
The Nightmare (Part 2)

Seeing the fire in the distance, Glasia and her companions hurried as fast as they could to quickly reach the misty village. However, even at speed and running a bit from time to time, it still took them an hour and a half to reach the outskirts of the misty village.

Once there, Selina stopped the group's pace to assess the situation. This was not unusual, Selina specialized in observing the terrain, because being a skilled assassin it was necessary to be able to ambush her prey efficiently, for this reason she was the most reliable cash when it came to reconnoitring the terrain.

"Wait!" —That was the word with which she stopped the fast pace of her group —Something isn't right… —after releasing those words, he hid behind the trunk of a tree and signaled to his companions to imitate her.

With a quick glance Selina understood that most of the village had been consumed by flames by this point, so rushing to look for survivors is the usual path to take. However, despite what was happening the place was completely silent, not even a scream in the distance, all that could be heard was the dance of the flames in the wind and the creaking of the wood crumbling from the houses of the which was once a village.

"What's up Selina?!" Osman asked.

-We are in a hurry! Glasia was obviously in a hurry, but Selina silenced them by placing her finger in front of her lips before beginning to whisper.

"Since we got here, I feel like someone is watching us." She had a worried expression as she said it, an expression that was difficult to discern due to her mask. Although this was not a problem for her classmates —Besides... Doesn't this silence seem strange to you? Is there even anyone left in that place? If I had to speculate, I would say that either the inhabitants of this place were taken to another place before burning the village or they are all already dead... - she released her thoughts with regret as she stealthily spied on the expression of the companion of her Glasia of her.

-No, that's not possible! They have to be there and they need help! Glasia yelled before running towards the burning village without waiting for his companions.

Lost in thought, Osmar and Selina were not Quick enough to stop Glasia from leaving her improvised hiding place and could only blurt out almost at the same time the word: "Wait!"

Guilt was what moved Glasia's body and muffled the voice in her brain, her mind filled with dark thoughts of guilt.

"I should have come at least once to visit mom... No, I should have been here from the start, why did this have to happen?" Mother! Mother! His thoughts of her became more chaotic and hazy as she ran toward her old home, completely ignoring the flames around her.

Fortunately, the cabin Glasia lived in was on the outskirts of the village, so the fire was just beginning to consume it, not only that, but being on the outskirts it was also easy to get there.

Glasia was about to force the door of her house when a crack announced that part of the entrance to the burning structure was about to collapse. When Glasia saw him, she barely managed to put her arms up to cover herself from the rubble when at that moment, a large shield covered her from the blow and her partner Osmar appeared behind her and saved her from a Servera injury due to the carelessness of Glasia. she.

"Damn Glasia!" Be more careful! she complained while holding her shield up.

-Mother! —Glasia ignored the gesture of her companion and instead of her, she hurriedly entered her house.

"Wait a fucking second, dammit!" — By that time Selina also arrived at the place and she along with Osmar chased Glasia inside the structure.

-Mother! Mother! —Glasia desperately called her mother as she wandered through the structure that was about to collapse, apart from her screams, she and her companions coughed due to the lack of oxygen caused by the heat in her lungs and smoke in place.

"Leave it Glasia, we have to get out of here!" —Osmar had realized that the structure wouldn't hold much more and he rushed to take his companion by force, at this moment even if she got annoyed by the gesture it didn't matter anymore.

"What are you doing Osmar?!" Let go! No! Mother! —Glasia struggled as much as she could, but the strength of her partner was far superior to what she could exert. In the numerous attempts that she made to grab something, she ended up taking one of the objects from the shelves, either by chance or by destiny, when they left the place she had in her hand the black candle that her mother lit every night . Later, after she left the place, the structure finally gave way to her weight and collapsed. The place that Glasia once called home had been completely destroyed and forgotten, only leaving behind that black candle that both her mother and her grandmother treasured —Mom!!! —Glasia let out a heartbreaking scream before collapsing on her knees and starting to cry inconsolably in a place near the door of her house.

"Knock her out Osmar, we don't have time for this!" This place is dangerous! Selina ordered before hastily entering the forest surrounding the villa. "Follow me!"

"I'm sorry, Glasia," he apologized before hitting his companion and carrying her thin body that had fallen limply with tears still decorating her eyes.

Soon Osmar began to run following Selina's steps with Glasia's body on his shoulder as if it were a sack of potatoes. That was until after a considerable run he found Selina bent over checking a body that was next to her.

From a glance, it was evident that he was an old man, probably one of the villagers who had escaped from the village before collapsing on that spot for no apparent reason. The old man had no injuries or anything that looked like him, he was just lying there in the woods.

-Its alive? Osmar asked after lightening his step slightly to stand next to Selina.

"Yeah, it looks like he just lost consciousness," Selina replied after checking the old man's pulse.

—I see, in that case load it, we'll take it with us.

-Because? —Selina was not very happy with the idea of ​​carrying the old man —I think it will be safe to stay here until those two wake up. I mean, we're relatively far from the village and it's not like someone's chasing us, you know?

Well, I didn't know that was the case. You were the one who went into the woods without saying anything.

"I just had a bad feeling, that's all."

