

"Simply Exists." That is the description of the First Primordial, Brayfog. In the future, he simply exists, but how did this Primordial take on the mantle of First Primordial? Before everything, he was just a child, a baby forged in atypical ways, without a father or a mother. Was Brayfog created from something or was he merely an anomaly? What mysteries surround the life and existence of the entity who once, at the pinnacle, determined that his existence alone was sufficient to influence the future of the entire known universe? What price was paid for such power, so that an existence, an entity, would be described simply as "Simply Exists"?

Astragaar · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 2: The Meeting of Ancient Souls

The cave was steeped in calm and darkness, like a sanctuary deep within the mountain. The wise old sage, with his long, dark mantle, was immersed in meditation when the visiting elder made her entrance. Her countenance was a vision of serenity and wisdom, as if time had etched each wrinkle on her skin to tell stories.

The elder wore a red cloak that seemed crafted from the passions of the universe, and a white shawl that was like the purity of snow. Her hair was an endless cascade that flowed down to touch the cave's floor. Six golden horns adorned her brow, emitting a soft and majestic glow that contrasted with the sage's own horns.

She approached with graceful steps, like a silent dance. Her voice was an echo of centuries, gentle and melodious, as she called the sage by name, "Lao Feng."

The wise old sage opened his eyes, his wrinkled gaze meeting the elder's. There was mutual recognition in that look, a connection that extended beyond words.

"Lao Mei," the sage responded, using her name with affection. "It is an honor to see you again. Your visit is a blessing to this place."

The elder smiled with a tenderness that illuminated the corners of her wrinkled eyes. "You have been walking in silence lately, my friend. What has brought you to this contemplative state?"

Lao Feng sighed softly. "There is much to ponder and much to care for. I have a new responsibility that has entered my life."

The elder tilted her head, curious. "A responsibility? Tell me more, my friend."

With love and pride in his voice, Lao Feng began to share the story of Zhan Lu, the young one he had welcomed and cared for in recent years. He described Zhan Lu's growth, his insatiable curiosity, and the deep connection they had developed.

The elder listened in silence, her golden eyes shining with interest and surprise. When the narrative came to an end, she looked deep into Lao Feng's eyes.

"It is a remarkable tale, my friend. You, the guardian of shadows, caring for a child of light. It is a testament to your wisdom and generosity."

Lao Feng lowered his gaze humbly. "It is a privilege to care for Zhan Lu. He has brought light to the darkness of my life."

The elder nodded. "I do not doubt that, Lao Feng. Your journey is unique and full of meaning. May light and shadow continue to dance in harmony on your path."

Lao Feng and Lao Mei shared a serene silence in the cavern, where shadows and light danced in a timeless ballet. The torch flames created magical sparkles on the stone walls, like distant stars in a night sky. While the true stars shone in Lao Mei's golden eyes, her face was a reflection of eternity and wisdom.

Zhan Lu was cradled in Lao Mei's arms, small as a sunbeam. His crimson hair was a gentle flame that illuminated the scene. The elder caressed his curls with gentle fingers, letting the strands slip between her digits like threads of gold.

Lao Mei smiled, her eyes as deep as the abyss of time. "He is an exceptional child, Lao Feng. A rare diamond who found his way to you."

Lao Feng nodded, his eyes fixed on Zhan Lu, who watched with fascination the shadows on the cavern walls. "Every day with him is a blessing, a fairy tale brought to life."

Lao Mei, with her white shawl that seemed woven from the morning mists, gazed deep into Lao Feng's eyes. "Lao Feng, I've heard whispers that our sect is considering your return. The human realm and ours are in a delicate period of armistice, and your wisdom would be invaluable in the council."

Lao Feng sighed softly, like the breeze that caresses the mountains. "I am grateful for the consideration, Lao Mei, but there are two factors that hold me back. Firstly, I was renounced by the sect long ago. My choices and my journey have distanced me from them."

Lao Mei nodded, her gaze reflecting the depth of the situation. "And the second factor?"

Lao Feng shifted his gaze to Zhan Lu, who now played with Lao Mei's curious fingers. "This young one here is my responsibility now. Caring for him is my duty and my joy. I cannot leave him."

Lao Mei smiled sympathetically, her golden hair gleaming like the dawn. "I understand, Lao Feng. Your loyalty to him is admirable. And even though your journey has separated you from the sect, know that you are always welcome."

Lao Feng nodded, grateful for his old friend's understanding. "I thank you, Lao Mei. Our friendship and our ancient souls are a treasure that I deeply cherish."

On a tranquil morning deep within the mountain's heart, the sacred cavern was bathed in a gentle hush. Lao Feng sat near the cave's entrance, where sunlight poured in like a gift from the heavens, casting a golden glow upon the interior.

