

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
100 Chs


              After being told not leave the house without permission, she was so angry and full of rage which was all directed to just one man named Savarus.

'I will make sure to pay you back in the future for this which you have done, Savarus'.

At night, some noises could be hear coming from the training ground, it was currently 2:34am, Bethany could be seen sweating and panting for air loudly, she was training all by herself at this hour, all because she couldn't take her mind off what happened today.

The hopeless and weakness she felt yesterday was getting to her, putting her in a position where she couldn't have a peaceful sleep because she kept on thinking about that moment.

'If I feel tired and stop now, how will I be able to get my revenge in the future, I have to get stronger than this'.

She kept on training not even aware someone was watching her all this time, untill the person made his presence known.

"That's enough Bethany, don't get too work up about what happened today, go get some sleep, you can continue doing your training in the morning" said her father.

"Dad how long have you been here?.

"Not too long, I just felt like strolling when I saw you here, it looks like you couldn't get any sleep also"

"Dad I will soon go to bed, but just let me training for some minutes before going" said Bethany.

"Bethany why don't you just listened, if you train too much, who is going to marry you out there, you are a woman for goodness sake, so act like one".

"But dad..

"Don't dodge the topic Bethany, the reason I let you train is to protect yourself not making it one of your hobbies, leave the fighting stuff to the men and try behaving like a woman.

This old man here wants to carry his grandchildren, so stop being a splinter and go look for someone out there that you like" said her father.

"So dad, are you trying to say, I'm free to go out? asked Bethany.

"I didn't say anything like that, I only said for you to look for someone you like".

"How am I supposed to look for someone I like when I'm not allowed to go out" questioned Bethany.

"Let's forget about it for now, we will talk about it in the morning or another day, so go and get some sleep".

"Okay Dad, goodnight and try to get some sleep also, I can clearly see some wrinkles on your face" said Bethany as she ran off.

"You better don't let me get a hold of you, young woman, because I will make sure to punish you for trying to call me an old man" laugh Bethany father.

As Bethany was going to her room, her mind was set on one thing, making sure she have her revenge.

'I wouldn't stop training untill I'm able to beat you and have my sweet revenge' said Bethany inwardly

               In a house not too big but also nor too small for someone to live in, there was someone who was thinking about what happened today and was unable to close his eyes to sleep.

'Are humans really that weak, I know her hope went high, when she knew her guard were around, but only to see her hope flash before her eyes, when her guards were unconscious, she is even stronger than all of them put together'.

'It was a good encounter, well maybe to me because I really know she would be piss off right now and trying to get revenge on me for what I did' think Savarus.

'Maybe I should pay her a visit tomorrow and see how she would react, human are really something, it makes me want to live here forever'.

'Thinking of staying here forever why don't I go to craken and see how it's doing incase anything has changed.

          With how quiet and peaceful the night was, there was some people that just couldn't get any sleep because of one thing or the other.

One of these people currently was Falenios, he was cracking his brain in aching up a plan on how to remove the humans at once.

He is currently looking at different maps of the human world, he is having a hard time locating where every king in the human world lives.

'Where is the best place to host an event which will be able to contain many humans as possible, this look like a good place, it's good in population but doesn't have much space to contain more than what's it's holding right now'.

'This other place it's not that bad it have a lot of space to hold up a lot of people but bringing all of them there is the issue, it's a lot far from civilization and most people won't like to go there'.

'I'm feeling so tired thinking of all this matter and that stupid king isn't making it any easy for me, I couldn't even talk business with him, thank goodness I requested some months because this is a long term plan'.

'First of all, I will have to get closer to all the kings and then build trust between them or better still, eliminating all of them when they are all at one place.

 I have to definitely meet one of the king tomorrow, so I can set the first phase of my plan into action.  Those encranoes are all dumb wit, they prefer using their fist than word, they might already started throwing tantrum like a child, the king is lucky for being powerful, if not he would have long been thrown out of his position.

'I will make sure to visit the human castle tomorrow and present something the king can't refuse, I'm feeling sleepy with all this thinking, my brain feels like melting right now, let me sleep for now, tomorrow I will meet the king and get started with my plan'.