



Robin is currently discussing and is having a casual conversation with Dragon the leader of the Revolutionaries, Sabo the commander of the revolutionary 2nd division or in short the number person in the organization that is most wanted by the world government, Koala assistant and partner of Sabo. There are also several revolutionary troops inside and doing their job. For Dragon, Robin's arrival at his place was a surprise and a huge advantage because Nico Robin was the light of revolution.

"Thanks again for your help Nico Robin." Said the smiling Dragon to Robin.

"It doesn't matter considering we have the same goal of uncovering the history of this world and I also need fufufufu's protection." Robin said with a laugh.

"We will all definitely protect you Robin-San you don't need to worry." Said Koala while smiling at Robin.

"You are my sister's nakama. If something bad happens, then Luffy will definitely beat me up." Said Sabo who also smiled.

Robin who heard this was happy because he knew that this organization was not an organization like Crocodile's Baroque Works that only wanted power without caring about their friends. Revolutionary, this organization is very structured and its members love each other. Robin is not surprised considering that the leader of this organization is Monkey,D,Dragon the biological father of the captain. Maybe Luffy's good-natured character descended from his father but not his silly nature. Dragon is not like Garp or Luffy. Dragon is more serious in acting and always plans something before he acts.

"Then how is Luffy doing?" Dragon asked who chose a casual topic to talk about because he had already discussed the entire purpose of the revolutionary army.

"He's fine. Maybe he's a bit of a hassle but that's what makes him such an interesting person." Robin replied with a smile.

"That ridiculous nature… Maybe descending from Garp I'm not as silly and as crazy as him." Said Dragon who also smiled.

"From childhood he was always careless and fussy. I can't believe he became a big pirate considering he was a crybaby when he was little hahahah." Said Sabo who laughed and remembered his past with Luffy.

"Don't you want to meet Luffy Dragon-San?" Robin asked Dragon.

Dragon who heard Robin's question leaned back against the chair and folded his arms. "Not yet. Someday we will meet when he has become a great person. Maybe he doesn't recognize me personally because I left him with my father but it's all for his good. If someone hears I have kids, maybe Luffy will be hunted since he was a kid. So I hid his identity. I hope he understands that." Said Dragon who smiled bitterly.

"Definitely. Luffy was also a little surprised to find out that you are his father but he didn't say anything about you and Luffy doesn't hate you one bit." Robin said with a smile.

"Dragon-San, Luffy is a kind person and he will definitely understand with your explanation. Don't think too much about it and also I heard that Luffy is currently being trained by Sasuke so he should be fine." Sabo said.

Robin who heard Sasuke's name just looked down and didn't say anything because he still felt guilty. But Robin had decided to muster up the courage to meet Sasuke and apologize. Robin really misses Sasuke because honestly Robin has not gotten a hug or a touch from the person he loves.

"Sabo if I may ask why do you trust this Uchiha Sasuke so much?" Dragon asked Sabo.

"Sasuke is our eldest brother. Apart from training us in combat he also taught us about life. We learned a lot from him especially about friendship. It's not that we used to be people who didn't care about friends but Sasuke explained why we have to protect our friends and consider them as our own brothers. Sasuke also explained how to tell the difference between people who can be friends and who can't be friends. It's just that Sasuke is… He is a very quiet person and a bit cruel. He doesn't hesitate to kill someone who dares to hurt us and now he has become a great person. I plan to meet him after this." Sabo said with a smile.

"You want to see him?" asked a slightly surprised Robin.

"Uhmmmm.. I haven't spoken to him in a long time and maybe he thinks I'm dead. I want to tell him I'm alive and want to give him my vivre card so we can know where we are from each other. Do you want to come?" Sabo asked Robin.

"Aa-ah. Looks like I'll be coming along." Said Robin who was a little nervous because he was going to meet Sasuke.

"Robin-San I didn't know that a woman like you could be nervous in front of a man." Said Koala who teased Robin a little.

"Koala!" Said Robin who was a little angry because he was teased by Koala. Indeed for Robin, Sasuke is a sensitive topic.



Said one of the revolutionary troops who suddenly entered and violently opened the door and brought a denden mushi video. The expression on his face was very tense and he was breaking out in cold sweat, It seemed that he had very big news.

"What is it?" asked Dragon seriously.

"We've got news and we're tapping one of the denden mushi videos and it's from Onigashima Wano Kuni!" Said the Revolutionary Army.

"Wano Kuni? What happened there? Did Kaido do something?" asked Dragon who adjusted his seat and sat up straight.