Zhan Lu, now two years old, was leaning over a small piece of wood, engrossed in the sight of a determined caterpillar making its slow progress. His face, carved from the pure wonder of youth, was aglow with curiosity, and his eyes sparkled like stars on a cloudless night.

Lao Feng watched with affection, marveling at how the boy was growing and exploring the world with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He knew that each of Zhan Lu's discoveries was a victory that filled his heart with indescribable joy.

Then, in a moment of pure wonder, something magical happened. Zhan Lu raised his bright eyes to Lao Feng, and with a voice as sweet and clear as a crystalline brook, he spoke the word that warmed Lao Feng's heart and made him feel as if the very universe were smiling upon him.


Lao Feng felt a lump in his throat, and tears of joy welled up in his eyes. He bent down to embrace Zhan Lu, holding him with tenderness. His heart overflowed with love and gratitude. He knew that those two simple syllables, spoken with such affection, were a precious gift he would cherish forever in his soul.

That moment in the cave, with sunlight surrounding them and the soft sound of Zhan Lu's breathing, became an everlasting memory. It was the instant when the young Zhan Lu, with his angelic voice, had bound their hearts in an indelible way. And there, in the mountain's stillness, the love between father and son blossomed like a rare and beautiful flower, radiating warmth and light to those who found themselves embraced by the magic of that moment. It was a silent song celebrating the beginning of a shared journey, a journey that would extend to the stars and beyond, where the bonds of love would be woven with threads of the purest tenderness.

On a starry night in the sacred cavern, the torch's warm glow illuminated Zhan Lu's serene face as he nestled in Lao Feng's lap. The little boy was eager to hear the gentle voice of his "daddy" and the stories he would tell.

Lao Feng began the narrative, his voice carrying the depth of ages and the melody of memories. "Long ago, my dearest Zhan Lu, demons and angels shared the heavens. We were all children of the same star, but the heavens were at war. The Lightbearer led a rebellion, and the demons were expelled from paradise."

Zhan Lu watched with his eyes full of curiosity, babbling words as he tried to keep up with the story. "Heaven... angels..."

Lao Feng smiled with tenderness, stroking Zhan Lu's head. "Yes, my angel, the heavens and the angels. Humans are descendants of angels, and they look at demons with fear and suspicion. But you, Zhan Lu, are proof that purity is not in race but in the heart."

As Lao Feng continued his narrative, he described the epic battles he had fought as one of the generals in the holy war. Zhan Lu listened with wide-eyed wonder, marveling at the stories of bravery and sacrifice. He babbled words like "war" and "general" in an adorable manner.

Lao Feng held Zhan Lu closer to his heart and said firmly, "My little one, you don't need to worry about anything. I won't allow anyone to hurt you or taint your purity. You are the light that brightens my world, and nothing in the universe can extinguish that light."

Zhan Lu gazed at Lao Feng with innocent eyes, and with a sweet smile, he whispered, "Daddy..."

As the days and nights unfolded in the mountain, Zhan Lu, with his insatiable curiosity, began to take his first uncertain steps. Each clumsy step was a small miracle that filled Lao Feng's heart with indescribable emotions.

Lao Feng watched with joy and trepidation as the little explorer ventured out into the world, his wobbly legs a testament to his determination. The anxiety and fear of what the future held competed with the happiness of seeing his precious son grow.

As Zhan Lu took hesitant steps, his tiny hands reached out and touched Lao Feng's horns. Leaning down to be at his level, Lao Feng smiled as he listened to Zhan Lu's innocent babble. "Daddy, when will I have horns like yours?"

A loving smile spread across Lao Feng's face, his eyes brimming with affection and pride. He caressed Zhan Lu's head and replied, his voice filled with love, "Little one, your horns haven't appeared yet because you are a bright and special star. But even without horns, you are the greatest treasure in my heart."

Zhan Lu laughed, a crystalline sound that echoed like a symphony of joy in the cavern. He continued to play with Lao Feng's horns, as if he were touching something magical and sacred. Each laugh, each touch, was a promise of the eternal love that bound their hearts.

On Zhan Lu's fifth birthday, the sacred cavern was filled with an atmosphere of joy. The boy, now five years old, was radiant and full of life. His body, sculpted by the purity and energy of the mountain, was vibrant, and his angelic appearance enchanted all who saw him.

On that special day, Zhan Lu was dressed in skins that Lao Feng had used to fashion his clothing. The skins were like a second skin for the boy, a tribute to nature and the realm that surrounded them. He explored the surroundings of the cavern, playing with the forest animals that seemed to recognize him as part of the mountain's harmony.

