
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Demon Town: More stuff that goes boom.


DAY 10



Tyler woke the next morning with Asia pressed into the curve of his body...and his hand resting on her softball breast. Her long golden hair was drapped across them and his face was pressed into her neck and he smiled as he felt her softball...and leaned in her ear.

"I love how firm you are, Asia. You are so BEAUTIFUL and sweet...and just AMAZING!"

She woke with a blushing smile and he hugged her.

"This feels nice."


The blonde snuggled closer to him and he smiled at her as she looked at him....and she smiled.

"NOT like this."

"Yes Asia."

"Good! And I know. RIAS first."


He fondled her orb curiously and she giggled.

"That tickled!"

"I love sexy blondes."

"we're the BEST!"

"DAMN straight."

she giggled and they showered together before having breakfast. Tyler loaded his rifle and walked out for patrol as Asia skipped to where Rias was waiting with a smirk as she saw her glow nd blush. Tyler waved and she waved back with a smirk. Tyler smiled as he climbed the walltop for his morning patrol. The Jarl loving the way the road looked with the morning dew and the glitter too.

"THAT alone will get people's attention. And we MIGHT be able to charge em for it."

He walked along the wall whistling a tune. The warrior completed his circuit and went to where the road clearing crew were gearing up.

"Alright let's get this done."

And away they went attacking the forest removing trees and stumps. Borloc and his Blazers had left before dawn to properly mark the direction of the road for the town. Tyler and the Haveners followed the eye carvings through the forest and by the end of the day the second section of road was cut, flattened, and paved. Then town had a minor celebration at the successful connection of their town to the rest of the world and Borloc clasped arms with the Jarl.

"Well done Tyler. Your town be ready to recieve visitors. NOW just let the Queen know and the first trains will be filtered through."

"Thanks Borloc. When can we expect word from the Dwarven Kng?"

"In a few weeks, laddee. He needs see your town is WORTH looking into with his own eyes."

"fair. Take it easy."

The dwarf left with a few of his Rangers while the remainder settled in the Station for a rest and to enjoy the Haven air. Tyler smiled as Rias rejoined him that night and he held her tightly.

"Asia was raving about her grope."

"Ha. Want one?"

She smirked.

"We'll have some fun in here at SOME point."

He held her tightly.

"I'll be sure to keep you closer then."

"ME too."

"Good night, Rias."

"Good night, Tyler."


DAY 11



Tyler woke the next morning and found he had his hand on Rias' massive breast over her beating heart. He smiled at this as she smirked.

"Like them?"

"I love-"

She looked at him and he stopped the confession in it's tracks and the redhead pressed her head to his chest.

"It still hurts."

"I do."

"I...know. And....when it stops....we'll do it right."

He held her tightly and stroked her back soothingly. She smiled.

"And this is nice."


A banging on the front door made them both surge out of bed as Mina's voice was heard.

"We got a problem."

"On it."

Rias and Tyler got dressed and the Jarl loaded his rifle as Rias grabbed her own before they met Mina at the door.

"Easier to just show you...from the balcony."

Tyler nodded and the trio went to his balcony....and they were faced with a bunch of people being led towards his longHall by Erwin and his Scouts. TYler blinked as he saw this and Mina nodded.

"Yup. We found them during the Dawn Patrol and Erwin said they hadn't even entered the forest yet before they found them on the road."

The Jarl nodded as he noted a few familar faces.

"Looks like we got a new batch."

Rias blinked.

"Like us?"

"Yup. What does Ember and the rest know?"

MIna smiled.

"More refugees. That is all."

"Good. Summon the council and we'll go from there."

She nodded nd headed off as Tyler and Rias went for the balcony. The redhead smirked.

"This'll be kinda fun."

"OR a freakin mess."

"both? MOST likely both."

The rest of the council arrived as Erwin led the 40 or so strong group to the front. Then the blonde man joined the rest on the balcony and Tyler smirked. He walked to the edge of the balcony as the batch of people on the dirt looked around the developed town

"Morning newbies. Welcome to Haven. I'm Jarl Tyler. Town Leader. We got a LOT to go over soo yeah."

The council gathered on the balcony and the group of 40 on the grass looked up...and a few gasped as they saw Belfast, Hestia, Erwin, and Asuna. Belfast smiled as she looked at the crowd.

"Dear sister Illustrious and Unicorn are in their number Tyler."

Asuna nodded.

"And so isn't Lisbeth, Sinon and Leafa."

erwin smirked.

"I see Levi, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. This just got VERY interesting."

