
Demon Sages Seclusion

Shen Wu, the wealthy young heir of Asia’s largest conglomerate, is flying back to China in his luxurious private jet after sealing a major business deal. Suddenly, a lightning bolt hits the jet, causing it to crash into the sea and instantly killing him. He wakes up in a strange, rustic village, in a body that isn’t his own, on the Jiutian Continent – part of an unknown planet’s lower realm. As he struggles to comprehend his new reality, a mysterious system connects with his mind, unveiling his new path. Shen must now embrace the world of cultivation. To advance, he must roll for his skill levels and choose which Dao to follow. However, there’s a catch: he can only earn the necessary spins to roll by training his body or defeating powerful opponents.

Little_Demon_God · 東方
7 Chs

Well, this is rather unfortunate

In the lavishly appointed cabin of an ultra-luxurious private jet, a young man with short blonde hair sat casually in an incredibly expensive chair, meticulously crafted from the finest materials. The opulence of the surroundings did little to distract Shen Wu, the heir of Asia's largest conglomerate, as he leafed through a stack of important documents. His fingers moved with precise efficiency, a faint smile playing on his lips—a testament to his contentment after a triumphant business deal.

With a swift snap of his fingers, he summoned an elderly man in a perfectly tailored suit. The man approached and bowed slightly, his demeanor respectful and poised.

"What can I do for Young Master Shen?" the old man inquired softly.

Shen, still engrossed in his papers, responded without lifting his gaze, "Bring me a glass of champagne."

As the butler turned to fulfill the request, Shen's voice stopped him. "Wait. Bring me the whole bottle."

The jet suddenly shook, a brief but unsettling jolt. Through the intercom, the pilot's voice crackled with a note of concern, "Apologies, Young Master. We've just entered a storm, so there will be some turbulence."

Shen nodded, unfazed, and accepted the bottle of champagne from the butler. He admired the bottle for a moment, savoring the anticipation of the drink. But just as he was about to take a sip, a deafening boom resonated through the cabin. The jet shuddered violently before splitting apart in a catastrophic explosion.

Shen's chair was violently ejected from the wreckage, tumbling through the stormy sky. The wind roared in his ears, and the world spun in a dizzying blur of darkness and rain. Yet, even as he plummeted towards the ocean below, Shen remained remarkably composed.

"Well, this is rather unfortunate," he mused aloud, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "Might as well enjoy myself in my final moments."

With a sense of finality, Shen lifted the champagne bottle to his lips and drained it in one long, defiant gulp. The icy wind whipped around him as he closed his eyes, embracing the inevitable. Moments later, the unforgiving sea rose up to meet him, and his world was swallowed by the cold, hard impact of the water.

Shen Wu woke with a start, jolting upright. His eyes darted around, taking in the serene landscape that surrounded him. Lush green fields stretched out before him, dotted with plum blossom trees whose delicate petals floated on the gentle breeze. In the distance, majestic mountains formed a protective ring around this tranquil valley.

"Hm, perhaps I'm in heaven…" Shen murmured, his voice tinged with bemusement. "I shouldn't be, though. I funded like three wars where millions died."

Still puzzled, Shen surveyed the idyllic scene around him. Kneeling down, he reached out and touched the grass. It felt smooth and gentle under his fingers, a sensation he had never experienced before.

"I've never touched grass," Shen remarked, a smile of genuine wonder crossing his face. "What a unique texture, almost like silk."

As he continued to explore the unfamiliar yet oddly comforting feel of the grass, a sudden shimmer caught his attention. A transparent panel materialized in front of him, hovering in mid-air. Shen lifted his head, his curiosity piqued, and read the text displayed on it: "Binding complete… all prerequisites met for activation."

"Now then, what might you be?" Shen asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

The panel shimmered again, and the text rearranged itself into the form of a face, composed entirely of letters. The face animated, as if it had a life of its own.

"I am a system that will help you attain ultimate power beyond the peak," the system announced, its voice a blend of authority and enigma.

Shen stroked his chin thoughtfully, rising to his feet. "Where do you get the power you're supposed to give me?" he inquired, his tone both curious and commanding.

"The host isn't strong enough to know yet," the system responded, its voice maintaining a calm neutrality.

"Bullshit," Shen retorted, a glint of defiance in his eyes. "I'll find out eventually, so you might as well tell me now."

The system paused, as if considering his words. "I apologize, but I can't. HE has not allowed it."

Shen's eyes narrowed slightly, the mention of "HE" stirring a sense of intrigue and challenge within him. "HE? And who might 'HE' be?" he pressed, his tone insistent.

But the system remained silent, its digital face expressionless. Shen sighed, realizing he wouldn't get more answers for now. He looked around once more, taking in the vastness of this new world.

"Well, if this is where my new journey starts," Shen said, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and curiosity, "I might as well make the most of it. Show me what you've got, system."

Shen Wu turned to the system, his mind racing with questions about his new reality. "Where am I, then?" he asked, his voice steady but curious.

In response, the system's face shifted and morphed into the shape of a planet, its landmasses unfamiliar and unlike those of Earth. "We are located on the Jiutian Continent," the system began, its tone both informative and matter-of-fact, "part of an unknown planet's lower realm."

Shen nodded, processing the information. "More precisely?" he pressed, wanting a clearer sense of his immediate surroundings.

