

Being betrayed, tortured, backstabbed and haunted Steve tries his best on keeping a promise of no revenge but his sister thinks otherwise suddenly all his strongwill of staying off revenge is shattered after his sister was harmed What did he do? did he just toture the offender or totures the whole world

The_author3 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Patching Up My Fear 1

~sssshh, ssssh~ The sound of frying came from the kitchen the next morning. Steve was already awake, preparing bacon 🥓 as breakfast for him and his little sister. The previous night was troubling to Steve as he couldn't sleep;



Betty yawned as she came to the kitchen with her pyjamas while wiping her eyes with the back of her hand to better her vision

~sniff, sniff~ Betty sniffs

"Good morning brother, what are you making for dinner!" Betty asked shouting as she couldn't hear herself

"You're shouting Betty, why not remove your ear muffs first" Steve suggested

"What are you saying? I can't hear you!" Betty said to Steve as she couldn't hear him

~haaa~ Steve took a deep breath, before he stopped his frying and went over to the distant Betty, he helps her remove her ear muffs and shows them to her

"Now, how's that? you can hear me right?" Steve asked Betty teasingly

"Oh, I forgotten about those" She said honestly, then pulls Steve's face to her by his cheek, examining his eyes

"Big bro, you didn't sleep last night did you? look at all the dark circles around your eyes, if you don't get enough sleep, you are going to end up having stress lines like Itachi (Naruto Character)" Betty warns Steve

"Looks like you've been too addicted to anime lately, huh? besides, me not sleeping wasn't of my choice" Steve said as he gently lets down his sister's hand and goes to check on his food

"So...it really didn't let you sleep last night?"🤔 Betty asked Steve as she rubs her chin motioning a thinking girl

"You guessed that right" Steve answered

"Big bro, you really need to get rid of that thing, since you're going to old dummy's house later in the day, why not tell him about it?" Betty suggested

"I plan to, besides I'm going to his house before going to school, he told me to come over for my bike" Steve responded

"I just hope that old man doesn't delay us" Betty said

"Us? no it's me... only...me" Steve said slowly laying out his intention of going alone

"But..." Betty couldn't finish what she was saying before Steve cuts her in

"bu...bu...bu...no buts, you are going to school, ok? now go dress up, I don't want us to argue about this issue this morning" Steve said to his sister

"How about a rock paper scissors, that's how we've always made strong decisions like this" Betty said in a super serious tone.

"You're not going to back out now, are you big bro? you know you've always lost to me, are you scared?" Betty added.

Steve stops what he was doing and looked serious

"If you say so, then you'll give me time to plan out my move, so how many rounds are we going?" He asked in a super serious tone, making one wonder why these two are taking something as simple as rock paper scissors too seriously

"Only one round, the winner is the winner, no cheat, no going back on your words" Betty said

"Ok, now go prepare and come down for breakfast" Steve said and Betty complied and went to prepare for school. When Betty was done, she saw only her food in the dinning table, Steve already had his breakfast and is currently preparing for school. When they were both done with everything, Betty locked up the house with her own keys since Steve's are on his bike, which was currently at Mr. smart's workshop. They left the window opened in case of any emergencies.

"Let's go bro" Betty said happily as she pulled Steve along with her. They both attended the same school but they were on different buildings, Steve was going to the senior's, while Betty went to the Junior's which she will soon graduate from. The name of their school was Daylight Academy (D.A). Betty loved to show off her brother and also hated the fact that boys were attracted to her. When they got to a main road, they will have to cross before getting to their school Betty ran forward without looking both sides of the road to see if any car was coming

"Come on big bro!" She laughed as she invited her brother to play run with her

"You know you shouldn't..." Steve didn't finish his words as a car running with a speed of at least 50km/hr headed towards Betty. The driver was a woman and before she could notice Betty it was already too late to hit the break. She began to panick as she was definitely sure Betty was going to die, she will soon become a murderer, but instinctively she turned the stirring and directed the car to the left, but still was no good the car...

Time freezes: Everywhere and everything froze except Steve, he looked at his almost crushed sister who was also frozen in a panicking mode as she had her eyes wide open while looking at the car that approached her. He walked up to her and flicked his finger on her forehead

"Ouch!" Betty screamed in pain while holding her forehead as she was released from the time freeze

"Eish...what a troublesome sister you are, someone would have died you Kno" Steve said to his sister in a flat tone

"As if... a mere car can't kill me, I have alot of tricks up my sleeve to escape you, besides I have you bro" She said looking at Steve still rubbing her forehead

"I wasn't talking about you, look the driver might die of panick and shock" He said as he looked at the driver and following her brother's gaze, Betty looked at the paused driver who's tears were floating in the air with her nostrils as she had this crying expression which made her face look really...not really good

"Ugh, I think I might loose my appetite" Betty said as she expressed her irritation

"I'll say this is a good time to have our match, once you loose, you yo on straight ahead to school and once I win, I'll find my way to Mr.Smart's house" Henry said

"You say that confidently, you seem so sure you'll win for someone who has 20 losses and only 5 wins against me" Betty bragged

"Well, make this 6 wins for me" Henry said

~Scuffs~ Betty scuffed

"Let's see" Betty said as they both brought out their already clenched fist

"I will call it" Betty said

"Fine by me" Steve agreed

"Ready... Rock... Paper... Scissors" She said and each word she said, they swung their clenched fist and stopped when she said scissors

"..." Betty was speechless as Steve already won her, she put a paper while Steve put a scissors and you know the rules, 'scissors cuts paper'

"Hehehe, looks like I'm the winner, this is the end of the road for you princess" Steve teased Betty

"Get it? end of the road" Steve tried making Betty understand his joke as he raised his eyebrows twice

"..."😕 Betty gave him a stupid bored look

*I should have known better than to crack jokes* Steve cursed inwardly

"Bye princess" He said to Betty who gave him a puppy dog eyes


"Nope, that's not working on me" he taps her shoulder

"Try to be a good girl at school ok?" Steve encouraged

"Fine, bye big bro" Betty said with a sad expression and tone as she left. Steve stood and watched her leave and then smiled. He then moves out of the way, unfroze the time and help the woman's car come to a gentle halt. The woman was so shocked as she saw that her car had already stopped and no sign of the girl that was about to be hit, unable to comprehend the whole situation, she passed out, and people came to help her to the nearest hospital, while Steve found his way to Mr. Smart's house.


And here's an extra chapter, this is my apology guys 🙇

Thank You

Your Handsome Author: Henry 😎
