
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Demon Town: Haven unleashes the thunder


DAY 13



Tyler woke the next morning to see Akeno asleep beside him in the bed. He smiled at this and leaned in her ear.

"YOU are the THUNDER GODDESS of Haven. And the very best Fallen Angel this world has EVER seen."

She woke with a shiver and a smile.

"If THAT is what you do for her.....I want it too."

He smiled at her soft, tender voice as he rubbed her shoulder.

"Asia too."

"SHE leaves GLOWING. EVERY time."

"She's always glowing."

"True. And....I want this too."

He smiled as he hugged her.

"I'm right here."

"But Rias is primary."

"She is."

Akeno smiled.

"Give her time."

"I am NOT going ANYWHERE."

"She needs that."

The pair got out of bed and cleaned up in the shower before having breakfast of roasted beetroot and some cordial. Tyler loaded his rifle and headed to the wall as Akeno was kidnapped by Rias and Asia for her snuggle interrogation. The Jarl smiled as he climbed onto the walltop.

"This is one helluva town."

He walked along the wall as the dawn patrol passed him heading the opposite direction. He noted a shorter man with black hair and slanted eyes among them. He was half Tyler's size with a well muscled frame and coldly glaring green eyes and fair skin while his attire was a green cloak and tan uniform. Tyler noted the man carried his own kar98k and the man smirked as he passed, his voice a hard bark.

"So you DO go on patrol."

Tyler chuckled.

"First one up. EVERY DAY, Levi."

"Ha. Erwin preaches your work ethic and the fact you're always at the front. first time seeing you up here though."

"eh. fair. I do it every morning and when I need to think."


Tyler got moving as the Dawn Patrol, led by a smirking Erwin, continued on their way. The Jarl looked out over the town and noted the runway for the witches' trikers still needed to be paved and their hanger raised, same with the guild hall.

"Makorov and Fairytail will be all over that once we break ground. Then it's a proper garage for the tanks, the underground, the tank LAUNCHERS, hmm."

He looked at the vast amount of open space still inside the walls as a group of Angel children flew by on their wings of gold and black tumbing about like kittens and he smiled.

"We really SHOULD have somewhere for the kids to hang."

He completed his patrol and went to the Longhall for the morning meeting. Mina smiled as she passed him a paper.

"ALL halftracks and jeeps completed. The Strikers were tested and no issues. ALL we need are our guns. And the mustangs are being assembled as we speak."

Tyler nodded as he looked at the report.

"Good. We'll put up the guild hall, hanger, and put the underground levels in today. Afterwards, I had an idea."

They chuckled and Rias smirked.

"What;s the new big project?"

He smiled.

"A building for the children to hangout in."

They blinked and Belfast smiled.

"I love that idea. What form of building, Tyler?"

"A well fortified, open place they can hangout in and not be in the way of traffic. Town's gonna get VERY busy soon so we'll need a place they can go and we not have to worry."

The heads nodded at the wholesome idea and Hestia smiled.

"YES your church is going up too, Hestia."

"GOOD. I love kids!"

Erwin smiled.

"What about the idea of a park, Tyler? Say a small forested area inside the walls?"

"Sure. Hell we could set it up with a pond and fish too. Leon and his Rangers would love the idea."

Asuna nodded.

"The town DOES need some color....flower beds?"

"Liiiike on 45?"


"Ha. Sure thing Asuna. YOU can handle that."

"I'll gather the town girls. They'd love to plant some flowers."

"Talk to Hana. Miho's tall friend. She does flower arrangement."

Erwin smiled.

"We'll form a party to gather plants for her."

Tyler nodded.

"Alright. NOW we make Haven look good....get goin!"

The town once again threw itself into it's construction and adornement as the guildhall was raised, Hestia's temple church, the new Hangout Pad for the town children, the strike witches' hanger, and the subterrainian tunnels dug from the manors to every house in the city. Tyler had smirked when the enchanted T38 bunkers were hidden by the main gate with tunnels leading to them for their crews in the event of invasion.

"It'll be like the ground erupted."