Hestia nodded.

"Ais Wallenstien. Ryu, Lily, Seer too? Cool. Yeah this is gonna be fun to watch."

Tyler smiled.

"And I also see a few brands on people that are gonna LOVE this town."

An older man in a white robe stepped from the group now to face the council on the balcony. He was short. Not even Tyler's waist in height with balding whtie hair and a scrawny frame while his eyes were razor sharp blue. He spoke in a wizened tone to the tall Jarl.

"My name is Makorov. 3rd master of the Fairytail wizards' guild. Where are we?"

Tyler smiled.

"You're in the land of Merlot. The more specifics we'll talk about inside."

The old man nodded as the rest frowned. Tyler looked at a curious Ember as she, Vestal and Gloria watched.

"We'll take care a this, ladies."

They nodded and headed off as Tyler and the rest headed inside the Longhall. Makorov and the new batch all took seats in the hall and Tyler shut the door himself before sitting in his throne of bones.

"Alright. Keep this close.....but you're in a new world."

They all blinked and Makorov looked to where the door was shut and Tyler smiled.

"So are we. The REST have no idea since we're keeping this one kinda under wraps."

Makorov nodded.


"Nope. Somewhere else entirely. Welcome to Haven."

Makorov smiled at the set up.

"I like what you did with your Hall, JArl Tyler."

"Thanks Was fun building. And my name is Tyler to my people."

Makorov chuckled.

"GOOD lad. So we are to join your town."

Tyler nodded.

"It'd be the best choice since we ARE also outworlders and have our own TOWN."

A woman in a red jacket perked up now. She was an elegant beauty with neat blonde hair and smooth skin while her frame was slender. Her eyes were red and her bust larger in her jacket as she spoke in a warm yet formal breath.

"My name is Prince of Wales, Lord Jarl. I see one of my dear friends in your circle."

Belfast smiled.

"It is good to see you again, Lady Wales. I assure you I am well."

"Yet your outfit."

"I helped build this town. It be a dirty job ad BACKBREAKING work. DON'T you dare make a joke."


Tyler looked at her mildly surprised at the sudden callout and she sighed.

"Oh dear."

"I have a LINE you know."


Belfast smiled as she looked at Wales.

"I helped build this town with my own two hands. Sadly, it is a rough existence....and yet a fulfilling one."

Tyler chuckled and she glared at him.

"Nothing feels like living in the town you built with your own bare hands. And nothing is quite as satisfying as standing on the walls you raised, looking over the settlement you built...and thinking, WE did this. This is OUR home. And I helped put it here."

She deflated from a minor relief as a fair few banged fists on chests in tribute to the feeling in the speech....ad Tyler looked at her.

"And Belfast? Get your damn head outta the gutter.""

"Oh dear."


Wales was quite taken aback by Belfast's new sheepish expression.

"Lady Belfast? IS there something we FRIENDS should know about your ESCAPADES?"

The silver haired beauty smiled.

"We shall talk dear."

"There goes THAT day. Have fun bragging."

"I will hit you."

"what? I'm awesome. I know."

Rias laughed at the return of the arrogance.

"Overly cocky IDIOT. Show some humilty man!"

"Why? I'm RIGHT!"

The council just chuckled at Tyler's cheery cockiness and Makorov sighed.

"I heard a fair few of my children say that, Tyler. NOT you."

Tyler chuckled.

"we have fun here."

Wales smiled warmly.

"So we are to live in your town, Jarl Tyler?"

"BAsically. And we DO have enough room for you. The inns hold 40 beds per....and we got three."

Makorov nodded.

"Appreciated. And the cost?"

"we're broke."

THIS made them blink and Tyler chuckled.


He pulled up his Panel and passed a screenshot of the clearing he'd taken around.


They gasped at the untouched clearing before looking at the fully developed town out the window.

"And AFTER."

The new image made a fair few whistle and Wales looked at Belfast with a new respect.

"MOST impressive Dear."

"I merely learned. HE was the leader since we arrived."

Tyler chuckled at that one before Makorov smiled.

"Do yuo have rules?"

The JArl sat up straight.

"The rules of Haven are simple. But you WILL follow them or HELL awaits you. RULE NUMBER ONE: Open your mouth, deal with the consquences. In OUR way, you are fully encouraged to shatter the jaw of the one insulting you."

Wales blinked.

"How barbaric."

Belfast chuckled.

"It is an adjustment, dear, and he IS right."

Makorov nodded sagely.

