
Demon Town

After being shot to death in a school shooting, Tyler wakes to find himself in a field. And he's not alone.

Goreleech · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Demon Town: A relaxing day.


DAY 15



Tyler woke to see Rias asleep on his chest with her massive breasts pressed into his skin and her arms around his neck. Her long, blood red hair was strewn arounf the bed like a red blanket and he smiled at the sight as he held her.

"THIS is where I belong. Here, with you, in my arms, Rias."

She woke with a smile and a shiver.

"I completely agree. And love being here."

She settled beside him to look him in the eyes with a smile and he looked into hers with his own proud smile. Then he smiled warmly.

"I want you to be mine, Rias."

She pressed her face to his chest.

"I'm scared this time.....even if I want to."

"Just do it on impulse."

"ME? Impulsive?"

"I love you, Rias."

"I love you too.....wow."

She deflated from a breath she did not know she'd been holding and he chuckled.


"MUCH....and I love you."

"I love you too, Rias. THIS will do for today."

"Progress. I admitted it."

"which is the hardest part."

She nodded and her eyes were sparkling at the confession. He then poked her massive yet firm breasts teasingly.

"Come on, Rias. we got a queen to feed."


The pair got dressed and Tyler loaded his rifle before they made breakfast for the queen...and she appeared from the stairs as they set the table. Sophia was garbed in a soft robe of tiger fur while her feet were bare and Tyle smiled.

"Morning Sophia."

"Good morning dears. That smells heavenly."

"wake up the Haven way."

They sat at the table and Sophia noted his rifle.

"Armed already?"

"I patrol the walls as a routine. Helps me think and see what else my town needs."

"I do the same but my gardens. I've gotten lost twice."

"why i stick to the walls. They're a circle. And havre you seen our park?"

"I have. i rather like the atmosphere."

"We asked Leon and his Rangers to set it up."

"Smart. And it is just the right size to let you feel like you left town."

Rias looked at her curiously.

"How long will you be in town for, Sophia?"

"I scheduled a week for us. But, I feel 2 might be more appropriate as I wish t see how you truly live. I have means to rule from here."

TYler nodded.

"Good. The caravans?"

"Are loading as we speak. Now you mentioned something about rail trade?"


She sipped her coffee at this news.

"Hmm. THAT is a TOUCHY one, Tyler for the queendom. Mainly with how VICIOUS the barons can be. wars between nobles are common over lucrative lines. And the cost to construct the lines are extreme as well. Your town would bring many problems to that table."

Tyler crossed his arms as he looked at the map.

"I figured that move would be war. Which is why it's lower on the list. We'll get there. In time."

"Wise. And the skyway?"

"We'll put up airships as well once we got there."

"THAT is actually regulated to prevent an accident and to monitor pirates. if you WERE to construct airships and seek skytrade, you'd need to also construct a tower to connect to the grid....and they are a VERY elitist group."

"When we get that far."

The queen nodded at this and Tyler smiled as he headed out. The town as covered in a thin layer of early morning mist while the sky was clear. A faint whirring was heard before a set of three witches took off from the runway for the dawn airpatrol and Tyler smiled as he watched.

"Yoshkia, Perrine and Barkhorn. I will be sure to join them up there at SOME point."

The Jarl climbed onto the walltop and nodded as he looked at the ladders.

"THAT'll be todays' project. Get the damn ladders' replaced with proper stairs."

He walked along the walltops looking over his town seeking new projects.

"The crops'll be harvested, we'll send out the usual resource parties and scouting ops, I'll put in some work at the forge, get us a head a the curve on the new tanks. Miho'll appreciate havin her Panzer back."

He looked at the buildings and smiled as the visiting nobles and knights were already out exploring the town in the early morning light....and taking photos of the glittering walls and mystical atmosphere of the town. The Jarl completed his circuit and returned to the Longhall where the Council was waiting. Belfast smiled as he approached the maps.

"Good morning Tyler."

"Mornin Belfast. How bad?"

"Oh miserable. I intructed her on cooking her own meal and how to clean her own clothing.....AFTER confiscating her finer articles while she was in the bath.....which I only permitted a mere 10 minutes."

He chuckled.

"I usually do 15 to 20 without really noticing.....soooo."

Rias smirked,

"And we ALL greatly appreciate this. DO NOT stop."

"Yes Rias."

She smirked smugly and Sophia chuckled.

