
Strange premonition

- It is the end.

It was at this moment that a shadow appeared in the sky and fell violently on us and separated us, sending each of us to one side of the room. He was the fencing master. He was alive but had lost an arm. Another guy with long white hair appeared behind the girl, probably a colleague. My instructor addressed the room

- You, get out of here quickly. These are my prey. They belong to me and I won't leave them to anyone.

You could see pride in that sentence but in reality, he was just telling me in code to go take cover and that he was going to act as bait for me. The man arriving exclaimed at the sight of me with great surprise.

- What the hell is a red-haired satan doing here? Lady "sky" are you okay?

- The information was very reliable. We'll get rid of this monster quickly before it becomes as powerful as the other weird monstrosity.

It was then that my instructor's armor shattered in a large explosion of mana. His body immediately transformed into that of a large silver-colored dragon. He exuded phenomenal energy. From then on, the heroine's energy increased tenfold as if she was just having fun with me.

Their black and whitish mana mixed and illuminated the succubi neighborhood, making it shake like cardboard. It looked like the ground was going to tear and everything was going to collapse, their powers were so phenomenal.

I immediately used teleport to teleport away from them to my room where I asked Fiona to wait for me using telepathy.

- Master demonium, are you hurt?

- It's okay, I'm fine. I have my mother's self-regeneration. You're done?

- Yes! All your baggage and mine are in this parchment but...I don't understand why...

- But it's obvious, isn't it? We're going to use the breach that this...monster made in the world barrier to get out of here Zihahaha hahaha

-But it's impossible.

- If! But the crossing risks being perilous. Don't worry, I learned dimensional magic for today and thanks to it, our chance of success increases to 30 percent. Come on, hang in there, Fiona.

Fiona then used one of her skills to become small enough to roll around my body. His head was near my neck.

- Well I'm leaving.

I then started to fly, flew high in the sky towards the sort of red cloud portal that was in the sky. Arriving close enough, I used lots of spells on myself

- Dragon scales, dragonite resistance, Curse of the sky, anti-element barrier, celestial tracking, development of superhuman senses, explorer's luck, monstrous power, astronaut's song, space protection, knowledge of the unknown, and. ..OPENING OF SPACE.

I looked down one last time while my master was in the middle of an explosive fight and I said

- I will come back and this time, I will be a good student master.

Before rushing towards the hole, ignoring that I will never see again this being to whom I was unable to show my gratitude for his kindness. As I entered the hole, I heard a voice calling me and when I looked, I saw Nerbia flying with its black wings towards us. I couldn't hear her well but she said something like that

- I beg you, don't die. I'm sorry. I didn't want to push you away...just...I was afraid of loving you. Please don't die.

For a moment, I thought I saw her crying as I was absorbed into the hole.

As I expected, the crossing was pure hell. All my protections were destroyed and my body...I felt like I was taking a bath in lava with unbearable headaches and indescribable pain in my chest. Every pore in my body was bleeding. But he was

- Out of the question to die here Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

With incredible persistence, I finally managed to cross.

My body covered in blood, I floated in the air. The sunlight, the beautiful view of the dense forest. There's no doubt about it, I've reached the surface. Fiona, clinging to me, had also survived despite her rather worrying state. But for now, more than our injuries, it was this magnificent vision before us that captivated us. I first took a big gulp of air before shouting loudly and deploying my energy.


A giant white-skinned woman sitting on an equally gigantic throne, a caped guy levitating in the clouds, a well-muscled man sitting on the edge of a woman's bed, shirtless, a young woman taking a bath in a cave, a man sitting on the corpse of a giant monster, a young king on his throne, a woman on her knees who seemed to be praying, three elves who were dining with their large families around the table, and some other great personalities of the surface all felt it. A baleful and indelible mana had just appeared in the surface world. They're all thinking right now

"Is the evil era upon us again?"

The end.


A long time ago, the demon king set the world on fire and blood. It is said that it was more than 50 meters high, that it crushed cities, that it dried up rivers, that wherever it passed, misfortune and desolation reigned. No being here below was capable of resisting and the entire surface seemed to be condemned to a miserable end and a life of slavery, trembling with fear in their stomachs until the day when the inhabitants of the surface decided to invoke heroic souls. Thanks to these heroes being raised in secret before throwing them into battle, humans regained the upper hand and the demon king was defeated. A new era of peace and harmony was to settle in the world except that the saviors turned out to be worse than the big bad. Contrary to expectations, the heroes have made the surface a veritable hell even worse than during the time of the Demon King. Faced with this ultimate threat, the inhabitants of the surface decided to call upon a new heroic soul but this time, in the body of a demon thanks to the seed of the demon king. Thus born, the son of the Demon King, summoned into another world to right corrupt and evil heroes. But what the surface dwellers didn't know at the time was that using evil to fight evil meant calling upon an evil more powerful than the previous one. Demonium, worse for worse.