
Demonic Berserker(dropped.)

Hello everyone this my first novel so, please be supportive and any good criticism is appreciated. ______________________________________ A man who had a big dream but lost his life before achieving it. Now,as the tool of amusement for a higher power he strives to achieve his goal of reaching the pick of martial arts. So, better be beware and don't come in his way or else face the demon of carnage, Rai kan.

ShreShan · 東方
38 Chs

27:The hunt .

As Master Jin's voice resonated through the clearing, a hush fell over the gathered participants. Eighteen skilled hunters, each from different backgrounds, stood ready at the edge of the Whispering Forest. Among them, Rai Kan's imposing figure was hard to miss. His eyes, sharp and determined, scanned his competitors and the dense foliage ahead.

The signal to begin, a flaming arrow, shot into the sky with a trail of smoke, arcing above the trees before disappearing into the canopy. In an instant, the hunters sprang into action, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

**Rai Kan**, with his primal instincts honed from countless battles, darted into the forest with fluid grace. The forest welcomed him with a cacophony of sounds—chirping birds, rustling leaves, and the distant calls of animals. He relished the challenge, feeling the pulse of the forest sync with his own heartbeat.

To his right, **Lan Mei**, one of the top disciples of the Valiant Hunter Sect, moved like a shadow. Her agility and sharp instincts made her a formidable opponent. Her long, dark hair was tied back, and her eyes were focused and calculating. Lan Mei had a reputation for being swift and silent, a deadly combination in the wild.

Further ahead, **Wei Chen**, a burly man with a reputation for brute strength, crashed through the underbrush. He carried a massive axe, his preferred weapon, and his eyes gleamed with the thrill of the hunt. Wei Chen wasn't one for subtlety; his strategy relied on overpowering any creature or obstacle in his path.

Among the participants, there was also **Xiao Feng**, a wiry young man known for his intellect and cunning. Xiao Feng relied on traps and clever tactics rather than brute force. His slight frame belied his resourcefulness and keen understanding of the forest's many dangers.

As the hunters spread out, the forest seemed to swallow them, the dense canopy closing in above. Rai Kan moved swiftly but cautiously, his senses heightened. He scanned the ground for tracks and the trees for signs of wildlife. His goal was clear: to find the most valuable herb, plant, or animal within the allotted time.

The deeper he ventured, the more the forest seemed to come alive. He spotted a rare medicinal herb, its vibrant green leaves standing out against the earthy tones of the forest floor. Carefully, he harvested a few samples, ensuring he didn't damage the plant's roots. This herb alone could fetch a high price, but Rai Kan knew he needed more to secure victory.

Meanwhile, Lan Mei was already tracking a herd of deer. Her silent footsteps barely disturbed the fallen leaves as she moved. She was looking for a particular species, known for its valuable antlers and rare fur. As she closed in on her quarry, she nocked an arrow, her breath steady and calm.

Not far from her, Wei Chen was already in a skirmish with a wild boar. His massive axe swung with deadly precision, each strike intended to incapacitate the beast. The boar, fierce and relentless, charged at him, but Wei Chen stood his ground, his muscles rippling with effort. With a final, powerful blow, he brought the boar down, its tusks gleaming in the dim light.

Xiao Feng, on the other hand, was setting up a series of traps. He had found a clearing where several rare birds nested. Carefully, he placed snares and nets, using his knowledge of the birds' behavior to position them effectively. As he worked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This was his element, where his mind and skills could truly shine.

As the day wore on, the forest revealed its many dangers. **Meng Li**, a novice hunter, found herself in a perilous situation. She had ventured too close to a bear's den, and now the massive creature was bearing down on her. Her eyes wide with fear, she tried to back away slowly, but the bear was already too close. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, a figure appeared. **Rai Kan** sprang into action, his movements a blur. With a powerful kick, he diverted the bear's attention, giving Meng Li a chance to escape. He didn't linger, knowing that his mission was far from over.

Hours passed, and the forest claimed its victims. The harsh environment, combined with the relentless competition, proved too much for many. Injuries and exhaustion took their toll. By dusk, the number of participants had dwindled significantly. Those who remained were the best of the best, their skills and endurance pushing them forward.

