
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Demon Town: Getting the witches into their Flying Pants. Seriously.


DAY 12



Tyler woke to find he'd shoved his head In Rias' breasts again. He smiled at this as she had his head firmly wrapped up in her arms holding her to him while HIS hands were firmly on her ass gripping her cheeks. She smiled.

"Now THIS feels good."

He gave her ass a fondle and she shivered.

"OOooh, that feels good!"

He looked at her massive breasts in his face and she smirked.

"Don't go TOO far. We might not stop."

He smiled at her.

"I'd ALWAYS stop for you."

She shivered and squeezed him into her rack. Her long, blood red mane drapped across them like a blanket and he liked how her body smelled first thing in the morning as they laid like that for a bit. Then she smiled.

"Let go."

"I will NEVER let you go."

He released his grip on her heart shaped ass as she shivered at the promise and smiled.

"I will never LET my favorite servant go."

"I LIVE for you, Rias."

This one made her shiver hard and he smiled at her.

"And I'm not going anywhere."

She grabbed him in a throttler of a hug and he held her again as she recovered from this latest heart attack.


"When you are ready."

"....soon. I...want this."

"I want this too."

She smiled...and he patted her back fondly.

"Come on, Rias. We got work to do."


The glowing redhead got up and the pair got dressed before they had breakfast and loaded rifles. Tyler went for his patrol while Rias went for her latest meeting with Akeno and Belfast. The Jarl smiled as he saw the lin e of tanks inside the garage with angels looking at them curiously and a few were talking to miho and her girls about what they were.

"Those are gonna be so freakin popular.....I wonder."

He smirked as he had an idea for an export. Armed military vehicles are out of the question. BUT. I think this world would greatly appreciate some good American muscle....and the jeep. I'll talk it over with the Council. We MIGHT have our town export in modern civilain transport. Military might is ours though. He looked out over the town and noted the walls were glittering again.

"That looks so freakin cool its not even funny."

His circuit completed the warrior headed to the Longhall where he found the council looking at the map. Mina smiled as he walked in.

"Strikers ready for testing. We have four models. Mine, Barkhorn's Focke-Wulf, Shirley's P51, and Yoshkia's shindin."

He nodded.

"Good. Now I had a THOUGHT."

All eyes turned to him as he leaned on the wall by the map.

"We are NOT selling our armed military vehicle designs. That's just not an option. I think we can agree there."

They nodded and Belfast was vocal.

"We can."

He smiled.

"what about CIVILIAN models like jeeps and trucks?"

They blinked at this. Mina became VERY thoughtful as she considered the idea.

"I....don't see how it could be dangerous. Like transports and daily cars?"

"An bikes. I think we could use them as our town's exported good since we'd be the only ones in the world to produce them."

ERwin smiled.

"It'd give our town identity, status, and WEALTH. Are there military models that are NOT armed we cold appease the country with?"

"Oh plenty. Armored cars and APCs. Plus....bridge layers, huh. We could get creative before he introduced planes."

Hestia chuckled.

"The gods are laughing at you again. They have no issue so long as the nukes and more toxic weaponry is utterly ignored."

"Soooo I can't introduce cocaine?"

"They already have that. WITHOUT the harsh chemicals....meth too."

"HA. That's hilarious. And the pollution?"

"Blaststone merely produces STEAM when burned even though it has the same properties as oil."


"Very. but hey it works."

TYler looked at Erwin....and the man smiled.

"Our ODM gear."

"would make fighting giants a breeze...and would pass for an extreme sport."

"I will draw up a design. what about the ice-burst stone?"

"I think BLaststone works."

Hestia again provided insight.

"It does. It's kinda the do all mineral of the world and is as plentiful as gravel."

Asuna looked at Tyler.

"we'll expand our storage for the stone if it's that type of resource. Our mines are stable and producing."

"Good. We'll locate backup sources as well."

"Agreed. AND a reserve."

Belfast smiled.

"what about medical Tyler? Could we try to balance the weapons and tools of death with better ways to heal?"

He frowned.

"A VERY good idea, not entirely sure HOW without the proper technology."

"Perhaps our knowledge of disease?"

"We could go further with that since we ARE still in a medival era. MAgic or not."

