
Demonic Path: I Can Optimise

Li Wei finds himself transmigrated into a cultivation world within a Demonic Sect. With a system that allows him to optimise cultivation techniques

numi_fy · 東方
59 Chs

Bone Oath

As they delve deeper into the mountain's embrace, the sect and its trappings become a distant memory, replaced by the raw and unyielding beauty of the natural world. 

Eventually, the group approaches the sect's main gate. The gate loom is large and imposing; its size and design represent the sect's power and prestige. Intricate carvings adorn its surface, depicting scenes of ancient battles and legendary cultivators, each detail meticulously crafted.

At the gate, two cultivators stand guard, their presence formidable. Each stands tall and motionless, their eyes scanning the horizon with a sharp, focused intensity. The fabric of their dark robes, pristine and well-maintained, barely moves in the gentle breeze that sweeps through the area. Notably, the hems of their robes are adorned with distinct red trimmings, a subtle yet clear indication of their status as foundational establishment cultivators.

Li Wei, observing them from a distance, takes note of these red hems. The red trim, contrasting sharply with the darker fabric of the robes, speaks of their advanced cultivation level and the respect it commands.

The air around these guards feels charged, a quiet energy emanating from them. This unseen but distinctly felt energy reinforces their status and serves as a silent warning of their formidable skills and the power they wield. Their stance and the subtle aura do not doubt their capability to protect the sect's boundaries against intrusion.

A large, singular bone intricately carved with circles and runes lies on the ground. The artistry of the carving suggests deep-rooted lore and tradition.

A mound of assorted bone shards in the centre forms a separate, less orderly collection.

Upon seeing this for the first time, Li Wei can't help but express his bewilderment. "What the...?" he mutters under his breath, his eyes wide as he sees the bone shard formation. With its solemn and eerie beauty, the whole scene is unlike anything he's encountered before in the sect.

Their eyes, sharp and alert, scan the surroundings continuously, missing nothing. As Dao Feng and his group approach, the guards' gazes fix upon them, assessing and recognising. 

Dao Feng steps forward confidently. "I am Dao Feng," he announces, his voice resonating with authority. He gestures to his companions, "This is Lin Yue and Li Wei." He pauses briefly, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "Our assignment takes us out of the sect." 

Dao Feng steps forward, his hand extended, holding the coin between his fingers. The guards, their eyes sharp and assessing, watch as the small, intricately carved token glints in the light. With a subtle movement, Dao Feng presents the coin, its details catching the sun.

Standing like immovable statues by the gate, the guards fix their gaze on the group. One guard looks them over, his expression a mix of indifference and disdain. "Is that so?" he sneers, his voice laced with contempt. "I didn't realise qi cultivators were qualified to do anything other than shovel shit." His words hang in the air, heavy with insult.

The other guard, seemingly disinterested in the exchange, stares off into the distance, his boredom evident. Without shifting his gaze, he states flatly, "Take the Bone Oath." gesturing to the formation.

Li Wei, now closer, can see that this formation, laid out on the ground, consists of a single, large bone intricately carved into a series of circles and runes. The craftsmanship is exquisite, with each circle flowing seamlessly into the next and the runes etched deeply into the bone, their meanings unknown to him.

In the middle of this carved bone is a separate mound of bone shards. These shards vary in size and colour. The mound is not structured like a carved formation but a collection of individual pieces. The older, more weathered pieces lie at the bottom, while the newer ones are placed atop.

Undeterred by the guard's sneer, Dao Feng steps forward to the formation near the gate. Dao Feng extends his hand, a bone growth emerging from his finger with deliberate precision before he swiftly snaps it off. 


The shard, a stark white against his skin, detaches with a crisp sound. He bends down to place the shard within the formation on the ground, a deliberate and solemn act.

Lin Yue follows, her movements imbued with a quiet grace. She, too, extracts a bone shard from her finger, a slender piece that glints in the light. She approaches the formation, her eyes scanning for the right spot. She places her shard into the pile next to Dao Feng's.

Watching the ritual with awe and uncertainty, Li Wei realises it's his turn. He hesitates for a moment, grappling with the unfamiliarity of the act. "I have to do this right," he thinks, steeling himself. Mimicking Dao Feng and Lin Yue, he carefully extracts a bone shard from his finger. 

Approaching the formation with his shard, Li Wei's eyes trace the pattern of bone pieces. He finds a small gap near the edge of the pile, where his shard seems to belong. With a slight tremor in his hand, he places it down, the shard settling into the earth, a new part of the structure.

