
Demon Emperor (who will save him?)

He was born normal from birth like other kids but as he grew ,his parents started noticing strange things from him ,like growing of claws and fangs,other kids think it Was a normal nails ,unknown to them there was a demon living in him As he grows the demon grows stronger and only manifest at night. He grew up and become the demon emperor Will he ever be free from this demon in him? What will happen when the whole kingdom find out he is the demon killing the people at night?

classic_adesua · ホラー
23 Chs

7 Tower of gold

<p>"Uncle, have you heard about what happened, like there is a wild beast eating up the people in this kingdom at night, "I said. <br/>"It strange my dear," uncle said more like a whisper <br/>"Yesterday a girl and a boy were missing only for a bone with blood and some traces of flesh not far from the stream, the worst is that this so-called beast only come out at night, "I said.<br/>"Xandra, I'm short of words, I don't know what to say, "Uncle said.<br/>Something is strange about the way Uncle is answering men<br/>"I'm full sure that if I go out a night that beast won't be able to hurt me because I am definitely going to kill him" I said <br/>"I know you will, but don't leave this house at night "Uncle said <br/>I know you are afraid it's going to kill be, but the truth is that the beast will be afraid of me once he sees me because I am the warrior princess, the queen Of war, the sword woman, who will hear those names and won't tremble and bow" "I know but don't leave this house at night Okay !!" Uncle repeated <br/>"I won't "<br/>"Good have you eaten?"<br/>"Nope I haven't cook "<br/>"Why?, before I left to buy some goods I told you to cook, you disobeyed me right?"<br/>"No, I went hunting "<br/>"Haven't I warned you several times not to hunt, you are a lady for cry out loud, and you know people don't like you, they might shoot you saying they mistake you for a game "<br/>"Before they shoot me, I already did, well I have a special place I hunt, nobody knows there ""Where is that place ?"<br/>"I won't tell you, it my special hunt place and it is a secret,uncle you talk too much when you are drunk, you might mistakenly spill it out and boom the next day I will meet the whole kingdom hunters there, but bet me I won't all them leave alive because they trespass "I said and uncle laughed <br/>"It not funny "<br/>"I know, but sporadically I wonder if you are a boy or girl "<br/>"The both "<br/>"God forbids that "<br/>"I don't mean in terms of gender, I mean in terms of abilities, I can do what a man can do, and I can do what a lady can do "I said smiling <br/>"I will go to shop now, so stay home and cook, before I got Which animal did you kill today?"Uncle say<br/>"An antelope "<br/>"Wow you can use it to cook different dishes. "<br/>Make it delicious "Uncle said as he left. <br/><br/>**. **. ** <br/>Has I was cooking, the memories of how my parents were killed kept reflecting in my head, I was just three years old then, but I can't forget how They killed my parents, it was such a horrible sight, I was little then, but I know things weren't right, uncle said my parents betrayed their kingdom, it has been years now but it was hard to forget, tears drop from my eyes, I was bittered, I was angry, how could they kill someone in such a horrible way, my tears drop in the water I was using to wash the plate I use for cooking, my tears was blood, I'm confused, sometimes I wonder if I'm a human, blood tears, rainbows hair, that strange.<br/> All of a sudden, I felt something came into me, I just stood up and started walking, I didn't even know where I was going, I couldn't control myself until I got to a beautiful tower of Gold <br/>"Wow"I exclaimed with my mouth open, it so beautiful, all of a sudden, the door open and I felt a strong force push me in, immediately I got inside the door closed.<br/>The inside was sparkling, I walked inside and saw someone behind me.<br/>"How did you get in here?and what the hell are you doing here?"the person asked, despite the fact the person was backing me, his appearance was mind-blowing and he smells was ….hmm like royalty, yes royalty, he is royalty.....