"I would feel better if we tried."

Tyler chuckled.

"We CAN introduce quality of life items as well. Like potatoe peelers, kotatsus, boardgames, stuff like that."

The silver haired beauty nodded.

"I will happily compile a list."

"Oh! Fashion as well! we can pool our worlds' ideas of lookin good and sell them to the trains."

They smiled at this and Rias smirked.

"I kinda like this. A town that has everything from futuristic weapons and transports that sells everything from cars and planes....to ballgowns and frymakers. THIS is gonna be fun!"

Tyler retrieved the orb and set it on the table.

"Let's open the ball."

Rias smacked him as they all groaned.


"In my defense that was completely unintentional. I was KIND thinking dance."

They sighed and he looked at the ball.

"Sophia Firemane."

The queen appeared and she smirked.

"Hector just sent me a warning of mechinized weapons your town is amassing, Tyler. Are you preparing for war?"

"Oh absolutely. Only an idiot has a town where ours is...and DOESN'T have means to defend themselves with."

She lifted an eyebrow.


"You attack us, we'll level your precious castle....in a DAY. Don't believe me? TRY US. I DARE YOU."

The queen sat up straight.

"ARE you declaring war?"

"No. I AM promising retribution if we ARE molested in the SLIGHTEST."

She sighed.

"Your eyes do not lie...and they frighten me. Could we work out a trade deal for these weapons?"

"The WEAPONS? No. These are OUR people's trick."

"I see. This IS a shame."

"we DO have a compromise."

She smiled.

"I will gladly hear this."

Tyler lifted a design for a jeep...and she blinked.

"What IS that thing?"

"It's called a jeep. Basically it's a horseless wagon that can traverse nearly ANY terrain and seat four at a time. fueled...by blaststone."

Sophia frowned hard now.

"Blaststone? HORSELESS WAGONS? YOUR inventions are MOST intriguing. Speed and comfort of travel?"

"We are about 150 miles from your city correct?"

"You are."

"we can make that trip in two hours....at 60 miles an hour in one of these."


"Oh yeah. We got designs in the works that can kick to a 150 easy."

She just looked at him.

"And you would PRODUCE these wounder machines....in HAVEN."

"first come first served."

".....THIS will be you export?"

"Among other things. Clothing, styles, household goods, you get the idea."

She smiled.

"When can you have the jeep produced?"

He looked at Mina and she smiled.

"We can have 10 ready for testing in 2 days."

"3 days."

Sophia nodded.

"Very well. if the test is successful, we may open a trade contract for them. Yet it only seats four men."

Tyler lifted a design for a M3 Deuce halftrack troop carrier. The queen blinked.

"17 men per wagon?"

"Same speed capabilities."

She just looked at him.

"We could invade the neighboring countries at speed....and reach their capital in mere HOURS. These are military?"

"Yup. And we have civilian issue as well."

"Show me."

He pulled a design for a four wheel drive pickup truck and the queen smiled.

"Merchants would appreciate the versitility."

"THIS one is for when you want to be loud and proud."

He slid the mustang design over and she smiled.

"I LOVE the profile."

"You FEEL that engine when you turn that key, Sophia. And RACING THEM, is FUNNN."

"A new sport based around such treasures?"


She nodded.

"is this an EXCLUSIVE deal?"


"I.....cannot blame you for this. A wise trade town leader knows when to foster competition."

He chuckled.

"And the long lasting trade town knows when they have something worth selling."

"AND a WEALTHY one. What would the cost of each wagon start at, Tyler?"

He crossed his arms.

"Remember, we're new here."

"Ah. This is truth. The currency of my queendom is golden coins. Malchia uses silvers, and the Archon loves their Sovereigns. Another name for gold coins."

"Is the worth consistent?"

"No. And it is an INFURIATING system. ONE Malchian Silver is worth HALF of a queendom Gold. ONE Archon Sovereign is worth 2 Queendom Gold coins."

Tyler whistled.

"They're a wealthy state."

She nodded.

"VERY. And their worth is verified by the quality of their goods."


He looked at Rias and she wrote down minting their own currency ut of sight of the queen as the warrior looked to Belfast who had the worths down.

"we'll need to have seperate vaults for the three coins."

