
Departed Souls

A storm brews under the house of this girl. She is the landlady of the stay house for the souls and the portal leads to the underworld. This is the experience of Anne and her guests. Let see what awaits Anne. Will she be uprooted or stand firm in the storm??? The story and character are purely fictional. The cover page is not mine. This is my first time writing. So please leave a comment.

13 Chs

Chapter 8

I open my eyes and felt the soft mattress of my bed. I don't know how I got here.

"You're quite lucky that you were able to use your power even not practicing". said Seth in a serious voice.

"I will train you and you became a worthy boss of mine. I can sigh relief if I have capable of running the guesthouse". He comments.

The mortal world is not only one world and every world has its own essence of energy. Also, known as qi. There are other worlds: Upperworld for spirit qi user, underworld for demon qi user, mortal world for nature qi user. And from Seth's words, it can be proved that I am quite a powerful qi user. The qi has four stages novice stage, apprentice stage, master stage, saint stage. The saint stage is the last and supreme nature qi user. These people with high stage have a long life and Seth is one of them. Each world has its own leader and nobility and culture as well as beliefs and faith. Every world has its own complex idealogy and hierarchy which is heavily influenced by the mortal world.

I least knew that souls are divided into three categories. Firstly, the spirits. These are the soul that have no malice or anger and peaceful leaves for the underworld. Secondly, the people who had died with some resentment in their life called ghosts. But they can be satisfied with their needs and be purified by qi. And thirdly, the evils. They are formed after a huge amount of resentment and malice. The evils are needed to purify to dark miasma and then treat them like ghosts or to destroy the heart of the soul with the qi energy of mine.

I know I have to be trained to master the art of qi. I know about my job from what I read but have no real-life experience. This makes me vulnerable to my opponent.

"I will teach you to master your qi in your dreamscape. You can master your techniques in sleep and will not affect both of your jobs", Seth says firmly.

"The incident is only the tip of the problems. I hope you studied the book thoroughly. I can only guide you through the training. But you have to work hard to use qi fluently".

"Anne. It would better course of action. I better start the training from tomorrow. You rest for today".

"Okay, Seth.", I said weakly and fall asleep.

I have to find out who had attacked me and kuro. The mysterious person in my shop was like my lucky charm. I have to ask my assistant to service him for free. I am grateful to him for being my life-saving grace.

Somewhere else...

"My Prince, the mission was unsuccessful. My apologies", stated a black shadow.

I see my prince, start to break every single thing in the room. I know I should be punished as I failed my mission. I am the head of the secret organization, Lucifer's Eyes, known as 001. We are our prince's eyes. We are nameless and faceless. I feel the guilt of not being useful to my prince.


"How can this be?

My plan was an ingenious plan. How can it fail?" asks my prince.

He suddenly turns serious and from the look. I know that he is planning something more dangerous. I will support my prince till the end of my life.

"Listen I will spare you but you have to complete this one mission or else, you die". ordered my prince.

"Yes, my prince I will complete this mission successfully".

I whisk away from the room silently and I hear him, laugh crazily.


I am sorry my prince that I failed you.

My Prince

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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