
Demon King IFRIT Chapter 2

ssanimations · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Demon King Ifrit

Gushio : Draken may i ask?

Draken : Sure

Gushio : How did you become so powerful? and why do you and Lucien and such grudge against each other?

Draken : Well its a long story that connects to both if your questions, do you still want to hear it?

Gushio : Yes of course.

Draken : Okay then, all of this started Over a millennium ago, When My clan Deminra, and Lucien's clan Luar's went to a war that lasted for twenty seven years, And was stopped by the legendary Ifrit...

Gushio : Wait, Ifrit?? I thought he was a myth?!

Draken : No, He's very much real my friend..

Gushio : And how was he able to stop the war??

Draken : He stopped it by solving the issue that caused the war to start, which was The Deminra's Clan leader's who were Fuhashu and Fushina they killed the Luar's Leader's Sister, So Ifrit brought her back to living....And to be honest, we had no other choice but to do whatever Ifrit say, He was far too powerful for both of our clan's combined...

Gushio : So he is as powerful as everyone say he is...

Draken : Yes, and he really dislikes wars, conflicts and aggression in general, he even hates using his powers, because he does not want to seem as someone strong, so he suppresses himself so much that he seems like a regular human, But soon after he solved our issues with clans, His own war started and...

Gushio : What do you mean his own war? He started a war against someone???

Draken : No, His race did, and since he was the demon king and his responsibility was to insure his kind is safe and happy, But... He cared about not starting a war and keeping peace just as much, So a bit after, the goddesses offered him a deal, that if he sealed himself in hell for eternity, The war would surely stop, And he accepted the offer because in no shape or form would he be apart of a war because of a reason i mentioned before, and if he didnt then his kind would surely be gone because everyone was against demons, Goddesses, Angels, Spirits, anti spirits, Titans and etc

Gushio: Well... Wouldn't he be able to defeat all of them without killing them?

Draken : He would most definitely be able to, But he hates all types of aggression and conflict for some odd reason, so he wouldn't even fight them.

Gushio : So? what happened next

Draken : Well soon after Ifrit sealed himself there was noone to keep control over the clans, so both clans started picking on each other for the littlest reasons, and then Lucien like a filthy scum he is, decided to massacre all of my clan's lowest and decently ranked members in their sleep, and in the morning their whole clan attacked us, So they massacred the remaining high ranked members...

Gushio : Oh...im so sorry..

Draken : It's fine [Smiles] I'll kill Lucien and the remaining Luar members one day.

Gushio : So how about your power? How did you manage to become so powerful?

Draken : Well...for my physical state i was training for million years in a time realm, and each second in that realm is equals to 100 years in this world, so do the math and you'll know how long to train to get to my point, as if for my abilities my eyes are the main source for that, i awakened my eyes because of my clan, my clan passes the eyes of creation down by the bloodline, well Ifrit did that, my clan didnt always have that in our blood.

Gushio: So Ifrit was so powerful he was able to make you powerful as well?

Draken : Yeah... Everyone in our clan awakes their eyes by being experiencing such rage and fury that such amounts of hate would rival Ephlipsia the goddess of rage and fury, and being able to calm down and always remain calm, basically being a master at controlling your emotions, mainly your anger.

Gushio: May i ask? What are The abilities that your eye grants you?

(Draken creates a circle)

Draken : Step inside it, and you'll see the 3 abilities out of the whole arsenal my eyes contain...you'll see the rest when i fight.

Gushio : Okay.

[Gushio Steps inside the circle and when he enters he seems recording with a spirit that further says " this ability is always active, and it acts by stealing and absorbing the chances of winning that the opponent had for example, an opponent had fifty percent of winning and fifty percent of losing, This ability would alter the outcome of the fight by giving that fifty percent of winning rate to Draken, so no matter what the opponent does, the future was already altered by giving the win to Draken by default"]

Gushio : Oh lord, How is this even fair? Are there any limitations to this ability?

Draken : Well unless you're omnipotent or have the same ability you will one hundred percent be on the losing side.

Gushio : Oh...

[ Gushio steps inside the circle again]

[ The spirit starts talking " This ability grants Draken superiority over laws and principles, and since laws and principles, and this third ability is called creation, because it grants Draken the ability to create Laws…Principles, as well as concepts]

Draken : We're here, The library of Wisdom