Mina frowned.

"You intend to do business with a Slave country?"

"Sure. Their coin is good. And remember."


He smiled.

"I DO have an idea on that."

Belfast looked at him.

"BUY our OWN slaves?"

"And release them into HAven."

The council smiled widely at this and Rias chuckled.

"We wouldn't be really STOPPING the problem, but we WOULD be doing SOMETHING to help those poor souls. Which would be a step in the right direction."

Sophia blinked.

"Slavetrading is HIGHLY illegal in MY queendom, Tyler."

He smirked at her.

"Our TOWN is called HAVEN."

She sighed.

"You know that type of ploy will only lead to strife between peoples, right?"

"I'm counting on it."

"....oh my."

She sighed as she realized the goal of poking the Malchian Kingdom. Then refocused.

"The wagons."

Tyler smiled.

"The average man of means; what does he usually have for gold?"

"At the last number, the average man has 1,000 Gold to his name and earns about 250 per day. Taxes in my Queendom are high yet fair. We take about 15% of all trade goods and sales. So say something costs 100 Gold, there would be an extra 6 Gold in taxes."

"Is the tax INCLUDED in the usual price?"

"It is. I HATE those types of scams with a passion."

"GOOD. So do I. Hm."

He looked at Asuna.

"A jeep. I would slap 2,500 gold on it."

She crossed her arms.

"Hm. The collection of the resources, refining, production, Up to a solid 3,000 per vehicle."

Tyler looked at the Queen.

"The Jeeps are 3,000 per. The DEUCES, are 10,000 per."

The Queen smiled.

"Fair. And WELL within the reach of the masses. How much Blaststone is required to operate the wagons?"

"each jeep needs about 10 pounds of stone."

She blinked.

"That's IT?"

"The deuces need 20."



"My word. ten pounds of Blaststone costs 5 Gold! It's SO COMMON, it's NOT even worth keeping sometimes!"

Tyler chuckled.

"Good. Cause one tank will get you 400 miles in the jeeps, and about 250 in the Deuces....FULLY LOADED."

Sophia had a new excitement on her face at these numbers.

"I will have merchants and dwarven inspectors leave for Haven immediately. We will see these wagons with our own eyes. AND your other goods as well."

"Good. Make sure they got gold to blow."

"Oh they'll be well funded."

"Alright. We'll have the smiths get to work."

She nodded.

"When we have something to look at we will negotiate prices per capita."

"Sure. And when you guys comin to visit?"

"In three days...how does this sound? In three days, you produce the discussed wagons and we will observe their testing with our own eyes. If we like what we see, we will sign a contract there and then."

"Sure. we'll get it done."

She smiled.

"I am looking forward to see Haven with my own eyes."

He smirked.

"And WE are looking forward to the bragging."

The orb went out and Tyler smiled.

"We'll get the trucks produced and same with the Jeeps. The Type 89 tanks we'll have Wulf focus on and the other stuff the rest. I'll put time in the forge myself."

Mina nodded.

"We have a lot of work to do. And this time we're on a deadline."

The Jarl cracked his neck.

"Well. Let;s get to it!"

The council went to work with a will. Tyler went right to the smithy and set up at his own forge to crank out parts and components for the various vehicles while Wulf put effort into his production of the tanks. The Angel smiths were given the specs and threw themselves into the mass production of the parts. Within hours, piles of nessecary components lay ready for assembly into 4X4 jeeps and halftracked troop carriers. Tyler smiled as more Angels were assembling the new vehicles following his step by step instructions and he went to observe the testing of the strike Witches' strikers. He found the 11 witches by a section of field with the four models waiting in clamps mounted to the walls themselves. Shirley smiled as she looked up from her own unit, which resembled the nose of a P51 fighter plane from world war two but small enough to be mounted to her slender legs.

"Well, welcome to the hanger, LORD JARL."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at the odd accessories.

"How we lookin Shirley?"

"Pretty freakin good. All the readings are sound, the reps stable, and the magical engine responding. Just need to get in the sky."

"Captain BADASS."


Barkhorn swung dwon from her own unit. She was a rugged girl a head shorter then him with a well cut figure from her demanding lifestyle. Her skin was pale and her bust modest in her grey flight jacket while her dark brown hair was done up in twin braids. Her eyes were brown and BURNED with her iron clad will. She spoke in a firm bark.

