
Demonic Berserker(dropped.)

Hello everyone this my first novel so, please be supportive and any good criticism is appreciated. ______________________________________ A man who had a big dream but lost his life before achieving it. Now,as the tool of amusement for a higher power he strives to achieve his goal of reaching the pick of martial arts. So, better be beware and don't come in his way or else face the demon of carnage, Rai kan.

ShreShan · 東方
38 Chs

29: Possessiveness.

Rai Kan and Hi Ho stood at the entrance of the bustling city, the guards eyeing them suspiciously. The same routine unfolded as always, with the guards unable to reconcile Rai Kan's youthful age of eighteen with his imposing, animalistic appearance.

**Guard**: *Skeptically, looking up at Rai Kan.* "You say you're eighteen? You look more like a beast than a boy."

**Rai Kan,sighed and presented his identification . "Yes, I'm eighteen. This should confirm it."

After several minutes of scrutiny, the guards finally allowed them to enter.

**Guard**: "Alright, you can go in. But we'll be keeping an eye on you."

**Hi Ho**: *Smiling politely.* "Thank you. We'll make sure not to cause any trouble."

Once inside the city, Rai Kan and Hi Ho made their way to an inn, booking a modest room for their stay. The innkeeper, a rotund man named Mr. Wong, greeted them warmly.

**Mr. Wong**: *Grinning.* "Welcome, travelers. You look like you could use a rest."

**Rai Kan**: *Nodding.* "Yes, a room for two, please."

With their lodgings secured, they set out to explore the market. Hi Ho, with his keen eye for a bargain, led the way while Rai Kan, carrying their goods, followed closely behind. The market was a vibrant tapestry of colors, sounds, and scents, with merchants shouting their wares and customers haggling over prices.

**Hi Ho**: *Examining a bolt of silk.* "This is fine quality. How much for the entire roll?"

**Merchant**: *Rubbing his hands together.* "For you, my friend, a special price. Only ten thousand ning."

**Hi Ho**: *Shaking his head.* "Too high. I'll give you five thousand."

The bargaining continued, with Hi Ho expertly negotiating prices while Rai Kan hauled their purchases. By late afternoon, they had acquired a good stock of goods and returned to the inn, where an ornate and luxurious carriage stood out front, drawing the attention of every passerby.

**Rai Kan**: "Whose carriage is that?"

**Hi Ho**: *Eyes narrowing.* "Must belong to someone important. Let's get these goods inside first."

They moved their items into their room, then Hi Ho went to the common area to gather information while Rai Kan stayed behind to organize their purchases. Later, Hi Ho returned with news.

**Hi Ho**: "The carriage belongs to Lin Mei, the daughter of a powerful merchant. Her presence might cause some price fluctuations, so it's best to sell and restock before her business is done."

**Rai Kan**: "Agreed. And we should keep Bi Ji out of sight to avoid another incident like the one with Han Sho."

**Hi Ho**: *Sighing.* "Yes, we don't need that kind of trouble again."

What they didn't know was that Lin Mei had a tainted desire for something more personal. One evening, she approached them under the guise of polite conversation.

**Lin Mei, spoke while smiling coyly "Good evening, gentlemen. I couldn't help but notice you earlier. May I join you?"

**Hi Ho**: *Nodded politely, but wary.* "Of course, Miss Lin Mei. What can we do for you?"

**Lin Mei,eyes lingered on Rai Kan.* "I've heard you're quite the travelers. Tell me about your adventures."

As they conversed, both Rai Kan and Hi Ho sensed something was off. Her gaze lingered too long on Rai Kan, and there was a predatory gleam in her eyes.

**Rai Kan**: *Politely but firmly.* "We've had many adventures, Miss Lin Mei, but we must be on our way soon. We have much to do."

Sensing the underlying tension, they decided to depart early the next morning to avoid any trouble. Before sunrise, they quietly packed their belongings and hitched Bi Ji to their carriage, slipping out of the city unnoticed.

**Hi Ho**: *Whispering as they left.* "Let's hope we've avoided any complications.

That night, in a luxurious room a maid was bowing respectfully towards the bed.

"My lady,it seems that they have left the city, people have already been arranged to look for them."

Lin Mei was laying on the bed wearing a sensual outfit, that was tight on skin,her mind consumed by thoughts of Rai Kan.

She was laying face front,her hands kneading her soft chest and her legs slitly parted,as she moaning with pleasure, Rai Kan's name escaping her lips.

**Lin Mei, spoke breathlessly,her face twisted in a smile full of lewdness as her eyes gleamed with pleasure."Rai Kan… I will have you,one day. You will be mine and only mine."

Her desire was tainted, driven by a twisted obsession. She yearned to possess him, to make him hers, and the thought of him slipping away only fueled her determination. But for now, Rai Kan and Hi Ho were far from her reach, moving swiftly through the night to escape her clutches.

As they traveled through the dense forest, the morning sun slowly rising, Rai Kan reflected on their narrow escape.

**Rai Kan,"We made the right decision to leave early. Something about her felt… wrong."

**Hi Ho**: *Nodding.* "I sensed it too. Best to avoid such entanglements."

They journeyed onward, the dense trees gradually giving way to open plains. The air was fresh, and the promise of a new day filled them with renewed energy. They had avoided trouble this time, but both knew that the road ahead would likely hold more challenges and encounters with those driven by greed and power.

Days passed, and they arrived at a small village, deciding to rest and resupply. The villagers greeted them warmly, offering food and shelter. They spent a few days there, enjoying the peaceful surroundings and the simple, honest hospitality of the villagers.

One evening, as they sat around a communal fire, the village elder, Old Man Liu, approached them.

**Old Man Liu, spoke with a gentle smile.* "Travelers, you bring news of the world outside. Share your stories with us."

**Hi Ho**: *Smiling warmly.* "Of course, Old Man Liu. We've seen much and have many tales to tell."

They shared stories of their travels, the challenges they faced, and the people they met. The villagers listened with rapt attention, their eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. As the fire crackled and the night deepened, the bonds between the travelers and the villagers grew stronger.

**Old Man Liu**: *Thoughtfully.* "You two have seen much of the world. It is both beautiful and dangerous. Be careful on your journey, and may you find what you seek."

**Rai Kan**: *Nodding respectfully.* "Thank you, Old Man Liu. Your kindness is appreciated."

As they prepared to leave the village the next morning, the villagers gathered to see them off. Old Man Liu handed them a small pouch of medicinal herbs.

**Old Man Liu**: *Smiling.* "Take this with you. It will help if you encounter any injuries on your journey."

**Hi Ho**: *Gratefully.* "Thank you, Old Man Liu. We will keep it safe."

With renewed spirits and a sense of purpose, Rai Kan and Hi Ho continued their journey. They traveled through diverse landscapes, encountering various people and challenges. Each experience added to their knowledge and skills, shaping them into more formidable and wise individuals.