"I see there is no question there."

TYler tapped the walls.

"Today's project is replacing the ladders with proper stairs. We're at the point rapid response is king. During the defense The ladders got VERY congested very quickly and that alone would cost us in a protracted battle."

ERwin nodded.

"I completely agree. Our own walls had numerous methods up or down and yet they still struggled. I would suggest keeping the ladders and adding the stairs. More ways up and off the walls is nothing but a good thing."

Satuski crossed her arms.

"This project will not take three hours."

TYler nodded and looked at Mina, and she nodded.

"We've begun."

"Good. And them?"

"Progressing smoothly. ALL of them."

TYler smiled and looked at Asuna.

"The next civi vehicle will be ratrods...and bikes."

She smirked.

"THIS is gonna be fun. Military?"

He thought for a moment.

"I'll look into it. I think the next model is an ENCLOSED troop transport."

They nodded and Sophia smiled.

"The next batch of trucks and jeeps, Tyler?"

"Are being constructed as we speak.....a car lot would be a VERY good idea."

Belfast smiled.

"AND a proper motorpool. We do need a proper place to store our transports."

TYler nodded and smirked.

"We'll also need so conserve space where possible to prevent overclutter."

He drew up a schematic for an underground parking lot that was also part elevator and Rias chuckled.

"No question where you got that from."

MIna and Asuna smiled as they looked at the plans.

"THAT'S more like it. We'll knock this out by the garage. And the carlot for buyers."

TYler then looked at them.

"We'll also need proper graveyard for the town."

Hestia nodded somberly.

"We do. And a proper consecration for the plot as well."

Sophia sighed.

"A sad reality to life. I will have a Priestess to Hanahein establish her Catacombs in Haven. A priestess of death and the undertakers as well."

"Thanks Sophia. After that I think it's just living it out. Any issues with the guests?"

Erwin chuckled.

"A few spats with Makorov's children and a few fiery knights. It seems they are fond of proving their words with strength."

"Fairytail's a buncha loose cannons and overly active powderkegs. Still. Doesn't make em the best damn crew to have a good time with. Soria and Saria?"

Rias chuckled.

"Soria was found with Miho asleep inside one of the Type 89s inside a rather cozy blanket fort."

An image was presented of the two girls snuggling inside the tank all wrapped up in blankets. Tyler chuckled as the room awww'd.

"Yup. We're keeping her."

Sophia smiled.

"I lost my daughter. And I am completely fine with this.....but WHY a TANK?"

TYler shrugged.

"Miho loves her tankery. GO with it."

"Oh dear...Asia is a snuggler."

"AND VERY affectionate, right?"

The queen smiled fondly.

"I woke to her with her face in my breasts."

Rias smiled.

"She does that."

Belfast smiled fondly.

"Lady Saria was found in a pile of angel children in their hangout pad. I was envious."

Sophia nodded sagely.

"Saria ADORES children and being their big sister. And she has a talent with them as well."

TYler looked at the map.

"Alright ladies and Erwin, we got work to do....so let's get to it!"

The meeting ended and the town threw itself into their new projects with a will and a smile. Sophia and her retainers were awestuck by the intense pace and skill on display. Sophia then smiled proudly as she saw Soria and Saria both in tanktops and pants working right there beside their new friends to raise the new stairs to the walls while Seraphine was sobbing heartbrokenly as she was made to place blocks under the stern gaze of Belfast and Barkhorn. Tyler was seen at times carrying more, directing traffic, helping here, and basically outworking all but a very select few and did so with a smile and a VERY clear vision. The queen smiled as she looked to one of her interior states officials.

"If THIS is how they work? I can more readily believe they erected their home in the time they say they did. And I VERY much wish I could incorperate their work ethic in my OWN builders."

The projects were completed in a mere 6 hours of hard work. The result saw the additions of a large parking/show lot for all manner of vehicles, another enclosed lot for the town motorpool complete with underground stations for well over 5,000 vehicles of many kinds. Once the work was completed Tyler and the council gathered in the Longhall and Sopha shook her head with a smile.

"Your town works HARD, Tyler. And now I understand the reasoning of the Third Law. I felt I should be helping as well, seeing your people all come together."

He smiled.

"Haven was built by our own two hands. And we will continue to build her with them together."

She smiled and Tyler looked at Mina.

"The freed captives, Mina?"

The strike Witch commander smiled.

