The past contains as many mysteries as the future. With time disrupted, the present contains these same mysteries.
Silence echoed loudly in the ears of Janus. His thirteenth birthday being as big a disappointment as he was expecting. His parents worried, afraid if there was something wrong with him as he spoke less and human contact seemed rare. Janus was in a curious state of thought as his loneliness disillusioned him to reality.
"Outside of now, how do I exist?"
It wasn't an attempt at philosophy, but a true question that plagued a child whose most notable quality was his isolation.
And then the world distorted.
Apart from Janus and his parents no one would notice anything, and for anyone but Janus, nothing had happened.
"The rush of the world shifting around yourself, twisting and bending is an experience like none other," was the idea of a man who had opened a door that doesn't exist. The world had changed the year after he got his learner's license for driving. It was a merging of universes or dimensions which stopped any electronic device of the time to continue functioning. The first day was panic. The second day was fear. The third day would have been chaos if the it wasn't when the world caught up with the merging. The earth tore at itself shattering stone and swallowing civilization. The man had survived, but not his family.