"Ah! Hyakyuju no Kaido and his men are currently battling Akuma no Me Uchiha Sasuke! Their fight is broadcast live from Onigashima!" Said the revolutionary army.


The glass that was in Robin's hand immediately slipped and fell and broke. Robin was really surprised and worried about Sasuke's condition now and also felt angry. It seems that Sasuke's words to fight the Yonkou alone are not nonsense because he is currently proving his words.

"That person! What is he thinking!?" Said Robin while squeezing his thigh very hard. He was really worried because he was afraid that Sasuke would die. Robin didn't want to lose Sasuke.

"Baka Aniki! Is he alone!?" Sabo asked who was also panicked by the news about Sasuke.

"Right! He came to Onigashima alone without anyone's help!" Said the revolutionary army.

"Enable the denden mushi video I want to see it." Say Dragon

"DRAGON-SAN I WANT TO GO THERE RIGHT NOW!" Robin shouted who got up and wanted to catch up with Sasuke. Robin is now filled with negative thoughts but even if Sasuke dies, at least Sasuke dies in Robin's arms or dies with him. Robin momentarily forgot his promise to meet and return to Saboady with his crew in 2 years.

"Robin. Even if you go there their battle is probably over as it will be a 2 week journey from here to Wano and even if you're there there's nothing you can do." Dragon said to Robin.

Robin who heard this bit his thumb and his expression was so worried. 'Why!? Why are you acting this reckless! Why can't I always help you!? Why am I so weak and useless in front of you!? Why!? Why!? Why are you always by my side when I need you when I'm never by your side when you're in trouble!?' Robin said in his heart which without realizing it was already shedding tears.

"DRAGON-SAN! SASUKE IS MY BROTHER! I HAVE TO HELP HIM!" Sabo shouted who was also worried about Sasuke.

"I told you if you go there now maybe their fight is over and it's the same as Robin. There's nothing you can do to help him. The only thing we can do is watch their fight and believe in Uchiha Sasuke." Said Dragon seriously.

Robin and Sabo also understand Dragon's intentions and even though they are both there now they will not have time to help Sasuke. Robin and Sabo finally sat back down and decided to follow Dragon's advice to watch the fight between Kaido and Sasuke.

The revolutionary soldier who had brought the denden mushi video immediately activated the denden mushi video and a large screen appeared and on the screen there were two people fighting.

Denden Mushi Videos

" hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! THIS IS WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR! YOU GO! UCHIHA SASUKEEEEEEE!" Kaido shouted so loudly that it created cracks in the surrounding area. He looked at Sasuke who was in front of him with a very scary look.


" You're so noisy."

Kaido immediately turned around and saw Sasuke who was back preparing to attack with the same attack as Sasuke did before.



" AAAAAAGHHHHH!" Kaido shouted in pain.

Denden Mushi Video End

Sabo, Robin and Dragon who were watching were immediately shocked to see Kaido was now battered and covered in blood due to Sasuke's very powerful attack. Sabo rolled his eyes while Robin was still biting his thumb and hoping anxiously.

Who will win this fight?



Almost all residents of Wano Kuni are now in the flower capital and witness an interesting spectacle. Orochi the shogun, Kozuki Hiyori or Komurasaki also watched the fight between Sasuke and Kaido. Everyone there prepares themselves because if Kaido loses then there will definitely be a change or a big riot in Wano Kuni.

Denden Muhsi Videos

" RAIMEI HAKKE!" Kaido shouted who immediately attacked Sasuke with his kanabo which looked like there was an electric spark.




Sasuke immediately activated his Susano and Kaido's attack hit Sasuke's Susano. There was an explosion and a huge rumbling sound that shattered the ground and walls in the area. Instantly the sky became dark and slowly the sky seemed to split open.

" Worororo! As I expected! You are indeed a worthy enemy for me to fight!" Kaido said while laughing.

" Hn." Sasuke said with a smile.

Sasuke's Susano has now entered the third stage and made the Susano bigger. Half of Suano's body turned black because Sasuke cast his Bushosoku Haki into his Susano. Kaido who saw Susano Sasuke immediately narrowed his eyes and started to get serious. Susano Sasuke immediately aimed his fist at Kaido's face quickly.




Kaido, who was hit by Susano's punch, immediately bounced and gushed blood from his mouth. Kaido was blown away far enough that he hit the wall behind him

Denden Mushi Video End

"KAAAAIIDDDOOO!" Said Orochi who saw Kaido bounce and saw Kaido bleeding from his mouth and cracked horns. Orochi didn't expect that Kaido could be attacked like that, It's worse than Kozuki Oden.

