enjoy his life, but now he was training his body as if his life depended on it. 

In these two years Alex had gotten even taller, his body as well now was muscular. 

Even though he had some baby fat on his cheeks he still looked like a formidable young man. 

"Alex why are you day-dreaming? " He suddenly heard the soft feminine voice that echoed in his ears like a death bell. 

"N-Nothing Master... " He said while parrying the spear that was aimed at his throat. 

Alex had gotten very close to his Master and he had found out very sensitive secrets about her. 

She was certainly strong and trained Alex like a his Master. Letting him know how it feels to have a Master-disciple relationship. 

But besides that, even though his Master was a peerless beauty that could overshine even sun and moon, she was cute and kind, sometimes even clumsy. So Alex liked her a lot. 

But she also acted like a real family with him, so he let her clumsiness pass. 

After their first meeting that day, she would always find time from her now very very busy schedule to spend time with him. 

His relationship with Rose was just like before, she hardly talked to him and he as well. 

Like now, most of the time she would stay away from the Capital in search of those puppet hexes and curses. 

He really wondered why she was so hell bent on it. 

Soon, he was done with his training and returned to his room for rest. 

And as always his Master as well followed him. 

His Master would always brew a tea for him along with the breakfast whenever he was done with his training. 

"Master, you really don't need to do it, " Said Alex. 

She said with a gentle smile, " Didn't I say I'm your family. So, I can not go back on my words. "

"I know, " Said Alex as he started eating breakfast. 

He took the first bite, as his eyes shined, " Master, this is so good, try it. "

"Ohh, I seemed to have outdoned myself. But it's still not good as yours, " She sighed. 

"Well, you'll need years before you reach my level of cooking. By the way that was the same spoon I used, doesn't that mean we just now indirectly kissed again, " Said Alex with a serious look of contemplation. 

His Master's face once again turned red, " You! Stop teasing me. I know you did that on purpose. Humph. You are the real pervert. "

" You could have stopped me, " Said Alex as he ate from the same spoon, causing her to blush even more. 

Alex continued, " Actually it doesn't matter, as we have already kissed yesterday. "

His Master pouted in fake anger, " You made me overdrink even after knowing that I have low alcohol tolerance. "

"And you directly climbed upon me, if I didn't stop you then it wouldn't have just ended with the Witch of Disaster loosing her first kiss, " Teased Alex. 

She was now so embarrassed that she decided to change the topic. 

Alex knew about his Master's affection, which she didn't confess neither she hid. 

So, last night he had taken upon himself to make her confess and that was the result. 

Suddenly his Master said, " What about Rose? Did you meet her yesterday? "

Alex replied while eating, " No, yesterday I was busy planning about how to make you drunk. I'll go find her after breakfast. "

" I see, make sure she is safe and stop her from doing anything dangerous, " She said. 

"You're such a worrywart Master, I'll be with her, so don't worry, " Said Alex with confidence. 

"Alex... But are you happy with the way things are going? She will forever hate you... " His Master said. 

Alex stopped eating, " ... It doesn't matter, but at least I can try this way... I don't know why... But I've been getting this weird sensation as if there is not much time remaining. "

She knew, he really didn't have much time. 

Alex's Master sighed, this guy...he's hopeless. Perhaps that's what makes him different... And so attractive...