
Demon System: Kill To Survive

--WSA 2024 ENTRY-- Imagine a world habited by normal people, and in it was a teenager named Levi. At the young age of 16 he had endeavored to be a medical practitioner. What if this young lad in his boring world suddenly got a system that spiced up his life. A system that limits his lifespan. One that forces him to kill to survive. ... [System Activated: Kill To Survive] He was suddenly transported into a world brimming with malevolent demons and a bloody sky. It was then he knew his life was messed up. He was then forced to obey the system's every command to avoid death and survive till the end - if there was an end. An interesting story right? Then, read this amazing story to pacify your curiosity and feed your imagination.

ThePhoenixGod · ファンタジー
13 Chs

The Hunt Begins

"I'll assume demons are strong if they could cause red skies and earthquakes. If so, how'll I defeat them, not to mention that I'll be forced to defeat 200"

The thought of facing even a single demon frightened him. Any time the name 'demon' was called, he always imagined a frightening figure that could kill anyone with a snap of its fingers.

He hoped that wasn't the case, and that they would be weaker than they seem. Then, why would he be ordered to kill 200 of them if each of them possessed immeasurable strength?

With every sound, he flinched. Soon, he found himself walking down a lonely alley- the city was already as lonely as it was. Fear made continuous attempts to fully enclose Levi in its malevolent grasp.

To temporarily damage his will and mentality with its fierce claws, and to banish him into a realm of darkness and trauma.

"I won't get scared, I won't get scared, I won't get scared," he iterated continuously in an attempt to console himself from the impending danger.

As minutes passed, fatigue suddenly settled, and Levi fell in pain. The aches in his legs and muscles resounded as he forced his body down the dark alley.

Only street lamps, and bulbs located at walls of homes illuminated the area. Without those little sources of illumination, he would have succumbed to the grasp of both fear and fatigue.

"This won't go on forever," he muttered.

His might slowly declined - not that he had any, and occasionally his stomachs let out roars and thunders of hunger.

He could only last for 5 minutes, and once it elapsed, he fell to the ground. The unclean street floors dirtied his robe, but Levi paid the least attention to those peasant factors.

After all, his life was at stake.

Fazed continuously by the faint yet hearable horrific sounds, he sprung up and dashed in a bid to secure his safety.

Whilst running, he was moved to take a quick gaze at the sky, which once was a beautiful tapestry of shining marbles and stars. As previously, it was only a thick cloud of a dark-red colored substance.

Levi still found it hard to ascertain if the strange material was blood or a completely different material.

After a couple of seconds of light glances and an intense stare at the sky, he commenced his race to find and kill the demons.

"Where could these demons be? I've got to kill them before time runs out," he spoke in disappointment, while slowly declining in speed.

Finally, he had reached the end of the incredibly long alley and had begun a desperate search for the demons.

"What if I come across a demon, but can't figure out that it's a demon? Won't I get killed?"

"This situation is so confusing!"

He furiously walked away into the distance, although fazed by intense hunger and fatigue. He had once thought of the reason he failed to consume food before departing for his hunt.

He was furious, and perplexed until he stumbled upon a strange structure. It looked just like the facility that he had admired, except smaller.

He was immediately forced to remember the event that previously occurred, and then, his mind presented him with a thought.

"Ha!" He shouted in surprise, after thinking for a while.

He remembered the time - sharp noon - when the heat was particularly overwhelming, as though it rained down streams of fire, but most especially, was the occurrence when everything began melting.

Immediately, he stepped backward attempting to view the top of the tall facility. Due to its height, he had to reverse his footsteps to a reasonably long distance.

Then, he saw it, filled with disfigured roofing sheets, and ashes of wooden materials. It was similar to dried lava, dark, curved, and hard as a rock.

Only the visuals of the top told a very descriptive story. Just by placing one's gaze upon it, one could tell its hardness - infinitely harder than steel.

"If that would descend, it would crush me, and the streets. I'm lucky the structure's quality is amazing."

He decided to enter the large facility. He walked, giving care for each of his steps to remain quiet. He stumbled upon pieces of wood, concrete, and even iron which were not present before he was given the system.

Upon arriving at the doorsteps, he heard the automated voice once more, and slight vibrations overhead. He immediately stepped back trying to avoid any accidents, and observed it for a while.

He walked towards the door, and based on his inference, he had concluded that his safety was guaranteed momentarily.

As soon as the doors opened up to expose a dark room, Levi's eyes expanded, and immediately glew light green.

"Another message?" He thought as the strange phenomenon that occurred before every message was reoccurring.

After viewing a loading screen, and a series of flashing lights, a message appeared accompanied by a high-definition representation of the exact building in its exhausted state.

[Area 1: Floor 0-1

Description: Tall, wide, and immensely large in general. Melted, half-collapsed, and unsafe.


Demon Spirit Sensor (DSS): 62 Spiritual Level


Destruction Deadline: 1 day

Spiritual Level indicates the probability and amount of demons expected to spawn or emerge in a given location. The average is 50, lower than that is a low amount of demons, and more than that is an immense amount of demons

Note: The larger the building, the higher the Spiritual Level]

"Oh, that's useful, but what are my strengths," he wandered proceeding into the building.

Immediately the message disappeared, bright flashes emerged in the room, and long light bulbs on the ceiling lit up, illuminating the entire area.

He shuddered in surprise at the sudden flashes of light but was grateful that he was blessed with a source of light to aid vision.

Levi's bravery at the time was dominant, but fear lurked within him. As the lights flickered, he flinched, fazed by the impending danger.

He looked deeper into the building, which was a space of darkness, and fortunately, sighted a singular elevator that stood dormant at the center of the wall directly opposite him.

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