Erwin and his Scouts came back with bussels of flowers and seedlings for the town park that was being constructed by a VERY happy Leon and his Ranger Brigade that was 4 acres in total of careful crafted and cultivated walkways and paths through wild forest and streams. The town girls and kids were employed to plant flowers in all the tilled up earth and Tyler smiled at the sudden explosion of reds, blues, yellows and other such color around the dull green, brown and white town. The addition of the flower beds gave the dreary pallete of Haven some much needed vibrance. Then he had another idea for a grand fountain of marble in the center of the wagon rotunda and so one was put in. The thing was a 100 feet wide and about 5 feet deep with a carving of stars decending from the sky to land inside the walls of Haven with water flying from the contrials of the 80 stars. The entire piece had a beauty to it that was simply breathtaking. Tyler and the rest reconvened in the Longhall and Mina smiled as she sipped ice cold water.

"Okay. MUCH better."

Erwin nodded.

"I completely agree. A change i did not know we needed."

Belfast had a warm smile.

"The town looks ALIVE. I like it."

Tyler chuckled.

"NOW we're putting the AA guns in. As planned."

Hestia laughed.

"He IS trying to work us to death! And yet? The town will be BEAUTIFUL!"

"Just wait till we upgrade the houses from wood...to BETTER wood."

They groaned with a smile at that eventuality as the town expanded the corners and certain sections of the walls for the powerful flak 88 airburst antiair guns that were also paired on the same turret with more rapid firing 30mm cannons. Tyler smiled at this as the last gun was installed by his manor.

"The entire town is a killzone now. Alright. How's the tanks coming?"

Mina passed him a report as they relaxed in the Longhall.

"The Type 89s are ready for deployment. Good. We've got our runners. Now the STUGs. Them things are MEAN."

Belfast flexed an arm.

"Tyler, dear, beware of OVERWORKING our people."

He blinked...and smiled ruefully.

"YIKES. THAT'S a scary thought. We've done nothing but build for nearly TWO weeks now. Okay. we'll finish up the projects...have the royals show up...and throw one HELL of a block party. The crops?"

Hestia smiled.

"The third rotation was preformed and the new harvest is secured."

"We need booze for a good time."

"OOOH the brewers have been working, Tyler."

"GOOD. Erwin,"

"Long range deep scouting?"

"Yup. Beer and big guns DO NOT mix. So we'll lock up the armory."

Mina nodded.

"wise. VERY wise. NO booze near firearms....or tanks....or artillery."

"Speaking of artillery."

He passed a design for a 105mm howitzer on a trailer and on the back of a M3 Deuce. Mina nodded.

"Artillery is the last real piece of ground hardware we need for a complete force, Tyler."

"I know. Then it's automatic firearms."

"The designs for our guns were delivered and we'll have them deployed in a day."

"Good. The browning M2s?"

"Same. We added them to the tanks too."

Tyler nodded approvingly.

"Our garrison will be fully defended. Then the only thing we need is the airforce aside from the Strike Witches."

Belfast looked at him with a frown.

"What form of air force?"

"Long range tactical bombers and fighter planes."

They looked at him and he tapped the three countries.

"A good Lancaster has a 2500 mile range. ONE plane can hold up to 14,000 pounds of bombs. ONE squadron, on ONE run, could LEVEL any capital on that map. If they pick a fight with us, we LEVEL their statehouses."

Erwin crossed his arms.

"From the air."

"And they'd NEVER see it coming."

Mina nodded.

"I see your reasoning. And you're right. The Lancaster is a splendid aircraft and a powerful force to reckon with. Remember his words. Better to have means for a war that may never come, then a war come and not have the means."

Belfast sighed.

"Are we being cautious? or PARANOID?"

Rias looked at her.

"I'd rather be PARANOID and have a HOME then be TRUSTING in CHAINS."

Hestia sighed.

"I agree with him. I have a worry now, Tyler."

He looked at her curiously.


She looked at him.

"You're not planning a global conflict are you?"

"Starting one or anticipating one?"


"I AM looking at this as if the world will turn against us at SOME point. Since WE outworlders."

That made the goddess sigh.

"I can't blame you for thinking that far out. And it IS a justified worry."

Asuna nodded.

"Look what happened in the Underworld, Tyler."

"THEY were HIDEOUSLY underprepared."


A knock was heard on the door and the group looked to see kirito poking his head in.

"Hi. A fallen angel was just caught outside the window of the kid's hangout with his pants down.....as the girls were changing for the pool."

Tyler and the rest blinked at this and he set the design for the Lancaster down.

"Was he takin a piss?"

"NO. He was jerkin it."

"Jesus. Alright. Bring em in."

"On it."

Tyler rubbed his eyes and looked at Belfast.

"HAve the windows enchanted."

"They are."