Komurasaki who saw Kaido fell and was bleeding immediately rolled his eyes and opened his mouth because he couldn't believe what he saw. Even his father couldn't make Kaido like that. 'Who exactly are you? Uchiha Sasuke!?' Hiyori said in her heart. Hiyori now regretted deeply her decision that brought Sasuke before Orochi. If only he was calmer, then maybe Wano Kuni could be free today from Kaido's hands.

Everyone who was there widened their eyes because they couldn't believe that Kaido could be so battered like that.

"Kaido was successfully attacked!"

"That's the handsome man we saw earlier!"

"Who's he!?"

"Is he someone from the Kozuki clan?"

The entire population of Wano spoke and was curious about the man who managed to beat Kaido. It's only natural that information about Sasuke hasn't reached Wano country, considering that Wano country is a closed country and minimal incoming information.

In the back there are two people watching the fight. The man was quite tall and wore a yellow kimono, his hair was very long and he wore a ponytail and carried a sword which he put on the left side of his waist. Her face is quite beautiful but not sure if she is a woman or a man. He is Kiku one of the red samurai Kozuki Oden and the other a man who is quite old and very fat. He has pink hair and the man is also one of Oden's red Samurai. Ashura Doji.

"Who's that guy!? He's so strong!" Said Kiku who widened his eyes seeing Kaido bounce.

"I don't know him! But what I heard was that the man was named Uchiha Sasuke. An independent pirate." Ashura Doji said.

Denden Mushi Videos


Before Kaido had time to take his kanabo, Sasuke suddenly came out of his Susano and immediately poured his chidorinya into his kusanagi and haki at the same time. But the haki that Sasuke uses is not ordinary haki but Ryuo, a variant of bushosoku Haki that can damage the opponent's body from within. Sasuke ran at high speed and tried to slash Kaido's massive body next to the X marked wound which Sasuke believed was the scar from Kozuki Oden.






The entire building that was there was immediately split into two because Sasuke's attack was so strong and the most important thing was that here Kaido was seen falling backwards with his body covered in blood and there was a very deep cut that made the blood keep pouring out of Kaido's stomach and the wound. right next to the scar from Kozuki Oden.

Kaido immediately tried to stand up and immediately took his Kanobo and jumped back a few steps. He immediately held his stomach which was bleeding and fixed his eyes on the wound.

" hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! THIS IS WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR! YOU GO! UCHIHA SASUKEEEEEEE!" Kaido shouted so loudly that it created cracks in the surrounding area. He looked at Sasuke who was in front of him with a very scary look.


" You're so noisy."

Kaido immediately turned around and saw Sasuke who was back preparing to attack with the same attack as Sasuke did before.



" AAAAAAGHHHHH!" Kaido shouted in pain.

Denden Mushi Video End.

"KAAAAAAIIIDDDDOOOOO!" Orochi shouted who was getting more and more panicked seeing Kaido now completely battered and Orochi seeing that Sasuke hurt Kaido just like what Oden had done in the past.


Komurasaki immediately fell to the ground while covering his gaping mouth because he was so shocked by what he saw. Currently Komurasaki or Hiyori looks like seeing her late father who once hurt Kaido. Hiyori was planning to meet Sasuke after the fight was over. That's if Sasuke doesn't die!

The entire population of Wano Kuni immediately rejoiced to see Kaido who had been seriously injured by Sasuke's attack. But they cannot express this freely because they are afraid that if Kaido's men find out, they will be executed immediately. So they pretend to be focused and talk about other things.

"That man is really strong!"

"What sword is he using?"

"The sword has no particular engraving and looks like an ordinary sword."

"But the sword is capable of injuring Kaido very badly."

The residents of Wano are now talking about the sword used by Sasuke. Indeed, for the people of Wano, the sword is a weapon that is quite sacred, especially if the sword is used by a great samurai and of course the sword will become a legendary weapon like the Swords of Enma and Shusui.

"I-Impossible! How could he do the same move as Oden-sama!?" Said Kiku who was surprised to see Kaido get the same wound as the leader, Kozuki Oden.

"His movements are not the same! That man has his own moves but it seems he deliberately made the same wound to provoke Kaido and make Kaido lose his concentration." Said Ashura Doji who narrowed his eyes and became interested in Sasuke. 'Uchiha Sasuke…. Who are you really?' Ashura Doji said in his heart.