<br/>"Are you dumb or deaf"his voice brought me back to reality <br/>"I don't know how I got here "I said <br/>"You don't know, you walked in here for a reason known to you" "I didn't walk here on my own, some kind of strange force took me here, i think it time I leave "I said as I walk towards the door, I tried to open the door, but unfortunately, it was locked <br/>"Oh, you can't just leave like that, don't you think you should dine with me "The person said <br/>"I have to go, you got a beautiful place, but why are you living in such a lonely place?"I asked because I was beginning to wonder why this beautiful tower is in such a hidden place, more like a hidden treasure <br/>"I guess that none of your business, you said I got a beautiful place, thanks,I appreciate your comment "he said still backing me <br/>"How do you expect me to dine with someone I haven't seen his face "I said as he turned <br/>Wow, he was so handsome and cute, gosh I haven't seen a man as Handsome and cut as this man ,he is such a Demi god, words can't deceive him <br/>"Wow, what a beautiful lady "he said aid as He came closer <br/>"I have to leave now "I said <br/>"Don't be in a rush, you promised to dine with me if you see my face "he said <br/>"I didn't promise but don't worry I will be back tomorrow "I said as he came closer <br/>"What brought you here?"he asked as he touched my cheek <br/>"I don't know "I said as I drew out my sword <br/>"Cool, calm down besides, I was not the one that brought you here "he said as he drew back<br/>"Then why are you forcing me to dine with you, I know you got plans, so I have to stop you" I said <br/>"Well if I wanted to kill you I would have done that the minute you came inside here, or before you came in "he said <br/>"Who are you?your aura is really different "I said as I put back my sword <br/>"Who am I ?that a colossal question for me because I don't even know who I am "he said <br/>"That impossible and strange for band one not to know who he is "<br/> He said nothing but smiles <br/>"I don't know how to explain myself to you, besides you are a stranger, I don't know you and I don't know if you're trustworthy "he said smiling as he drinks a red liquid, I think it wine ,what if it blood,my heart spike,uncle as always taught me to be brave and fearless <br/>"It true you don't know me and I won't tell you I'm trustworthy because I don't comment on myself, so when you get to know me, then you can tell whether I am trustworthy or not "I said smiling <br/>"Nice words, so I will get to tell you who I am when I got to know if you can be trusted, so for now, what's your name?"<br/>"Alexandra "<br/>"Andra,hmmm nice name, the name suits you seem like you are good with sword "<br/>"What make you say so?"I asked <br/>"The way you drew out your sword the other time shows you've been fighting or training for so long "he said as he stared at me like the answer was in my eyes <br/>"Yeah, I have been training for a long time, since I was three, and I'm still training "<br/>"That's good "he said smiling, gosh this guise is so cute his smile alone is enough to capture a girl heart but not my heart <br/>"Your name ?"<br/>"Are you supposed to be bothered about that?"he asked <br/>"Yes I should be bothered "I said <br/>"I don't trust you enough to tell you my name, I don't want to fake my name cos that's lying, and I hate lies "he said <br/>"Woah, what's the big deal about your name, you can keep your name to yourself, I will call you nameless "I said as he smiled <br/>"I kept wondering what you are doing here all alone, you look like royalty "I said <br/>"If that what you think I am, no problem besides it no insult to be royalty "he said smiling <br/>"I have to leave now "I said <br/>"Why are you in a hurry to leave "he said <br/>"My uncle will be worried "I said <br/>"Why uncle not parents "he said <br/>"My parents are dead"I said sadly <br/>"I'm sorry about that, well it getting late, you can go, but please come back tomorrow "he said smiling <br/>"I will buy "<br/>"Bye"<br/>Gosh how sure I am that this person is not a ghost or some kind of mysterious being, his cuteness and handsomeness, everything about him, the way his lips move when he speaks, his eyes and The of his hair, like I don't know how to put it, this person is so perfect, every damn thing about him, the way he speaks, looks,smile, gosh words can't explain any English or dictionary can define him.<br/>I came back to my senses and remembered I didn't even know my way home, I started walking, I walked to the extent I didn't even see anyone on my way or hear voice </p>