
Demon Lord's Dominion

"I have wronged and murdered a thousand, terrified many and never regretted it because of my goal but of the countless I've done this to, I truly regret what I did to you" These were the white-haired man's words as the world burned in front of him and a single figure stood with a sword firmly pointed in his direction, a face that brought him fear and dread, a face he never thought he'd see again. Vengeance, bloodshed, and sacrifice. A simple search for revenge that spurred into something more, a world that constantly took more than it could give back. A story of a person who finally let out their wrath upon the world that had them so much, a story of the first demon lord. (AN: I would like to clarify that the cover is not mine but felt it was great for how the story might pan out over time. This is my first attempt at a long-running novel and I'm trying my best to plan and properly execute chapters and arcs so please bare with me, I will be honest that I'm a slow updater mainly due to personal circumstances but I also don't want to rush things and pressurize myself to produce poor quality work. I am excited about this work and hope you enjoy the world I'm creating)

Kindred_spirits · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 5:Troubling thoughts

What was once a glorious plethora of discovery and new begins, the first steps into strengthening humanity and protecting it from whoever wished it harm was now but an empty room of broken test tubes and the rotting remains of the beasts that the organization had tried so hard to nurture: Demons.

In the middle of this room sat a single man with long silver hair and golden eyes that stared aimlessly into the ceiling, just a few hours ago Clairvoyous had ordered for the clearing and relocation of his research facility and ordered Deron to follow as he tried to sell the idea that the demon he somehow let loose had been subjugated and taken care of. He wanted to make it look like he was switching locations for the sole purpose of a more secure environment and had already steeled himself for the annoying question to come.

The only question was who would be conducting those questions, Clairvoyous was already well aware of the various members within the organization that conducted questioning for compromised demon management. They were an annoying bunch but otherwise tolerable when it was your life on the line and that was Clairvoyous's current predicament.

"Usually, one would switch locations at least a week or a few days after but I guess the demon you let out must've seriously terrified you"

Clairvoyous didn't avert his gaze and spoke with his eyes still pointed to the ceiling, the mocking tone in the man's voice was unmistakable and cost all of Clairvoyous's willpower to suppress the urges of insulting comments so he wasn't about to acknowledge the person speaking.

"It was unfortunate, I cannot let it happen a second time if I can avoid it"

"Mm, is the demon's corpse present?"

Clairvoyous kept silent but answered begrudgingly.

"My attack completely obliterated the body so there were no remains to bring back"

This wasn't a boast of strength for those who had knowledge or had seen Clairvoyous's attacks in action, his skills and spells focused on the complete annihilation of a target and were a horrific sight to behold thus the man questioning couldn't refute the statement Clairvoyous had made and only asked to see where the battle took place.

"You can look for it yourself, it's a large crater in the forest so you can't miss it"

"Are you not going to direct me there?"

"Not at all, the battle was fierce and I would prefer not to reminisce on it"

This was true in the sense that Clairvoyous had no intention of reminiscing on his failed attempt at subduing the demon, he still couldn't get over the fact that the situation had escalated to this point purely out of his own arrogance. The demon was in no way a match for him in magical strength and the fight could've been won ages earlier had he taken things seriously and severely injured the demon before it could use a surprise counterattack, but instead of that he toyed with it and was not only pushed to a corner but had even given the demon a means of escape.

"If that's your answer then I have no reason to refute your claims"

"Ho? You believe me so easily?"

"As a proud member of the King's court and this organization, I find it hard to believe that you'd lie about such a…grave..situation"

The man intentionally made an emphasis on the word "grave" in a passive-aggressive manner that clearly told Clairvoyous that what he said was not a compliment to his loyalty but a warning of the severity of falsehood within events such as this, it was a simple intimidation method to gauge Clairvoyous's reaction and the silver-haired man had seen it more than enough to know how to act against it.

"I agree, such an act would be a disgrace to both my position and character"

"You truly hold yourself highly.."

"No, I hold the expectations of the organization and the King's court highly"

The man frowned but turned away defeatedly, there wasn't a single crack in Clairvoyous's actions that would lead one to suspicion and all he could do now was see the remnants of the battle and be on his way. However, even so, a situation where a demon nearly escaped is one that shouldn't be taken lightly and the man couldn't leave without a few mindful words.

"It would be in your best interest not to let this happen again, do not forget why we're doing this in the first place"

Giving Clairvoyous one last glance the man disappeared without a trace as if he hadn't been there in the first place, Clairvoyous sighed and sunk into his seat with one of his hands now rubbing the bridge between his eyebrows. A complicated expression was plastered across his face as the man's words cut deep, he'd put up a silent front at first but with the man finally gone he's mind continuously looped on those last few words.

'Do not forget why we're doing this in the first place'

How could he forget? Clairvoyous knew more than anyone why any of this was important, he knew the price that would be paid should what they do become a failure, he knew the sacrifices that were made to get them here and the many more that would be made in the far future, he like a handful of others had not or to be more precise could not forget the horrors of that day.

The countless cries of agony and pleads for help mixed in with the sounds of beasts as the world was set ablaze, the wasteland of fire and corpses that engulfed every part of his vision, the falling sky that seemed to have been cracked like glass as a single figure stood unmoved within the ensuing chaos with a sword in hand as the person spoke with a commanding tone. That was the future Clairvoyous had been shown or at least that was what most of the few others who saw it had come to conclude but a nagging part of Clairvoyous told him that what he saw was something more.

Thus Clairvoyous felt fearful of the demon that had escaped his grasp, should it have died from its injuries then the sin he'd bestowed it with could be found at a later date and retrieved, but should it have lived then not only did the organization have to worry about one future but two at the same time.

"I've really made things complicated for myself, haa…may the Goddess Yurma guide my poor soul"

Bonus chapter for surpassing 500 views, I'm grateful. Thank you to those reading!!

Kindred_spiritscreators' thoughts