Kaido is now starting to get up after being hit by Sasuke's attack. Kaido noticed that his stomach had an X-shaped wound that was the same as the one he had from Oden. Kaido immediately remembered his past, precisely his fight with Oden and he remembered whether Uchiha Sasuke was one of Kozuki Oden's followers or not.

' This person is not Oden's men. I remember all Oden's men and this man is not his. But I'm sure he deliberately made the exact same wound as Oden did. And if you think about it I managed to beat Oden because at that time he saw his son who was being held hostage. Otherwise, I might lose.' Kaido thought while reminiscing about his past with Oden.

"You didn't win with honor against Oden. Your ally who has strange powers turned his face into the face of Kozuki Oden's son and your other friends pretended to be holding him hostage and sure enough Kozuki Oden was distracted and that's where you attacked him." Said Sasuke with a flat expression. Sasuke knew it all because he had read what Kaido was thinking with his sharingan eyes.

"How did you know huh!?" Said Kaido who started preparing to fight again. Kaido is increasingly suspicious of Sasuke because Sasuke seems to know everything about him.

"How I find out about that is none of your business. Just carry on with this fight. I still have a lot to do. I don't have time to play with you too long." Said Sasuke who turned his kusanagi and he directed it at Kaido.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUH!? HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Kaido shouted who was very angry because he felt belittled by Sasuke.



Instantly the sky darkened and the weather became extreme. A very big wind blew and a lot of lightning that struck as if there was going to be a big storm. Sasuke who saw that immediately prepared himself because he knew that Kaido would soon attack him with full strength.

Kaido's body slowly changed and his skin began to scale and turn blue. Kaido's jaw lengthens and grows two more horns on his head. Fangs began to emerge from his mouth and his mustache grew longer. His body slowly turned elongated like a dragon and slowly his legs turned into a tail. Now Sasuke saw a large dragon staring at him with a very scary look and the dragon was Kaido.

' Dragon!?' Thought Sasuke who was a little surprised by Kaido's change. Sasuke didn't expect that Kaido would turn into a dragon. Because Sasuke's initial estimate was that Kaido would turn into a Gorilla or some kind of big Monkey considering Kaido's body is the same as Gorilla.

"Wororororo! You seem surprised by this form of mine! How? Do you like it?" Said Kaido who had turned into a dragon.

"Ah. I didn't expect you to turn into a flying reptile. But in the past I was quite familiar with reptile-like animals." Sasuke said while grinning and remembering big snakes like Manda and Orochimaru.

"Worororo then accept this! HORO BREATH! " Kaido shouted who immediately spouted fire from his mouth. The fire is very big and the big fire is now heading towards Sasuke.

Sasuke who saw it immediately made a hand seal and took out his stance. A move that may be almost similar to Kaido's attack.

" KATON: GOKAKYUU NO JUTSU! " shouted Sasuke who immediately shot a fireball from his mouth.


The two fires collided with each other and caused the buildings around them to be even more destroyed due to the effects of their attacks. They kept on fighting their fire moves until someone lost. Slowly Horo Breath from Kaido began to push back Sasuke's fireball and it looked like Sasuke seemed to be losing in this fight.

' The power is so strong!' Thought Sasuke who started to be pushed back because Kaido's strength and power was so big and strong.




Sasuke immediately activated his Susano and protected him from Kaido's Horo Breath. Now Susano Sasuke is surviving from the heat of the fire gusts released by Kaido. Almost a minute Sasuke was roasted by fire and Sasuke was looking for a way to get Kaido to stop the fire.

' Of course he can keep doing this all day considering the power he uses is not Chakra. If I activate and channel Haki into my hands and use the Rinnegan's power to absorb the moves will it work?' Thought Sasuke who started experimenting with his powers.

Sasuke's Rinnegan eyes immediately lit up and he put his hand forward right where the flames were. Sasuke inhaled and exhaled deeply and concentrated his hake on his palm.

" GAKIDOU! " Sasuke shouted and slowly a small purple blade appeared in front of Sasuke's palm and Kaido's flames were slowly sucked into Sasuke's palm. The jutsu experiment performed by Sasuke turned out to be successful. Maybe Sasuke is not a genius in war strategy but he is very genius in developing his moves.

' He sucked it!?' Kaido said in his heart that was surprised to see his attack sucked by Sasuke. And Kaido immediately stopped his Horo Breath.

Kaido who was in his dragon form immediately flew towards Sasuke who was taking cover in his Susano and tried to attack Sasuke by destroying his Susano. Kaido's dragon head turns black as he activates his Haki.



