
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Demon Town: Angels and Demons





Tyler woke the next morning to find he;d shoved his face in Rias' heavenly bosom and and wrapped his arms around her to hold on for dear life. He smiled at the soft, firmness in his face and she smiled as she opened her eyes.

"Wow. Comfy?"

HE smiled up at her.

"My favorite place to be."

She chuckled and he hugged her tighter.

"I will never let you go."

The redhead shivered and held him tighter.

"I will never give you up."



He smiled as her retort cut him off and she smiled.

"Let me...to it right."

He nodded and she shivered as he let her go.

"wow. Warm in there."

Rias chuckled as he extracted his face from her rack.

"Asia loves doing that to me."

"Now that's something I'd pay to see."

"Just ask her to join us in here."

"we'll enjoy her tonight then."

"Dirty bastard. I love that idea. But my hell."

"Is MY heaven."

She shivered at that.

"Okay. GOOD ONE."

HE chuckled and they got out of bed. Once dressed the pair ate breakfast together and Tyler smiled.

"We'll put up a tavern for the town today."

"Smart. And we'll need another Lightning Tower. That one seems lacking for the entire town."

"I knew I adored you for a reason."

She smirked at that sideways confession.

"I adore you too. But I have some baggage to deal with. PROPERLY."

They clinked mugs and headed out. HE grabbed his rifle and went to the front gate for his morning patrol. He looked over the grass of the massive clearing in the forest and smiled as he got walking along the walltop. Mina appeared beside him as he passed the barley fields and he smiled.

"Morning Mina."

The copper haired witched comander smiled.

"Morning Tyler. we have an issue."

He looked at her and she passed him a report.

"Erwin's scouts found these two hours from town."

He looked at the tracks...and blinked.

"T-rex tracks?"

"It appears so. No one leaves the town until it's found. Leon is reading sign as we speak."

"Good. A full grown tyrant is only 16 feet tall. These walls are thirty. But my GOD are they ferocious. Same time they're a gold mine in and of themselves. if-"

An echoing trumpet was heard in the distance and Tyler looked to see a large creature stepping from the treeline into the clearing and he smirked.


"Shooters in coming."

"Ready the wagons."

She nodded and Tyler rested the Kar98K on a battlement as the rex moved towards the city as if curious about the gleaming walls. Asia poked her head up.



"COOOOOOL! I want a tooth!"

"Ahem. I get the biggest tooth."

"I'll snuggle you!"

"Rias is involved."

"....dammit! I get the second tooth!"


She smiled as Tyler took aim...and fired. The mauser round pierced the chest cleanly and the rex dropped with a slam. Tyler smirked as he pulled the bolt back.

"RIGHT in the heart."

Mina sighed as the gates were opened.

"Okay. Make it look TOO easy."


The rex was butchered under the direction of Leon as the Ranger knew the creature best and Tyler smiled as he flipped Asia her tooth.

"Yay! You're the BEST!"

He smiled at her cheer as he pocketed his own 6 inch tooth. The entire body was taken and the skull was mounted over the Jarl's throne and Tyler smirked as he saw this.

"Next one we're putting candles in the eyes."

They chuckled at the idea and Tyler looked at Mina.

"we're erecting another Lightning Tower in the Angel sector. The one doesn't cut it anymore."

"Understood. Any other projects?"

"Yeah. A tavern for the town."

They chuckled at that one and the town got to work. The second Lightning Tower was raised and the tavern too. The HAven tavern was laid out with a log bar that would be EVENTUALLY stocked with booze while the first and second floor was laid out with long trestle tables and fireplaces for a cozy, inviting place to relax. Tyler smiled as he looked at the place.

"It easily has room for half the town."

Belfast passed him a paper.

"Our current population."

He looked.

"260. Not bad. Ans we have the means to support 500 comfortably. Next massive project is the laying of water pipes as we'll be turning the water on."

The Haveners chuckled and Wulf came over.

"The cannons are ready for mounting, Tyler."

"Alright. We'll next put in some Antiair guns."


Tyler and the former modern day soldiers oversaw the installation of the 300mm fieldguns on the walls. Tyler smirked as he saw each one could swivel nearly 30 degrees and pitch 10. Offering devestatin overlapping fields of fire.

"NEXT it'll be mortars."

Mina chuckled as she looked the fieldguns over.

"These things are mean, Tyler. and we used them against Neroui too."

"Good. All that's left is the sky. I'll give the design for flak 88 antiair guns."

"Another ICON."

The walls now bristled with imposing cannon installation and their ammo bunker was full to capacity. Tyler smiled as he and the Council gathered in the Longhall for the next leg.

"The Blaststone will be used to power our airforce and our tanks. Once our defenses and arms are set we'll expand into more civilian uses."

ERwin nodded.

"As we are to be a tradehub we are going to need the strength to defend it."

Tyler looked at Wulf and passed the design for the flak guns over. The smith smirked.

"I love these. I'll get one it."

"We'll add extra turrets as well."

He tapped the main joints of the walls.

"Each one will be converted into an AA emplacement. Then we'll have larger caliber guns near the center. Since Haven is near symetrical, we'll use the center line for this."

He tapped the center of the horseshoe.

"THIS is a killzone. if the targets make into the center, EVERY GUN in the twon can reach it."

Mina nodded.

"And will be shredded. We will need more stone and materials then."

He looked at Asuna.

"what's the status of the quarry?"

She smiled.

"We could mine it for YEARS."

"And our lead deposits?"


"Any gems or gold?"

She nodded.

"HUNDREDS of tons. We have it buried...."

