
Demon To Kill

Mazarel a Murim Grandmaster was betrayed by his own organization murim alliance seeing his friend die in his arms. Mazarels dying friend gave Mazarel a odd ancient looking ring as Mazarel chased the people who killed his friend. But he was overwhelmed as he died with a hole in his heart waking up in a young boys body who was gonna jump off the building he has another chance at life but he is not the righteous man he was before but a demon He made his own path of revenge --------------------- So ill be publishing chapters everyday except Friday and Sunday maybe if its bonus so

Mysteriousclapper · ファンタジー
1 Chs


<Somewhere in Romania>

It was night time in a village no lights can be seen except the light poles as shadows jumped to houses to houses

"Huff huff"

Heavy breathing can be heard as one of the shadow was injured as he was getting tired

"Jason! Get back here!"

A shout can be heard as behind the injured shadow there were 2 people chasing the injured shadow

In front of the injured shadow or Jason it was a dead end as he turns back staring at the 2 people chasing him

"Jason it's time to surrender!"

"I wont Surrender Jess!"

"Stop being stubborn Jason your out numbered and your injured"

Jason's hand lightened as unknown aura surrounded his hand Jason then dashed as he did a right hook the the female named Jess but she block it following with a knee to the gut

Jason flew back hitting a wall


Coughing up blood as his body trembled

"You wont surrender then I'll have to kill you then"

She dashed and aimed for the heart Jason tried to dodge but he was to weak his heart pierced he then dropped lifeless

Some appeared near the body of Jason he was crying vein appeared on his forehead looking beside him he saw Jess and a man or named Clark

"Why did you do this!?"

"Heh. He didn't listen soo. We shortened his lifespan to zero"

She said smiling she didn't feel bad even doe Jason was a member of the Murim alliance

The man or Mazarel the walked to Jason's body taking a ring in Jason's pocket

"You'll have to pay for this"

Mazarel dashed his eyes became static he punched Jess in the stomach he was stronger than her Clark the man beside Jess disappeared and appeared next to Mazarel and kicked him but Mazarel blocked it luckily

Mazarels body was surrounded by aura as he dashed but this time he was more faster than before


Mazarels entire body shined as he disappeared making Jess and Clark on guard Mazarel appeared behind Jess but Clark was too fast to respond as he side kick Mazarel to the side Mazarel was sent through multiple houses destroying them

Mazarel then disappeared again and appeared above Clark doing a downward kick but was caught and thrown on the wall

"Your no match Mazarel!"


It was to hard Clark was stronger than him Jess was on the side line watching the fight

"You know what if I can't defeat you then I'll just destroy myself to cripple you bastard!"

Mazarel latched on Clark who was panicking trying to throw Mazarel but to no avail

"Jess! Take him off me!"

Jess then beat up Mazarel to make Mazarels grip weaker but to no avail Mazarels body exploded killing Jess and crippling Clark

<Some school rooftop>

A boy black hair blue eyes was on the edge of the roof his blue eyes has no life in it until his eyes look alive

'Huh? Where am i?'

He look down as he skipped a beat he then walk out of the edge

"I thought i died? Those bastards!"

He smashed the wall near him making his hand bleed

"Now i have another chance for revenge!"

"Hey kid i wouldn't do that if i were you"


A small red bob one eye and 2 horns it was flying or levitating

"Who are you!?"

"Well you can call me cronos an ancient warrior from the mythical era!"

"Dont lie but did you do this?"

The levitating ball or cronos nodded

"Well do you know how my friend Jason died?"


"Well that was a fast response but how do i know if im in the righteous path or no?"

"The former body of that you are using was bullied his only sister died now his alone he became mad and depressed he became a demon without knowing it"

"So im not a murim warrior anymore"

"Well the best thing to do when you get a second chance is train"

"Train where?"

"To train at my house or this body's house"

Cronos levitated around Mazarel as they left the rooftop while skipping classes he doesnt even care if he get expelled

Now what do we see in the future of our Mc does he get his revenge or not


The fight scene is shitty and my grammar is shitty so sorry about it forgive me i will improve