"That he is. I had a similar rule in the guild. And fights are common."

Tyler smirked.

"Then you'll LOVE this. SECOND RULE OF HAVEN: You do not have to like each other, but you DAMN well will respect each other. They are the exact same as you, treat them as anything LESS....and I'LL treat YOU."

Makorov laughed.

"I DO love that! YOU'LL treat them?"

"Do an asskickin they'll NEVER forget...and lock em in the cage."

Wales looked at him now with intense eyes.

"The CAGE?"

He nodded.

"It ties into the next rule."

"Very well."

"THIRD RULE OF HAVEN: No WORK, no FOOD. In OUR town we bust our ass and we damn well expect you to as well."

She frowned.

"So if one shirks aid,"

"They spent a night in the cage. No food, no water except being splashed three times a day. They push it, TWO nights in the cage. A THIRD, it's THREE nights. At that point, you're thrown out the gate."

Makorov nodded sagely.

"HArsh yet fair. Do YOU assist in the chores?"

"HE LEADS them."

The entire council and first citizens of Haven replied en mass and Tyler smiled.

"I'm town leader. Wanna find me? Look at the hardest working areas."

wales looked at Belfast and she nodded.

"He OVERWORKS himself nearly on the daily. All for the betterment of our home. And I HAVE been meaning to speak to you about it Tyler."

"I figured."


Wales sighed.

"Are we enslaved?"

"No. You LIVE here. NO one gets a free ride."

She smiled then.

"THAT I completely agree with. Yet the children and infirm?"

"Kids get brooms to help keep houses clean, and the infirm do what they can. Some merely offer advice to those doig heavier jobs...."

"Don't you DARE look at me like that kid."

Makorov's irritated snap made a fair few chuckle and Tyler smiled.

"Sure thing-"

"Say it an I'll hit you with a chair."

"NO barfights in MY house."

That got a chuckle.


Tyler looked at Wales and she nodded.

"Having an entire community tend their home is noble. Any other rules?"

"LAST RULE OF HAVEN: Make a mess ya DAMN well better clean it. ya DON'T ya SLEEPIN in it."

Wales smiled.

"FAir. And yet VERY harsh."

Makorov nodded.

"Agreed. And our guild?"

Tyler smiled.

"About that."

The old man smirked.

"YOU have a PLAN."

"There IS an adventurer's guild in this world, Makorov. AND we JUST finished laying the road connecting us to two of the more popular trade routes. We are fully prepared to become a booming tradetown. ALL we need now is amenities. Such as a functioning Dove Temple, a recognized adventurers' guildhall, and our tanks. Then we're set."

Here a girl popped her head up.


Tyler busted up laughing at the brown hair and bright hazel eyes set in a freckled face. She was a head shorter then him with a slender frame and modest bust in her black jacket and white skirt. her voice was a chirpy bell and Tyler smiled.

"we're building our own tanks, Akiyama."

She blinked.

"YOU know my NAME Jarl Tyler?"

"PAnzr vor!"

She brightened up like a LIGHT at that!

"You're a fan!"

"Of Goosefish and Miho's nuthouse."

"Hey....what's the tanks?"

"Welll. Ha. A Panzer IV, STUG III, T38, M3, and a Type 89."

She had STARS in her eyes at this.

"Our first TEAM!"

"I figured you'd show up eventually. So, yeah."

He got poked and Mina was smiling at him.

"WHO is she?"

"Who. She's Akiyama. in her world tankery is a high school sport. they use live rounds designed to not penetrate the armor. Kinda like rugby....but with tanks."

"THAT'S...kinda cool."

"I THINK I know enough about the systems involved to recreate it. But for now we'll keep the tanks as defenses."

Akiyama smiled.

"ALL of Goosefish are here."

"Oh? where the hell Miho at?"


The exciteable Akyama patted a girl beside her and she squeaked. She was another adorable cutie of a girl with hazel hair and a slender frame. her bust was surprisingly large on her frame and her eyes were bright orange. She was a head shorter then Tyler and her outfit was the same black jacket and white skirt as Akyama. she spoke in a soft squeak as she saw Tyler looking at her.

"Uh, er, hi! I'm Miho Nizihumi!"

Tyler chuckled.

"relax Commander Carrot,"



"Much thank you!"

"Be amazed how a little indignation can take ya....and Asia? Get her!"


Poor Miho squealed as Asia came DASHING in for a hug that had the poor girl being nearly THROTTLED by the loveable blonde. Tyler chuckled as he looked at a smiling Rias.

