
Demon of original sins

Warning:incest, gore, strong language,18+, torture By a twist of fate, Kael, a young demon, from a small and weak demon baron family chances Mark of Sins. With his newfound power, Kael's ambition and greed grew driving him to embark on a relentless journey of conquest With the power of the Mark of Sin coursing through his veins, Kael's thirst for power knows no bounds. Fuelled by ambition and greed, he schemes, betrays, and manipulates his way to the top, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in his wake. No territory is too vast, no riches too extravagant, as Kael seeks not only to expand his own dominion but to acquire the other Marks of Sin by all means As Kael's influence grows, so too does his ruthlessness and his enemies. He employs every tool at his disposal – Schemes, blackmail, war, assassination, and mind control – to crush any who dare stand in his path. Where will Kael's journey leads? Will his greed be satisfied or will he search for more??

jasonphlg · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 6:Mark of sin: envy

Stealing Attributes: the Mark of Envy may allow the bearer to steal or absorb one talent or skills of targets they kill

Psychic Resentment: The bearer emits an aura of resentment and envy that subtly influences those around them, causing others to feel uneasy or insecure in their presence. This psychic influence can weaken the resolve of rivals or allies, making them more susceptible to the bearer's manipulations.

Curse of Misfortune: The Mark of envy may bring misfortune and calamity upon those who possess what the bearer covets, causing their downfall or suffering in tragic ways..Highly effective against those who are envious of others.. Can be countered if target is too strong

Paralyzing Envy: Those afflicted by the Chilling Ordeal find themselves paralyzed by their envy, unable to find peace or contentment as they obsessively compare themselves to others and dwell on their perceived inadequacies.

Corruptive Influence: The Chilling Ordeal corrupts the thoughts and emotions of its victims, twisting their desires and ambitions into dark and destructive impulses. It whispers lies and deceit, convincing them that their only path to happiness lies in taking what others have.

Invasive Thoughts: The Chilling Ordeal implants invasive thoughts and desires in the minds of its victims, compelling them to act on their envy in increasingly desperate and reckless ways. They may resort to sabotage, manipulation, or even violence to satisfy their cravings.

Emotional Fracturing: Over time, the Chilling Ordeal fractures the emotional well-being of its victims, leaving them emotionally unstable and prone to outbursts of rage, despair, or self-loathing. They become consumed by their envy, losing sight of all else in their relentless pursuit of what they desire.

Psychic Manipulation: The Chilling Ordeal exerts a psychic influence over its victims, warping their perceptions of reality and distorting their memories. They may become paranoid and delusional, seeing enemies and threats where none exist, as their envy consumes them from within.

Curse of Eternal Want: Those marked by Envy are cursed to forever crave that which they can never possess. Their desires remain forever out of reach, fueling their envy and driving them to ever more desperate and depraved acts in pursuit of what they covet.

Jealousy Incitement: With a mere glance or whisper, the bearer can incite feelings of jealousy and covetousness in the hearts of others, causing them to resent those who possess what they desire. This manipulation of emotions fuels conflict and strife, plunging communities into chaos and despair.

Betrayal Instigation: The bearer of the Mark of Envy can manipulate individuals into betraying their friends, loved ones, or allies, convincing them that their only path to happiness lies in seizing what others possess. This manipulation leads to treachery, deceit, and the fracturing of once-unbreakable bonds.

Material Desolation: The Mark of Envy brings material deprivation and scarcity to those who fall under its influence. Crops wither, resources dwindle, and wealth evaporates as the envy of the bearer spreads like a malignant plague, consuming everything in its path..