Rias had a disgusted look on her face.

"The windows of EVERY bathroom are enchanted to not show a thing."

"Oh god."

The council took their spots around the throne as Kirito and Barkhorn dragged the chained fallen angel into the room and tossed the grown angel to the dirt. Tyler sat in his throne as Vestal approached.


He noted she was free of her ball and chain and she smiled.

"Gloria forgave us our evil. And we have attoned."

"Cool. Piss em off again an you get the CHAIN."

"You DO know we can still fly, right?"

"Course I did."

".....Of course, MAster."

She took a spot beside him,

"I know this Wing. And as he is a member of MY flight, I must bare witness....and be the one to administer his punishment."

"Sure. I get it."

The Angel was ungagged as Gloria led a small golden Angelgirl forward. She was an adorable girl with long golden hair shot through with bright white highlights and a delicate frame. In age she couldn't have been older then 15 and her eyes were a piercing blue as she bowed to the smiling Jarl. her voice a soft squeak.

"Lord jarl. I am Mera Whitewing."

Tyler smiled warmly.


She blushed a bright golden hue and smiled shyly.

"Thank you...sire?"

"Tyler works fine."

"feels weird."

"Try it from my end."

"YOU'RE weird."

".....I have no defense here."

She giggled at this before Gloria shielded her from the sight of the eyeing her in a really creepy manner Fallen Angel.

"Jarl Tyler, she is the one that saw him."

Mera nodded as all eyes turned to her.

"I was pulling my SUUUPER cute bikini on as we were going swimming in our hangout pool....when I looked out the window and saw the Fallen Angel playing with his snake between his legs looking at me. I screamed and that was when Archangel Asia came bursting in."


Gloria smiled at his amused surprise.

"The fledglings ADORE her."

Asia came over and she jabbed a thumb at the leering creep.

"I walked in...annnd he shot a load all over the freakin window. I blew the whistle and Kirito appeared. Yeah. He's as bad as Issei....at least ISSEI doesn't get it on the window."

Tyler looked at her.

"ISSEI does that?"

"Yeeeah. Only to US though....and the girls of age. We JAB him every time."

"Annnnd WHY am I just finding this out now?"

Asia smiled.

"Because every time we catch him....it hurts."

"Yeeeeah. He'll be put on trial too. Sorry. NOT in my town."



"I got em."

Asuna chuckled as Kirito clapped the balking Issei in irons.

"Kirito's kinda become the town sherriff."

Tyler chuckled as well as Issei was tossed to the floor beside the guilty fallen Angel.

"It fits."

"It does."

Then the jarl sat up straight and looked at the Fallen Angel.

"Now. YOU. Vestal. What is hiw name?"


"He have a history of this?"

The First wing of the Draguls sighed deeply.

"He does."

"Annnd you allowed it because?"

"He is a DAMN good archer."

"Sorry. NO."

"I understand, Master."

Tyler looked at Fecta.

"Do you refute the charges?"

The Fallen Angel smirked.

"All you have is THEIR words kid. NO proof."

"I DON'T need proof. NOT when ASIA is the one speaking against you. Make HER mad, and we will ALL gut you with a fishhook. But. She is ALSO a DEVIL. Asia?"


She passed him a magically taken photo from her panel that showed Fecta outside the window spraying his cream all over the window. Tyler flicked the picture to the white faced Dragul.

"Asia learned from the best."

Akeno smiled.

"She has learned well."

"That she has. Now. YOUR crime is VILE. So. Your PUNISHMENT will be vile."

Tyler smirked.

"YOU are sentenced...to castration and are exiled from Haven. Ah. Shut up."

Tyler's ice cold bark froze the Fallen Angel in his tracks.

"And a MARK will be carved into your head. A circle with a checkmark. This will forever mark your FIRST and LAST chance at MY mercy."

Tyler produced a knife from his belt and passed it to a grim faced Vestal.

"as his First Wing, Vestal, you will carry out the sentence."

"Of course, Master."

Fecta smirked.

"YOU won't touch me, JARL."

"Oh? And WHY is THAT?"

His smirk turned smug.

"Why don't I tell the TOWN what you do with that HEAVENLY maid of yours?"

"Oh. Remove his tongue too."

"Of course!"

Fecta's smirk turned to a look of horror at this as Tyler smiled.


Vestal pounced on the screaming and desperately trying to escape Dragul before cutting the tongue from his head and the dick from between his legs. The mark was placed on his head and Tyler nodded to Yoshkia.