"THOSE two are gonna be inseperable."

The redhead chuckled as she watched Asia spare Miho's life to join her group.

"They are gonna be fun to be around."

The Jarl nodded before he looked at the group.

"Anyone else have an questions?"

Wales perked up.

"How long havr you been here, Jarl Tyler?"

"About....11 days."

They blinked and looked out the window at the developed town...and back to him in surprise. Rias chuckled.

"we work hard."

They slumped at this and Wales smiled.

"Are you a single ruler, Tyler?"

"Oh I have a council."

"I find this relieving. They are?"

Tyler nodded and the group of six stepped forward.

"Asuna, Hestia, Erwin, Belfast, Rias, and Mina. These are my council that help me run this shitshow. Mina and Erwin oversee town defenses. Erwin leads our Scouts. Belfast and Hestia tend to the supplies and personal side a the town, Asuna and Rias oversee schedules and work shifts. I just make decisions, and lead our construction projects."

Makorov nodded.

"Your town is heavily armed, Tyler. I got that impression from the walls and cannons. Do we have enemies?"

Tyler sighed and pulled the map over. He tapped Haven's location.

"NOT YET. But Haven sits on the cleft between THREE major powers. THIS road cuts a full MONTH off the usual trip for a merchant caravan between all three. We are recogonized in the Queendom of Merlot, but make no mistake. A TRADE WAR is heading for us JUST because of where we are. and if it DOESN'T, I am STILL acting like it will."

Wales sighed.

"It is better to have means ready for a war that may never come,"

"Then have a war come without means. ALL of you will be added to the town guard and milita. Weapons training and self-defense training is mandatory for all residents of HAven. Town guard is also mendatory. Military service is voluntary."

Wales frowned.

"The difference between town guard and your military?"

"Town Guaed defends the town. MY military retaliates when we're poked. And they are also the branch that deals with threats BEFORE they reach the walls."

Makorov nodded.

"I wish we'd had that mindset in Fiore. My children will gladly defend their new homes."

Tyler nodded and looked to where Miho was shaking at the thought of fighting.

"Miho, don't worry. You'll be fine."

She smiled at this shoutout and he chuckled.


"I got her!"

Mina nodded as the strike witch sat with the relaxing Miho.

"Smart. VERY smart."

"Miho is a LOT like Yoshkia in her early days. Akiyama just reminds me of Barkhorn before her training."

"And look at her now."

"Barkhorn is one a the toughest chicks I know."

Wales smiled.

"How is crime handled Lord Jarl?"

Tyler smirked.

"Depends on what they did. Steal something, they get an asskickin, and time in the cage. lose a fight, they got their ass handed to them. They start HARASSIN you, drop em. If they try to ASSAULT you, do everything in your power to blow a whistle....and watch this town come to life."

Mina nodded.

"Here's a good indicator. ALL ladies' rooms and bathes have special needles hanging on pegs. Someone peeps, JAB them with it."

The ladies all nodded approvingly and a fair few guyds gulped. Tyler cracked his knuckles.

"Ya get JABBED, we're gonna have a chat! Monster, to PERVERT."

Wales looked t him sharply.


Belfast nodded.

"He DOES have a darkness, Wales."

"Is it deep?"

"Hmm, it can be. We are working on it."

She nodded in relief and Tyler chuckled.

"I didn't really have a choice."

"NO. You DIDN'T."

"She is ONE pushy lady."

The ones that knew her chuckled. Tyler looked at them and Makorov smiled.

"What is the day to day life like here, Tyler?"

The jarl smiled.

"well, if we have a project to undertake, we do so en mass. Everyone pitches in and that's the day. We have schedules for work and maintaining the town. Since we ARE a fresh town there's still a lot to do before we can truly relax. Once the daily bullshit is out of the way, well, you DO live here."

Belfast smiled.

"There is hard work....and then the day is yours once the tasks are completed."

Rias chuckled.

"But don't get comfy. Soon as we're done one project, THIS jackass,"

She flicked a thumb at Tyler,

"Comes up with the next one. I think he's having fun workin us to death."

The Haveners chuckled at that one and Tyler shrugged.

"Not my fault I got the best ideas."

Hestia sighed with a smile.

"You get used to him....I think."

"we got used to you Hestia. I should be a walk in the park."

"I will HIT you so freakin hurt....and BELL will hit you. REPEATEDLY."

He chuckled at that dark threat snd Wales looked at him.

"How intense will our training be, Lord Jarl?"

He shrugged.

