
Demon Lord Teleported From Another World

[Don't expect MWUAH kind of writing(as in good quality) I do this as a side hobby when bored and do it when I can. I might release a couple a day, I might do one everyday. I just do the bare minimum needed to make things make sense. I have written other works(although one more than the other to be honest) and this is just another one that pops in my head recently. To the synopsis!] Daniel Wu is a 16 year old student at Coridale High School and was stricken with Kaden's Degenerative Disease. A Disease which appeared relatively 30 years ago, and since then has no cure. It causes a specific part of the human body to degenerate and rot away over time varying from years, to months, to days. As a result of this uncurable disease, many of those who are stricken with it get posterized by their peers. Called "Kadies" named after the first case Kaden Ross. There is no indication of whether it is hereditary, as it is still new Could it be the result of a weapon, or old disease that had been dormant. But it didn't matter where it came from, since being stricken at age 13, he has endured 3 years of mistreatment and discrimination by former friends and commoners. He with only a short time left of his life, has given up on hoping for a future. His father, a brilliant man, is busy with another project to focus on finding a cure, and him, slowly loosing his mind decides to volunteer for Project Protokin, a project with the intention of developing teleportation. As if he dies in the testing, so be it, if he lives, then he contributed to the future of technology. The project in hopes of cutting the cost of time and even resources needed for transporting goods across the world. However, a incident occurs, and now Daniel is unsure where he has been teleported. Also has an AI in his head. She will never shut up. Character in the cover is Kuklo from Attack on Titan Before the Fall. Basically the first Eren Yeager. I only recently re-read the manga(should be adapted into a anime in my opinion *cough*) and decided to use his face as the character.

DekayNihilus · ファンタジー
32 Chs

A Doctors Suspect

"Hello honey, my name is Lissa Garvey. I am the head doctor of the medical ward of the Academy and am in charge of thousands of students' health here."

Her on her own?

[I think she meant she manages them, not one-by-one dealing with students]

Oh yeah, that makes more sense. I am not thinking straight I want food.

"Nice to meet you," I say giving her my right hand. "I am Daniel Wu."

"I know who you are. Well, sort of. We don't have much of a record about you medical-wise, nor family records I can go off of. So I was called down here to speak with you and do some testing and ask questions. Is all that alright?" she asks

"Can I have food afterward?"

"I think I can get you something exclusive this once hehe"

"Sweet, I will do whatever tests you want me to do."

*20 minutes later*

We had done some tests on my weight, balance, eye-sight, and also breaking and reflexes. Overall seems very normal what a doctor's visit would be. We finished them and she has me sitting down with her while she is behind a desk with some papers.

"Okay, so this is quite interesting."

"Okay. What is interesting?" I ask

"Well, the tests I have done were done exceptionally well. I felt bad asking you to do these hours after an injury that I heard about. Apparently, an explosion occurred on the campus which resulted in some injured, but yours was from what I saw to be the most severe."

"Well, I guess it wasn't too bad for me then. If I am not too hurt then I think others aren't too injured right?"

"Well, that is another reason why I am here. You see, the other witnesses say that the explosion was relatively within 10 feet of you and someone else. They said they saw you throw her, a Cloven student dozens of feet on your own, and then the blast threw you out of view for a bit. But from what the investigators have given me. They said the explosion would've been enough to cause level 4 burns, and cause severe rupturing of organs, and breaking of bones or dislocation. The only thing I had been able to gather you when you were unconscious was level 2 burns."

[She is onto us...I guess you were right I should've reduced the amount of assistance of the nanites]

Too late now. Just gotta play dumb in all this.

"O-okay? What does all that mean?"

"Well, I will explain more. When we did some blood tests, although limited, we noticed it seemed like your body had been... recovering quickly. I dare say unnaturally quickly. I saw it under a microscope before it suddenly died and decayed within a couple of seconds.

[That was likely a nanite that switched over and neutralized itself in order to leave no trace of its technology to be recovered. It is a fail-safe to reserve technology.]

Seems to have worked. That means she doesn't know anything more other than I naturally recover fast.

"I hope I can ask you some questions. Because I used a type of magic called Appraisal, and when looking at your roots in order to get a pinpoint of your race, I couldn't find any recognition. I examined your facial features, though a bit difficult due to your uhm...interesting additional features..."

[Pst, she means your scars and your missing ey-]

I know what she means! Shh! I am trying to listen to her!

"I know it is rude for me to ask, and to look into your racial family without permission, but I had hoped I could ask you where you are from. I took it at first glance you are an Easterling, visually a far East Easterling instead of an Easterling close to the Jagged Mounts. But as I said, I cannot find any variations or similarities of blood like yours."

"I uh, I lived in an isolated rural village beyond the mounts but I don't know where it is in relation to a map. It was that remote."

"Uhuh," she says writing down some notes of my response quickly.

"What else? I must say I am quite fascinated by finding a person with genes I cannot pinpoint to a place. Typically I can figure out the approximate location or culture one is with my high level of appraisal, except I don't recognize yours at all. In fact, it seems like everything you have is something I don't recognize. what you've eaten is very little of familiarity, your bone structure is strangely dense but for some reason, what is your diet to increase that density?"

"I uhm...I am a bit overwhelmed by these questions miss." I say trying to get out of this. Screw the food I need to get out of this place before I raise too much suspicion.