Kaido immediately hit Susano Sasuke very hard using his head which he had coated in Haki. There was a very loud banging sound and Sasuke's Susano immediately cracked. As it is known that Kaido is the most powerful creature in this world and of course his Bushosoku Haki is on a different level from other pirates.

' This creature really is a monster!' Said Sasuke who saw his Susano cracked with just one collision. Sasuke did not think that Kaido had enormous power and might be on par with the Bijuu.

"Wororororo! Why are you just hiding behind this skull huh!? Face me right now or make this skull attack!" Said Kaido whose face is now in front of Sasuke while grinning.

" SHINRA TENSEI! " Sasuke said while pointing his palm towards the dragon's head.

"UAAAAGGHHH!" Kaido shouted who immediately bounced a few meters because the Shinra Tensei used by Sasuke was more powerful than before. Because Sasuke knew that his opponent this time was no ordinary person.

Sasuke again changed his Susano to stage 3 where this stage 3 has a size that can be considered very large and can at least match the size of Kaido's dragon. Susano immediately took out a bow and arrow and Sasuke pointed it at Kaido's head.



The arrow shot quickly at Kaido but Kaido who saw it knew that if he was hit by the arrow he would die. Kaido immediately lowered his head to avoid the arrow and the arrow only hit the wall behind him causing the wall behind him to shatter. Now Onigashima's skull was only half shaped because the other half had been crushed.


Kaido immediately flew and twisted in the air and now the dragon turned black and there was a dark purple aura that covered the dragon's body. Kaido looked at Sasuke who was in Susano for a moment and immediately shot towards Sasuke to hit him once again. This time Kaido uses his Haki to the fullest because to be honest Kaido is really curious about the purple monster that Sasuke released because Kaido has not been able to destroy it.





Kaido immediately crashed himself into the Susano and created a very large crack so that Sasuke's Susano was now shattered into pieces. Sasuke who saw this immediately jumped up and immediately pulled out his kusanagi.

"LATE!" Kaido shouted while grinning.

Sasuke who heard these words was confused but he understood when he looked to the side that there was a dragon tail already beside him. Sasuke widened his eyes knowing that he would be hit by a flick of the dragon's tail which was coated in haki.




Sasuke was immediately thrown and fell down because he was hit by the dragon's tail. Sasuke fell down and pierced several floors down because the shaking was so strong. Kaido immediately looked down and confirmed whether Sasuke was alive or dead. Almost 1 minute Kaido looked down and there seemed to be no sign of Sasuke coming back.

"Looks like that's enough for here. Even though you lost but you're the one who-"





Before Kaido finished speaking, Kaido was surprised by Sasuke's attack from seeing several fire dragon heads that shot towards him and made him wince slightly in pain because his head was hit by the fire dragon's head and made him burn. The fire dragon's head continued to shoot up and through the clouds.


Suddenly from below Sasuke appeared ready to attack Kaido. Sasuke used his kusanagi sword and he poured all his haki into his kusanagi and he immediately shot towards Kaido.

Kaido who saw that also tried to attack Sasuke with his dragon claws which he had coated in haki.



Sasuke's Kusanagi and Kaido's dragon claws met and clashed and this instantly caused a huge explosion in the surrounding area and the sky was instantly split open and now Onigashima's skull had completely disappeared.

"Worororo! Looks like my wagging tail makes you a little messy huh?" Kaido said while grinning and still pitting his claws against Sasuke's kusanagi. Kaido saw that Sasuke was already bleeding from his left temple and the blood was pouring out,

"Hn. This is what I expect from a Yonkou." Sasuke said with a smile. 'I can't take too much of his physical attacks! His Haki is extraordinary!' Sasuke thought who had started to know about Kaido's power.

"GOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!" Kaido immediately roared very loudly and from his roar emerged a sharp slash of wind that aimed at Sasuke.




"UAAGGHH!" Sasuke screamed in pain as he felt torn apart by the wind. Half of Sasuke's sweater was torn off and his body was now covered in blood.

Sasuke immediately dodged the angina attack and he descended down. He held onto his right upper arm which was the hardest hit by Kaido's attack. Sasuke immediately took out his medical ninjutsu to stop the bleeding. Kaido who saw Sasuke covered in blood immediately smirked.

"Worororo! You're so tough! I didn't think there would be someone who could fight me this long. We've been fighting for 3 hours and we can still stand. I recognize you Uchiha Sasuke." Kaido said to Sasuke with a grin.

"I didn't expect you to have this much power." Sasuke said with a smile and stopped his medical ninjutsu. Sasuke's hand is now electrified black because he channeled the haki into the electricity and shot the electricity into the sky.