"I'm leaving that one to Mina and her crew. They're kinda pros at turning rookies into badasses. Right Yoshkia?"

The witch smiled ruefully.

"I was left on the dirt.....and then it was easy."

Tyler chuckled.

"Course we all know Sakamoto has the most fun when beatin a bunch a rookies into shape."

The Strike Witches chuckled at that truth and Mina smirked.

"She CAN hear you."

"I know."

"She'll best YOU into shape then."

"Sounds like a fun date."

The Witches chuckled at that one and Rias sighed.

"If you WANT someone to BEAT ya to death Tyler, just ask Koneko....and STOP TRYING TO MAKE US COMMIT MURDER!"

"But it's FUN pissing you off!"

"Bout to wish you hadn't."

He chuckled at that one and Wales lifted an eyebrow. and looked at Belfast.

"Does he ALWAYS bully you like this, Belfast?"

The silver haired beauty shrugged.

"It is amusing and he does not truly mean anything....and yes you are encouraged to hit him. HARD. WE all do."

TYler chuckled fondly.

"It's fun to screw with your friends."

She sighed at that one as Tyler noted the time a day.

"Anyway. We gotta lay the foundations for your homes and the hall. Anyone need anything myself or the council isn't hard to find. Keep the fact you're outworlders a secret. Anyone asks, you're a Havener."

Makorov smiled.

"Fairytail will assist. These are OUR homes too."

"Alright.....keep up. BREAK."

The Haveners headed out en mass and Tyler waved as Gloria and Vestal landed by them.

"We got newbies...and they need places to crash."

They smiled and Vestal smirked.

"There are a few secrets in this town, Jarl Tyler. And not a one I want to know."

The town threw themselves into laying the custom homes of the newcomers and Wales was astonished by the pace and precision of the town at work.

"In the span of a single hour FOUR HOMES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED! WITH running heated water! And TYLER is at the for of everything! I wish we'd had their work ethic in Azur Lane."

The forty homes went up and were connected to the water system of Haven within 7 hours. Tyler smiled as he and the council gathered in the Longhall.

"Now we have an even 300 population and the means to house well over 700. I like these numbers."

Mina nodded.

"The Guild Hall is tomorrow's project right?"

"It is. Then we'll contact the Queen and let her know about both our road and the guild. Not entirely sure how to connect the guild though but we'll figue it out."

Erwin smiled.

"Our Scouting missions can increase as well. Levi and the others will be nothing but a benefit to me."

TYler smirked.

"Levi bitch?"

"He DID complain on why I was not leading the town. I told him I did not wish to lead a town and that I voted for your leadership myself. The issue has been solved for the moment."

"It'll be fun watching him get along with some a the others. AND watching when Armin is noticed by the Angels."

They chuckled at that potential attack and Rias looked at him.

"Asia had more or less adopted Miho and her friends and they ADORE her. Safe to say she's got her little board."

"Asia will most likely wind up with her own following. She's that kinda sweet. Speaking of followng, we still need to raise a church for Hestia."

The goddess smiled.

"We'll knock that out in a few hours and the Guild too."

Tyler wrote the buildings on the list...and looked at them.

"Now the next big project is a secret to the natives. An underground tunnel system NO ONE but us in this room knows about. Way we'll do it is we dig out a hole from our manors to the center and then link them to every building in the town. These tunnels will be used for other underground projects like tank launchers and storage for our surprises."

They crossed their arms and Belfast frowned.

"You do not trust the Queendom."

"I do not. I've already caught Hector once reporting on us to the queen. Safe to assume she's got scouts watching our every move. Since we ARE kinda heavly armed, defended, and have bizarre knowledge. The fact we more or less appeared outta nowhere and established such solid defenses in a mere week will have us under a microscope. Sophia may have tried to be our friend, but to hr we're an entirely unknown element on her border."

Mina sihed as she looked at the map.

"And if she finds us to be a SERIOUS threat,"

"She won't think twice to drop a hammer on us. Which is why I'm pushing so damn hard for iron clad defenses."

Erwin nodded sagely.

"If we build our strength high enough, the country will take notice."

"And since I stress self-defense so freakin much. Our garrison is 300 strong as once you got the attitude, you ARE a soldier."

Belfast looked at him.

"You are looking at the townspeople as soldiers."

Tyler crossed his arms as he looked at the map.

"I kinda have to. ALL of them will undergo training. Some are veterans and others are essential to a function garrison. Like it or not we ARE going to have to defend our place here. And I will be DAMNED if our home is taken because we didn't throw everything we have at the enemy."