"Captain Gertrude Barkhorn reporting, Lord Jarl!"

She saluted and he smiled.

"At ease, Barkhorn. How's she lookin?"

"Sir. I can launch immediately."

"Alright. We got Angels ready for inflight rescue if it goes south. It DOES, BAIL. This is NOT worth losing your life over."

She nodded.

"Understood...HOW will I communicate with the ground?"

He smirked and passed her a small stone with a sticky residue on one side.

"I figured this one out on my own. It's enchanted comms. The tank crews will use em and they have a range of 50 miles."

She smirked as she placed the Q-tip sized pebble in her ear.

"Testing, can you hear me?"

Tyler tapped his own ear.

"Loud an clear, Barkhorn. Ready for launch!"

She vaulted onto the mount and into her own set of strikers that resembled Focke-Wulf 141 engines. The test pilot nodded as her magic hit the units and they started revving.

"Syphon is stable, engines firing."

A glowing circle of magic exploded under her as a pair of hound ears appeared on her head and a long hound tail as the spectral props spun up on the bottoms of the units. Tyler smiled as he walked onto the improvised runway.


Barkhorn was released from the clamps and started moving along the runway like a plane on taxi.

"Response is easy and snappy. No issues...ready for takeoff."


She threw the throttle with her magic and glided along the runway before reaching the needed speed. Barkhorn lifted off the ground to soar into the sky in a plane engines as Tyler smiled at the sight.

"MUCH better. Strike Witches belong in the sky. How's it feel Barkhorn?"

Her voice came in loud and clear on the comstone.

"easy and snappy, Sir. No issues, even better then the original."

"Flight training alpha, begin."

"HA! Yes sir!"

Mina laughed as she watched from her spot on the walls while Barkhorn rolled, pulled loops, and other high speed manuvers.

"He has been WANTING to do that since he first saw us."

Tyler chuckled as he watched Barkhorn soar in the sky.

"Kinda cool being the Commander o the Strike Witches."

"Hey that's MY job."

The girls laughed at Mina's offense as Barkhorn reported in.

"No issues. All green."

"Land it."


Tyler watched as the tough girl came in at an angle to kand the flight without issue. Once she was back in the clamps the clapping broke out and she smiled as Tyler walekd over.

"Better across the board then the first model. No issues and I feel great."

"Alright. Shirley, tear it up."

"Oh HELL yeah!"

The taller girl leapt into her units and they roared to life with AUTHORITY. Shirley glowed and a pair of white bunnyears appeared on her head and a bobtail on her spine. Tyler whistled at this.

"HELLLLLLO bunnygirl."

She laughed as she pulled a set of goggles over her eyes.

"Sorry playboy, ya gonna have to work for it!"

"we'll race then."

"Oh you got some balls! You're on! ONCE you get you're own unit."

Tyler chuckled as she revved her powerful P51s.

"Sounds like a date. Alright. Glamours Shirley.....CLEARED FOR TAKEOFF!"

The cheerful girl sped along the runway and tore into the sky with a wild yell of exhilaration. Yoshkia had a wide smile as she watched her friend set up for her trademark speed run.

"I wanna fly!"

Tyler patted her with a smile.

"Yoshkia Myafuji and Erica Hartman, cleared for takeoff!"

A dozy blonde haired girl with blue eyes and pale skin smiled as Yoshkia vaulted into her sleek and finned striker unit. Erica was a shorter girl with a slender figure and modet bust while her voice was squeaky. Her jacket was brown as she vaulted into her unit that was reminscent of the Messerschmitt BF109. The two girls took off and Tyler looked at Barkhorn.

"Barkhon back in the sky. We're testing mulitple channels on the stone."


Mina smiled as Shirley threw her unit into a dash and rapidly gained speed.

"The rest of our units are being assembled."

"Good. It is going to be FUCKING awesome to call for a Strike Witch Scramble."

"You are having WAY too much fun with that."

"Lady....you're the STRIKE WITCHES."

She smiled as the four fliers did tandem manuevars and formation testing after Shirley broke the sound barrier with a crackle of thunder.