"But I'm not done yet. There's still a lot I can show you. KIRIN! " Sasuke said as he raised his hand up.

The sky became dark and a lot of lightning struck. From the clump of clouds, emerged a very large and black electric dragon.


The electric dragon roared very loudly and looked at Kaido who was in his dragon form with a frightening look. Kaido who saw a dragon above again narrowed his eyes knowing that the dragon would attack him.

"Accept this Kaido!" Sasuke said directly pointing his hand down and the electric dragon immediately grabbed Kaido.



"UAAAAAGGGGHHHH!" Kaido screamed in pain because he was electrocuted with a very high voltage. Kaido slowly fell to the ground and the electricity immediately exploded.

Sasuke immediately covered his face with both hands because of the explosion. Now Sasuke looked at the plume of smoke in front of him. He could no longer see the long dragon body, all he saw was the shadow of a giant with horns on his head kneeling on one leg. Sasuke immediately readied his kusanagi and mounted his fighting stance. Sasuke knew that Kaido couldn't possibly lose with such an attack. Looks like he has to bring out his perfect Susano.

"My body hurts all cough cough!" Kaido said while coughing and trying to stand up.

"I'm surprised you're still able to stand up and look like you're fine. The admirals that were hit just now at least passed out or were unconscious for a few minutes. But my dragon just now seems to have made you a bit of a mess huh?" Said Sasuke who smiled and replied to Kaido's previous words when Sasuke was hit by a dragon tail from Kaido.

"Don't compare me to those stupid marines! My level is way higher than theirs Cough!" Said Kaido who returned still coughing and wiping the blood that came out of his mouth.

"Looks like I can't hold myself back anymore." Sasuke said as he closed his eyes.

"I told you to do your best. I won't hold back anymore either." Said Kaido who took his Kanabo and ready to fight again.



"DRAGON-SAN DOES ANYTHING TO HELP HIM! HE ALREADY LOOKED OUT OUT!" Robin shouted while crying because he couldn't bear to see Sasuke who was already covered in blood.

For the first time since being separated for almost 2 years Robin can see Sasuke even though only through Denden Mushi videos. But Robin is not happy because what he sees now is Sasuke who is in danger because he is fighting Kaido the Yonkou. Robin felt his heart was very confused, hurt and felt tremendous anxiety because in 3 years sailing with Sasuke, Robin had never seen Sasuke battered like this.

"Nico Robin I've told you many times that we can't do anything. And trust him." Said Dragon who was still watching the Denden Mushi video. Dragon was very surprised to see Sasuke's strength that was able to match Kaido and make Kaido battered.

"B-but Dragon-San.." Said Sabo who was also worried about his brother's condition.

"I am also a fighter and I recognize each type of battle and the character of the fighter himself. I predict that Sasuke will win because I saw Sasuke holding back. Don't worry and trust me." Said the smiling Dragon to Robin and Sabo.

Sabo tried to digest Dragon's words just now. If Dragon said that Sasuke was the one holding back then it would mean that Sasuke would win because Sasuke had not yet unleashed his full strength. Unlike Robin who didn't care about Dragon's words at all. He just wanted to go to Sasuke's place and take Sasuke away from there. But on the one hand Dragon's words are true. If Robin left even now it would be too late and there was nothing he could do.

"Calm yourself and try to trust the man. You've been sailing with him for three years and you still doubt him?" Dragon asked Robin.

"You don't understand. It's not a matter of believing it or not. I just wanted to help him. I just wanted to be of use to him. During the three years I sailed with him I was only a burden and even betrayed him. At least I want to help him now." Said Robin who looked down languidly.

Sabo and Dragon are now starting to understand Robin's situation. This woman was not only worried but also wanted to join the fight together to protect him but to fight alongside him.

"Maybe this isn't the right time. Someday you'll be of use to him." Dragon said with a smile to Robin.

"Robin I hate to say this but we'd better follow Dragon-San's advice for now." Sabo said while holding Robin's shoulder gently.

"W-okay." Said Robin who sat back down and looked at the denden mushi video. Sabo who saw that Robin had calmed down also sat beside Robin and returned to watching his brother's fight.


"Ka-Kaido… He was battered by that brat?" Said Orochi who was starting to get scared because he saw Kaido who was already battered and looked seriously injured. If Kaido loses, Orochi fears his power will be overthrown.

Hiyori or Komurasaki were still taking the fight very seriously. If Sasuke is able to defeat Kaido then this will slightly encourage the Akazaya or red Samurai to dare to fight Kaido. Komurasaki or Hiyori must have been very surprised by all of this because this fight happened so suddenly and so suddenly. Hiyori never even thought or dreamed a day like this would come.