Mina looked at him sharply.

"CAREFUL with that. Looking at your people as mere walls is NOT a good path to go down for a leader, Tyler."

Rias nodded.

"WHAT she said. You DO NOT want to be one of those leaders just sees pieces when he looks at those under him."

He smiled.

"I'm trying NOT TO. But in order to PROPERLY gauge our strength, you need to visualize the chessboard in it's entirety."

Asuna smiled.


"Cause it's the closest comparison I can think of."

The redhead looked at the rest of the council.

"He's not there yet. His mind works better when he has something he can SEE."

Rias chuckled.

"I can see that. He DOES like to pace the walls and I completely get that. I did something similar when leading my devils."

Erwin smiled.

"I've caught myself doing similar exercises myself. And a chessboard HAS been used to predict the future before."

BElfast frowned.

"I still see a slippery slope to becoming a tyrannical dictator. Even if I agree with you."

Mina nodded.

"Or a leader that loses touch with the people he is supposed to care for. we shall watch this most carefully."

Hestia nodded.

"As will I. Right now all we have are echoes and similarities between the slope and him going down it. Tyler? If you go down that slope, we WILL stop you. And replace you as leader of HAven."

He looked at her.

"And if it's JUSTIFIED?"

she glared at him now.

"WHAT would justify seeing your people as PAWNS?"

"we're at WAR?"

"And HOW would YOU be better then the ones ATTACKING us?"

"Because they backed me into that corner. I'll do whatever the fuck I have to to keep this town safe Hestia. If that means becoming a monster, I'll become the biggest horror this world as ever seen just to keep YOU PEOPLE safe. and as long as you can sleep sondly at night, IT IS WORTH IT."

The goddess was taken aback by the now BLAZING fire in Tyler's eyes as he made this promise and Belfast confronted him.

"Your ANSWER in such a crisis is DARKNESS?"

He nodded.

"To GIVE those that mean us harm something to FEAR. If all they see if a peaceful, KINDHEARTED community, they'll thing we're easy pickings. Yet. if that SAME peaceful community, harbors a MONSTER EVERYONE is scared of, they'll think twice before pissing it off. RIAS knows EXACTLY what I'm going for."

The redhead sighed now as all eyes turned to her.

"I do. And I don't like it. It happened when I was in my world with Issei on my board. In ur world, Issei is one of the THE strongest devils in our world if you piss hm off enough. His extreme power ALONE meant most wouldn't RECKLESSLY challenge us because we'd kill them. If we got backed into a corner, he got us out. TYLER is trying to figure out how to accomplish this same type of fear. WE'D be safe, in HIS wings as HIS power scared potential challengers away"

She looked at him.

"This is a better way, Tyler. And I will NOT rely on someone else to do what I can't again. NOT THIS TIME. I CAN help. I am NOT helpless. I am NOT a coward. I am NOT hiding behind you."

He smiled/

"I'm not asking you to, Rias. What I am GOING FOR, is OUR TOWN'S ACE IN THE HOLE. Something WE have, that NO ONE else does. And something NO ONE can counter easily. That ALONE will be enough of a deterrent for MOST of our enemies."

He looked to the map.

"it's the idiots that DON'T take the warning I worry about most."

The redheaded girl pulled him to look her in the eye.

"YOU don't have to do it ALONE."

He smiled.

"I am NOT alone. All I said was would set myself up as a MONSTER. That can be done a number a ways you know. Like with Vesta. I WAS fully prepared to torture him. And then there's my aim which is kinda scary. Vesta had no idea what happened and let's not forget I'm a gunslinger."

She blinked.

"A POWERFUL warrior piece."

"EXACTLY. Look."

He brought his panel up and showed her his level....and they blinked. Mina looked at Befast.

"I COMPLETELY forgot that was a thing!"

The silver haired beauty nodded wide eyed.

"I did too.....and NOW I fear we may have overstepped. WE forgot. HE didn't."

Erwin looked at Tyler as he passed the panel around.

"YOU didn't remind us BECAUSE?"

"Another surprise. Think about it. EVERYONE IN HAVEN, as been grinding nearly nonstop....and we have these points we're sitting on."

Asuna blinked as she looked up from her own panel.

"A surprise power boost."

"when we need it most. DO NOT REMIND THEM. We'll use it, when we NEED it. And in that crisis, it'll look like we were blessed by the gods themselves."

Mina smiled widely.

"Surprise on surprise on surprise."