"The way you talk, we're more like GODS then a mere military unit."

"In a way? You were to me."

"I.....thank you."

He smiled as he watched the girls in the sky.

"I get to watch the Strike Witches do what they do best up there. I will NEVER get used to that feeling. I get to LIVE in a TOWN with MY freakin icons and the ones I hold as MY HEROES. Yeah. I love this fuckin town."

Mina smiled warmly at this as the girls completed their rigorous tests.

"If THAT is what you see when you look at us, Tyler? We will never worry about you going down the callous leader path."

The fliers landed and Yoshkia was shaky as she climbed out of her striker.

"THAT was even BETTER then the first time! And I can control it! yay!"

Tyler patted her fondly.

"Yoshkia. You have NO IDEA what you can do. And I will help you find out."

She smiled happily.

"I want my gun back."

"Atta girl! We'll get em made....though Lyn's getting a better rifle."

Mina chuckled.

"I can only imagine."

Tyler looked at the strikers.

"Secure them and we;ll get you a proper hanger constructed. Since we'll also add conventional planes to it, we'll need space."

They nodded and he smiled.

"well done ladies. We have air support now."

They smiled proudly and headed out. Erica? She went to the walltop, laid flat, and went to sleep. Tyler chuckled at her as he went to the garage. There he found Rias and Asuna looking the test Jeep over with Kirito. The warrior clapped him on the back as he looked at the thing. The Jeep sat on four high profile tires made from high grade rubber created from some native fibers while the frame was akin to a set of jeeps from a certain movie about dinosaurs and a park. Tyler smiled as he looked at the headlights.

"Alright. we ready for a roadtrip?"

Rias tossed him a set of keys.

"Yes WE are."

"Hop in Rias."

The pair vaulted into the driver and passenager seat as Kirito smirked.

"DON'T get into a car accident or HIT anyone with your car?"

"dude. I get into a CAR accident in a FANTASY world I will LAUGH. i HIT someone with my car the first time I use one in a FANTASY world, i will laugh. Now. Hang on!"

Rias smiled as he turned the key and the V6 engine fired up.

"Oh yeah."

He hit the gas and the thing tore out of the garage like a bullet. Tyler hit the E-brake and drifted the thing onto the glittering white road before slamming it into a dash for the maingate as Rias whooped and hollered beside him. her blood red mane flutterin in the wind as the thing was halfcabbed. He smiled at her image as he tore out the gate and along the paved road where he dropped the speed from 90 to a more modest 50. Rias smiled as her hair stopped flying like a cape.

"Okay. Now THIS is nice."

"I'll build a car for US then, Rias."

She smiled at that and took his hand as the skilled driver cruised along the road they'd built.

"I'll expect it."

He squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.


He smiled as they reached the Queen's Road in a mere 20 minutes before they headed back. Rias smiled as they rolled through the gate.

"This was fun."

"We'll do it again."

"Absolutely....and I want to go flying."

"A lot."

She smiled happily as he parked the jeep in the garage and Kirito smirked as the pair vaulted out.


"Smooth as can be, hits you where it's supposed to, and clean. The Jeeps are a go."

"NOW we need our bikes."

"Ha. Abso-FUCKING-lutely."

Asuna smiled as she nodded to the line of jeeps and halftracks.

"Jeeps set and the Halftracks too. Mina and Barkhorn tested them while you were on your drivedate."

Rias looked at her sharply at this and Asuna sighed at the anger in her eyes.


Tyler shrugged and walked out. The warrior returned to the Longhall and was surprised to see Akeno waiting for him inside. The tall beauty smiled as he walked over.

"Rias and Asia RAVE about the snuggles....so surprise!"

"Greeeat. Groped in my sleep AND feathers everywhere."

She chuckled at the goodnatured grumble.

"And let's not forget the hug!"

He chuckled at that one as they had dinner together. Tyler and Akeno showered together and the purple haired fallen angel made over the to moans as she was lathered up by the adoring warrior before they snuggled in the bed together. her foot length purple hair spread out over them like a mane of grape and Tyler held her tightly.

"night Akeno."

"I'll want a verdict on best snuggle!"


".....i cannot argue this."

He chuckled as he held the bemused girl.

"Good night Akeno."