
Demon S2 — The Baby Demon

This won't be continued anymore

lllllobe · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 4

❜ ─ The Demon Baby ─ ❛

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While the two little demon brothers were busy doing their own little things, they forget about their little sister who was hungry.

And that their sister actually went straight to the kitchen without them noticing it.

" Ara is hungry." Little Ara says as she opened the refrigerator and looked all the raw foods and some vegetables inside the fridge.

" No food, Ara is hungry." Little Ara says.

" Ara hungry! Ara wanna eat." Little Ara says as she closed the fridge door and walked out of the kitchen and went to go to the main entrance of the house.

" Ara is hungry, but no food." Little Ara says as she went to grab a chair and climbed up to open the door to go outside of the house.

When she successfully opened the door, she then placed the chair back to its place and then went outside.

" Ara will just play outside then." Little Ara says as she then starts running around on the ground and roll, but she stopped when a butterfly flies right in front of her.

" Weeee! A butterfly!" Little Ara says as she followed the flying butterfly and then it landed on the flower.

She then stares at the pretty butterfly that landed on the flower, she smiled as she stretch her arms to grab it.

But it immediately flies away from her, little Ara once again followed the butterfly as she keeps trying to catch the butterfly on her hand.

" Come here pweaseee~" Ara says as she keeps following it.

" Ara only wants to play." Ara says as she still keeps following the butterfly until it went outside of the gate.

Yazuhara or shall we call her as Ara, she stopped right In front of the gate as she stares at the butterfly flying away from her.

And as she was staring, she looked so sad watching the butterfly.

" Come back pwease." Ara says as she stared at the butterfly.

Little Ara keeps staring at the butterfly and she saw that the butterfly once again landed on the other flower outside.

And when Ara touched the gate in front of her, with just a single touch, she immediately went through it.

Of course Ara was shocked and curious of how did she come out but, when she noticed the butterfly tries to fly away from her again.

She then starts catching it again with her tiny hand, while her two older brothers still have no idea of what was going on.

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A minute passes by and the older cousin of Yusha and Yoshi finally arrived in their mansion.

Her name is Astrid Luna Hiroe or shall we call her as Aira for short, she's currently a nine years old older cousin of Yusha, Yoshi and Ara.

" I think I heard the doorbell sound outside." Yoshi says as Yusha was reading a fairytale demon book, It's a book of fairy tales about demons.

" That must be older cousin Aira outside." Yoshi

" I'll open the door, do you want to come with me?  " Yusha asked as he was staring at his older brother Yusha.

" Okay, I'll go with you." Yusha says as he closes the book that he was reading just now.

As they walked outside of the living room, they head towards to the main entrance or hall of their mansion.

Yusha was the one who answered the door outside and it was indeed their older cousin Aira.

She was wearing a blue off shoulder dress with two long ponytails on each side and a bit of dark red horns on her head.

Aira has long and black hair and has pretty blue eyes and is only a nine years old girl, she's one year older than Yusha.

Yoshi and Yusha has the same age, the only difference is that Yusha is older by two or three minutes.

Still, Yoshi would call Yusha as his okder brother and for little Ara, she's the youngest.

" Good morning, older sister Aira." Yoshi greeted as Yusha just stares at his older cousin and Aira just blankly stares at both of them.

" You said that your sister is sick, I brought some medicines." Aira says as she shows a paper bug.

" I bought some other things too, I'll guess that auntie Yurina isn't home? " Aira says as she was staring at Yusha and Yoshi.

" Mommy left home so early in the morning with Zenaku, Yoru and Mr. Velthazor." Yusha says as Aira nod her head

" Where is Ara? Is she in your room laying on the bed?  " Aira says as Yusha and Yoshi looked at each other.

" That was a lie, Little Ara isn't sick." Yusha says as Aira looked at them and raised an eyebrow.

" What?  " Aira

" It was a lie, we needed to lie since you wouldn't come to our house if we can't give you a reason of why you should come." Yusha says as Aira crossed both of her arms.

" So…where is Ara then? " Aira says as she stared at Yusha and Yoshi.

" She's…" Yoshi says as he looked at his older brother Yusha.

" She uh…" Yusha says as he also looked at his second brother Yoshi.

" Where is she? " Aira says as the two little guys looked at Aira, their older cousin.

" Uh…" Both only says as they then looked cluelessly to their older cousin.

" Uncle Yasha, isn't still home and you two are instructed by your mother, untie Yurina to keep an eye on her, but you two are not even looking out for your little sister." Aira says as the two then looked very guilty.

" We're sorry, older sister." Both said as Aira just sighed while looking at her little cousin.

" Whatever, we can just look for your sister inside the house." Aira

" She's sick– I mean she's not sick because you two lied to me just to make me come here." Aira

" Why did you two even called me? " Aira says as she was still staring at her little two cousin.

" Ahm…we both don't know how to cook since brother Zenaku and Yoru are the one who cooks for us." Yoshi says as Yusha nodded his head.

" But I think they forget to left food for little Aira, so when dear sister woke up, she was going to throw tantrums because she was really hungry." Yoshi

" I see, then lets look for your little sister and then I'll cook." Aira says as the two smiled ear to ear nodded their head with excitements.

»» The story will continue in the next page soon, thank you for waiting and reading this story! »»

lllllobecreators' thoughts