"To SCAR."


Belfast smiled smally and Tyler nodded. Wales, Belfast's friend, had a knowing smile now.

"Belfast, dear."

"I am not ashamed of my affections."

"We shall talk, dear."

"YIKES. ANOTHER day down the tubes."

Tyler's mild tone got a few chuckles...before his eyes went ice cold and the town blinked.

"I will make this perfectly fucking clear. TRY that again, and I'LL torture you myself. DO NOT, blackmail your fellow townspeople.....or meet the DEMON. We CLEAR?"

A mass of nods and oaths went up and Tyler smiled.

"And THROW out the trash....from the walls."

Fecta was indeed thrown out of the city with a pack and two days' supplies inside and the next on the block was a now TERRIFIED Issei. Rias took her place beside Tyler now and the redhead looked at the JArl.

"as he is MY servent, I will administer punishment, Tyler."

"I'll decide it."

"You ARE my leader. DON'T say king."

"I'm not your king. I'm your Jarl."


"Can you two please focus?"

Asia's mild squeak made them both laugh and the jarl smiled.

"Love you too, Asia."


Tyler looked at Issei.

"Issei Hyuta. YOU have been CAUGHT numerous times doing the same crime I just castrated someone for."

ISsei gulped.

"Ummm. I wasn't looking at kids?"

"Not gonna lie, that's MILDLY redeeming. You're a pervert and DEMENTED one at that. But you don't go after kids. Fecta had the EYES of a monster. YOU have the eyes of a virgin monster."


Tyler sighed now.

"BUT. Sadly, as I cannot play favorites, you will recieve the same punishment. Castration, the mark, and exile."

ISsei's face went WHITE and Rias looked at Tyler.


"I am NOT going to play favorites, Rias. I'm sorry. But not even as much as you mean to me, can change that."

She shivered at this...and sighed.

"NOW you're a leader. IS there no chance for leniency?"

He sat back now and Belfast leaned in his ear.

"YOU are correct. Do NOT open this door."

"I know..."

He sighed. And sat up to look at Rias.

"I'm sorry, Rias. I can't open that door. He did the same crime, he gets the same punishment."

She sighed deeply now and he passed her the knife.

"As his Mistress, Rias, adminster the punishment."

Rias took the knife shaking as Issei looked at her in utter PANIC!

"Come on Rias, don't do this to me! Come on! YOU'RE my King! NOT HIM! Don't let HIM make your choices for you! i serve YOU! NOT him! Rias?! RIAS!"

The redhead was shaking so violently in the face of the task she'd been given to preform, a few were startng to look at the knife in her hand a little nervously. Tyler just sighed. And took the knife from her hand.

"I'll do it."

"Don't do this to him."


"I have her."

Tyler got up and walked over to the kicking in his attempt to escape Issei as he screamed....and preformed the castration, carving of the circle, but left him is tongue.


"On it."

The heartbroken Issei was healed to scar, given the pack and thrown from the walls. Tyler put his knife in a sheath on the throne as a shaking Rias was tended to by Belfast. Then the Jarl faced his people.

"You all know what Rias means to me. There are NO special favors, treatments, or favoritism in Haven. You fuck UP, you get the SAME punishment no matter WHO you are. HAs there been any other issues?"

Makorov rose.

"Aside from spats between friends?"

"So long as they don't cause damage to the city, knock yourselves out. Haven rule. Make a mess ya clea it."

The old man smiled.

"Nothing to report then....and the damage has been mere craters."

"okay. DON'T damage the road."

"We have a pit."

"Good. Anything else?"

He got no reply and Tyler nodded.

"Alright. The court is adjourned."

The town filed to their tasks with a somber mood and the Council gathered at the maps. Tyler sighed as Rias came over with disappointment in her eyes.

"I withdraw from the council. I thought I meant something to you."

"Rias. You are MY inspiration. But I WILL NOT be a PUPPET. if I had LISTENED TO YOU, and SPARED him the same punishment for the same crime, the people have LOST all respect for me. Friends or NOT, i a TOWN to lead."

She nodded.

"So you chose your power, over your friend."

"There is more to worry about then one person. Even you. I have 300 people I need to take care of. As a leader yourself? I'd expected you to understand EXACTLY what I had to do."

Rias nodded.

"I NEVER turn my back on friends. No matter WHAT."

She walked out and he sighed as the door slammed.


