

When Alan opened his eyes he was shocked to find the sight of a familiar ceiling yet it wasn't his. Sitting up and looking around he found his greatest fears come to pass. He had returned to the past. He recognized this place all to well. He was in a room with a large number of people, all shackled with a smell of urine and feces permeating the air. He was at his old home. The slave traders. As a child he grew up here filled with pain and sorrow until he cracked and slaughtered everyone in charge. This was the start of his journey to becoming Demon King.

'Right now I have to escape.' He thought 'Things can't happen like last time. I don't want to be the demon king this time around.'

Looking around he tried to remember what he knew he n the past that could help him escape. As he remembered the guards posts and rotations someone opened the door with a loud BANG!!! Remembering the drill he hid himself and waited soon one of the other kids was dragged off for "training". Training entailed being whipped and r*** Until you were obedient. 'I need to get out of here now it's almost dawn.' Alan got up and creeped up to the door with two twigs he found on the ground that were thin enough to be

lock-picks. Putting them inside the lock and jiggling them around he managed to pick the lock! Slowly opening the door Alan was shocked to find no guards were standing watch! Using his wind magic he lifted his feet of the ground and pushed himself forward and started his escape.