The residents of Wano Kuni were no longer talking because they were trying to concentrate on watching Sasuke and Kaido's fight. They were all hopeful and impatient to await the outcome of this battle. Seeing Kaido who was battered and covered in blood was like a dream to them.

Kiku and Ashura Doji didn't say a word but from their expressions it could be seen that they were very tensed and really wanted to see Kaido lose. When Sasuke is attacked they feel worried but when Kaido is attacked they smile and feel happy. Like the other residents of Wano, Kiku and Ashura Doji wanted to see the final result of this battle because this battle had been going on for 3 hours and Sasuke and Kaido seemed to be still able to stand and seemed to be continuing their fight.


Kaido has returned to his human form and is holding his Kanabo very tightly. He looked at Sasuke who was standing in front of him very sharply. Sasuke on the other hand had already healed his wounds with his medical ninjutsu. Sasuke held his kusanagi and looked at Kaido flatly. Not a word came out of them and they just stared at each other. Kaido immediately narrowed his eyes.




Kaido immediately took out his Haoshoku haki and saw a black aura and electric sparks coming out of Kaido's body. All the rocks and soil that Kaido stepped on cracked due to the Haoshoku haki that Kaido issued. Sasuke who saw Kaido issued Haoshoku Haki just smiled faintly and narrowed his eyes.





Sasuke also took out his Haoshoku Haki and saw purple aura and electric sparks coming out of Sasuke's body and Sasuke's Haoshoku Haki collided with Kaido's Haoshoku causing damage to the area around them and the sky was split for the second time due to their Haki.



They both stopped their Haoshoku haki and Kaido smirked again seeing Sasuke able to use Haoshoku and again Sasuke's Haoshku was able to keep up.

"You are not an ordinary person Uchiha Sasuke. RAIMEI HAKKE! " Said Kaido who immediately spun his Kanabo and immediately tried to attack Sasuke.


Sasuke immediately reactivated his Susano and blocked Kaido's attack with his Susano.


Like at the beginning of their fight, Kaido is now pitting his kanabo against Sasuke's Susano. Kaido who saw Sasuke again using his Susano groaned in annoyance because Kaido knew how hard this purple creature was protecting Sasuke.

"GOAAAAAAARRR!" Kaido screamed and he turned back into his enormous dragon form.

Kaido immediately covered his entire body with his Bushoshoku Haki by flying upwards. Sasuke who saw this immediately changed his Susano back to the third stage and this time Sasuke did the same thing that Kaido had done, namely coating his Susano with Haki and making the Susano turn black.

" HORO BREATH! " Kaido shouted from above and started spitting fire towards Sasuke. But this time while spitting fire, Kaido also shot towards Sasuke quickly.

" GAKIDO !" Sasuke immediately absorbed all of Kaido's flames with the power of his Rinnega but when the flames were all absorbed, Sasuke was surprised because Kaido was already in front of him. Kaido used his Horo Breath to cover Sasuke's vision so Sasuke couldn't see that Kaido was about to hit him with full force.



Kaido again hit Sasuke's Susano hard, causing a crack in the Susano. But unlike before, the Susano was not destroyed because Sasuke had coated it with his haki and only caused a small crack.

"The same way won't work." Sasuke said while smiling at Kaido who was trying to destroy his Susano.

"Worororo! Do you think I attack you the same way? OOOOOOOO!" Kaido shouted who said someone's name.

Sasuke didn't understand Kaido's scream. Will Kaido issue a new move or will he do something sneaky.





Sasuke looked up and saw a giant bird flying towards him. Sasuke looked at the bird closely and saw that it wasn't just a bird but like a Petranodon and had fire on its wings. The petranodon immediately kicked the top of Sasuke's Susano and made a crack on the Susano's head.

"Kaido-sama sorry for being a little late." Said King who was above Susano Sasuke.

"No problem! QUEEENNN!" Kaido shouted who again called someone's name.

Back from above, there was a giant shadow that seemed to be falling on Sasuke. Sasuke looked up and saw a very large dinosaur with a very long neck.


The dinosaur landed behind Sasuke and tried to attack Sasuke with its long neck. The dinosaur directly hit the back of Susano Sasuke very hard.



The back of Sasuke's Susano immediately cracked again and now Sasuke was surrounded from behind front and above. Sasuke who saw himself surrounded like this slightly groaned in annoyance. He didn't think that Kaido's soldiers would help him. But Sasuke remembered Jimbe's words that Kaido was a cunning and cheating pirate. So it's no wonder this will happen.

