
My children

My children....they turned six years old just last week. They are growing so fast, I can't bear to part with them someday, but I know that when they grow up they will leave me.

I named them Abby, Billy, and Carl.

" Mama I wanna be a adventurer!" My three children said, " Tell me how to fight and do magic mama!"

Life is cruel and dangerous, I love my children down to the very core. " Sure, mama was once a adventurer too!" I said. Their surprised proud faces lit up, " why you quit?" They asked.

I paused and thought about it, " mama was injured and I wanted to take care of you guys"

" Don't worry mama I will protect you!" My eldest son Billy said.

" awww then I hope you become big and strong!"

Out of all my children my daughter was the strongest and smartest. She had a beautiful mole right next to her mouth just like my grandmother. My eldest son was very humble and cool, he reminded me the most of his dad. While my youngest child was the purest and the sickest.

While in the womb he absorbed the devil's power from his sibling making him the weakest. It was a miracle he survived, but the doctor said he might not live past 8 years old without the help of a strong beast core. His human body is unable to handle his devil power.

Even with me being an ex adventurer and losing my power I was still strong. I hunted beasts while my children sleep, and when they woke up I would make them food.

I can't bare to lose any of my kids, I will protect them while my body last.

I've been strictly teaching my children, training wasn't fun and games. They needed to be taught what it was really like, they can easily lose their life on the battle field.

None of my children backed out from training, I am so proud of them.


My children are eight now, and they need a lot of beast core so they can grow old and strong.

It seems I am also growing old, my old injury's hasn't healed. Before I pass away I have to tell my children the truth about their father, they deserve to see him.


My children are 13 now.

" Mama I am heading out!" They said, Abby and Carl headed out together. I've told them the location of their dad and they are headed out to see him. Their dad might know of a way to help them with their devil power. Specially, to help Carl, he might not live long then. I don't have the power to hunt for strong beast core anymore. That man is kind hearted he won't chase away his own kid.

My son Billy decided to stay with me,

" Mother, you don't have to hid the truth from me! I know that your body is breaking down."

My son held onto my shirt, " Mother! I'll be back ok? Just wait I'll find the legendary ghost doctor to treat you!"

I smile while holding back my pain, " son, mother is fine. Why don't you go out with your sibling to your dad?"

" No! I won't let you suffer in silence while the poison eats you away."

I stared at him shocked, " what are you talking about?"

" mother your wound, it's not just some old wound. It's infected with poison and it's stealing away your life slowly by slowly." He said with such a confidence that made me question if he was still a young boy.

" How do you know this?" I asked.

My son smiled brightly, " mother I need you to just trust me ok? I know what to do and I'll be back soon, so please take care of yourself."

My eldest son also left, not to find his father but to find a way to help cure my old wound.

I held onto my chest in pain, I don't know if mother can wait that long.

Before I could even turn, my son run back in the house. " I forgot, I can use my devil energy to help fight the poison."

My son put his hand on my chest and cool dark energy flowed into me easing my pain.

Then my child finally left, my children are all growing up fine. I sat down and thought about all days I spent raising my kids.

Yes, the things she did was unethical, but love makes a person crazy and mental. Her love for her children are strong and unbreakable, she down to her very core is a good mother. A person shouldn't be truly judged by their past, but by their current atonement.

- Aunty

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