"To a one have elected to stay in Haven. We have 250 more citizens."

"So we are a town of 550 residents. The bandits?"

"THEY have taken to their lot with a will and integrity. I think in time they'd happily settle down in Haven as well."

"The wounded?"

"Are still resting and recovering their strength. Yoshkia says they'll be released in three days."

"Good. How are we on supplies?"

Belfast looked at a paper.

"We are holding on most items, Tyler. A surprising shortage has to do with brown rabbit fur for small clothes. It seems the soft fur is the preferred lining for bikini tops."

"We'll send a hunt out. And we;ll look into breeding our own stock of rabbits and small animals too."

Rias passed a paper over.

"We could also do with a resupply on raccoon fur. They use them for lingere."

"We'll just do a mass animal hunt for fur and meat. Never had too much food. We'll enchant some towers to flash-freeze meat. Have Grey of Fairytail help out. Ice make wizard."

Satuski nodded.

"I will see to this. A third ammo bunker would be a sound addition and a fourth and fifth blaststone warehouse."

"we'll put them in next session. Mina, the sky?"

"Is clear. No threats and we have spotted a few creatures."

she passed an image over of flying pterodactyals and Tyler smiled.

"Pterosaurs. Dinosaurs. Minor threat as they DO have the size to take small children. Next flight, if you encounter them, bag few as their meat is like chicken and their bodies have use."

"Will do."

Erwin smiled.

"The land is quiet with no issues or potential issues aside from the grumbles I mentioned last. And we are monitoring in case another of those creatures, T-rex? Appear."

Tyler nodded.

"The fires and gunfire will have scared a large portion of the game away, but it'll returm quickly. Alright. I'll go put some work in at the smithy for some parts and we'll go from there. Belfast?"

"Seraphine has volunteered to join the night patrol going forward. AND to assist Yoshkia in the Hospital."

"Tell her to pack a wooden spoon."

They chuckled at that and Tyler nodded.

"Alright. Break."

The meeting adjourned and the Jarl went to the smithy where he spent a few hours cranking out components and parts for the planes, tanks and cars before wrapping up and heading on another patrol round da town. He walked up to the walltops by the maingate and walked along the things whistling a tune. Tyler smiled as he reached one of the immense flak 88 antiair guns...and found a trio of cloak garbed Scouts resting on the battlements looking out over the landscape. The three looked over as Tyler approached the turn off and the blonde boy jumped before speaking in a polite yet light tenor.

"Lord Jarl!"

He saluted with an arm over his heart and the other behind him as the other two merely nodded. Tyler looked at the blonde hair kid now. He was shorter then him by a foot with a slender, well cut frame and short cut blonde hair. His skin was light and his eyes a bright blue while outfited with ODM gear and a tan uniform. Tyler smiled.

"Relax. You're...Armin, right?"

The blonde guy nodded with a slight nervousness in meeting the leader of their town so suddenly.

"Yes sir. An honor to meet you properly, Tyler."

The Jarl chuckled as he leaned on the antiair gun.

"Same here, Armin. So, ASIA's got your eye, huh?"

He GULPED! His two friends looked over now as Armin nodded.

"Yeah. I like her....and wish to know her better."

Tyler smiled.

"You got balls, kid. Going after a blonde a HER caliber. Rias find you?"

"Um, she did. She's....intense."

"Asia's like her kid sister. And she LOVES fuckin with people."

"I thought she didn't like me."

"Oh she heates you outta prinicple. Asia's HER favorite blonde."

That made the guy smile.

"I....cannot blame her. You?"

"I hope you know what you're getting into. Asia's not all sunshine an rainbows ya know."

Armin smiled fondly.

"She is a LOT sharper then she lets on."

"That, and she is a LOT tougher then she seems. "

"That she is."

"She's ASIA."

Armin had a dreamy smile on his face at this fact.

"And is ONE of a kind."

"YOU'RE in deep."

"I....think I love her."

Tyler patted him on the back.

"Get a definite on that before you make any leaps."

"Will do.....never done this before."

"Good think ya know where to go when ya need bad life advice."


"HA! Fair."

Armin smiled at that one before looking at the walls.

"I wish we didn't have to still live inside walls."

Tyler smiled as he looked over the forest.

"Thankfully, these walls are more borders then anything."

Armin looked at him.

"Are we free?"

"Absolutely. These walls are OUR advantage. NOT our prison."

