
Demon King Reborn

Three Thousand Years At Mythical age There was a man who wiped out the human nation,

burned down the forest of the spirits, and and even killed off the God.He was feared as the Demon King. This man took kagayama to its extremes, and before his mythic eye was even

reason was obliterated.His name was...

El Dorado is an educational system for training the descendants of the Founder,

the Demon king of kagayama, to become the demon king. it's been 3 thousand years since

his demise.

This is the year that the Founder will awaken,it

is said by the 12 specialist Demon who where once under the demon king.

This year's incoming class includes members of the "Generation of chaos" among whom

may be the Demon king reincarnated.

When the Founder does indeed make his return, the infernal Realm will surely be enveloped by the cries of joy.

Day 1 Entrance examination

Welcome to the Demon Academy!

Best of luck Aku!


Oki father!

than some demon push Aku!

Aku drop her letter

than a boy pick the letter

aku necron? is that you?

aku : thank you.

Demon:you came ot the exam with your parents?

Demon: Since when is the Demon king Academy a kid's playground?

other demon:oh look,Kepler of the Indu Family!

than they both iignore Kepler!

Kepler:hey! I'm talking to you!You!

boy:My bad. Your Magic Power was so feeble,

I missed it.

kepler:han! I'll let you off the hood if you beg for your life.You'd better hurry up... or this

Flame of Darkness,notorious for burning even

the gods themselves to a crisp, will reduce both you and that girl to skeletons!Haha Haha

The boy just breathe and blow the Kepler flame.

kepler:You bastard! what the hell did you do?

boy: I blew out the light from your match,

that's all.

kepler: Did you just call my flames "light from a match"?

Don't think you're going to live to tell that tale!

boy:hold up.

kepler:C-can't move my body!

boy: That's all it took to make you obey?

Take a time-out there until you've learned your lesson.

kepler:ahhhhhh I'm the one getting burned by my flames! I just wanna disappear!


we will now begin the entrance exam for practical skills.

the boy enter a room

the bird:The practical skills test is a dual

between examinees.The loser fails. After taking the Magic Power assessment test. the five winners will be admitted to the Demon king Academy. You will be permitted to use any and all kinds of equipment.

Do you have any Questions?

boy: Not really,no.

the kepler and the boy enter the battlefield

kepler:key, so we meet again. uh-oh, are you that worried about not being able to escape?

boy:what? I was just feeling sorry for you for not being able to escape.

kepler: after I turn your pompous face into a blubbering mess,I'll make you puke blood!

boy: hahaha! you need to know your place...


kepler: hey! like I'd fall for that again! This anti-

demonic armor can seal any kind of magic Power!

boy: I see.

The match will be dicided when one of you is

incapacitated or declared that he's giving up.

Now then, please started the practical skill test!

kepler: incapacitated means I'm also allowed

to kill you, right? Magic Sword Kephrid!

boy: That's a magic sword?

kepler: That's right!

it's a felic from the Mythical age,handed down

to my family,the indus, member of the royalty.

and it will amplify my magic power more than tenfold!

boy: oh! if it's one,then the increase would be only ten or so.

kepler:just die!

boy blessed the flame with his breathing.

kepler : Don't tell me you extinguished my flames again!

boy: That's a fack.

You and I shouldn't be facing off against each other in the first place.

I will handle with my one single magic!

and I won't move a step from this spot!

without an eyelash,I will defeat you.

kepler: enough of your bluffing!

I get it. you're making a excuses because you can't get past from this anti-demonic armor.

look your your brand of magic's no good for‐-

Kepler: ahhhhhh what's is this magic!

boy:how was my magic! I mean my magic



boy:you should stop taking. Do you want to die?

kepler:then,make me give up!

I bet you're a bottom-feeder who can only use

Compulsion Magic to bend things to your will!

The boy step on this head

boy: that was an interesting idead you brought up. You're on, then.

if I can make you surrender without using any kind of magic, I win. If I can't,then you win.

kepler: I want a contract!

boy :fine. hecht.

kepler idiot! I'll never give up even if I die!

boy: than i will only use my finger. so,even if

I hold back,it kill you?

I'll end up losing at this rate. No was around it.


kepler:what am I...

other demon: Resurrection Magic? is there even such a magic?

boy: how did it feel to have died once?

Are you ready to give up now?

kepler: L-Like hell!

the boy kill him countless.

the kepler scream

boy: don't worry. as long as the root remains,

you'll never die in the true sense. you'll be Resurrection risk-free

if I use in kngall within three seconds.

This is the so-called...

the three seconds rule.

hmmmm... fell flat,hun?Three thousand years

ago,that was a surefire jock.

You just said you'd never give up even if you died.

surely,you didn't think you,d only die once in your lifetime,right?

kepler: hey, I'm of royal birth!

the boy kill kepler once again and Resurrection him again

others demon where scared of him!

boy:by the way, there'an intriguing philosophy

behind the kngall spell.

is a human who's been Resurrected the same person as before? or some one with the same

extract memories and body, but completely different person? Tell me, which do u think it is? not interested,huh?

Than,I ll just try to kill you one more---

kepler: I beg for my life, I give up ?

other demo :that kepler is lose to that guy.

who is he ?

kepler brother: he actually defect a royal?