
Demon king returns.

The Demon King comes back after being killed, now he’s the MCs great great grandson, will he kill his old enemies? Or will he kill their seeds.

Blank_Number · アクション
5 Chs

The Mistery

As the dust settled from their hard-won victory, Jay and his companions couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The Demon King, once defeated, now stood before them, bathed in a blinding, ethereal light. The air crackled with energy, and an unsettling silence blanketed the wasteland.

Confusion and fear gripped the group. Kurota tightened his grip on his shield, his eyes narrowing as he tried to make sense of the situation. "What... What's happening?" he murmured, his voice barely audible over the fading echoes of battle.

Kesen, her hands trembling, whispered, "I've never seen anything like this before. What is he doing?"

Jigoku, the former demon loyal to Akira, growled lowly. "This isn't natural. Be on your guard, everyone. We might be facing something far more sinister."

Fujimori, her healer's instincts alert, scanned the area. "Stay together, everyone. Don't let your guard down. We need to be prepared for anything."

Cage, ever vigilant, scanned the horizon. "He's up to something. I can feel it. We can't afford to underestimate him."

And then, in a blinding flash, the world erupted into brilliance. A deafening sound pierced the air, leaving their ears ringing. When the light finally subsided, the wasteland was shrouded in darkness once more.

The Demon King was gone.

A chilling realization settled over the group. Their formidable foe had vanished, leaving behind only the echoes of their battle. Jay clenched his fists, frustration and determination burning in his eyes. "He escaped. But why? And where did he go?"

Kurota's voice rumbled with anger. "He must have some sort of trick up his sleeve. We can't let our guard down. Not now."

Kesen bit her lip, her mind racing. "Could this be a trap? Is he planning to strike again when we least expect it?"

Jigoku, his eyes narrowed, glanced around. "We can't stay here. We need to find a safe place and regroup. We have no idea what he's capable of."

Fujimori nodded, her expression resolute. "Agreed. Let's head back to the nearest town. We need to warn the people and prepare for whatever comes next."

Cage, his senses sharp, added, "And we should gather information. There might be clues about his whereabouts or his intentions."

With a collective nod, the group set out, their footsteps heavy with the weight of uncertainty. The wasteland, once a battlefield, now seemed haunted by the specter of the Demon King's escape. The journey back to town was fraught with tension, each rustle of the wind and snap of a twig making them jump.

Upon reaching the town, they wasted no time. They informed the townsfolk of their victory and the subsequent disappearance of the Demon King. Fear and concern spread like wildfire, but amidst the uncertainty, the townspeople found solace in the bravery of Jay and his companions.

Days turned into nights, and the group tirelessly gathered information, hoping to uncover any traces of the Demon King's whereabouts. Rumors and whispers filled the air, but nothing concrete emerged. The group remained on edge, their bond growing stronger as they faced the unknown together.

Nights were spent strategizing, poring over maps, and training relentlessly. The town became their sanctuary, a place where they could regroup and prepare for the inevitable confrontation they knew would come. Jay, their leader, inspired them with his unwavering determination, and each member of the group found strength in the camaraderie they shared.

As the days passed, a new resolve settled over them. They were no longer just a group of adventurers; they were a united front against the looming darkness. Their friendship and bonds, once the object of the Demon King's disgust, now became their greatest strength.

Little did they know that their actions had set into motion a chain of events that would shape the fate of their world. The vanishing darkness had left them with a newfound determination, a shared purpose that burned brighter than ever before.

The stage was set for the final battle, a confrontation that would test their mettle, their friendship, and their belief in the power of unity. As they stood together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, they knew that no matter what darkness threatened to consume their world, their light would shine through, unyielding and eternal.

The fight never came, as they grew older they started to have families, they didn't let up though. Training their families to not be any weaker than them, but still the Demon King never came. Without their knowledge they grew old, to the point of having Great Great grandchildren, and appreciating the future they created.

They can now rest and watch their families grow till their death, in the new academy they created for any great talent.

Jay became a king but has passed his crown a long time ago, the others are the main 5 clans also known as the kings shields and swords.

The new academy will be open soon, how will it be? Will it be too competitive? Or will everybody get along?

Confusion swirled in the Demon King's mind as he awoke in a room that was nothing like the wasteland he had left behind. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, and sunlight spilled through opulent curtains, casting golden patterns on the polished marble floor. He tried to move, only to realize he was in a different body—a young man, strong and full of life.

A wicked grin stretched across the Demon King's lips as he recognized the opportunity that had fallen into his lap. Using his newfound skill, "Observe," he delved into the memories of the young man whose body he now inhabited. A rush of information flooded his senses.

"Ah, I see," he murmured, his lips curling into a sinister smile. "I have traveled not just in time, but also through generations. How fortunate that I find myself in the body of Jay's great-great-grandson."

Through the young man's memories, he learned of the heroes' continued existence, albeit in old age. Jay, Kurota, Kesen, Jigoku, Fujimori, and Cage—once fierce and powerful—now lived out their twilight years.

The Demon King's eyes gleamed with anticipation. He knew he had to tread carefully, utilizing the abilities of this new vessel. Ice and blood magic would serve his purposes well, allowing him to manipulate the elements in ways he hadn't before. This way he won't have to expose his Demon abilities of his past if not needed.

With practiced ease, he tested the limits of his newfound powers. Icy tendrils formed at his fingertips, and he felt the pulse of ancient blood magic coursing through his veins. Yes, this body had potential.

As he prepared to set his plan into motion, a wicked thought crossed his mind. He raised his hand and, with a swift motion, delivered a resounding smack to his own face. Laughter bubbled up from deep within him, echoing menacingly in the room.

"Oh, the irony!" he exclaimed, relishing the situation. "To think I would end up in the lineage of my greatest enemies. Fate has truly smiled upon me."

His laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that foreshadowed the darkness he was about to unleash upon the world. The Demon King's eyes glowed with an unholy light as he envisioned the chaos he would sow, using the heroes' legacy against them.

Little did they know, their once-vanquished foe had not only survived but had also found a new vessel, a new identity through which to exact his revenge. The stage was set for a battle that would span generations, a clash between the past and the future, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

As the Demon King's laughter echoed through time and space, the heroes, unaware of the looming threat, continued their peaceful lives, blissfully ignorant of the darkness that awaited them. The battle between light and shadow was far from over, and the next chapter in their epic saga was about to unfold, more treacherous and unpredictable than ever before.