"Oh! Of course, I didn't mean to cause distress. My apologies. I just saw an opportunity and felt I had to take a lunge to understand this new biological unknown to me. Please, allow me to give you my sincere apologies. If you so choose to leave, I will have no issue with that. I don't see any issues with your body that deems you need to stay overnight." she says bowing.

I get out of the room and get guided by the guard who was outside of the room I was previously into some more appropriate clothes to leave in.

"Do you need an escort, or will you be fine with walking to your dorm this late?"

"I will be fine. Thank you."

He gives a nod and walks back to the direction of which the doctor was. I might be jumping to my own conclusions. But I am guessing Miss Garvey and that beastman is an item. They just resonate.

[What are you a cupid? How would you know?]

Cause I watch anime and romance tropes.

[I see...I must look through my files and see for myself]

Do you have anime archives?

[Yes, and no. I have written details of tropes from genres of media from books, poems, cartoons, animations, and movies. But not really a library of movies]

*minutes later*

I walked myself to the dorms and greeted the nightguard who seems to be wide awake. Night shifts must be natural for them I suppose. Entering the dorm, I check myself in at the front desk and then get to my room. I slump myself into my bed tired and exhausted to even undress or get under the covers. I am curious as to why Gizzele would invite me to a family gathering. Feels maybe too forced.

[Do you not want to?]

I do but, it felt like she was pretty forceful with it. Maybe she just really likes my company.

[Anime trope]


*Hours later the next day*

*Knock knock knock*

"Hmmmph...." Daniel says with a slight groan. Turning over to his left side

*Knock knock knock*

"Ugh...." I slightly open my eyes to feel the sun blasting its power into me.

"Oh right, I have school or something..."

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Hello?" a voice calls out through the door.

I look at my feet and see the door is within 10 feet and I am reminded of the fact I am in a small dorm room. Everything is within a few steps. So I guess someone's voice carries through the door.

[Imagine having sex in these poorly insulated walls and doors!]

I prefer not to hear two or 10 people in a cramped room doing one another next to my dorm room.

I get up from the bed all woozy and experiencing vertigo. I walk to the door and open it to then look right at the chest of someone. A pair of well-developed circular shapes through an Academy uniform and I look right up to see Gizzele looking a bit shyly away from me.

"S-sorry for looking at your chest, I just woke up so I am a bit drowsy," I say rubbing my only eye.

"Y-yeah, no problem. Say I was wondering if you were still up for the family event.

"Yes, I am still up for it. Is there anything I should know?"

"Well, it is an event for 3 days. But overall it begins the moment the gates open."

"Gates?" I ask

"Yes, we have an estate within the Capital city. That is where we are gathering for this event."

"By the way, I have wondered, what is the name of the capital city? Everyone just says 'capital' so..."

"Ironically, or unironically, the Capital city is called Capital City...."

"That is a very odd thing..." I say chewing the inside of my mouth with a slightly perplexed expression.

"Yeah, I found it odd when I found out as a kid, but you get used to it. I guess in your rural village names like that are odd haha"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, it is odd for me. But I guess makes it easy to remember."

"But please, let's get something to eat and leave the campus. We won't need permission to leave, just have our id cards to indicate who we are."

"Uh...I don't think I ever got one..."

"Well, as long as I have mine on me, I can bring in one person who doesn't have an ID with me on the campus. But we'd need to get you one soon I suggest."

"Yeah...Sorry about that. I don't know anything about this wor-I mean country..."

[Really...You nearly exposed yourself to her]

Well, even if I said world she probably would think I misspoke and thats it. I doubt she would be that suspect of me.

"Sure thing. C'mon, let's get something to eat. I hear they have these oddly cooked sandwiches from the north."

*30 minutes later*

We walk towards the gate after eating a late breakfast. Once again she eats much more than me, while I had 2 sandwiches. The lettuce tasted differently, however. The region north is controlled by the various kingdoms so I wouldn't know which one it likely came from.

I have always been more of a history buff, so I hope maybe they will teach past events which is basically just storytelling at the end of the day. Maybe that is why I find it interesting.

[You read more manga worldbuilding books than actual history books what are you talking about?]

Who cares!

*40 minutes later*

We had arrived at the gates of the campus there is already a cart to take us out to the estate she mentioned. We sat in the cart for a while before stopping briefly on the side of the path at a stop and Gizzele jumps off. Which I found strange since we were in somewhat of a shopping district. Looking around I see galleries of clothing and displays showing statues or mannequins wearing expensive ass looking clothes. I dread what is about to happen.

She pays him what seems to be a single gold coin and walks off waving me to follow. I follow her and look around and the place is very lively. A lot of young people and very elegant ones wear clothing of various colors and clothes.

"Uh, Gizzele? Why are we here? Are we just walking through this place to get to the estate or?" I ask following behind her.

"Well, my family is a family of warriors, and some even like one's appearance to match their personality."

"Ah, I see. So what are you getting?" I ask guessing what she might wear

"Actually, what we are here for is for you."


"Well, seeing as I am a student of the Academy, I and pushing towards an identity of being more intellectual than a warrior. For you, I am not sure. But I assumed on my part that you wanted something more specific. I am willing to pay so."

"Oh, well I am thankful for what you are saying. But I can't possibly impose you to pay more than is necessary. Besides, I am fine being seen as a student. A friend as well." I say casually waving away the thought of money.

[Why don't you take advantage of this?]

Nah...Not on my mind or the point of this.