
Demon King In Naruto

A Demon King is Born in the Naruto World, He just wants peace but it doesn't seem to be so easy after all. He who controls the seven deadly sin shall change the Naruto World, or maybe not?

MarSus · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs


The allure of Lust (Temptation's Touch) rised once more, a seductive force that Kai wielded with uncanny finesse.

Kakashi Hatake, the ninja who stood before him, soon became the focal point of Kai's attention. With a mere gaze, a subtle manipulation of aura, and a touch of compulsion, Kai began to bend Kakashi's will to his own. The once-guarded Kakashi found his thoughts veiled by an irresistible compulsion—one that made him follow through to Kai's desires.

"Deal with this death as you would, but do not complicate it for me," Kai stated with a voice that held both command and subtle enchantment.

Kakashi's visible eye held a glazed look, his usual sharpness subdued by the influence of Lust. Without hesitation, he nodded, his expression a mixture of compliance and vague bewilderment.

With a final nod from Kai, Kakashi moved with swift efficiency, his actions guided by the hypnotic command. He carefully gathered the corpses and carried them away, his steps purposeful as he distanced the aftermath of the confrontation.

Back within the Ichiraku Ramen Store, Kai returned to the familiar rhythm of tasks—assisting Teuchi and engaging in the activities that had come to define his day. Before long, it was once again time for him to rest.




Slowly, The sun had risen once again, casting its gentle light over the village of Konoha. Yet, this day was unlike any other—a tide of whispers and fervent discussions seemed to sweep through the villagers, carrying with it the weight of shocking news. The air was charged with curiosity and speculation, an electric hum that echoed through the streets and squares.

"Have you heard?" the villagers murmured, their voices clear with intrigue and disbelief.

"Kakashi Hatake admitted his guilt," one would say.

"Guilt for what?" another would inquire, their brows furrowed in confusion.

"Apparently, he confessed to killing multiple figures, even an Anbu operative," the first would respond, their tone marked by a mix of astonishment and bewilderment.

And so, the news spread like wildfire, engulfing the village in a storm of speculation and surprise.

Within the confines of the village's detention center, the atmosphere was heavy with the weight of the unexpected. Kakashi Hatake found himself imprisoned— a subject of murder hanging in his weight.

In the confines of his cell, Kakashi sat with a posture that conveyed both resignation and bewilderment. Next to him, Tsunade—the Fifth Hokage of the village—observed him with a gaze that held a mixture of concern.

"Kakashi, what happened?" Tsunade's voice held a touch of urgency, her eyes searching his for answers.

Kakashi's visible eye, once a window to his thoughts, now seemed to harbor a cloud of uncertainty. His response was tinged with a sense of disorientation, as though the events that had transpired were beyond his grasp. "I, I don't know."

Tsunade's brow furrowed, her demeanor a blend of empathy and determination. "Kakashi, you must understand the gravity of your confession. You've implicated yourself in serious matters."

Kakashi's gaze remained distant, his thoughts a tempest of confusion and doubt. "It's like there's a fog in my mind—a haze that obscures my memories."

Tsunade's expression shifted to one of contemplation, as though she were parsing through the puzzle of Kakashi's words. "We need to unravel this. We need to find out what led to this confession, what triggered it."

Kakashi's visible eye met Tsunade's gaze, a flicker of hope in his gaze. "Tsunade, I need your help to uncover the truth—whatever it may be."

Tsunade's determination flared, her resolve unwavering. "You have my word, Kakashi. We'll get to the bottom of this."



In the heart of Konoha, as the village's daily routines continued and the news of Kakashi's confession circulated, another figure was consumed by thoughts that swirled in the shadows— Danzo Shimura. A man shrouded in intrigue and secrecy, his influence reached deep within the village's foundation, his machinations often veiled in layers of deception.

His gaze was fixed upon a seal of intricate design that resembles the Anbu Kai killed last night. This seal held more than what meets the eye, concealing an additional layer of power that Danzo had kept concealed—a power designed to protect his operations from prying eyes and traitorous intentions.

Hidden within this seal was a mechanism that granted Danzo an uncanny vision—an ability to catch a fleeting glimpse of events that lay seconds before an Anbu's death by this seal. It was a safeguard that allowed him to identify any who dared to threaten his covert schemes, any who might expose his secrets to the light.

As his gaze bore into the seal, the mechanism was activated, and a fragment of the past unfolded before his eyes—a few precious seconds of the life of an Anbu operative near his demise. In this instance, however, the vision that materialized was unlike any he had seen before—an image that sent a shiver down his spine. Before him stood a figure, a force of unparalleled power, obliterating all in its path as though they were mere illusions. The scene unfolded with an almost surreal swiftness, leaving devastation in its wake.

Danzo's brow furrowed as he absorbed the gravity of what he was witnessing. The figure's might was beyond his comprehension. His heart quickened, a surge of astonishment coursing through his veins.

With a gesture of his hand, the vision ceased, the seal's glow dissipating. Danzo stood in the silence of his chamber, his mind racing to decipher the implications of what he had seen. Questions surged within him, each a thorn in the side of his calculations. Who was this figure? How had they attained such power? And most crucially, how could he safeguard his intricate web of influence against a force that seemed able to defy his control?