The guard who had sneered earlier watches their actions with a critical eye. Once the ritual was complete, he spoke again, his tone slightly more serious. "Come back in a year. Not a day more," he warns. His words carry the weight of a threat, a reminder of the consequences of failing to adhere to the rules.

With a dismissive gesture, the guards step aside, granting the group passage through the gate. 

Li Wei watches the gate's towering pillars and sweeping roof recede as they step onto the descending path. The pathway, bordered with weathered stones, snakes down the mountain's slope. He feels a mix of anticipation and uncertainty, leaving the familiarity of the sect behind.

Ahead, Dao Feng moves confidently, his boots imprinted on the earth. Beside him, Lin Yue's presence is one of quiet vigilance, her gaze occasionally scanning the dense foliage. The servants, bearing their burdens, follow with focused attention. Li Wei, bringing up the rear, carrying his own sack, looks at the sect, its image shrinking within the ornate gate archway.

The tall pines lining the path stand tall and strong, like sentinels of the forest. Li Wei watches the sunlight filter through the canopy, creating a shifting tapestry of light and shadow on the ground. The coolness of the air, scented with pine resin and damp soil, is a refreshing change from the enclosed spaces of the sect.

As Li Wei descends the path, he observes the pine trees lining the route. "These are quite different from what grows near my cave," he thinks, noting the contrast with a quiet appreciation. The distinct and fresh pine scent is a subtle change from the usual air he breathes higher up the mountain. "This is much nicer,"

As the path narrows and hugs the mountain's contours, Li Wei adjusts his pace. The ground becomes more uneven, with small stones and pebbles crunching underfoot. The sound of their footsteps forms a steady rhythm, a soothing backdrop to the descent.

On one side, the mountains loom, a blend of rock and moss that speaks of age and resilience. On the other side, the land opens up, revealing a vast expanse of forest and fields. The view is a tranquil panorama that stretches to the horizon.

The group's steady and rhythmic footsteps have been the only sound for hours. Gradually, their pace begins to slow, a silent signal of a moment's rest. Li Wei, feeling this subtle shift, looks up from the path.

Li Wei senses a lull in the group's pace. He glances at Dao Feng and Lin Yue, who seem absorbed in their thoughts. He breaks the quiet with a question, "So, what exactly was that back there?" His voice tinged with curiosity, cuts through the hush of their journey.

Dao Feng, glancing back, responds with a hint of surprise, "What? The Bone Oath?"

"Yeah, that," Li Wei nods, his curiosity evident.

From beside Dao Feng, Lin Yue interjects with a touch of irritation, "Don't you know anything, bumpkin? How did you even make it to the 8th level?"

Ignoring Lin Yue's remark, Dao Feng begins to explain. "The Bone Oath is a curse technique. It binds us to the sect. If we don't return within a year to reclaim our bone shard from the formation, our skeletons will start to deteriorate."

Li Wei listens intently, absorbing this new information. After contemplating, he simply responds, "I see," a newfound understanding dawning in his expression.

With a hint of incredulity, Lin Yue asks, "Didn't your master tell you about the Bone Oath?"

Li Wei shakes his head slightly. "No, he's sparse on details," he replies, a note of resignation in his voice.

"How did you know I even have a master?" Li Wei questions, his curiosity piqued.

Joining the conversation, Dao Feng says, "You're not making it to the 8th level without one. It's nearly impossible to advance that far without proper guidance."

The group falls back into a familiar quietude, their footsteps the only sound. The rhythmic crunch of boots on the path resumes its steady cadence, echoing softly in the surrounding stillness. The hushed rustle of pines and distant bird calls return to the forefront, marking a return to the unspoken understanding of silence among them.

The path's curves force Li Wei and the others to adjust their trajectory, silently coordinating their steps. The bends in the path offer new perspectives of the landscape, revealing the mountain's rugged beauty.

The descent continues, with the sounds of the forest becoming more pronounced. Li Wei listens to the birdsong from the treetops and the rustling of small creatures in the underbrush, reminders of the forest's vibrant life.

The path levels out as they near the mountain's base, and the trees begin to thin. The sky opened up above them, and the sound of a distant stream reached Li Wei's ears. The gentle murmur of water over rocks is a soothing accompaniment to the final stretch of their descent, leading them closer to the mountain's base and the beginning of their journey beyond the sect.

As the day progresses, the group continues their journey, walking steadily along the winding path. The sun moves across the sky, casting changing shadows on the ground as they traverse the varied terrain. Li Wei follows along, adapting to the rhythm of their travel.