
Demon slayer(Lava Hashira)

Come join me as I suffer,writing about my Oc's story as she works towards her goal,the only user of Lava breathing and the last member of her clan. Note:I am new to writing so don't expect anything big from me please. Also,I may be a simp for Shinobu.But heck is that going to stop you from reading my trashy book? This is also on Wattpad if you rather read it there. Update:Imagine getting #1 for the Shinobu tag on Wattpad lol haha(14/6/2021) I will be uploading one chapter per day now since I completed the book :D Update:I finish writing my first book wooo! I just need to upload it

Rg_9 · 若者
44 Chs

Ch 14:Undercover Mission

We reach the estate at the crack of dawn, the sun slowly rising and greeting us with its warmth.

I can hear the birds chirping in the distance as we open the gates to the estate.

What greeted us there, was Shinobu-san sleeping in an upwards position on the patio, wrapped in a blanket.

"She's going to get a cold at that rate."I shake my head.

We walk towards her as the gravel under our footwear rub against it. She slowly wakes up at the sound of gravel and looks up to see us.

"Hey, how long did you wait for us?"I softly whisper.

"Mhm..feels like hours.."

"Hai hai..just let me carry you, Kay?"I got to her side and gently lift her burrito like state, bridal style.

Kanae just giggles at her sister's sleepy state. We make our way to the room as Kanae open the door for me.

I place her down as she mumbles in her sleep.

"Aww she's adorable she's sleepy.."I softly poke her cheek.

"I shall leave you to rest now Kanae-san."I pat her head before leaving.

"Mm,I will go report to Oyakata-sama."She passes back my haori before I left.

"Thanks."I gave her a close eye smile.

I yawn as I close the door. I make my way to the kitchen as I see the butterfly trio and Aoi entering too.

"Hey Aoi and the triplets~" I peek inside to see them preparing breakfast.

Aoi had her demon slayer uniform and an apron on, black hair that's tied into pigtails and dark blue eyes.

Nakahara Sumi, black hair that's tied up into pigtails, dark brown eyes and is usually seen with a blue ribbon around her waist.

Terauchi Kiyo, short dark purple hair, dark brown eyes and is usually seen with a red ribbon.

Takada Naho, dark brown hair that's tied up in braided twintails and is usually seen with a green ribbon.

The four of them turn to look at me with joy.

"Haru-san your back!"Aoi replied as she turns to focus on the food cooking in the pan.

"Yep~Whats for breakfast?"I hum as I walk over to give the three girls a head pat.

"Grilled salmon with eggs!"The three shout in unison.

"Haha!Good to know that nothing changed when I was gone."

I step back out."I'm going to wash up, do call when it's done!"I gave a slight wave.


I stroll to the bathroom and took a shower that was needed after the fight with Douma.

I ruffle my hair with a towel to dry any leftover water as I step out with a white shirt and black pants.

I let a short towel sit on my shoulder as I walk over to the dining room.

"Ohayōgozaimasu~"I lazily gave a wave to the people in the room and sat down to Shinobu-san.

"Did you just bathe? I can smell the shampoo from here."Shinobu looks at me as she rubs her eyes.

I hum in response as I place my chin on my hand that rests on the table. I close my eyes as I smell the lovely scent of food.

Aoi then came in with the food, setting it down in front of us.

"Itadakimasu!"We dig in.

"Mm, the salmon is so good!"My stomach rumble in response.

Aoi just sighs before telling me to not speak with my mouth full.

"So what are your plans today Shinobu-san?"I smile at her.

"Hm?Just checking in on a few patients..."She sips her tea.

"Mmm mind if I join?"My aura just screams happiness at her.

"Eh? Sure I suppose..."

"Yay thanks!"I got up with my bowl and headed to the kitchen to wash up.

"My my, Shinobu-chan you seem to really like Haru-san hm?"Kanae pokes Shinobu's cheek.

"Oh hush Nee-chan!"She pushes her sister's hand out of her face.

I came back to see them bickering about something.

"What are you guys doing?"I raise an eyebrow as I wipe the water off my hands onto my pants.

"Nothing, I will meet you in the check-up room."Shinobu stood up calmly and walk away but failing to cover the slight red on her cheeks.

