

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · ファンタジー
100 Chs

First kiss

               After the long climbing, they finally got to the roof top, it didn't take up to thirty seconds before firecrackers could be seen in the air, they were so many, litting up the night, Bethany was hugging Savarus tightly and hiding her face on his chest because she was afraid of it.

"Come on, what's so scary about fireworks, just raise your face and look at the beautiful scenery" said Savarus.

"No thanks, I will pass on that" said Bethany while still hiding her face on his chest.

"Just trust me and look at it" said Savarus in a cozy manners, Bethany raise her face and saw the beautiful piece of work, she was gazing at it, but the moment another firecrackers was shot in the sky, she immediately hid her face. This act formulated a laughter from Savarus "scare cat".

After some while minutes of getting use to it, Bethany raise her face and was no longer afraid of the fireworks, she was now looking at it with eyes filled with amusement.

"It's very beautiful" said Bethany.

"Yes it is beautiful, just like you" replied Savarus staring at her, his eyes were so captivating that she couldn't take her eyes off his.

The fireworks was litting up the sky making everywhere shinning so bright, his handsome face reflected inside her eyes. He was like an angel from heaven. Everything was too much for Bethany to take, her heart was pounding loudly, it felt like a dream to her. Everything else faded around them, like if they were in a standstill and she could only focus on him.

He reached out and cupped her face with one hand and gently tucked her hair behind her ear, he slowly moved his face closer to hers. As Bethany saw him getting closer, her heart started pounding so hard, she was afraid it might leap out of her chest. She subconsciously close her eyes and held her breath.

A second passed by and she could feel the pressure of his soft lips on hers and everything suddenly ceased to exist. His kiss was soft, gentle, filled with love and undemanding and her mind went blank. Her knees grew weak from the pleasure and her heart was beating three times louder than before, although it was her first time kissing someone, but she couldn't believe it, that just one kiss was having this kind of effect on her.

If she wasn't sitting down right now, she would have fallen from the roof, because her knees grew weak from the pleasure of the kiss. Savarus use his hand to hold her waist and draw her closer to himself, and also putting some pressure to the kiss, the wave of pleasure that went through Bethany was intoxicating her.

After some while, their lips parted, Bethany was so red and breathless, she was surprised that she was still conscious after all the pleasure she felt. Savarus was mesmerised when looking at her because he haven't kiss any other woman the way he kiss her, usually his way of kissing is always hard, rough and filled with lust, he haven't kiss anybody for a long time now, so he was surprised that he was able to hold back himself.

'Maybe it's the taste of her innocent lips, because I don't see any reason apart from that'.

"I love you Bethany and want you to be by my side" said Savarus.

 Atlas, the fireworks came to an end, Bethany and Savarus was currently walking down the stairs or perharp Savarus was walking down the stairs because he was carrying Bethany.

"Do you want to go home now or still want to continue the festival" asked Savarus.

"Are there still other events that haven't been done?" Asked Bethany.

"Nor that I know of, just sitting around a fire and dancing or drinking, that is the only event left and I don't see a need for we to attend it because we have pretty much dance already".

"Okay then, let's go home" replied Bethany.

With Savarus carrying her on his back and them having some conversation, it didn't take them long before getting to Bethany house.

"Don't forget what you promise me" said Bethany.

"And what did I promise you?" Replied Savarus.

"That tomorrow you are going to show me your house.

"It completely slipped my mind, don't worry I will show you, one more thing, don't you think you are forgetting something, I said I will, but didn't promise to".

"Whatever, they are the same thing to me, goodnight and thanks for taking me to the festival, I really enjoyed it" said Bethany while kissing his cheek and running inside, Savarus was stunt, he was just standing there and touching his cheek where he was just kissed. A bright smile found its way to his face.

At night Bethany couldn't get any sleep, she wasn't even tire after all the activities done on the festival, she was thinking about the way Savarus kissed her when they were on the roof top, it's as if the kiss brought some kind of feeling to her body, she was reminiscing it over and over again, she was thinking about the things she felt when his lips came into contact with her, she haven't experienced anything like that before.

 The next day arrived and Savarus was already there to teach Bethany as promise, she was currently having a spare with him. Her being the attacker and him being the defender, she was using her full speed in swinging her sword, so she can be able to get a strike in but there still wasn't any progress, Savarus was blocking everything effortlessly.

She was trying really hard to predict his movement, but her speed always betray her because before she could move to his direction, he has already move from there, after the continues trying and still no result, she was becoming frustrated, when she wanted to attack again, she slipped and was about to hit the hard floor.

'This is gonna hurt alot' said Bethany while closing her eyes. After some minutes of waiting and still no sign of pain, she open her eyes and saw Savarus holding her gently.

"How did you get here so soon and how were you able to caught me in time?" Asked Bethany.

"I think that's enough for today martial arts training, let's go to archery".

"But you haven't answer my question".