-One way or the other…

After arguing a bit, both Osmar and Selina settled in the trees in the area and agreed not to make a bonfire so as not to attract the attention of anything undesirable, anyway, the moon provided enough light so that it was not complete darkness and you could still see a little.

Thus the hours passed, while Selina and Osmar remained on guard to avoid any attack, taking turns approximately every two hours until dawn arrived, at approximately 3 in the morning the old man finally opened his eyes.

"Ah," the old man complained of a slight headache upon waking up, "Where am I?" —he said to himself before finding two people near him —Who are you?! He asked cautiously.

—Hello, my name is Osmar and this is my partner Selina —Osmar answered trying to soften his tone to sound as friendly as possible —We are both adventurers from Amurg and well…we were coming to complete a mission when we found the misty village completely on fire and when we searched the area a bit, we found it," he explained to reassure the old man.

"I see... they are adventurers," the old man commented, still showing a bit of mistrust in his position.

"May I ask your name?" And if possible we would like you to tell us what happened, why was the villa on fire?

"Well, my name is Ambrosio." The old man finally let go of his guard, realizing that there was nothing to be gained by being on the defensive. Probably due to Osmar's charismatic personality and his imposing bearing, he came to the conclusion that it would be bad to anger the guy in the armor or the young lady who was looking at him with sharp and distrustful eyes —First of all, thanks for helping this old man.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ambrosio.

"Regarding your other question, our village was attacked by vampires.

-That?! —Osmar and Selina said with surprise almost at the same time.

—Apparently one of the people who lived in the village caught the attention of a vampire lord and they came to take some food and the girl, or so I heard from one of them while I slipped away among the bewilderment.

"What do vampires do in the human realm?" I understand that your territory is far from this border, right? Something seemed slightly off to Selina.

—I don't know, they just came and started taking the young people. They also took me prisoner, but after telling me that I wasn't even good enough to eat, they simply let me go and I ended up stumbling because of fear and here I am... -he said before looking at the person who was unconscious next to Osmar -Is that person too She was attacked? Ambrosio pointed to Glasia's body.

"No... it's something a bit complicated," Osmar said uncomfortably and seeing the old man's distrustful reaction, he continued to reassure him. his mother… In the end we had no choice and left her unconscious to leave the place.

"I see... What was the name of that girl's mother?"

—Uhm... that's a good question, I really don't remember... I could swear he told us his name at some point, but I don't remember it... —Osmar's words made the old man begin to mistrust. No one could blame him, since he had conveniently forgotten a detail that anyone would know if they were really mates.

"It was Lia, wasn't it?"

"Do you remember Selina?" She only said it once, you know?

—Just because you have the memory of a chicken doesn't mean we're all equally idiots, you know?

"That's a little unfair of you..."

—So Mrs. Lía, huh.

"Do you know her?" Osman asked.

—That's right, it's difficult not to know her to be honest. In that case, the girl next to you must be little Glasia, am I wrong?

"That's right, that's the name of this girl." After hearing that, the old man finally allowed himself to relax and talk calmly with the strangers.

"That complicates things a lot," the old man commented.

-Because? asked Osmar, quite taken aback by the old man's sudden comment.

"That's because the girl I told you about before is the mother of this girl..."

"But she should be a lady in her early forties…why would a vampire lord take an interest in her?"

—I don't know if you know this, but even at 42 years old, Mrs. Lía is a beauty like no other you have seen, so much so that she looks like a doll made by a craftsman. I think that even with her age, any of her would fall for something like that… Besides, her daughter is even more beautiful than her, you know?

"Don't joke with me, old man," Osmar replied incredulously. "There's no way this girl is beautiful.

"Haven't you seen her before?"

"Well no, he always wears that robe and mask so we've never really seen his face," Selina replied.

"Take off his mask and you'll understand," Ambrosio suggested.

Not that he would lose anything by doing so, either, so Osmar did as the old man suggested and removed the hood and mask from Glasia's still unconscious body.

-What the hell?! —It was all she could say when she saw the girl's uncovered face for the first time —How is this possible? —Osmar couldn't believe what her eyes saw. That was how striking Glasia's beauty was.

"I always thought she was ugly as an oyster and that's why she covered her face," Selina commented reflectively. "Seems like you never jump to conclusions without asking first, huh."

"Damn, I've never thought about it, but if I had a type of woman I liked, I think it would be someone like her…" Osmar's head stopped working properly for a second.

"Stop talking nonsense, Osmar.

"They see it now." This girl's mother has comparable beauty, would they still call me crazy for saying something like that?

"W-Well… if that's the case, I can understand…" Osmar had to swallow his previous opinions, even if it was bitter.

"This is bad, immediately cover Glasia's face.

-Because? Don't be jealous, Selina.

"It's not that, idiot." Selina was annoyed by the inappropriate comment. "What will we do if one of those vampires sees her?"

—Now that you mention it… —Osmar was about to cover Glasia's face again, when a silhouette appeared out of the darkness.

"You needn't bother, my lord will be happy with an offering like this." And to think that in a filthy town like that there would be not one, but two offerings of this quality.

-Who's there?! Selina was immediately defensive.

"Oh, how rude of me." I introduce myself, Leader of the guard of the progenitor of vampires, Rauger Bloodline." Bowing elegantly, an imposing man appeared from the shadows, though the only thing that was clearly visible of him was his glowing red eyes.