
Demon Slayer: The Demonic Gamer

Not everyone considers dying from food poisoning as their preferred way to go. Tsuyoshi Nakamura definitely didn't have it on his list. Luckily, he was given the opportunity to come back to life with a unique gamer ability. Faced with the decision of becoming a human or a demon, he ultimately decided to embrace the dark side. Watch as Tsuyoshi Nakamura wages a war against the Demon Slayer Corp while simultaneously training and mastering his abilities to ensure his survival in this unforgiving world. Discliamer: I do not own Demon Slayer or any of it's related characters. this story is a work of fanfiction and for entertainment purposes only. All other characters other than the OC beyond to their respective owners and creators

UI_Shaggy · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Testing The System

Tsuyoshi found himself lying on the grass, gazing up at the sky. The moon hung high above, casting its gentle glow upon the night sky along with the shimmering stars, creating a truly breathtaking sight for this evening.

His initial amazement at the sight quickly turned into annoyance when a semi-transparent blue screen appeared once more. "enjoying the view?" it asked, but Tsuyoshi was certain it was intentionally trying to annoy him. "No, thanks to you," he replied with an annoyed huff.

"By the way, in case you haven't noticed, which i'm sure you didn't, your appearance has changed since you chose the [Demon] race." The screen suddenly turned into a mirror, and Tsuyoshi saw his reflection staring back at him. His light yellow pupils and dark grey sclera were striking, but what really caught his eye were the two black horns protruding upwards on his forehead. He couldn't help but feel amazed at how cool he looked, like he had stepped out of an anime.

He proceeded to open his mouth and inspect his teeth, which were as pure as snow, perfectly aligned and in good condition. Apart from that, everything else remained unchanged, except for his fangs, which were longer and sharper.

That was until he recalled something important. "Hold on a second, wasn't I supposed to make an avatar? Or at least choose one? And wasn't I supposed to select a class?" he pondered, and the screen promptly responded to his questions.

"No, since you possess the [Flesh Manipulation] Ability, you can alter your appearance based on its level, so creating an 'avatar' in your case is unwarranted. However, in your case, you can only make minor changes like your eyes and horns to appear human again. Instead of selecting a class, you have the freedom to create your own. This approach is intended to motivate users to explore, discover and most importantly, have fun."

Tsuyoshi gave a nod as he rose to his feet, relishing the cool night breeze brushing against his pale skin. Glancing downwards, he noticed his bare chest, clad only in pants with no shoes on his feet. Running his hands over his body, he couldn't help but admire the well-defined muscles and impressive six-pack that he had never possessed in his past life.

"All right then," he stretched his neck and assumed a runner's position. "Let's test this new body," he said before taking off. He immediately noticed the increase in speed as he sprinted across the open space and reached the trees in record time. He grinned as he weaved through the trees, avoiding obstacles like fallen branches, rocks, and logs. After a few minutes, he stopped and looked back with a huge smirk on his face.

"That was fucking Awesome!" he exclaimed, not even feeling the slightest bit tired. He then glanced at the closest tree and approached it, tightly gripping his hand and shaping it into a fist. With all his strength, he delivered a powerful punch to the tree.


A piece of the tree bark broke off as the small wound on his fist healed just a second later. He let out a thoughtful "hmmm" as he examined the tree's wounds, indicating that his durability wasn't sufficient to withstand the impact of his punches.

Tsuyoshi head a Ding as the transparent blue screen appeared once again.

The [Pain Tolerance] Skill has been added.

Pain Tolerance (passive) [LV 1/100]: Whether you're a demon or a human, pain is something you can't escape. However, with dedication and practice, you can diminish its impact on your life. decreases the intensity of pain caused by injuries and poison by 0.5%.

Skills level can be increased by continuously practicing and utilizing the same skill or action.

He was about to start moving before he stopped abruptly, a sudden realization dawning on him. "Hold on," he said, "if my injury led to the creation of a new skill, then maybe..." His voice trailed 

Tsuyoshi paused momentarily before taking a step forward with his left leg. He extended his left arm forward, palm facing outward, while bringing his right arm back to his stomach with his palm facing upward.

He adopted the stance of a famous martial art known as "karate" that he learnt during his childhood. He clenched his fist and delivered a powerful blow to the tree using his left hand, targeting the exact same spot.



The [Martial Artist] class has been added.

Martial Artist (active) [LV1/100]: Martial arts encompass the skill of self-defense and attack techniques, which have been honed and passed down through countless generations. As a practitioner, you acquire the remarkable capacity to acquire and excel in various martial arts styles, while also having the potential to develop your own unique arts.

[Hidden Quest Completed]

You created your very first class, isn't that great?


-1 XP

-Your very own class.

Tsuyoshi waved off the screen with a sarcastic tone, "Oh wow, 1XP. Thanks, game." He then questioned, "I already know some martial arts, shouldn't my class skill level be more than just one?" He questioned.

"It used to work that way, but we've made some changes. Now, everyone starts from the beginning. Equality and all that jazz, you know? And before you ask your question, yes, you level up your class the same way you do with skills." the screen then promptly vanished.

Tsuyoshi mumbled, "Alright, I seriously need to know my location before morning arrives," he then heard the Ding sound for the umpteenth time.

[New quest acquired]

Getting lost is a feeling that nobody enjoys, and that includes you! Make sure to figure out your location before morning arrives.

Time limit: 6 hours, 25 minutes.


-Mini-Map functionality.

-50 XP

Tsuyoshi's face brightened up, "Ah, a the mini-map! Now we're getting the good stuff!" He pondered, looked around for a moment seeing no path in sight and mumbled, "i'll just choose a random direction and go from there. And no turning back, otherwise I'll just end up going in circles." Unbeknownst to him, his demonic craving for food would soon manifest, as he took off running without a single worry.



This chapter was originally going to be longer, but i decided that the next part would better fit being in a separate chapter.

I'm also not sure what blood demon art i would give him so i'm open for suggestion. and if i find a good one i might added into the story.