That got a snort from the other boy as he sat on the battlements. He was half a head taller then Armin with brown hair and fair skin, but with BLAZING green eyes set in his face. He had a more brown uniform and his voice a harder bark as he looked over at Tyler.

"Yeeet we're forbidden from LEAVING the walls?"

"Oh you can take off whenever you want. You just live here."

He smirked.

"So I can pack a bag and LEAVE?"

"Sure. So long as you keep your outworlder shit a secret and never betray HAven, you can do whatever the fuck you want."

"And you didn't TELL us this because?"

Tyler chuckled sheepishly.

"I KINDA thought you all knew that already. You DON'T have to stay here....I just HIGHLY recommend you do."

The boy sighed and looked out at the walls.

"My name is Eren Jeager. Commander Erwin says this town is NOT our prison and the walls are NOT to keep us in...but to keep THEM out."

Tyler looked at him as he sighed.

"He feel differently?"

"I still see a massive cage and pretend safety."

"To a POINT, you're not wrong. we DO depend on the walls to keep the vast majority out, and to keep our town NIIIIICE and organized somewhat. Our safety IS fleeting. And there is no such thing as endless safety."

He looked at him.

"There would be, if the monsters and our enemies were to vanish."

Tyler sighed.

"You make that wish, all of humanity would vanish, as humanity is it's own worst enemy."

The Jarl looked at him.

"In your world, your big thorn were the titans, right?"

"They were. Are they here too?"

"Probably. OR their equivilant. Not where I'm going with this."

Eren frowned.

"where ARE you going then?"

"I know your story well. The Order of the walls. What was their explaination for how titans came to be again?"

His frown deepened.

"Their said titans appeared to make humanity pay for it's sins...and to give humanity an enemy other then itself"

Tyler sighed.

"MY world only has humans. And I can say this with confidence. HUMANS as a WHOLE are more evil and sadistic then ANY titan or ANY monster out there. Why? Because they KNOW, what they're doing is wrong, but they'll still do it. Humans will do the most VILE and EVIL deeds. JUST because they can. Even DEMONS and TITANS have an excuse. evil. And mindless eating machines. It's in their nature to be monsters, so they are. HUMANS CHOOSE to become monsters."

Armin sighed as he leaned on a battlement now.

"So we'll never run out of enemies, Tyler?"

"Nope. Not so long as have something someone else wants. No matter what it is, if WE have something, someone ELSE wants to TAKE it from us."

Eren shivered as a memory surfaced.

"So the walls are to keep those people at bay."

"Until WE get to the walltops...and put a BULLET between their eyes."

He sighed.

"I've seen how cruel people can be myself. And we WERE inside the walls."

"Yeah. ONE reason i stress self-defense and training so freakin much. NO ONE is helpless. We will give you the skills....and if you refuse to use em, whatever happens is YOUR FAULT."

Armin nodded gravely.

"I see what you're going for."

The girl looked over now. She was a very pretty girl the same height as Eren with shoulder length black hair and angled eyes of blue. Her skin was pale and her frame slender with a modest bust in her black uniform. Around her neck was a bright red scarf and she spoke in a soft breath.

"We are expected to defend your town, Jarl Tyler?"

Tyler nodded.

"You DO live here, right?"

"We do."

"Then let's make sure THEY,"

He nodded to where a group of angelchildren were playing in some grass.

"Never see the day the walls are breached."

ALL three shivered at the memory and Eren looked at him with smouldering eyes.

"We live here. YOU say this is our home?"

Tyler nodded.

"I do."

Eren gritted his teeth as he looked out at the forest.

"I was helpless as Shingonshina was destroyed and my mother was killed."

"Let's make sure they never go through the same thing, Eren."

"Yeah. I still have my titan power."

"Niiice. pro tip?"

He smirked.

"Try me."

"BITE your tongue."

ALL three blinked and Armin slumped.

"even GAGGED that would still work.....oh my head."

The girl nodded with her own look of pain.

"SO many times that would been useful...and it HURTS ME that it's so obvious."


"Ooooooh my HEAD. YOU figured that out waaaay before I figured out HOW to transform didn't you?"

Tyler chuckled/

"eh pretty much."



"I will SHATTER your glass jaw."


Eren sighed with a smirk as the girl looked over.

"My name is Mikasa."

"Nice to meetchya. You guys good?"