"Backup plan after backup plan. The way we survive in this world, is having as many tricks and surprises at ONE TIME as we possibly can. Do this RIGHT, and we litterally have an answer to ANYTHING."

Hestia smiled.

"So you'll bw the strongest in the town."

He nodded and Rias smiled.

"And the one they see FIRST."

Belfast had a new smile on her face as she looked at the map.

"I see i may have jumped to conclusions on this issue. You will set yourself up as the best we have..when in reality,"

"I am but one of many."

Rias nodded and looked at the council.

"I think we can accept that."

The heads nodded and Erwin looked at him.

"So this set of tunnels."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll start from my manor and connect to Rias and Belfast, then to Hestia and Asuna, then Erwin and Mina. The spare earth will be used to reinforce the ground. Once the town is connected we'll move to the hidden tank launchers."

He marked squares along the main road leading into the town.

"These will house T38s and these will house STUGs. when we need to deploy, their crews will use special tunnels to reach them for rapid response. I want this to look like the ground is spawning tanks. Their angle will be perfect for a near instant wall of iron. And will be an utter shock to anything that's breached the main gate."

Erwin chuckled.

"Your idea of defense is not fair. I like it."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll do this after the waves settle from the production of the tanks. Speakin of, the first T38s are ready for assembly. So lets go put em together and test em."

They nodded and Rias smirked at him. He patted her and the snuggle session was scheduled. The friends went to Wulf's garage where the various parts of the four T38s were ready for assembly. There they found Miho and her crew looking the pieces over with Wulf. The redheaded smith chuckled as Tyler walked in.

"These little ladies are somethin. THEY know about them things an i think YOU do."

Tyler chuckled as he saw Akiyama looking at the blaststone engine.

"They do. Alright. Lets's purt em together ladies and other."

The friends went to work assembling the first of HAven's light tank arsenal. Miho and Akiyama aiding with their crew's vast experience with the armored vehicles. The tank lew together rapidly and in a mere 30 minutes Tyler was looking at the 8 foot tall 20 foot long light tank with a smirk. The thing was tracked while it's armor had sturdy rivets in it's blocky shape The 3.7cm gun poked from the turret proudly and Tyler smiled as he nudged a dirt coveed Miho.

"As good as yours?"

She smiled.


"Only ONE thing to call it."


"Damn straight. Alright. Let's find out if it WORKS."

He, Miho and Akiyama climbed into the hatches and Tyler smiled as he sat at the controls.

"THIS is either gonna be AWESOME....or kill us. MOST likely awesome."

Miho smiled as she sat in the command hatch and Akyiama handled the gun.

"Start engine."


They giggled as he pulled the knob that ignited the engine. There was a loud sputter....before the engine fired up with a rattle and the gauges moved. Tyler smiled.

"fuel is stable, pressures stable, we can move Miho."

She nodded and looked at Akyiama.



The grinning girl smiled as she turned the level....and the turret rotated smooth as butter the full 360 degrees before coming to rest back at the foreward position. Akyiama smiled.

"Smooth and responsive Miho!"

She nodded.

"Okay. Panzor VOR!"

Tyler released the brake and had the clattering tank rolling out of the garage.

"wow. She's got some balls. Smooth clutch, easy shifts, holding steady at five."

Miho nodded as she stood in the hatch as they approached the town gate whilw the Angels all looked at the bizarre vehicle curiously.

"We'll test the gun."

"we got targets set outside the gate. Akyiama, you're lookin for the marked trees."


The portcullis was raised by Mina and her witches as they observed the test firing of the live rounds. The treads left deep grooves in the dirt but Tyler nodded.

"expected. it's the ROAD I'm worried about."

He drove the tank onto the road and nearly instantly the treads started scratching the HELL out of it while the metal mortar screeched a little...before going quiet and Tyler found responsiveness was better then ever. he smiled at that as they left the town and Miho nodded.


The tank slammed to a stop and the skilled tank commander smiled as she pulled her spyglass.

"Targets all have bullseyes, Akyiama. Aim for the oak, 3 degrees."

"On it."

The turret rotated and the skilled shooter smiled.

"Target aquired!"

"Load the gun!"

A shell was retrieved from the rack and Tyler watched as the thing was loaded into the breach and the hatch closed.

"loading complete!"


She pulled the lever and the gun went off with a sound of thunder before the whistling round slammed into the tree. The nearly 5 foot thick oak was blown clean in half by the blast and Akyiama had the gun reloaded in seconds for the followup shot as the explosion rang out like more thunder. Tyler smiled.

