
Demon Slayer: Rebirth of Demon Slayer as Demon

In a world shattered by the malevolent arrival of a demon king from the moon a century ago, humanity and the animal kingdom have been forever transformed. Those under the age of 24 became demons, while those above 24 were cursed to wander as relentless zombies. Amidst this nightmarish landscape, an unlikely savior emerges—a former demon slayer reincarnated as a demon himself.

sage_ultra_verse · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Ch 5- Embrace of Shadows

Mount Natagumo trembled beneath the weight of an impending cataclysm, its ominous vibrations rippling through the very air. Atop this perilous peak, the grandiose Soratopia Manor teetered on the brink of chaos. It was there, in this precarious moment, that Tamayo emerged from her secluded laboratory. The outer gate of her sanctuary, typically left sealed, now hung ajar in an uncharacteristic act of vulnerability. With a determined stride, she ventured toward the source of the resounding impact that had sent shockwaves through her abode.

As she traversed the second barrio, a cloud of dust enveloped the first, obscuring the path Tanjiro had taken mere hours before. Confronting two guards rushing toward her, she demanded answers with an urgency that only disaster could instill. Before the demon guards could react, Yushiro materialized before her, a silent sentinel.

"I possess all the answers you seek," he intoned, his voice carrying the weight of knowledge and foreboding. "They have returned, and this time, they are aware of our presence."

While Yushiro led Tamayo to the heart of the manor, Tanjiro found himself three kilometers away, concealed within a shroud of dust generated by the recent calamity. As the veil gradually dissipated, a grim tableau revealed itself: Tanjiro, his right visage marred, his right leg cruelly absent, and a sinister bite mark etched onto his neck. His wounds refused to heal.

Necrosyth, a formidable presence, stood mere meters away, his back turned to Tanjiro. He cast a malevolent gaze over his shoulder and issued a chilling declaration in his ominous timbre.

"Now, it is the turn of the girl who accompanied you. First, I shall consume her before your very eyes, and only then shall I conclude your torment. Today, I shall savor this moment."

A peculiar smile graced Tanjiro's lips at this ominous pronouncement, leaving Necrosyth baffled and disconcerted. Something had sparked in Tanjiro's mind. With anticipation, Necrosyth sensed a presence approaching from his front and turned his attention back to the encroaching figure, her silhouette illuminated by a purple radiance tinged with a dark, foreboding aura.

A voice cut through the tension. "My love, I apologize for disregarding your plea not to intervene. I cannot bear to witness your agony any longer. Let me deal with him for now."

Necrosyth's irritation surged, and he charged towards this unexpected challenger.

(One day before these events)

Tanjiro moved gracefully across the rooftop, an infectious grin adorning his face. A girl chased after him, providing crucial guidance.

"Turn right, then leap onto those trees, and continue forward."

"Now, start removing your clothes, for there's a hot spring ahead."

Tanjiro's response was one of incredulity. "WHAT?"

The girl's smile hinted at a rosy embarrassment, her memories dancing through her mind. Her eyes, once sharp, had been clouded by battle, and now she would witness Tanjiro in a state she had never seen him before.

With a leap from the final tree, Tanjiro shed his attire, revealing himself. Kanao Tsuyuri, with her hair cascading freely, pounced on him, her own clothes discarded. They descended like a feather into the water, a moment filled with intimacy.

"Kanao," Tanjiro whispered, "this moment is akin to a coal ore falling into the water with a diamond atop it."

As they landed in the water, their lips met, and a beautiful aquatic life around them. Kanao's glowing form radiated a purple-tinged darkness, her very essence affecting Tanjiro. Yet, he disregarded the pain, captivated by the enchantment of the moment.

The day sky transformed into a starlit night, and a round, luminous moon graced the heavens. Kanao, her splendor magnified tenfold, lay in Tanjiro's embrace within the hot spring. Her aura, once radiant and purple, began to wane, and peace descended upon them.

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