Lan Mei finally caught up with the herd she had been tracking. With precise aim, she brought down a deer with a single arrow. She worked quickly, knowing that other predators could be drawn by the scent of blood. As she harvested the valuable parts, she felt a sense of accomplishment. This would surely boost her standing in the competition.

Wei Chen, with his boar securely tied, began his trek back to the meeting point. The weight of his prize didn't seem to slow him down. His strength and stamina were legendary, and he was determined to see this hunt through to the end.

Xiao Feng's traps had yielded a significant catch. Several rare birds, their feathers a brilliant array of colors, were safely ensnared. He carefully collected them, ensuring they were unharmed. These birds were highly prized for their plumage and could easily tip the scales in his favor.

As night fell, Rai Kan found himself in a dense part of the forest. He had encountered numerous obstacles but had managed to gather several valuable items. His pack was filled with rare herbs and plants, each carefully selected for its worth. However, he knew the competition was fierce, and he needed one final push.

The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting an eerie glow. Rai Kan's senses were on high alert. Suddenly, he heard a rustling nearby. Moving silently, he approached the source of the sound. To his surprise, he found a wounded wolf, its leg caught in a hunter's trap. The animal growled weakly, its eyes filled with pain and fear.

Rai Kan knelt beside the creature, his instincts telling him that this was no ordinary wolf. Its fur was a deep, shimmering silver, and its eyes seemed almost human. He carefully released the trap, his movements gentle and reassuring. The wolf didn't attack; instead, it watched him with a mix of curiosity and gratitude.

Realizing the value of such a rare creature, Rai Kan knew this could be the key to winning the competition. He fashioned a makeshift splint for the wolf's leg and carried it carefully back towards the meeting point. The wolf, sensing his intentions, didn't resist. Instead, it seemed to understand that Rai Kan meant no harm.

As dawn approached, the remaining participants made their way back to the starting point. Exhaustion was evident on their faces, but there was also a sense of accomplishment. They had faced the forest and survived, bringing back their prized finds.

When Rai Kan emerged from the trees with the silver wolf, gasps of astonishment echoed through the crowd. Even Lan Mei, Wei Chen, and Xiao Feng couldn't hide their surprise. The wolf was a creature of legend, and its appearance marked Rai Kan as a formidable hunter.

**Master Jin** stepped forward, his eyes widening as he examined the wolf. "A remarkable find," he said, his voice filled with respect. "You have done well, Rai Kan."

Rai Kan nodded, acknowledging the praise but knowing that the competition wasn't just about winning. It was about proving himself, pushing his limits, and understanding the balance of nature.

**Lan Mei**: *Nodding approvingly.* "That wolf is a rare find indeed. You've earned my respect, Rai Kan."

**Wei Chen**: *Grinning despite his fatigue.* "You've got some serious skills. I'll give you that."

**Xiao Feng**: "Clever move, rescuing the wolf. It's clear you have a deep connection with the forest."

As the participants gathered, Master Jin announced the end of the competition. Of the eighteen who started, only eight had returned. The forest had tested them, pushed them to their limits, and revealed their true strengths.

**Master Jin, spoke addressing the crowd.* "This year's Annual Hunting Festival has shown us the strength and resilience of our hunters. Each of you has proven your worth. Rai Kan, your find is truly extraordinary. But remember, the forest is not just a place of competition. It is a place of learning and respect."

The crowd erupted in applause, and Rai Kan felt a sense of pride and fulfillment. He had faced the forest's challenges and emerged victorious. But more than that, he had gained a deeper understanding of the natural world and his place within it.

As the festival concluded, the participants mingled, sharing their experiences and forging new bonds. Rai Kan and Hi Ho stood together, the wolf at their side, a symbol of their success and the strength of their partnership.

**Hi Ho**: *Smiling warmly.* "You did it, Rai Kan. I knew you would."

**Rai Kan, simply nodded.

As the sun set over the Whispering Forest, the hunters looked ahead to new challenges and adventures, knowing that they had proven themselves in one of the most grueling tests of skill and endurance. And as they prepared to depart, they carried with them the lessons and memories of the Annual Hunting Festival, a testament to their strength, resilience, and unbreakable spirit.