"Hit confirmed. reattack granted."

Miho smiled widely as they emptied the tank's carried shells into the trees one after another.

"Still smooth as butter. Alright."

Tyler nodded.

"We have a tank."

They cheered at this success and the Jarl drove the thing back to the garage where Vestal and Gloria were waiting with Ember. Tyler smiled as they parked the tank in the garage.

"Now we'll get the rest assembled and move to the Type 89."

Miho smiled as they hopped out of the hatches.

"And the IV?"

"Will be LAST as it's the biggest."

"I can't WAIT to ride a IV again!"

"WE'RE gonna build a Tiger."

"I want my own Tiger!"

He chuckled and looked at the awestruck natives and Ember walked over to him.

"Tyler? WHAT is this thing?"

"It's called a tank."



Hector came over with awe in his eyes.

"Hw much for the design?"

"NOT for sale."

"The queendom would offer you a blank contract."

"Nope. These are OUR people's treasures. And besides. It take so little training to us, if they became widespread? War would be a passtime."

They shivered at that and Tyler tossed the keys to an approaching Mina. The Strike Witch was all smiles as she looked at the functional T38.

"We have armor. That ALONE tips the scales our way."

"Plus the engines are FAR more powerful and fuel efficent then the originals. Any word on the Striker research?"

"We have units ready for testing. Barkhorn will be in the sky."

"Tomorrow. For now we'll get the rest of the tanks built."


The group spent another hour assembling their ten tank force and Tyler smiled as he looked at the long line of intimidating armor.

"I can't wait to put the rest of the armored division together. Wulf,"

The smith came over and Tyler passed the Type 89 schematic over.

"Next tank."

"we'll get right on it. These things are FUN to build."

"wait'll we get to the planes."


Tyler and the council reconvened in the Longhall and he checked the T38s off his list.

"We have our scout tank and long range patrol too. They'll patrol the road and deal with most pests out there. Next up is the Type 89. These will support the T38s as they have similar characteristics. After that is the M3 and the STUG for rapid defense of the town. The big gun is the Panzer IV. That'll be OUR big fist for when we need to destroy encampments and make a point."

Mina nodded.

"We have four striker units ready for testing. The magical crafting of the Angels has them of the same caliber of Yoshkia's Shindin striker."

"Which for your witches means a VAST reduction in strain of use."

"AND increase of efficency as well. we do not anticipate the loss of our magic from them."

Hestia nodded.

"They won't. Since this world is so SATURATED in magical energy that is. You'll still lose mana though."

Tyler smiled.

"This is gonna be fun to watch. if it WORKS, we'll see if I can do it."

They chuckled at that and Rias looked at him curiously.

"What IS a Striker unit Tyler?"

"Thing a world war 2 plane engine but magical and the wear it like pants."


"exactly....I really wanna fly with you."

She smiled.

"We'll get our chance. SOMEHOW."

He chuckled and looked at Mina.

"How long of a runway do you need, Mina?"

"100 yards at max arms."

"We'll lay the stones by the walls then. Make a staging area on the western wall. It's got the largest space for our hardware and we'll need a proper garage for our armor."

Belfast crossed her arms.

"I saw the expressions on the envoy, Tyler."

"We'll lock it up right. And since they LOUD by DEFAULT, we'll know if someone tries to steal from us. THese are OUR tricks."

Erwin smiled.

"The antiair guns are ready for installation."

"Good. After that it's cracks. fill in any crack we find."

They nodded and the meeting adjourned. Rias smiled as the pair made a meal of fried deer meat and apple juice.

"So we have tanks and are building more with an airforce.....with FLYING ANGELS and DEVILS."

He smiled as they sat at a table.

"Overlap. And NO ONE knows you can fly."


"EXACTLY. You're gonna look really sexy in a cockpit of a P51."

She chuckled.

"I look sexy ANYWAY."

"Yes you do."

She smiled fondly as tey had dinner together and snuggled up in his bed again.

"I don't think I've slept in my MANOR once."

He smiled as he rubbed her back.

"why? MINE'S warmer."

"YES it IS."

"And your company is the BEST."

She just smiled as she pressed her head to his chest.

"You just have a line for anything I say."

"Of course. You are an endless amount of inspiration for me.....you are EVERYTHING."

"Oooh my heart's warm!"

He smiled at the glowing redhead.

"I'll keep it warmer."

"Yeah...I like it."

He held his dear redhead tightly as they settled.

"Good night, Rias."

"Good night, Tyler."