
Demonic Ascendancy: The Path of Blood

Demonic Ascendancy: The Path of Blood showcases the journey of Xian Yu, a demonic cultivator who rises to ultimate power through ruthlessness, cunning, and unyielding ambition. His path is fraught with challenges, betrayals, and moral dilemmas, culminating in his ascension to the highest realms and his eventual rule over all. The story delves deeply into themes of power, ambition, and the cost of one’s actions.

nen67 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Initiation into Darkness

Xian Yu slipped through the dense undergrowth, each step deliberate and silent. His movements were calculated, a testament to his years of training and innate cunning. The small sect he approached, the Silent Serpents, was nestled within the heart of the Misty Forest, a place shrouded in mystery and danger. This was the perfect setting for Xian's newest scheme. Under a false identity, he aimed to infiltrate, manipulate, and ultimately, dominate.

The sect was modest in size but notorious for its deadly prowess. Xian knew that gaining entry would be the first of many tests. The towering wooden gates loomed ahead, guarded by two sentinels who eyed him with suspicion as he approached.

"Halt! State your business," one of the guards commanded, his voice gruff and authoritative.

Xian bowed low, his face a mask of humility. "I am Li Wei, a wandering cultivator seeking refuge and guidance. I have heard of the Silent Serpents' reputation and wish to offer my skills in service."

The guards exchanged glances, skepticism clear in their eyes. "Why should we believe you? Many have tried to infiltrate us with ill intentions," the second guard challenged.

"I come bearing gifts," Xian said, producing a small, ornate box from his satchel. He opened it to reveal a rare and potent medicinal herb, the Moonshadow Lotus. "A token of my sincerity."

The guards' eyes widened in surprise and greed. They nodded and opened the gates, allowing Xian entry. As he stepped inside, he suppressed a smirk. The first hurdle had been cleared.

Inside the sect's compound, Xian was greeted by a stern-faced elder, his robes a deep shade of green, symbolizing his rank. "I am Elder Huang. Follow me," he instructed curtly.

Xian complied, following the elder through winding pathways until they reached a grand hall. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings of serpents, their eyes gleaming with an almost lifelike malice. Elder Huang gestured for Xian to kneel before the sect's leader, Master Shen, a formidable figure with piercing eyes that seemed to see through every deception.

"Master Shen," Xian began, his voice steady, "I am Li Wei, and I seek to join the Silent Serpents. I offer my loyalty and my skills in cultivation."

Master Shen scrutinized him for a long moment before speaking. "Loyalty is not given freely here. It must be earned. You will be tested, Li Wei. Fail, and you will not leave this place alive."

Xian nodded, the challenge igniting a spark of excitement within him. "I understand, Master Shen. I am ready."

The following weeks were grueling. Xian was subjected to rigorous training, his every move watched by the sect's members. He sparred with fellow disciples, his combat skills sharpened by necessity. Each victory, each display of strength and cunning, earned him a measure of respect.

One evening, after a particularly intense sparring session, Xian found himself alone in the training hall, his body aching but his mind sharp. A shadowy figure approached, a fellow disciple named Mei Ling, known for her agility and sharp wit.

"You fight well, Li Wei," she said, her voice smooth and measured. "But I sense there is more to you than meets the eye."

Xian met her gaze, his expression unreadable. "We all have our secrets, Mei Ling. What do you seek?"

She smiled, a glint of intrigue in her eyes. "Allies. The sect is a dangerous place, and it pays to have friends."

"Indeed," Xian replied, considering her words. "What do you propose?"

"A mutual arrangement. I have information and resources. You have strength and cunning. Together, we could rise through the ranks faster."

Xian nodded slowly. "Agreed. But remember, trust is fragile. Betray me, and you will regret it."

"Likewise," Mei Ling said, her smile unwavering.

As their alliance solidified, Xian began to weave a web of manipulation within the sect. He observed the power dynamics, identifying weaknesses and exploiting them. He used Mei Ling's information to blackmail and extort fellow disciples, accumulating wealth and influence in the shadows. Those who opposed him found themselves facing unfortunate "accidents" or public disgrace.

One night, in the secluded corners of the sect's library, Xian and Mei Ling met to discuss their next move. The room was dimly lit, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows on the ancient scrolls lining the walls.

"Our latest target, Chen Yuan, has been growing too ambitious," Mei Ling whispered, her eyes narrowing. "He's gathering support, hoping to challenge Master Shen."

Xian leaned back, a cold smile playing on his lips. "Then we must remind him of his place. What leverage do we have?"

Mei Ling handed him a scroll, detailing Chen Yuan's secret dealings with an enemy sect. "Enough to destroy him."

"Excellent," Xian murmured, his mind already planning. "We'll expose him at the next gathering. But we must be cautious. If he senses our move, he'll retaliate."

Their plan unfolded with ruthless precision. During the sect's monthly assembly, Xian stood before the gathered disciples, holding the incriminating scroll. "I have uncovered a traitor among us," he declared, his voice ringing with righteous indignation. "Chen Yuan has been conspiring with our enemies."

Gasps of shock and outrage filled the hall. Chen Yuan's face turned ashen as Xian revealed the evidence. Master Shen's gaze hardened, and with a single nod, Chen Yuan was seized and dragged away, his fate sealed.

As the assembly dispersed, Mei Ling approached Xian, her expression triumphant. "Another obstacle removed. We're closer to our goal."

"Yes," Xian agreed, though his mind was already calculating the next steps. Mei Ling was a valuable ally, but he knew that trust within the sect was a double-edged sword. He would use her for as long as she was useful, but he would not hesitate to eliminate her if necessary.

In the months that followed, Xian's influence grew. He continued to manipulate and extort, his web of control expanding. The Silent Serpents became a den of secrets and fear, with Xian at its dark heart. He reveled in the power he wielded, each act of cruelty and deceit a testament to his ambition.

One fateful evening, as Xian stood atop the sect's watchtower, gazing out at the moonlit forest, Master Shen approached him. The leader's eyes were filled with a rare mixture of approval and wariness.

"You have proven yourself, Li Wei," Master Shen said, his voice low. "But power within the Silent Serpents is a dangerous thing. Remember, the higher you climb, the further you can fall."

Xian turned to face him, his expression calm and confident. "I am aware, Master Shen. But I have no intention of falling."

Master Shen nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Then continue to serve the sect well. And remember, trust is as valuable as it is rare. Use it wisely."

As Master Shen departed, Xian remained on the watchtower, his mind a whirlwind of plans and ambitions. The path to ultimate power was fraught with peril, but he thrived on danger. The Silent Serpents were his domain now, and he would stop at nothing to bend it to his will.

In the shadows of the sect, Xian Yu—known to all as Li Wei—began the next phase of his ascent, his heart as dark and cold as the night that enveloped the Misty Forest.