They looked at each other and Armin looked at him.

"Soo, Asia."

TYler passed him a small list and he smiled.

"Thanks Tyler."

"Just know, EVERYONE is watching!"


Tyler left him to his new anxiety as his friends chuckled. The Jarl smiled fondly as he headed along the walls.

"Good kid. Annnd Asia is going to play him like a FIDDLE!"

Tyler finished his circuit of the walls as a line of T38s were doing some target practice in the remains of the forest the bandits had tried to use. He smiled at this as Miho directed traffic from her own tank and he waved. The cute tanker waved back and he chuckled at her smile.

"THAT is just so right for her."

The warrior left the walls and headed to the Longhall. There he looked at the maps again seeking fresh projects and directions for the town.

"Hm. A proper training field for the tanks wouldn't be a bad idea. Plus could be tailored to any situation too."

HE put the idea on the list for the next meeting as Belfast walked in. The silver haired beauty garbed in a tight fitting blouse and jeans that flaunted her lovely curves and assets. He smiled as she walked over.

"Hey Belfast."

"Hello, dear. I see you are still working."

He chuckled as he looked at the maps.

"KINDA not sure what to do with myself. Town's running well enough, no majoy projects need doing, and I've put in my time on the walls."

She smile fondly.

"Perhaps some leisurely activities are in order."

"I guess. What's you up to?"

She smiled.

"I was wondering where you were."

He smirked and she licked her lips.

"Now THAT sounds fun!"

The horny lady smiled as they went to his bed.

"I have been needing of late."

"Allow me ease you then."

The pair went a few rounds in the sheets until they were sated and Tyler smiled as they cleaned up after.

"Okay. There's a few more hours filled."

Belfast wacked him playfully as they showered.

"Amusing....and you do need a hobby."

"Yeeeah. I'll figure something out."

She smiled and once their session had been cleaned off their bodies and out of Belfast's heavenly slit the pair split. Belfast went to continue the rehabilitation of Seraphine while Tyler went up to his balcony looking over the town. There he set himself up a small patio with awning and comfy recliner looking out over the town.

"Wow you love the dad chair."

Rias came out with a smile and Tyler chuckled as she sat in her own chair.

"Kinda. I've always liked having my own chair for relaxing in."

"Old man."

"i'm 15!"

"THAT'S not a good sign!"

"NO it's NOT!"

The friends chuckled and Tyler smiled as he sat in his chair.

"So I had a chat with Armin."

"So did I."

"You first my empress."

"OOOH. I like this. I like him. He's sweet."

"He's like Gasper."

"Oh totally. Asia, sadly, isn't really interested in him."


"Yup. You're kinda like he dreamhero....and yeah."

"Poor guy."

"He'll be fine....KONEKO'S crushed for him."


"MY reaction. She'll watch him get shot down....and swoop in for the pieces."

"Koneko don't need no help."

"NO she does NOT."

Tyler smiled as he looked out over his town.

"We buitl a TOWN Rias."

She smiled proudly.

"I feel it too. And my HELL does it make me feel warm knowing we did!"

He took her hand.

"NOW I'm warm."

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Rias."

She smiled as they watched the sun go down over their town together. Then they had dinner with the queen. Who smiled.

"Soria was last seen going into Miho's house with Miho, her tank friends, Asia, that ADORABLE Unicorn, Yoshkia, and a mass of angelgirls. Should i be concerned?"

Tyler chuckled.

"You should be VERY concerned. THAT sounds like a mass sleepover with ulterior motive!"

Rias chuckled.

"I'll ask Akeno crash their party."

Tyler smiled.

"NOW I'm jealous."

Sophia smirked as she sipped her own wine.

"I know I may not be bedded until the wedding night....but I WAS informed of a fair few games fond of your people, Tyler."

"Yeeeah let's save THOSE for when we're NOT drinking wine."


Rias nodded sagely.

"I trust him so much for a reason, Sophia."

"And I am starting to as well my dear."

Tyler and the girls ate together before cleaning up. The warrior and his beloved redheaded devilgirl returned to his room and Rias smirked as she saw the silver hairs.

"Tomorrow you're changing the bedding."

"Yes Rias."

"GOOD and I love her scent. but the matress is wearing down."

"we'll look it over in the morning and see what needs be replaced."

She snuggled up with him and he held her.

"Good night, Rias, I love you."

"Good night, Tyler. I love you too."