
Demon System: Kill To Survive

--WSA 2024 ENTRY-- Imagine a world habited by normal people, and in it was a teenager named Levi. At the young age of 16 he had endeavored to be a medical practitioner. What if this young lad in his boring world suddenly got a system that spiced up his life. A system that limits his lifespan. One that forces him to kill to survive. ... [System Activated: Kill To Survive] He was suddenly transported into a world brimming with malevolent demons and a bloody sky. It was then he knew his life was messed up. He was then forced to obey the system's every command to avoid death and survive till the end - if there was an end. An interesting story right? Then, read this amazing story to pacify your curiosity and feed your imagination.

ThePhoenixGod · ファンタジー
13 Chs

New Destination

"Is this all in my head, or can everyone see it?" He asked as he tried to understand the message.

At first, it was unclear, resembling gibberish and squabbles on the window. He squinted as though the window was in reality.

As expected, his attempts amounted to nothing until he chose to stare deeply into the distance, and was able to see the message written on the window.

In his mind, he leaped for joy expecting interesting, unknown, or at least helpful news.

[You need to defeat stage 1 before unlocking all features of the system. Be patient!]


In confusion, he set his eyes away from the window, and it disappeared. His eyes rolled in disappointment as he thought,

"After all my efforts, only a useless message was shown to me," he muttered. "At least, this makes me want to pass this stage faster."

"... not that I wanted to take it slowly in the first place," he spoke, ascending from his rested position and walking calmly along the street.

Surprisingly, the streets still possessed the appreciated aesthetics that were present at every corner and border of the long road.

Although the shops and homes were empty, he still felt a sense of companionship as he would return to the white area soon where he would see a large amount of people.

"Next time, I'll talk with a reasonable number of them," he acclaimed.

After a while of soliloquy, he sprung up and ran in search of more demons. Flashes of light sparked, like lightning, and thunder reverberated.

Similar, to an introduction to a haunted structure in movies.

He found himself, amidst a large number of waste, and in front of an abandoned building.

It looked like a warehouse, incomplete, collapsing, and lacking the general architectural unison and aesthetics other buildings possessed.

He looked around the building area and sighted caution tapes at its posterior which read, " Keep away, hazardous materials present inside. Implemented by: National Waste Policy Agents"

Upon seeing it, he was startled and immediately was thrown into ambivalent thoughts. He had first thought it was a warehouse, although he hadn't seen the building in his life.

Confusion settled, and Levi began doubting himself being at the building.

"Must I enter this building?" He questioned, although there was no one to answer.

He walked further into the area, and immediately saw pollutants littered around on the first floor. Even the infamous greenish liquids that represented hazards and illnesses were spilled on the ground.

His eyes caught all the disadvantages, only for him to remember the only advantageous point the building had over the first.

"At least, there's a source of power supply."

He saw little electric bulbs stationed on the walls and ceiling of the floor. Accompanying it, were little yet functional ceiling fans that claimed to add convenience, but Levi had a contradictory belief.

"No, I can't go there. What if there are spilled gases? Then, the fan would circulate them, and I'd die even faster," he spoke, declining from the structure.

"Can't I skip this building for now? Maybe there's an extra building that'll make up the total 200 demons."

Immediately, he answered his self-formulated question.

"No, I won't take the chances," he uttered, now stepping into the structure.

As usual, as his legs touched the floor of the ground floor, he spontaneously received a message similar to the first in the previous building.

[Area 2: Floor 0-1

Description: 1storey, extremely abandoned, and strictly prohibited by agencies. Spilled harmful liquids, and potentially harmful gases.


Demon Spirit Sensor (DSS): 47 Spiritual Level


Destruction Deadline: 5 hours

Spiritual Level indicates the probability and amount of demons expected to spawn or emerge in a given location. The average is 50, lower than that is a low amount of demons, and more than that is an immense amount of demons

Note: The larger the building, the higher the Spiritual Level]

"At least it's easier than...."

"Oh, I forgot the first building had floors," he shouted in surprise.

He turned back, gazing into the distance, trying to retrace his steps to the first building.

"Well, I'll think of that later," he concluded.

He turned his head back to the building and proceeded into its horrible interiors. He was immediately welcomed by the eerie chills, and like the previous building, flickering lights.

He had experienced all these and, therefore, didn't give in to fear. He knew his skills, how to utilize them, and how to defeat them.

The only strange thing was that he had the means to elevate to the next floor, and the current one seemed quiet, lacking any form of malevolence.

As he couldn't spot any demons, he invested his time into studying the items he found lying carelessly on the ground.

The greenish liquids still flowed endlessly, with no way of stopping it. It was almost like a mini flood of harmful liquids flowing on the bare ground.

Aside from that, were the harmful gases and caution tapes that sealed off some portions of the building.

Suddenly, he felt a shift. His eyes turned around, and he lost balance. He looked up to the spinning fan blades at the ceiling and ran away to a sealed room.

He cut the caution tapes and barged in like a security agent on duty. What first caught his eye, was a lever. But not any kind of lever, this one was coated in unimaginably hard metal.

Its lower portion was enclosed in a large crystalline metal box, that was now filled with oils and had lost its glassy and reflective nature.

"I've finally escaped from that rotating fan," he spoke as he panted while placing his hands on his knees as support.

He walked closer to the lever and attempted pulling it, but a sign in front of it presented its rusty and greasy self to Levi.

[Electricity Switch]

"So, that's the electricity switch. If I put it off, the fan will stop rotating, right?" He asked rhetorically.

Immediately, he pushed it forward. It stood firm, and unshakable which fazed Levi. But, after several attempts, he managed to successfully push the lever down to its lowest point.

The lights went off, but Levi didn't know the predicament he had placed himself into.