Erwin patted him on the back.

"NO. YOU are in the right. SHE is the one that has made an error in judgement."

Belfast nodded.

"I completely agree. YOU made the right decision."

Asuna placed a hand on his.

"It is NOT easy, being the leader of a number of people. You were right. if you HAD spared him, we WOULD have lost respect for you as a leader."

Hestia hugged him.

"Rias turned her back on HER duty as HIS leader. EVERYONE saw that. And EVERYONE saw YOU stick to your guns when it mattered most."

He nodded and sighed.

"Yeah. I lost a DAMN good friend. But. I kept the respect of my people. I just hope the trade was worth it."

Erwin slapped him on the back and he jolted.

"Don't second guess your choices."

Tyler chuckled at that one.

"Yeeeah that's a problem of mine. I have a very...WHAT IF mindset."

Belfast chuckled.

"with the way you think I am not surprised. Just try not to worry too much on the possibilities and focus on the certainties."

"Thanks Belfast."

Mina came over now and offered her input.

"NOW you're a leader. You made the tough choice. And did AFTER listening to her input. I respect you more now."

Tyler stood tall as he looked at his council of five.

"Thanks guys. Now we need to fill the hole."

They nodded and the Jarl smiled.

"And I know who to pick."

He looked at Belfast.

"Would you mind fetching Wales, please?"

"A VERY wise choice."

"She IS another military leader. It's safe to say Rias and her devils aren't gonna be much help for a while. Otherwise I'd pick Akeno. I-hmm."

He frowned now and crossed his arms.

"Actually now that i think about it? We HAVE a rather gaping hole in the council."

They blinked and he looked at them.

"We need someone that HAS stuck to their guns when doling out punishments. wales as far as I can recall isn't really KNOWN for her discipline. No offense Belfast."

"None taken. i see exactly what you mean."

Tyler leaned on a wall now.

"Makorov would work. He's chastised his children for their failures many times. problem IS I DON'T want to take him from the guild. Gloria and Vestal have their own people to tend to and something about having them on the council doesn't sit right with me."

Hestia smiled.

"Is THAT an elitist attitude?"

"I dunno. MAybe. I know you all more then I know them."

"Ah. Say it like that."


He looked at Belfast.

"we have a list of names of the new outworlders?"

She smiled and passed him a list.

"We keep detailed records of our people."

"we'll need a file vault."

"I have one."

"And that is why I freakin trust you so much, Belfast. YOU are ALWAYS on the ball."

She smiled at this as he looked at the list.

"Okay.....I need a leader with experience, has dealt out punishments, and has experience on the more magical side of leading."

He looked the names over.

"Erza is better as an enforcer....Wales is too kindhearted, same with Elizabeth, MIHO is FAR too gentle....oh. I didn't see you in the crowd."

He put the paper down and looked at Belfast.

"Her name is Satuski Kiryuin. She'll fill a number of roles and the hole Rias left quite nicely."

Erwin looked at him.

"And if Lady Rias were to wish to rejoin the council?"

Tyler crossed his arms.

"I'd.....I dunno what I'd do in that situation. Hm. We WILL need to expand the council at SOME point. Same TIME, if i were to do it just because she got seller's remorse, it'd make me look like I was pandering to her. Same TIME, her experiences as a leader are irreplaceble. She's a devil from hell itself...and that gives her a unique perspective."

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Asuna smiled.

"If she wants back in to the council, Tyler? She'll have to earn it."

"Thanks Asuna."

"I'm not just standing here."

Belfast left to collect Tyler's nomination and Hestia crossed her arms.

"Is Satuski able to be trusted?"



"She's a former dictator and totalitarian enthusiast. She turned her school into a freakin military garrison and led them against her child molester mother in a war for the fate of humanity itself."

She and Erwin whistled.

"She is a VERY fiery lady then."

"AND fierce."

Tyler smiled at this.

"She only has one setting...and it's 11. I would much rather have her on my side....then find her across from me on a field."

Mina smiled.

"YOU respect her."

"And am MILDLY intimidated by her."

"Good. That means she is WORTH something."

The door opened and they looked expecting to see Belfast with their new recruit

"So it's THAT easy to replace me?"

Only to see a VERY hurt Rias slamming the door shut behind her as she confronted the now slumping warrior with tears in her eyes. Tyler sighed and looked her in the eye.

"YOU quit the council. I have a town to run....and need HELP doing it."

She glared at him.