The system's face returned to its original form, and it spoke again. "If you look behind you, you'll see the Shen family's village, a settlement under the rule of the Heavenly Demonic Divine Cult, also known locally as the Sun and Moon Sect."

Turning to look, Shen saw a small, picturesque village nestled against the backdrop of rolling hills and plum blossom trees. Smoke from chimneys rose lazily into the clear blue sky, and people moved about their daily routines, unaware of the newcomer's presence.

Shen nodded thoughtfully. "And whose body is this?" he asked, a hint of resignation in his voice as he glanced down at his unfamiliar form.

The system's face took on a quizzical expression, almost as if it were amused. "The host noticed that the body you're in isn't your own?" it inquired.

Shen sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Well, yeah. First of all, this body has long black hair, while I had short blonde hair. Another thing, these hands are scarred, which mine weren't. And lastly, this body is at least six foot eight, while I was only six foot four."

The system materialized hands from its digital form and clapped them together in a mock applause. "Congratulations on your wonderful observation, host. But to answer your question, your soul has taken over the body of the son of the village chief, who coincidentally has the same name as you. Would you like to receive his memories?"

Shen considered the offer for a moment before nodding. Almost instantly, a sharp, overwhelming headache pierced through his skull, causing him to clutch his head in agony. Thousands of memories began to flood his mind, each one vivid and full of emotion.

He saw the face of an older man, stern yet kind—the village chief, his father. He experienced the struggles of growing up in a humble village, the rigorous training under the watchful eyes of elders, and the awe-inspiring ceremonies of the Sun and Moon Sect. He felt the pain of countless battles, the weight of expectations, and the deep-seated desire to protect his family and village from the ever-present threats of the outside world.

As the torrent of memories subsided, Shen opened his eyes, breathing heavily. He stood there, the landscape around him both familiar and strange, with the new knowledge intertwining with his own past life.

"So," Shen said slowly, his voice tinged with both his old and new selves, "I am now the son of the village chief. This body… it's mine now."

The system nodded approvingly. "Indeed, host. You are now Shen Wu, son of the Shen family's chief. Your journey in this world begins anew, with the potential to rise to greatness, far beyond your previous life."

Shen looked down at his new hands, flexing them experimentally. The scars told a story of hardship and resilience, and he could feel the raw strength coursing through his veins.

"Very well," he said, his tone resolute. "Show me the way, system. Let's see what this world has in store for me."

The system flickered, displaying a series of menus and options. "To unlock your potential and gain the power you seek, you must train diligently and defeat powerful foes. Welcome to the Jiutian Continent, Shen Wu."

"But be warned," the system cautioned, its voice taking on a more serious tone, "once you begin cultivating your qi, you can never spin for a new aptitude again unless your cultivation is crippled. This restriction doesn't apply to body cultivation, which relies solely on your effort rather than aptitude."

Shen nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the implications of this warning. "What do you mean by 'cultivate'?" he asked, a hint of curiosity and confusion in his voice.

The system let out a chuckle, its tone mildly mocking. "Wow, this system's host is quite uninformed. Well, anyway, cultivation is the process of gathering qi, an energy capable of overturning reality and propelling you to higher realms. As you break through to these realms, you unlock new abilities and enhance your power."

Shen listened intently as the system outlined the levels of qi cultivation. "The realms of Qi cultivation are as follows: Mortal, which is your current realm; Spiritual Sea; Spiritual Palace; Spiritual Power; Spiritual Great Power; Sacred Lord; Sacred Emperor; Sacred Sovereign; and Quasi-God. I'll explain the later realms once you ascend to the God Realm."

Shen nodded, the weight of this information settling in his mind. "And what about body cultivation?" he inquired, eager to understand the different path.

The system clapped once, as if applauding his question. "Ah, right, body cultivation. The realms of body cultivation are structured differently. You start with the Mortal Body and progress through stages such as Bone Training, Tendon Training, and Muscle Training. After these stages, you unlock the Eight Gates: Gate of Opening, Gate of Healing, Gate of Life, Gate of Pain, Gate of Limit, Gate of View, Gate of Wonder, and finally, Gate of Death. Beyond these, you reach the Spatial Body and the Divine Body. The remaining realms will become clear once you ascend to the God Realm."

Shen nodded again, a sense of determination growing within him as he absorbed the complexities of his new journey. He looked at his new body, feeling a mix of awe and responsibility. The strength he now possessed was a stark contrast to his previous life, and the potential ahead seemed limitless.

"Understood," Shen said, his voice steady. "So, I need to choose carefully and train relentlessly to advance. This is my new path, and I intend to master it."

The system flickered, displaying a map of the surrounding area and various cultivation resources. "Your journey starts here, in the Shen family's village. Use this time to train and grow stronger. Remember, each step you take in cultivation will bring you closer to unlocking the true potential within you."

Shen took a deep breath, the gravity of his situation sinking in. He was no longer the corporate titan who orchestrated multi-billion-dollar deals; he was now Shen Wu, a young cultivator in a mystical world brimming with possibilities.

As he turned to face the village, the memories of his new life as the village chief's son flowed through his mind, merging seamlessly with his own. The responsibilities, the struggles, and the potential for greatness lay before him, waiting to be seized.

"Alright," Shen said, his voice filled with resolve. "Let's get started. Show me what I need to do to begin my cultivation."

The system projected a series of options before him, outlining various training methods and paths he could take.