"What was that about.."I mumble under my breath.

"I will see you guys around then!"I soon follow Shinobu as she enters the check-up room.

"So the first patient will arrive here soon as I prepare the stuff needed."

She got out various tools.

"Wow, you sure are skilled..."I walk up to behind her as I place my head on her left shoulder.


I can feel her tense up at my action.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

"N-no just surprised.."Her body slowly loosens up as I watch her handle the equipment.

We stood like that for a minute before hearing knocks on the door.

"Kocho-sama?Can I come in?"

I lift my head and sat down in her office chair instead as she agreed.

"Come here and sit down please."She motions to a chair as she takes out a clipboard.

The male sat down and look at me before questioning me.

"I am just here to see what Shinobu-san does every day, don't worry about me!"I gave a small chuckle before looking at her medicine cabinet.

"Right then open your mouth please.."Shinobu scans inside before taking down something.

"Everything should be fine here..."

I hear her scribble before placing it down.

"Right then, just take the usual medicine dose and you will be fine in a few days."She gave the male a friendly smile.

The male thanks her before leaving as the other patients came and went.

"Don't you get tired watching me like this?"Shinobu wrote down something into a notebook before looking at me.

"Mm? No, I find you quite interesting to watch!"I lay my head on my arms that rest on her study table.

"Although I am a little tired due to last night mission..."I yawn as my eyes started to close.

Shinobu sighs before walking up to me and pats my head.

"You can take a nap here, I will wake you up."Shinobu sat down next to me.

I hum as I start to drift off to dreamland. Shinobu watches me as I close my eyes and sighs.

"You really act more mature than most people."She hesitates before moving my bangs out of the way and places a kiss on my forehead.

My face gave her a small smile in return as she places a light blue blanket on my back.

"Sleep tight, Haru-san."She turns back to her notebook, blushing a little.



The day went by as Shinobu went to check up the other patients in the recovering room.

By the time she got back, the sun was setting.

"Haru-san...wake uppp"Shinobu nudge me awake.

"Mmm, what time is it?"I yawn as I stretch my arms.

"The sun is setting so we are going to have dinner."She packs the equipment left over from the afternoon.

"Did you place this on me?"I touch the fabric that covers my back.

"Oh! yeah I thought you got cold and all-"


She froze as I got up and walk over to the door.

"Thanks for looking after me! I will see you in the dining room!"I walk out of the room.

Shinobu's face was heating up as time went before running after me. I giggle as Shinobu caught up to me.

"Did you have to kiss my forehead?!?"She whispers in a hushed tone while the red in her cheeks remain.

"Did you hate it?"

"I-...no..."She looks down at the floor to cover her blush.

"That's mean I have permission to do it more yeah?"I happily pat her head.

We walk into the dining room to see everyone else waiting for us.

"What took you two so long?"Kanae pokes her sister's cheek.


"Foods ready!"Aoi came in with plates and bowls.

Fluffy rice and the smell of savoury dishes fill the room.

"Wow! You really outdid yourself this time Aoi!"


As I gobble up my food, I can hear Kasai calling for me.

"This late at night?..."I place my bowl down.

"I'm going check it out.."I got up and walk to the outside.

"Kasai?"My arm out for him to land on.

"Caw!Mission for Haru-san!"

I sigh and shook my head, "This late at night? I just got back from one too..."

"Master says it's an undercover mission at Furuzawa village. Master says you can leave anytime just latest is tomorrow."Kasai then flew off.

I sigh as I walk to my room to gather my equipment. I slowly walk to the gates before getting tackled from behind.

"Wha-.."I turn to see Shinobu hugging me with her face buried into my back.

"Shinobu-san?"I turn my body to return her embrace.

"Come back safe okay?..."I can hear the sadness in her voice.

'We have gotten pretty close to each other over the years huh?'

With my chin on her head, I gave her one final pat on her back before breaking the hug.

"Don't worry about me, I am capable of handling things on my own."I warmly smile at her as my eyes soften.

"Mm..."She wipes her eyes before wishing me a safe trip.

I nod at her before placing my mask back on and started walking towards the village.

I got the title from a viewer's suggestion ( ╹▽╹ )