"YOU promised you'd always be there. And now you're REPLACING ME?"

"Rias. You were out there the entire time. You heard ever word I said. So for GODS sake cut the crap. I HATE this dramatic shit with a passion."

She slugged him with a strength born of her hurt and anger.

"I HATE you."

"Rias. I CAN'T put one person above an entire town. NOT even you."

"So you'd let me die....to save your precious town?"

He rubbed his eyes.

"Rias go home. Take a nap. And when you calm down we'll talk this one over."

"So I'm an emotional MESS?"

"YES. You ARE. DON'T even try an tell me it's not YOUR glaring weakness that you sometimes let your emotions run away with your better judgement and good sense."

"Name ONE TIME-"

"That time Loki nearly killed Issei, the time in the raiding game with Rizen when you SURRENDERED to save Issei. I can keep going if you really want me to."

She just slumped at this reminder he knew her and he flicked a finger to Hestia. The goddess took Rias by the arm.

"Come on Rias. YOU are NOWHERE near levelheaded enough to have this discussion."

Tyler rubbed his eyes tiredly as Rias was walked to her manor by Hestia. Asuna smiled.

"It's never simple."

"Nope. Ugh."

He looked at the maps as Mina patted him.

"Thanks Mina."

"I gotchyer back."

Hestia returned a few minutes later and smiled as he looked to her.

"She's sleeping with Yoshkia and Asia. I used a spell."

"Thanks Hestia."

"Not at all. YOU made a VERY good call there."

"Rias' achillies heel is her emotions. She flies off the handle VERY easily and WHOOOOLEheartedly."

Belfast returned then with another girl.

"Tyler, I have found her."

The new arrival walked in with a rigid, confident stride as she stood before the Jarl and the council. She was a tall, imposing beauty rivaling Tyler in height. Her skin was pasty white while her frame was well built from her own demanding lifestyle. her hair was a sheer black curtain and she had severe features while her eyes burned with an intimidating fire. Her outfit was a white jacket that dropped to midthigh and trimmed by blue while her legs were sheathed in white and blue boots. On her hip was a long black katana and she spoke in a firm, imperious snap.

"I am Satuski Kiryuin. And I understand you are seeking a new council member, Lord Jarl."

Tyler smiled.

"I am, Satuski. And this time we won't need goku uniforms."

She smirked.

"You DO know me."

"YOUR story is one of my favorites."

"How indepth?"

"Ragyo has a flamethower in the ass in her future."

"I completely agree...and not a word on my past."

"Deal. Rias resigned from the council and now I need a fresh leader with a spine."

Satuski nodded.

"I see. You hesitated to deliver the punishment a hair too long, but in the end you ensured it WAS carried out. Very well. I will aid you. MY duties?"

Belfast smiled.

"I will bring you to speed on Rias' former duties, LAdy Satuski."

Tyler nodded.

"AND our current goals and discussions."

"I will study these intently."

"Alright. I think we've done all we can do today people. And we could use a night to get our heads back."

Mina looked at him.

"The queen arrives tomorrow right?"

"Day after."

"That's a relief."

"Yeeeah don't relax. I can see her showing up early just to throw us for a loop."

Erwin sighed now.

"I can see her doing that as well....and using her children's excitement as an excuse."

Tyler looked at the map.

"From Berlot to HAven is....150 miles. My HORSEDRAWN wagon that's a three day trip at a safe pace. if they REALLY wanted to, they could do it in two."

Satuski looked at the map.

"expect them to arrive tomorrow, Tyler. Ragyo was fond of such stunts. In her words, it kept her subjects on their toes."

"She might be an evil bitch, she DID know how to run a tight ship."

"I agree with you there. Ragyo is many things. I will have caught up with your meetings agendas by the morning meeting."

"Thanks Satuski."

"It is no matter. I helped built this town as well."

she smiled.

"And I feel a certain PRIDE in having done so."

"Welcome to Haven."

She smiled warmly and the council headed out. Tyler sat at the table alone for once and sighed as he found himself missing his cherished redheaded friend.

"Sorry, Rias."

He made a dinner of deer and some cordial for himself....and smiled as he left some for his hurt friend before he laid in the suddenly MASSIVE bed in his room alone. The Jarl sighed as he saw the mass of red hairs from Rias' mane and felt the first true feelings of a leader. Choosing the people over his cherished friends. He rolled over and settled down for the night.

"Sorry, Rias."