She tapped a section of the wall.

"Here. It's a secure vault not even you knew about and is filled with refined gold, silver and other precious materials."

Tyler smirked.

"Good. That is our town's windfall and our main trade. How big is it?"

"About the size of your hall."

"Good. Fill it and we'll hide it. A vault like that of gold and other ore will sustain us during the trades. Weird ore?"

Wulf chuckled.

"Many and more. The Fallen Angel smiths are teaching me to work em though. Seems steel is kinda mundane."

"Ha. We'll have fun. The guns?"

"The Kars are set and the colts are ready for testing."

TYler smiled.

"Let's get that done cauuuuse in der mornin we're gonna piss off the neighbors."

They chuckled and went to the wall. The silver handguns were gripped by bright redwood and Tyler smiled as he tossed one up, and lifted the magazine as the gun landed on it with a click. Rias whistled as he took aim.

"Hellllo gunslinger."

"Colts were MY babies Rias."

"NOW I'm curious."

He smirked, picked up a second and emptied both 7 round magazines in nearly 6 seconds before eh did the same toss up reload before he emptied them again. He then bowed to the clapping council.

"And all 24 rounds are within a single shell of each other."

They blinked and went to the tree he'd shot at. Sure enough, the grouping was all within a single 45 ACP shell of each other. Rias whistled at this as Tyler holstered both guns on his belt.


"I'm kinda good with them."


The handguns were issued to the town and the first lessons on how to handle and shoot were given. Tyler smiled as he leaned on a fieldgun looking out at the clearing.

"Wehn we actually expand, we'll move the fieldguns with the wall. And add more mobile guns in their place."

"YOU'RE having a field day with this aren't you?"

Rias came up beside him sporting her own gun on her hip and he smiled as she leaned against her own gun.

"Pretty much. I'm having fun designing my own town and figuring out how to defend it."

She smiled and looked out over the field.

"It's fun watching you lay your convoluted schemes. Even if they seem redundant with the angels and our flight abilities."

"No one knows you can fly, Rias. NO one knows what we can do. and I want to keep them guessing for as long as we possibly can."

She smiled.

"Kinda feels good strapping on a gun,"

"You're always strapped Rias."

"Nope. I stopped wearing bras."

"Good. You're better just bare."

She chuckled at the instant reply. Tylr patted her with a smile.

"I'll see ya later Rias."

"WITH Asia."

"Oh absolutely."

The warrior hopped from the wall and headed to the Longhall as the Dusk Patrol headed out. The Jarl looked around the interior of his home before he smiled at the idea of putting in a second floor. He marked the plan for himself down on a paper in his room and Hector came into the longhall.

"Lord Jarl. The queen."

Tyler chuckled as he passed him the ball.

"Sophia Firemane."

The queen appeared.

"Hector, what news-"


Only for her to jump as she saw Tyler waving at her from beside the Ambassador. Hector slumped.

"He knew the entire time, Milady."

The queen nodded as she dawned her poker face.

"Have yuo been harmed, Hector?"

"I have not. If anything, I am forgotten in his town."

Tyler chuckled as he took the ball.

"We've never hidden our plans and our arms, Sophia. YOU just have no idea what they can do."

She sighed.

"No. I do not. I admit. You've caught me with my hands red."

"We both have bigger fish to fry then to worry about spies. Cut the shit, and we'll let this go."

She nodded.

"All scouting is ceased. And my envoy?"

"Usually get pressganged into our projects."

Hector smiled tiredly.

"I was on the line placing their new guns, Milady. NOW my hands hurt."


"I am WELL over 500 years."

"OLD rookie."

"Oh my head."

Sophia smiled.

"You win this engagement, Tyler. And I must admit, your town is FASCINATING to me."

"wanna stop by for a week go for it."

"I....just might. My daughters are quite eager to see their new town and meet you all."

"Asia'd love em."


"You'll see. She's like our town gem."

Hector smiled.

"I can attest as I know the girl, Your Grace. I would highly advice the Lady Soria meet her."

Sophia smiled.

"My middle girl?"

"Indeed, your grace. She would ADORE that sweethearted girl to PIECES. I could very see them becoming sisters in all but blood."

The redheaded queen smiled.

"Perhaps a tour IS required. Just to see how my new citizens are living. Tyler?"

"We got an inn."

"Ha. Very well. We shall schedule a royal visit in a week's time."

"I'll upgrade our meat from deer to moose and MIGHT even throw in some apple juice."

"High fare!"

The orb went out and Hector gulped.

"My apologies, lord Jarl."

"I knew your game the moment you walked in. G'on."

He left with a sigh of relief and Rias came in with Asia. Asia all smiles as usual.

"I'm back!"

He hugged her.

"And we got a visit to look forward to from Sophia. Seems her daughters are QUITE curious about our little haven out here."

Rias chuckled as they roasted some bear meat this time.

"Sounds like we'll need to do some heavy foraging."

Asia was humming a happy tune as she sat between Tyler and Rias as they talked.

"The wheat ready?"

"Our crops are ready for harvest in the morning and we'll rotate them. Seems the grow fast here."

"Good. ONE good harvest will help us immensely. The wheat we'll make bread with and the rest we'll go from there."

"The sugarcane also came in."

"Oh THANK god."

She chuckled at that one as the friends ate together then headed to bed. Tyler laid in the massive Jarl's bed as Asia and Rias stripped and laid beside him. Asia rested her head on his chest and Rias joined her and the warrior smiled as he held them tightly.

"night Asia."


"Good night Rias."

"Good night you two."