

The wind howled as it swept the leaves into the black sky. A canopy of dazzling stars lit the canvas of the cold, dry Earth. As the sun made it's rest the humans had followed, dreaming of the hazy days which had past and the horrid terrors that had yet to come.

Jamie groggily sat near the bedside with exsaution, his body ready to breakdown but his mind refusing to rest. For he was craving, for blood. The instinct kicked in and the crave grew stronger. He needed to find some, as soon a possible. But he had one problem,

He had no clue where he was.

Jamie couldn't even remeber the night before. His head pounded and his bones ached. He got up from the bed and went for the door.


As expected. Jamie's first thought was that he had been kidnapped.

"Hello, anyone there?"


He didn't expect an answer anyway. Jamie looked around. No windows, No chairs, no escape. Just a locked door. He was screwed.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


Jamie jumped. There was no hope left. No escape. Jamie knew he was going to die.

The footsteps drew closer.

The footsteps of Jamie's kidnapper.

*Author's note*

Hello Readers,

Please leave suggestions and spelling/grammer mistakes. I want you guys to have the best reading expierience,

We will be seeing a new character in the next chapter! ;)

(If I get a good response I will make the chapters longer!)