As Zhan Lu played, something magical began to occur. The boy felt the darkness that resided within him, a darkness that was a part of his essence as a unique and special being. He concentrated his energy and shaped it with a touch of ancient magic. And then, something incredible happened.

From the top of his head, two small horns began to emerge, like the shoots of a rare plant. They were small but radiated a magical glow. Zhan Lu felt a comforting warmth coursing through his body, and his heart overflowed with joy.

Running back to the cavern, Zhan Lu proudly displayed his horns to Lao Feng, who was busy with his daily tasks. When Lao Feng saw his son's horns, tears welled up in his eyes. He had never expected Zhan Lu to develop horns like his own.

With a voice trembling with emotion, Lao Feng held Zhan Lu in his arms and hugged him tightly. "My dear, you are truly extraordinary. Your horns are a manifestation of your uniqueness, proof that you are my greatest treasure."

Zhan Lu, now with clearer and more developed speech, looked at his father with bright eyes and smiled. "I want to be like Daddy, strong and brave."

Lao Feng smiled with tenderness and caressed Zhan Lu's horns. "My son, you are already brave and strong in a way that I could never be. Your purity and kindness are a gift to the world, and I am honored to be your father."

On Zhan Lu's tenth birthday, the mountain was imbued with the magic of the special occasion. Lao Feng and Zhan Lu had eagerly prepared the sacred cavern for the visit of Lao Mei and a surprise that was about to unfold.

Lao Mei arrived at the cavern accompanied by a girl of the same age as Zhan Lu. Her eyes, the purest amber, sparkled with curiosity and vivacity. Her black hair, adorned with white streaks, flowed like a cascade of starry night. The dark horns, in perfect harmony with her hair, adorned her head with grace and elegance. The most endearing detail was her two ears, resembling bat wings, swaying captivatingly every time she spoke. Her skin, as white as snow, stood out in contrast to her attire, which seemed to be made of delicate and ethereal spiderwebs.

When Zhan Lu saw her for the first time, he was captivated by her unique presence. Their gazes met, and something magical seemed to happen in that moment. The girl smiled at Zhan Lu, revealing a sweetness that melted the young boy's heart.

Lao Feng and Lao Mei watched with joy as the two young ones interacted. While Zhan Lu and the girl locked eyes, they exchanged knowing smiles. With a melodic tone, the girl introduced herself with humility, "My name is Mei Hua, and I am Lao Mei's apprentice."

Mei Hua's presence brought a new radiance to the sacred cavern. She and Zhan Lu shared stories, played, and explored the mountain's surroundings together. Under the guidance of Lao Mei, they would learn together the secrets and mysteries of the energies that permeated the mountain.

Lao Feng and Lao Mei met in a quiet corner of the cavern, far enough away so their voices wouldn't reach the curious ears of Zhan Lu and Mei Hua. The atmosphere was imbued with a sense of serenity, as if the mountains united in a whisper of ancient secrets.

Lao Mei, with a wise and gentle gaze, began to broach a subject that had long been on her mind. "Lao Feng, have you ever considered the possibility of bringing Zhan Lu to the sect? He's at the age where we begin instructing the young, and at fifteen, he could be accepted into the lower courtyard of the sect."

Lao Feng looked at the horizon, pondering Lao Mei's suggestion. The idea of allowing Zhan Lu to join the sect weighed heavily on his heart. He wondered if it was the right choice, if it was correct to teach the boy the secrets of the mountain and the dark realm.

"I have considered it," Lao Feng admitted, "but I also have concerns. Zhan Lu is special, and what he represents is unique. Teaching him the secrets of the mountain is a tremendous responsibility."

Lao Mei smiled with wisdom, understanding Lao Feng's concerns. "Lao Feng, you are the best teacher that Zhan Lu could have. He carries the essence of the mountain within his being, and it is fitting that he knows and understands these mysteries. Furthermore, that is why I brought Mei Hua."

Lao Feng's eyes narrowed with curiosity. "Mei Hua?"

Lao Mei nodded, her white hair gleaming like silver in the flickering light of the cavern's flames. "Mei Hua is a talented apprentice, and she can be a study companion for Zhan Lu. She is also eager to learn from him, to share her experiences and knowledge. Together, they can grow and strengthen."

Lao Feng reflected on Lao Mei's words. The idea of Zhan Lu and Mei Hua studying together, learning and growing, was tempting. It was as if the universe conspired to create a special destiny for the boy and the girl. Finally, he nodded with determination. "Very well, Lao Mei. Let us allow Zhan Lu and Mei Hua to study together in the sect. It will be a special journey for both."