""HHUUUAAAAAAA!""" Kaido, King and Queen shouted simultaneously and pushed Susano Sasuke with all their might.



Susano Sasuke was crushed again due to the very strong pressure that was given by Kaido, King and Queen simultaneously. Sasuke immediately jumped to the side to dodge the next attack but he saw that Queen's dinosaur tail was already beside him.


"Ugh!" Sasuke groaned in pain and he was thrown up.

From above, you can see King with his feet ready to kick Sasuke.


Sasuke was again hit by an attack from King and he was now thrown towards Kaido. Kaido who saw Sasuke was bouncing towards him smirked and immediately opened his dragon mouth wide.

"GOOAAAARRRR!" Kaido immediately roared and shot a sharp wind and lightning towards Sasuke.

"UAAAGHHHH!" Sasuke groaned in pain from being hit by the sharp wind slashes and was hit by lightning and his body was electrocuted. Sasuke was immediately carried away by the wind and flew backwards.



Sasuke hit a wall very hard and he fell and the rocks on the wall fell on Sasuke and buried Sasuke.

Kaido, King and Queen who saw that immediately smirked.

"Looks like it's done." Said King who started to descend and returned to his human form.

"Tch! Compared to you, I play a bigger role! I started the King's first attack!" Said Queen while glancing at King.

"Worororo! It's done Uchiha Sasuke! You lost." Said Kaido who was still in his dragon form and smirked.

Kaido, King, and Queen turned around and tried to leave the place. But suddenly they heard something from behind them.



Sasuke split the rock that buried him and he jumped up. Sasuke is now seriously injured and again he uses his medical ninjutsu to heal his wounds. Kaido, King and Queen who saw Sasuke got up again surprised and immediately put up their fighting horses. King immediately flew back and prepared to attack.

"Calling for help did you? Turns out you're a loser." Said Sasuke who had healed his wounds and took off all his torn clothes. Sasuke now saw that there was a dragon, dinosaur and also a petranodon in front of him.

"This is a pirate battle. It's your fault that you didn't bring your members and attacked here alone." Said King who looked at Sasuke sharply.

"This place is like a zoo. If you want, I can turn this place into the largest zoo in the world and make you a spectacle animal for visitors." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Heh! That mouth of yours I can't wait to tear! No matter how great you are, you will lose against the three of us!" Said Kaido who was angry at being teased by Sasuke.

' If I use Kuchiyose will Aoda appear? At least I need help taking care of those birds and dinosaurs.' Sasuke thought as he continued to stare at the 3 rare animals in front of him.

"Hahahaha why don't you attack? Are you scared?" Said Queen while laughing mockingly at Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't ask Queen's silly question and he immediately bit his thumb causing it to bleed and he made hand seals.




Sasuke tried to remove his Kuchiyose and created a very thick and also large smoke in the area. Sasuke felt himself suddenly above and he saw the clouds around him. Sasuke was getting confused because there was no way Aoda was this big. Slowly the smoke disappeared and a figure was seen that was so scary and very big. This creature is like a monster. Kaido, Queen, and King who saw the figure were slightly shocked and surprised. Honestly they are Zoan type devil fruit eaters but they have never seen a figure like this.

"W-what is that!?" King said stuttering because he felt the incredibly terrifying energy of the creature in front of him.

"He's a Zoan devil fruit eater?" Kaido muttered who was also watching the figure with a bit of anxiety. For the first time in a fight he held his breath in shock at what he witnessed. There was a monster grinning and staring at him.

"Kadio-San! Look at the moon!" Said the Queen who looked up and noticed a strange moon.

Kaido and King immediately lifted their heads up and saw the moon. They were surprised because they saw that now the moon was red and the shape of the moon was also strange. But what they did know was that the shape of the red moon matched the eyes of Uchiha Sasuke. The three of them now turned their gaze to the creature again and now all the smoke had disappeared and they could see the creature very clearly now.

That creature has a lot of tails to be more specific Kaido tried to count and it turns out that the creature has ten tails. Kaido, King and Queen moved their eyes and looked at the creature's face. The creature only has one eye that is almost similar to Sasuke's eyes and now the creature is grinning at Kaido, King and Queen.

Sasuke who was on the creature's head immediately broke out in cold sweat and his body trembled. He did not expect that this creature would come out. A very powerful creature that he had fought in the shinobi world war with Naruto and his other friends. The creature that became the source of strength for Obito and Madara who wanted to make himself the Jinchuriki of this creature.